Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Movement is Real

The Movement is Real: Accept it or Walk Away!

(This Movement is real, and if you want success, you need to either do as the Title of this article says "ACCEPT IT OR WALK AWAY" or just go on and keep doing what you are doing! This article is brief and to the point and is pretty damned accurate in its review of what is now going on. If you can't see the environment around you and can not do anything about it, so you think, then you are doomed to SLAVERY to the ELITE or PTB (Powers That Be)

We have received a growing number of observations of the following type:

Number of members of the Illuminati = 6,000
Number of members of the Old World Order = 6,000


Illuminati = Old World Order

Eureka! QED

Frankly, if that is the basis for people's decision-making processes then we might as well give up. To equate two groups on the basis that they contain similar numbers isn't "skepticism" but irrationality. In fact, it's insanity.
It's equivalent to reading completely different manifestos by two opposed political parties and then concluding that both parties are actually the same because, despite the fact that they disagree with each other in every regard, you've discovered that they both have a similar number of members.

We were the ones who put both numbers into the public arena and we did so absolutely deliberately for two reasons:
a) to show how few people are actually controlling this world - just a few thousand are dictating to a million times that number b) as a test of the extent to which we could successfully overcome the propaganda of our enemies. The test went like this. If we put a million words into the public arena expressing our manifesto for a New World Order and if those million words were ignored in favour of a conclusion that we were indeed the "evil" Illuminati of popular internet mythology solely because we and the Elite both have a similar number of members then we were completely wasting our time because we could never hope to overcome the entrenched prejudice against us if that's all it takes to make people equate us with the Elite (which is what they're all secretly itching to do, of course).

The first person to make this "calculation" was someone who believed that 666, the Number of the Beast in the Book of Revelation, could be shown, he claimed, to equal the word COMPUTER, and that the Book of Revelation was saying that in 2,000 years time, everyone would be forced to have a microchip inserted in their head to allow them to be controlled by the Elite. This suggestion reveals a great deal about the person making it while revealing nothing at all about the Book of Revelation.

It has been reported to the three Illuminati members who run this site that the project is increasingly seen as a failure, and, accordingly, the future of the project has been called into question.

There are enormous problems in this world and yet, rather than do anything about them, there are those who would prefer to doubt every statement we make because of the number 6,000 and say, "Told you so - these are the bad guys!"

Even members of the Movement who, one would imagine, would have a certain sympathy with our views, nevertheless take this absurd nonsense seriously and express major doubts to us. Therefore it has been decided to suspend further activity on this site for the time being while the project is re-evaluated.

The current options are that a) it may be abandoned completely and removed from the internet b) left as it is with no new additions c) it may resume once more at a later date d) that it will remove all references to the Movement. if
the Movement cannot transform itself into a group of talented, creative, disciplined, business-like individuals who are serious about changing this world of ours. If you prefer to speculate about aliens, pan-dimensional lizards, 333, 6000, colours, esoteric symbols blah blah blah yada yada yada then you are not on our wavelength and we have failed to communicate our message, and this project is indeed a failure. The last thing we wanted to accomplish when we embarked on this project was to create a David Icke style forum for ludicrous theories about complete nonsense.

We seek a better world. We have put an immense amount of effort into this site and look at the sophistication of the response we have received: "6,000 of you, 6,000 of them, so you must be one and the same." Fucking, Doh!

This is exactly the outcome that was predicted by the senior member of the Illuminati who constructed the "6,000" test. We were certain he would be proved wrong, but now we have to acknowledge that he was right all along. We have no desire to be part of a freak show of infantile speculation. Are you serious or not? We are.

A member of the recruitment cell of the Illuminati signed up to the Movement's forum some time ago and has been monitoring it ever since. That person's first formal report has now been delivered and it makes it clear that there are only about forty "serious" people there and the rest are various shades of crank who would prefer to spend hours obsessing over garbage than actually doing anything productive. They would be far more suited to the hysterical sites associated with Icke, Makow, Jones etc.

The observer's report says that the Movement is simply not amounting to anything that would ever give the Elite any cause for alarm. It says that there are numerous members of the Movement who are actually subversive of the Illuminati's agenda, and wish only to damage our cause. These people are, in effect, a Fifth Column serving the agenda of the Elite who have always despised everything the Illuminati stand for and sought our complete destruction.

