Sunday, September 25, 2016

Sovereignty K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid)


Welcome to this edition of the Rebel Rider Review. What is it that you do not understand about "YOUR" Sovereignty and where did it come from?

Learning about your Sovereignty is technically pretty simple really, but most people make it a complicated issue. People tend to read more into being a Sovereign and apply issues or ideas to their life which doesn't mean anything at all. When it comes to you being your own Sovereign, then only your own decisions for yourself even matter at all.

First, how do you get your Sovereignty in the first place? You have always had your own Sovereignty from the very beginning and just didn't realize it. So, what is Sovereignty and what is necessary for me to continue to be Sovereign, and how does it apply to my everyday life? Okay, let's start with the definition of Sovereignty and then see where that applied to your life and the life you live, even today.

Sovereignty:  Sovereignty is the personal ability to make rational decisions, to think independently, and to act upon those decisions made.

Pretty simple, isn't it? What most people do not realize is that each and every one of them make decisions from rational thoughts that are created in their own minds. This is the beginning of their Sovereignty, but it requires something else. To be a Sovereign any person, or human being, creates a thought or idea in their mind, and rationalizes how that thought or idea can be brought to the reality stage and actually transfers that thought or idea into an everyday activity.

Sovereign: A human being that creates a thought or idea in their minds and brings that thought or idea into reality of "Their" world or environment that they reside.

A Sovereign can not be an animal, a rock, a State or Republic, or a Country. An animal can not make a rational decision. A rock can not make a rational decision. States or Republics can not make rational decisions. A country can not make a rational decision.  Some people will say that a State/Republic or a Country can be Sovereign, but I disagree. States/Republics and Countries are not human beings. States/Republics and Countries are nothing more than locations with drawn up paper contract governments or rules and have no brains or thinking capacity to make decisions on their own independently.

I can hear you saying this now. "Yes, States/Republics and Countries can be sovereign, because there are people or human beings running them." -------- What is the key word or words that you just uttered? ------- Human Beings or people, Right? ---------- Remember, only human beings or people have the ability to create thoughts or ideas and make decisions on those thoughts and ideas. Human beings are the only creatures that can reasonably think and create with their minds and  then react from those thoughts. Without any human being intervention, I challenge any State/Republic or Country to create a thought, make a decision, and then act upon that thought or decision. It can not be done by ANY State/Republic or Country at any time.

Keeping Sovereignty simple is what gives each human being their power. If anyone believes that someone else can have power over them, then they are not Sovereign or have given up their Sovereignty. Sovereignty in a simple sense is a God-given Right or a Right given to human beings by a Supreme Being not fully or entirely known to humans.

Sovereignty starts with the individual human being, as each human being is a "decider" for their own life or lives. That sovereignty then extends to the families of each of them. Even children in those families exercise sovereignty to a certain extent. Sovereignty is the voice of each human being in establishing boundaries which extend to them and with those to whom they associate. The extent of the Sovereignty remains in effect to the point, that sovereignty is lost when a human being voluntarily gives their service to another human being operating under the rules and guidelines as is stipulated in contracts.

Sovereignty is lost when any human being allows power to be given to another human being over them or gives their power over to rules and guidelines written out on paper. Contracts of any sort, including Law, only gain power when a human beings gives permission and follows what is written on that paper. Only those that follow the rules and guidelines written into a contract or law are the only ones who are bound to those rules and laws as it is written. Those ex-Sovereigns only hold power within the written rules and laws, once they follow those written issues and agree to become a part of that written contract.

When a contract member forces their ideology of their contract off onto another Sovereign, then they have violated the customary boundaries created by that Sovereign and/or their families. That is called trespass, and it is the inherent Right of the Sovereign to defend their borders or boundaries by any means available and with more force than is exerted onto them. No Contract or member of a contract has the authority to trespass against another human being's boundaries without suffering dire consequences for such acts. Besides no contract has the ability to move, breathe, think, or consume. Only animals, some plants and human beings have that ability. I have yet to see a contract sit up of its own accord without the help of a human being.

All Sovereigns have all authority over all other Contracts and members of that contract, when the members of the contract step outside the created boundaries of its writings. All members of a contract have lost their Sovereign inherited Rights and have become nearly exactly the contract itself. Those members have lost the ability to think, as the writings of the contract control what is thought, and how that members acts, especially within those borders thus created. Once that member of the contract steps outside that box of borders, then the contract has no further powers and that member is criminally responsible for their actions towards another Sovereign human being and must pay damages for that criminal act. Contracts can not have any power over another human being who has not signed up to be a member of that contract.

A contract can not extend its boundaries except within its own writings, as the contract can not own property or have a definite location. The owner of the property location has all authority over the contract, when the contract is placed inside the physical boundaries of that property. The owner of the property can extend his/her property boundaries by negotiating with the Sovereign of the neighboring property at recognized set rates.

Land or real estate can not re-evaluate itself without manipulation from another human being, BUT the value of the Land remains the same, as no Sovereign or human being can totally own the land, since it was created by someone or something other than themselves. In most cases, this is called Nature, as Nature can create or destroy, at will or when necessary, any land or its inhabitants. Nature remedies all of its ills for it to survive, as needed. If a human being is in Nature's path of cleansing, then Nature will warn that human being to prepare for that danger, by finding shelter or get out of its path. Nature exists through a balance of its own existence. Animals react to Nature by escaping to safer regions, and human beings learn to react through their mistakes, if they live through those mistakes.

So, in essence, Sovereigns rationally think, create plans, decide what is best for themselves, and then act accordingly to those plans and decisions made.

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