Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas and Why we Celebrate

Where did Christmas derive from, and how is it applied to us today?

Why do we celebrate this day, when it is not possibly the real date of the Birth of a so-called Messiah? I believe, and this is my opinion from my studies and research, that it made for convenience for some people who were suffering through life at this time in their lives. So the date was created for the possible solution to alleviating the depressing problems of many people and bringing back a fellowship of family and friends.

This celebration was created because of one person, in all reality. That person was Jesus. Who was Jesus in all reality? Jesus was a man, just like you and me, from what I can tell. He was no one special, for our times, if he lived in the here and now, but for people back then, Jesus spoke with Authority. Why was this? Jesus was "Enlightened" and he then educated himself to be able to read and communicate with the people on their level.

Most of the people back in the Middle to Medieval Ages were mainly uneducated, illiterate, and equal to the Blue Collar Worker of today, as far as supporting their families were concerned. Jesus was the breath of fresh air the people needed to inspire them to lead new lives and come out from under the oppression of the Rulers of the time, back then. For hundreds of years, the people gathered their food, toiled on the land, and took care of their families the best way they knew how. Jesus came along and, as a child, learned the ways of the "Honest" elitists. When Jesus spoke to people, those people stood in awe and wonder to hear him speak with so much authority.

Jesus, at the age of eleven, or so it is mentioned in the Bible and by the Clergy, would go among the people telling them of his father's word and works. Well, Jesus was the son of a carpenter, so did he go about teaching others how to be a carpenter? Not that I recall, although he might have used metaphors from the workings of his own father, to make examples for others to learn about. Jesus also made mention to his Father in other ways too as a heavenly father. What I think he meant was, that when he mentioned "Heavenly", he used that as a metaphor, so that those who were grounded in the Religion of the time (Early Catholicism) could understand where he came from.

I believe "heaven" to Jesus was equal to paradise, a safe place, or a place where one could go for their own protection, if need be. Each and every one of us have these safe places that we can go to, where we do not wish to be bothered. Many use meditation to reach that safe place. Others have a certain hideout they could go to. Where can everybody go that they would have no distractions from anything and still be able to think? There is one place, where we can go that is so peaceful, and that is in our own mind, once we find a place that protects us from all distractions. Jesus also told the people to look inward and to stop listening to those who did not have their same interests in mind. Look inside to find what it was they were truly looking for, that was honest.

Jesus also gathered a following of people who wanted and needed to hear his words. What transpired from then on was that, people started understanding his words and would flock to see, touch, and believe in that fresh breath of life. The ones, who did not understand and felt threatened, were the Elite Rulers and Clerics, so they conspired, behind closed doors, under cover of Darkness, with evil intent to do away with what worried them the most.

Jesus traveled all over the lands teaching every person, who would listen, what he had learned in his very short life. He taught Love, Compassion, and he also taught Unity to the people. Everywhere he went, he had throngs of people who could not stand to not hear what he had to say. Jesus never took money for what he done. Jesus even chased the money changers or the stock brokers out of the Temple mainly because of the corruptness of these people. I bet he even got a standing ovation for that act! The money changers/stock brokers were literally robbing people of what they worked so hard for. You didn't see the Elite Rulers and Clerics trading with them, because I think these money launderers worked for the Elites.

Even when times got rough, Jesus
did not seem to get a feather ruffled, because, I believe, he knew of other paths to take to bypass those problems. When things got too rough, you would find him in solitude contemplating what to do next , although it was written that he prayed to an invisible God for guidance. We all have an invisible God within each and every one of us. That is our consciousness, and that was what Jesus wanted each of us to find, in all reality. We have been told we have "free agency", but what is free agency for us? Free agency is the ability to discern or decide what is best for each of us, individually. Not to wait on somebody else to tell us what to do, how to do it or even when to do it. When you allow someone else to make your decisions for you, then you have given away your "Free Agency" that you were given in the first place.

Jesus became a type of martyr for Religion, when he was executed for crimes supposedly committed against the Church. Pilate could find no crime that Jesus had done against the people, but it seems after conversations with the Clergy, that Pilate turned the decision about Jesus over to the Church. In all reality, it was the Church Clergy's final decision for the execution. Jesus was trying to educate the people, and the Church of the time, became offended, and it seems the Church felt he was taking their followers away from THEIR teachings. Less than 70 years later, Christianity emerged as a leading opponent to the Church in power at the time.

I believe, since the emergence of Christianity as a Religious leader in the community, that the celebrations of Jesus life had been created at some time close to that emergence. (either 100 - 300 years later) As a tradition, this celebration has been continued on into present day. From what I can see, the Ruling Church (Catholicism), of the time, had no reason for celebration due to the fact of their offense of Jesus actions. So, it seems to me, that Catholicism did not accept the Christian Celebrations until later on, many centuries later. (possibly after the 1400's due to the "Witch Hunts" by Pope Innocent of the Catholic Religion)

Not only the Birth is celebrated on Christmas Day, but also the life of Christ, (Jesus) because the main reason for the celebration would be the things Jesus done and told the people throughout his life, not just the so-called prophecies of his Birth. Not all of the Old Testament books were written before the Birth of Jesus, but some were written even 250 years after the death of Jesus. So, I believe, some of those prophecies were added in the Old Testament after the Crucifixion, and then gave New World Religions ideas to hold onto about a Holy Birth prophesied prior to that Birth.

