Saturday, October 15, 2005

Visionary Children and their Visionary Parent(s)

Visionary Children and their Visionary Parent(s)

Who are the Visionaries? ......................... Are you one? ................... How about your child?

In all reality, children are born with innate qualities of being Visionaries. It isn't until around the time of their 8th birthday, that these children grasp onto the meaning of life. It is also at this time, that they develop their dreams of what they want to do when they grow up, or who they want to be (like emulating a hero that they treasure!). These kids have the innate ability to know exactly what questions to ask to find an answer to something, and then they can totally understand it, when it is explained to them.

How is this possible? Children have the ability to use that super computer up there between their ears more quickly and with more efficiency than an adult can. Why? Because they have not been exposed to the viruses of life and life training that the rest of us have been exposed to! .... Viruses?
"I am not sick", you say. ................... Oh, but you are, really! ........................ How So?

You see children have not been exposed to the total dumbing down theory. We have been trained through our school years, that not all of our dreams are attainable. They don't come right out and say it directly, but there are the subtle hints we all got all through school, in our jobs, and in our communities. Think about it! What was your dreams when you were a kid of 8 years old? Are you living that dream that you had even today? ............................. And Why Not? ........... Are you in command of your own job? ...... Why not? or How long did that take you to accomplish that? ........ How about your community? ...... Are you the one, people look up to for guidance or answers? ......... Or do you sit quietly in your home, like the common little citizen you are supposed to be?

Children have dreams, and they see no reason for not achieving those dreams. Well they can achieve those dreams, if only they had the visionary tools to reach those dreams. Children are naturals for their dreams and can accomplish those dreams with our help and become the successes we want them to be. They must be nurtured to follow their dreams, to receive the answers they need to the questions they ask, and then be allowed to follow through on that dream, at any given point in time!

Total honesty given unconditionally to children must be rendered for them to achieve their goals. Any dishonesty, sugar-coating, deceptions, and forcing them to do things which they have no desire to do, are the viruses that we, as adults, have been subjected to, to shut our bold systems down!

Children grasp onto ideas immediately, and their limited knowledge must be expanded around that project, to which they require answers. Their search for knowledge is insatiable, and they desire to have even more! These children when trained correctly can take the most complex project and break it down into simple terms to expediate their development of that project. They are daredevils, and we, as parents, worry so much about them hurting themselves, that we forget, they can heal so much more quickly than we can! Plus these kids have such a quick reaction time, that we miss some of their actions, as they continue on their journey through life! Children are so alive, that they have no sense of death or slowdown, and their energy is what each of us thrive on, when we watch them grow!

Don't we, as adults, wish we could become that age again? We can, ..... in some reality of it all. We have to develop a visionary pathway, devise a plan, set up a system, and follow through to a completion of that plan.

We have had dreams as kids, and it seems that we just forgot them and walked away. Why? Because we got distracted, lost interest, or even failed at a strategic point of conversion and gave up. We have been trained to follow this path in our lives, because our teachers did not hold the same vision as us, and wanted us to follow their vision. That wasn't our dream was it? That was someone elses dream, and we followed that. We lost interest in our dream, so we really gave up on it and pursued what someone else wanted us to do!

Have you ever done something in your past that you really loved to do? A hobby, a certain job that kept your interest, or something unusual? What was that interest? Would you do it again? And again and again? Now ask yourself these two sets questions!

What about that interest kept you fired up about it? Could you continue to do it and not give up on it?

Why did you not continue to do or to pursue that interest? What held you back?

When you can answer both of those sets of questions with totally honesty, then you can find your pathway to success! When you can see the reasons for why you did not pursue your passion, then you have realized one of your roadblocks to your success. Remove the roadblock by turning inward, finding your inner strength, and continue to see your pathway from start to finish. When you literally see the pathway to follow, all roadblocks tend to dissolve or move out of your way as you work your way to the top.

As you work towards your dreams and goals you become the creator of your Vision. As the creator of your Vision, you become the visionary to fullfill your end result of your passion in life. Once you attain the visionary status, it is time to bring that visionary ideal to the children in our lives and teach them how to achieve the end results of their dreams and become the successes for all of the world!

As a creator, we create values not only for ourselves but for all of the world around us. We teach our young ones what values are and how to retain and upgrade them at will. This is our responsibility as Visionaries to guide our children to be the best that they can be, every day of their lives. By achieving their greatness and recognizing the greatness in others at will, these young visionaries take the lead in society to create those values that benefit all others around them, no matter what!

Do you have a young Visionary in your midst? I think you do, and it is time to develop their abilities,
recognize their greatness, and support them in their Value Creations with every breath we take !

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Neo-Tech Versus Vision Force/Wealth Warrior

Welcome to my Bitch Session!