"GF" said in a recent message:

My current mindset is that the war of those who want us locked in a recurring loop of demiurgic materialism is fought on a mental level. Most of this war is waged against the spirit of man not with weapons but psychically with the manipulation of language and symbols. Our task is to know who we really are and become light-bearers ourselves. The OWO have done a brilliant job in conning everyone on the planet into believing that material possessions are the highest value to aspire to. This at the expense of real knowledge of one's self, nature and our fellow human beings. We all have been buying into fruitless addictions and selling our true spirit to selfish infantile "masters". The duty of man now is to see through this veil of illusion and transcend it, either that or remain a slave and perish.

We hoped the whole Movement would have got it too, but our message has completely bypassed most of them. They don't have a clue. Instead of campaigning against the Elite, they are more concerned with finding out more about us and casting suspicion on us. Forget the messengers, the message is all that counts. You either agree with it or you don't. You either act on it or you don't. It doesn't matter one jot who delivers it. We are a secret society. We are secretive because we have to be. Get over it.

If you don't like our message then fuck off and go shopping. If you do like it then get off your arse and do something. We're sick of having to read bizarre messages about complete crap. We will no longer answer any dumb questions. We've provided a million words of the most precious and unique information you will find anywhere on earth. What have you done for us? What have you done for the world? What contribution have you made to getting rid of the Elite? In most cases, FUCK ALL.

The leadership of the Illuminati hoped, through this project, to create a 21st century internet version of the Knights Templar, creating a noble international army of light consisting of ordinary people full of honour, intelligence and creativity who would, in the course of time, sweep aside the Elite. Instead, thus far, it seems that the Movement has predominantly attracted self-indulgent cranks and nutters with no interest in politics, philosophy, science, religion or activism, but a great deal of interest in conspiracy junk and speculation about who the Illuminati really are.

It doesn't matter a fuck who we are. If you are serious about getting rid of the Elite then get a fucking grip. Become serious people with serious intent. If you can't manage that then fuck off. We will never get rid of the Elite if most people are dumbed-down conspiracy theorists who have swallowed the Elite's propaganda, misinformation and disinformation hook line and sinker.

We feel as if we have wasted two and a half years of our lives on this website. The number of people in the world capable of resisting the Elite is, it appears, very close to zero. The Illuminati are practically the only ones still holding the torch. The Elite have destroyed the intelligence and capabilities of ordinary people. They have entirely succeeded in their agenda to rule as kings of the earth over a world population of slaves who, ludicrously, imagine they are free.

Here's the agenda:

Get Organised.
Get Serious.
Get Disciplined.
Get an Identity.
Get a Cause.
Get Attitude.
Get Political.
Get Philosophical.
Get Scientific.
Get Religious.
Get Psychological
Get Artistic.
Get Creative.
Get Smart.
Get Meritocratic.
Get Real.
Get Active.
Get Going.

If you just want to speculate about aliens, get out of here.

If you're lazy, apathetic, and aimlessly looking for some direction in life, get out of here.

If you have nothing to contribute, get out of here.

If you want to be skeptical all of the time, as a means of never having to commit yourself to the cause, get out of here.

If you want to sabotage and subvert the Movement because it gives you a weird kick, get out of here.

The Illuminati is not a debating society and neither should the Movement be. The time for talk is long over. These are the days of action. If nit picking, complaining, whining, whineying, indecision, permanent skepticism, perpetual doubt, eternal excuses for inaction are your thing, get out of here.

If you think the Illuminati are an evil Elite trying to enslave the world, get a grip. Do you really think the Elite would establish a website calling for the overthrow of the Elite?

Let there be no kidology. The Movement, if it's to be anything other than a pathetic joke, must become a serious-minded organisation in which people conduct themselves in a disciplined, methodical, purposeful way. There's no room for cranks and nuts, for the lazy and half-hearted, for the curious and the desperate.

If you know, deep down, that you have nothing to contribute, get out of here. Keep your mad speculations to yourself or take them to the David Icke forum.

There's only one game in town: to create an organization that the Elite will one day recognize, with horror, as their nemesis and replacement.

The Movement must be utterly committed to changing the world. If that's not for you, if it's too radical, if you want to stay in your safety zone of mad debates about Nibiru, get out of here.

