Tuesday, July 17, 2012

PSP ONLINE Service Challenge

From the Desk of THE iFS TRUST

Sole proprietor: charles david imlay (human being)

Saint Joseph, Mo.

Disclaimer and Request

Be it hereby announced and Declared this Notice accompanies the PSP.pdf e-returned to Sharkey Transportation: 3803 Dye Rd. Quincy, Il. 62305 and forwarded to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).

In reference to non-defined entities within the document PSP.pdf of Prospective Employer, its employees, authorized agents, and/or affiliates, these entities must be fully defined as to who those entities are. Definitions of separate issues of inspection and safety in regards to combinations used in contract with the wording “crash” must also be defined. Hereby let it be known separate uses of above wording in challenges brings to light different definitions as previously assumed.

In regards to and reference to the defined entity “Prospective Employer” as the entity or corporation which enters its identification on the blank line preceding the defined entity “Prospective Employer”. This is comprehended as a true statement in each provided instant.

Be it hereby announced and Declared prior to disclosure of any information to “Prospective Employer” definitions of Prospective Employer, its employees, authorized agents, and/or affiliates must be defined and a copy of those definitions be received by the iFS TRUST via the email designation the request is sent from. Else un-named entities within the signed contract remain un-named and have no voice or authority within the confines of said contract. Un-named entities will not be allowed to influence any decision made by “Prospective Employer” for employment of human being charles david imlay, without creating damage of criminal trespass.

All actions of criminal trespass by any entity committing such actions within the boundaries of the defined The United States of America will be resolved within twenty four (24) hours of commission of such criminal act. Ie.: $500,000 Fine of Corporate trespass determined by sole proprietor of iFS (imlay Family Society) and TRUST as Judge, Jury, and Executioner. Forfeiture of said Fine after the required twenty four (24) hour period constitutes an appeal to the International Criminal Court @ The Hague, Netherlands of the amount ten (10) times the original sought. Ie.: $5,000,000 per incident per entity found guilty of criminal actions by the iFS, as per the iFS Treaty 2011.

Be it hereby known under the iFS Treaty recognized by several agencies in The United States of America including the United States Postal Service, associating the Corporate designation with the human being designation of charles david imlay constitutes a criminal trespass against the human being charles david imlay and deems the offending parties as criminally negligent in directly violating The iFS Treaty of 2011 and the Declaration of Sovereignty of the iFS of 2011. Resolution of said negligence is and will be enforced from the date of discovery of criminal trespass.

Be it known that reception and processing of PSP Report constitutes a lawful contract as is written and signed this July 17, 2012.

From this day forward of July 17, 2012, a request has been made for discovery of definitions of said contract of “IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING BACKGROUND REPORTS FROM THE PSP ONLINE SERVICE”.

So Shall it Be

Date Agreed: _____________________ ___________________________

Signature of receiver

charles david imlay - blaze