It had been pointed out to me that as a Neo-Tech Reader, Technician, and a member of the Wealth Warrior Academy, that there was a lot of Hate being spread out on the internet by Neo-Tech. That's impossible I thought, from my integrations for Neo-Tech Thinking.

Needless to say, I got busy searching the Neo-Tech sites and ............ Lo and Behold, .......... there it was! Neo-Tech was literally blasting away in an Authoritarian way (something Neo-Tech has despised and expounded against since the beginning of its origin) about somebody violating their copyrighted material (<------ External Authority) and handling it through THEIR copyright Lawyer (<------ another Authority?). Already this is sending out alerts to me that Neo-Tech is in direct violation of their own beliefs against Authoritarianism. Neo-Tech has literally put it out that most Lawyers were an abomination to the Neo-Tech way, and here Dr. Wallace and M. Hamilton are using a Lawyer to push out their External Authority over others on violated copyright law. Hhhhmmmmm sounds two-faced to me!

So, I took it upon myself to write Dr. Wallace, Mark Hamilton, Eric Savage, through their Customer Service Rep Barbie Diamond (<--------- This is an assumed ID == Can't she even use her real name without jeopardy?) and issued a challenge to them that they will, none the less, overlook without impudence! That challenge, ..................... was to stop with the childish antics that Neo-Tech is putting out ........................... and to take on the challenge of building a community in the form or format that they would like to see. (I have another issue but will lodge it shortly about Neo-Tech policy) I put it to them (NTP) directly, that since they claim Michael Skye and Carl Noland are scammers and saying and writing derogatory things about Neo-Tech and promoting "Sad-Sack-Loser-Types"(Thank you very much for your assumption, NTP)(which I have never heard come out of their mouths or in their writings, and I know them both personally), that I challenged NTP to put their money where their mouths were, and to take the Vision Force 101 Course offerred by Michael Skye. I believe that if they really want to create the kinds of communities that they say they really want to create, then they would work with other compatible organizations in working for the same theme.

I told Dr. Wallace , Mark Hamilton, and others of the Neo-Tech Publishing genre, that since receiving my Discovery and finding an empty shell of a website for Neo-Tech, that I needed information to help me learn. Well, that is where Carl Noland of Neo-Warriors and Michael Skye of Wealth Warrior Academy came in. Neither of these individuals had qualms about my being Neo-Tech based at all, and I have not been kicked out of either of their organizations for spouting Neo-Tech information, if they speak so negatively of Neo-Tech, as NTP claims.

You see, with Michael Skye's Technology, I was able to see what Neo-Tech was really saying after just 5 short weeks of Michael's guidance. My spouting of Neo-Tech has gotten stronger and stronger from that day forward, and I believe Michael will be one of the first to tell you that too! But I am still an Ambassador for his program. Do you think I would still be an Ambassador if Michael hated Neo-Tech, as the hierarchy of NTP has said? Carl Noland has read my direct spouts of Neo-Tech in his Neo-Warrior's site and has not kicked me out of there either. As a matter of fact, I think I command a great deal of respect from both of these people for standing for my beliefs, and who I am.

There was one other issue that I have with Neo-Tech. In the Noveau Tech Society Website, there was a mention of building up an "Illuminati Society" community within Noveau Tech. This has me a little disturbed. Noveau Tech and Neo-Tech are technically the same organization. When I think of the Illuminati Society, I think of the Templar Knights and their membership in the Illuminati Society along with generations and generations of Masonic Freemasons as members of that same Illuminati Society! These members are literally classified as the BlackHat Neocheaters of society under the guise of being the "Illumined Ones" by NTP. Is Neo Tech and Noveau Tech taking the stance of the WhiteHat "Illumined Ones"? I am a bit confused on this, in all reality.

Now Dr. Wallace, Mark Hamilton, Eric Savage, and Barbie Diamond, (if that is what your real name is, really) if you really want a community of people who are of like minds, then I publicly challenge each of you to enroll into Michael Skye's Vision Force 101 Course and bring your integrations into this course and let's build a community together. If you all are honest as your literature professes you to be, then I would think you would hop on this opportunity immediately, and not let a minute slip by to bring your message to a potentially bigger community and stand to be who you say you are!

I, myself, as a Neo-Tech Warrior, have stepped forward and Stand in all honesty and with vulnerablity to bring this out into the open for all to see and for you to bring your retort to these allegations! Dr. Wallace and NTP: I hold no prejudice against your organization and wish to bring these issues to the forefront and resolve all matters of disagreement and Bring Unity to a Community that speaks in One Voice, ........... Not Several!

David I
They Call me Blazzzzzzzzze / God of Fire