So, what's it to be? It's time to decide. It's much better for the Movement to lose three quarters of its members and be left with a core of committed, serious radicals with a burning desire to leave their mark on this world than it is to stagger on as an ever-increasing joke that no one would ever take seriously. If you know you are not a serious person and would rather clown around, forget it. Do something else. Leave the Movement to those who want to make a difference.

Create a Charter, a Contract, a Code, a Rule, a meritocratic governing council. Expel those who can't make a positive contribution. It's intolerable that self-indulgent, destructive cynics should be able to poison the enthusiasm and dedication of others with their toxic, corrosive negativity. We have noted that several people who would otherwise have been dynamic forces for change have instead succumbed to the mind pollution of the inane, chattering sabotage of the conspiracy theorists.

We are advocates of skepticism, but not if it takes people on the road to nowhere. We champion "healthy" skepticism that ensures that people never fall prey to brainwashing, but we despise the sort of nihilistic skepticism that wants to continually snipe at and undermine any creative and constructive enterprise.

The Movement has unfortunately attracted quite a few of the latter type of skeptic and they have succeeded in damaging the whole project. The Movement can never succeed with such people onboard.

Enthusiasm, positivity and commitment are essential in any fledgling organization. If you're the sort of person who is fundamentally negative, suspicious, always trying to find flaws and contradictions, then have the decency to leave and burden someone else with your nihilism. You're not wanted.

One of the reasons why the Illuminati adopt such a painstaking approach to recruitment is that it is imperative that we keep out those self-indulgent types who have no concept of working together in a disciplined, cohesive, focused group seeking to achieve great ends. We rapidly expel anyone who falls short of the expected standard. In recent years, we have had no reason to expel anyone, which is a tribute to the skill of the recruitment cell.

Our patience has run out. We refuse to be associated with a circus. If you're capable of being more than that then prove it. If not, then forget it. It's entirely up to you.

The Movement must become disciplined, organized, serious, focused, professional, intelligent, creative and active. If it doesn't then it can serve no useful function and is a waste of time and effort. If you're consumed with curiosity about the Illuminati then leave. This is about you, not about us. We often get messages from people who say things such as, "You seem to be saying good things, but I'm just not sure. I don't know if I trust the Illuminati. Look at all the terrible things people say about you. I don't want to end up helping the Elite." Well, if you've read our website and you harbour even one notion that we can be equated with the Elite then fuck off because you're a half wit and you're insulting not only our intelligence, but your own.

The last people we want to be associated with are those who can't read something and make up their own mind, who are always drifting back to the propaganda they read elsewhere. Nothing could be more offensive and insulting to us than to hear the repetition of the slanders and libels that we are the world's secret puppetmasters. If you love what the clowns like Icke, Makow and Jones say then sign up to their newsletters, buy their products, have wet dreams about pan-dimensional lizard aliens, but get the fuck out of our way. Don't come to our website, don't read any of our material. Stick your head in the sand where it belongs. Shape up or ship out.

No sane person who has read our site and those of our detractors could ever be in any doubt about whom the Elite genuinely fear. On one side, you have a gang of shrieking, hysterical self-publicists ranting on endlessly about the most unbelievable bullshit imaginable (and look at how many dummies eagerly suck it up). On the other side, you have a coherent, integrated philosophical, religious, and political stance formulated by an organized group of some of the finest thinkers in human history and fully compatible with the most advanced scientific discoveries. So whose side are you on?

If it is to flourish, then the Movement must attract strong-minded, meritocratic, creative people who want to shake the world by the scruff of the neck. The Movement, at the present time, is overweight with the self-indulgent, self-pitying, immature, and naïve. If the Movement is ever to become a meaningful force then it has to be superior to the Elite: smarter, more creative, more energetic, more determined. If you don't feel up to it, don't get involved. Look at yourself in the mirror and contemplate if you really have what it takes. Are you a new Templar Knight, or just a hopeless dreamer on that long road that never leads to any destination?

If the Movement has no future then we will simply start a new project and begin a new search for the sort of people who can make a difference in this world.

So, this will be the last article on this website for the present time, and perhaps forever. We wish the best of good fortune to those high calibre members of the Movement who understand what's really going on in this world and are as depressed as we are by the lack of heroes willing to stand up for what is right. As for the rest - the doubters, the accusers, and the
Ignavi - if you think we are the Elite, what planet are you living on? It certainly isn't Earth. No wonder the Elite are never troubled by the slave population of this planet, by the sad, pathetic, unwitting servants of the Demiurge.