The idea for Christmas Celebration, to me, is not only for the Birth or Life of Jesus, but the celebration of abundant Love for Family and Friends. I believe, the Love for Family and Friends, and the celebration of that Love, also represents the Love of Jesus for all people, whether they were newborn or even the elderly. I believe, this celebration is a reminder to all of us to remember that Love for all mankind is required to sustain a lifestyle that is so ideal for everyone who breathes. We must put this perspective into the lives of everyone around us, and then bring a new world of advances, so all of us may continue to sustain our lives for each and every one around us.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Darth Vader Force Versus the Light

We are coming into the Holiday season of Christmas and a New Year very, very, quickly, or so it seems to me. I guess that could be because of my advancing age and my ability to slow down twice as fast as I did when I was in my 20's, let alone my 30's. Maybe that could be a good thing, or as some seem to think, I may be too slow for their fast paced world that they are living in.

There is a growing concern among Americans approaching the coming events in the next year, as to who, they themselves, want to lead them on their journey into their futures.The one main concern that doesn't even come to the forefront into their minds, is that there is literally a Dark Force working against each and every one of us. It is an ever growing stealth force advancing in maturity very quickly behind the scenes. Many of us are not aware of what goes on around us, because we have been too busy worrying about how our day is going to end and what tidings will bring us tomorrow. Some of us are more concerned to make sure we don't miss the partying atmosphere that this Dark Force prefers that you remain in, so they may continue to bring about its DOOM onto all of us for its own gain.

The less you realize the undermining of society going on behind our backs, the more this Dark Force sneaks around creating chaos, offering solutions, and then implementing their ideas to the public for corrections to what they created in the first place. This Dark Force of "Neo-cheaters" do not want you to know what they are doing, so they work under the cover of Darkness and secrecy to accomplish their ends. That Dark Force will lie to you, keep you uninformed, and create law and regulations to force you to follow their guidelines to bring their New World Order into our lives. Any Force that works under the cover of Darkness and never want their works brought out into the light too soon, seem to be of evil intent, and work to undermine our sovereignty's, our liberties, and our lives to their own evil ends.

Who are these Dark Force "Neo-cheaters, anyway?

They can be anyone who has a personal agenda to implement and includes you in their plans. They can be the politician, who has gained your interest, by promising you your dreams, and then reneging on them, once they have achieved their goal of being your leader in your life. They can be your Clergy, by professing to know an invisible God whom they have never seen, let alone NEVER had a conversation with. (although they profess that God talks to them - WHERE? - in their heads?) They can be the teachers of our Children with their deceptive profession of teaching our children, the agenda provided for them by the Dark Force ruling their careers. They can be our Medical Professionals whose dependence on a monetary system that brings them wealth beyond their beliefs in prescribing drugs, which are dangerous or harmful to the society they took an "Oath" to protect and serve. They can be the uninformed FDA administrators who approve these dangerous drugs for society. Finally they can be the parents, who have been duped by all of the other professionals, in raising their families and providing a meager environment in the end.

Many of these "Neo-cheaters" do not even realize they are creating havoc for society, because they have been trained by MASTERS in the Art of Deception, Force, Threats, and Coercion. Business also operates in this same mode of operation too. They give the orders from the management positions above, and those below (the lower class) follow those orders without knowing what the end result could be. All of these lower class people mainly realize is, that they will possibly receive a paycheck every week, twice a month, once a month, or even once a year. They depend on the upper management to provide for them in their needs of purchasing food, housing in some respects, vacations, and bonuses. We, all depend on the upper management of politics to provide us with guidelines, laws, regulations, and entitlements, so that we can mange our lives in safety, welfare, and an obscure clarity (which never becomes clear for us) of our environment.

Those of us, that depend on others to make our important decisions for us, are truly unaware or not "enlightened" of who we are in our societal positions, why we are here to perform our duties that we do, and why everyone else is here with us, violating our own private space. We are a duped society by many of the "MASTERS of a Race", who do not care about many of us in the lower classes of life. Everyone desires "Change" to be brought into their lives, but how many really will experience that "Change" by sitting in our armchairs at home, watching the one-eyed-monster (TV), playing mindless video games, and listening to those who will lie to us about taking care of us? (music, politicians, Clergy, and mainly the Media)

When we sit on our "BUTTS", hide our heads in the sands, ignore the honest advice given, then we have given ourselves over to the slavery issues that permeate our lives everyday. According to the MASTERS, you are nothing more than slaves, lower class degenerates, and mindless idiots, that they can manipulate in whatever way they want. The Masters know that
YOU will not take total responsibility for your own lives, so they know they can control you in whatever way they require, so their agenda is met, and that is total takeover of the World.

