Monday, July 04, 2005

Review and ReShare of my Vision

I posted this vision in my postings on VF101
May 2005, and I wanted to reshare it with each of
you to remind you, and myself, that we each have
our visions, and we each have our mountains, with
our 500 piece puzzles strewn along the pathways
that we follow.

Even though our own picture puzzle
comes together in short order, we have to
integrate that puzzle piece (although it is made up of
500 pieces of our own) into the 5,000,000 piece
puzzle of life that each of us plug into on top of
that mountain. We are to be integrated together
as a single unit, that becomes fully operational
in the end and requires participation from each of

I wish to thank all who support my works and my
presence amongst each of you!

What I am presenting here next, is my own
Personal Vision and how it affects everyone I come into
contact with!

My Vision and How you fit in!

I presented a vision to all the Ambassadors
before last Wednesday (06/15/05) night's visionary
call-in and I would like to introduce you to my
vision and ask that each and every one of you, my
friends and allies, hold me accountable to my vision
as my QUEST for my life!

I want each of you to stand up tall and look up!

Right up ahead of you is your mountain! As you gaze up that
rocky, craggly side, you see handholds, footholds, and sparkly
little things shining out on the side of that mountain that you
know you have to climb.

I want each of you to take your first step up
onto your mountain.

Wait! ..................... What is that shiny object down there
by your foot? It looks like a piece of a puzzle, but it shines
with a gleam of highly polished metal. It has no
distinguishing features to it, altho' there is
something about it that draws you to it.

Put it in your pocket, because it could come in handy
soon, to dig you out a handhold as you climb.
You have been climbing that mountain for a little
bit, and as you grab a hold of your next handhold,
you feel a metallic object curling up in your

As you draw yourself up to the object, you
see it is another one of those pieces like what
you had first put into your pocket. So, you find a
spot to sit and rest, and then get out the other piece
and compare them.

They look a lot alike and you wonder in what way
these two pieces can be related. While sitting
there looking at these two pieces of metal in your
hands, you notice another glint of light on an
object back down the path you had just come up.

You could go back down to get it but you think,
................. I have gotten this far why go back?

So you decide to go on up, up your mountain, and
all of a sudden a piece of your foothold falls

Now you are sliding back down the way you had
came up. You finally come to a sliding stop and
look back up to where you were. You're thinking,
"how can I do that again and not fail this time?"

Then the glint you saw a little while before,
glistens off to your right and up a bit. As you start
back up your climb, you grab the object and slip
it into your pocket because you know something
good is going to come out of it.

Before too long you reach the spot where you had
sat on from the time before. Now it is time to
view what is clanking in your pocket the more and
more you climb.

You get all three pieces out and
compare them again. This time there is a little
pattern forming between the three of them that you
have gathered.

Looking back up your path, up the mountain, you
keep seeing more and more of those glints of

These glints of light and how all of them relate
to each other, is the pieces of your own personal
life story puzzle.

As you climb your mountain and
pick up these pieces to your puzzle along the
way, you find that more and more of them snap
together to form a shape or a picture.

As you get closer and closer to the top of your mountain, you
start seeing the results of your puzzle pieces, once
you snap them together, and what they have to show you, for
your picture.

Also while climbing that mountain you happened to
look up through one of the valleys along the way
and you see something that resembles a wall up on
the very top but it seems as though it is
see-through or clear.

If it is clear or see-through, how
can you possibly see it partway up the mountain?

Have you ever had the feeling you knew something
about someone or about something and never had a
word said to you about it? And nobody else had
mentioned it?

That something, that nags at your
brain, is that so elusive wall you are trying to
find, with all those lights flashing off of it.

What are those flashing lights you see coming off
of that wall?

Those lights are the rainbows glinting from the
sunlight off of that translucent wall. Those lights are
the glimmers and rays of our hope. They
are the ideas and the dreams of visionaries. Those
are the lights to the pathways you follow.

Do you think you are the only one on this mountain?

What you have in your hands (the puzzle pieces)
are the tools you need to learn. The pathways you
chose to follow. Put together they form a picture
and a really clear one to boot.

Can you see in your mind's eye your vision,
your pathway, your life work? If you can, then these
are the pieces to the puzzle you have been picking
up along your way up the mountain.

Soon you will top your mountain and you will
confront the wall in front of you. As you look at the
translucent wall over there in front of you, you see
indentations where it looks like puzzle pieces
would fit, or where objects would fit, and they all
connect together.

I can see you thinking. I had 500 pieces to put my
puzzle together, and this puzzle requires a lot more
of these pieces to make this picture come together.

Soon you will walk up to the wall and try to find
the niche where your picture puzzle will fit in.

Before long, you find a spot that it will settle
into nicely, but it won't stay in place. There is nothing
to tie it in with, or to hold it in its spot in
the wall.

Soon you hear a movement, and some other
noise. Someone else clears the top of the
mountain, and they hold a picture puzzle in their hand.

As each new person that clears the top of the
mountain, walks up to the wall, everyone finds a
spot to put their puzzles. Soon puzzles connect into
one another and start staying in place on the

Eventually as more and more puzzle pieces come
together an overall picture starts forming. Some
people are carrying two or three puzzles up the
mountain with them.

These are their Essences of Life, their picture
puzzles to existence, their reason for living. As
they gaze at the wall before them they realize
that their whole existence depends on each and
everyone to ally with them and place their pieces
into the wall and become one.

Each and everyone of us depend on the others
around us to support, to nurture, to teach, and to
help build values together for all of us to use!

Each of our Values, our Essences of Life, and our
Unconditional Love for life, bring each of us to a
pinacle of being the ONE for one another.

So the Motto of this country actually is the CODE for
all of us to model ourselves after, and that is:

United We Stand! Divided We Fall!

As each of us go through our lives, we must
remember that we are not alone, and that every brother
and sister is dependent on us, as we are on them.

We all claim to be, that brother or that sister,
and love like there is no tomorrow. For without
love, There is no tomorrow.

We stand United, with strength in numbers,
and we shall not perish, no matter what befalls us.

I am the God of Fire, and I walk as a warrior for
all my brothers and sisters, every day that I

I am called Blazzzze by many of my friends and allies!
I am who I am! Nobody can or will change that.
That is my legacy to the end!