Do you know what? ......... YOU have given them that permission to do just that, by your inability to respond to their demands. You sit around worrying about how to survive in this cruel, cruel world we live in, instead of getting up off of your "BUTTS" and doing something about it. Giving your Values to someone else, is not doing what is right for you in all reality. You have shirked your own responsibilities, to let someone else in an external "AUTHORITY POSITION" to actively take over your life, and make the decisions that you should be making on your own. Once you begin taking an active part in your own lives by doing something and then following through with your decisions, can you ever begin to realizing the
"Freedoms" allotted to you from the very beginning, by a Creator (who may or is within each and every one of us) who endowed you with those Values.

What is "enlightenment" or the Light? "Enlightenment" or the Light is the total awareness of EVERYTHING going on around you in your environment, your families, and the societies that you live in. The Bible even tells people to not hide their light under a bushel basket (did they really have a measurement of "Bushel" back in the Middle or Medieval Ages?), which means to not allow your accumulation of knowledge to be hidden away from total honesty that abounds all around us in every aspect of our lives. When we hide our knowledge from total honesty, then we are more susceptible to being influenced by powers other than our own, and then we creep ever closer to the Darker side of life and its dishonesty that it thrives on. We, as a people, MUST take total control of our own lives and not rely on others to dictate to us how we should live, where we may be allowed to go (do you have your passport yet?), and what we can say in our public lives. We have allowed a dictatorship mentality to guide us into a Global War with other nations over an issue of
OIL, in all respects really. We have allowed them do that too and sat with our THUMBS up our A$$es and did nothing to find out the truth of the matter and then act upon that truth.


We as a society have to get around to doing something on our own and bringing about our futures for our own selves, if we really want to experience the "FREEDOMS" that we so desire. No one else can give that to us. We must take that responsibility on our own and create the society that is best for us. Once we have created our society that is best for us, then we become the Men and Women and integrators for ourselves, and for others at the same time. That is the purpose for our being here in this lifetime. Through integration with ourselves and others, we find out who we are and become "Enlightened" about our environment around us and the societies we live in.

Do YOU wish to follow the Darth Vader Dark Force, or will you follow the Light that you shine every day of your life?


Sunday, December 02, 2007

Time to get back to work again!

Sorry for Lack of Posting Regularly!

I will try to be more diligent in my efforts to keep posting to my Blog in the future as time is quickly running out for many of us even now. Here in the last few weeks and months I have been really busy doing research for my new electronic Book "The Rebel With a Cause: How to Succeed While Rebelling". Besides doing research and writing to this electronic book, I have been really busy researching current events going on around us by reviewing "News Reports", controversial websites, and other websites which would be more in alignment to me, and would contribute directly to the writings in my latest project.

Besides this latest project, I have been thinking about starting up my own radio station, both here on the Internet and at my own local station, using retransmitted programs from the World wavebands and from Satellite transmissions. I, myself, will do a one hour - to - two hour show on my interpretations of prior programming or even on subjects of importance that needs to be aired for the public to absorb. The rest of my programming will be devoted to the re-transmissions of other programming (whether recorded or live) that aligns with my own beliefs and others in the like-minded fields that I work.

Today, (as in, currently) we are going through a lot of trials and tribulations in our lives, and many people become overwhelmed with what is going on around them. Most people just give in to the information they are given by other authorities than themselves and continue to struggle along in their lives without following any specific purpose. Myself, I tend to sit back and absorb what is being said, think about it for a little bit, and then do my own research to find out if what I was told, was really what was being meant to be conveyed to me. Then I form my own opinions as to the subject and act upon those opinions directly once I have the "Facts" of the matter.

I am quite diversified in my research, as I look into anything that would be opposed to my own authority, and then see if there would be any connection that could be made to my own "Stand" that I take. Unfortunately, many of the issues now confronting all of us tends to rub me the wrong way, especially since I have researched into the "Unalienable Rights" that I have and keep as sacred to my own self. I find it quite disturbing to see others giving up their "Rights" so easily to other authorities with a "by-your-leave" type of attitude. This typically goes against the grain of what our Forefathers had set up for us in the very beginning.

To me, it just seems that a lot of people have, in comparison to an ostrich, stuck their heads in the sand and hope the problems will go away. People, every time that you do not do anything to counter and action that is not in alignment with your own beliefs and stands, the problem just escalates. Oh sure, you can hand the baton off to someone else, such as your Representatives in Congress or the Senate, but do those people really have your interests in mind? I have heard the saying "if you want to get anything done, then you have to do it yourself". This statement, in itself, says it all. If you allow someone else to do your dirty work for you, then you need to suffer the consequences.

Most people do not accept responsibility for themselves and pass the baton off to someone else to do the actual work for them. Do you remember the old woman who cooked, baked, and slaved in her kitchen all by herself? This is a little story that had been told to kids back in my time when I was a preschooler and even in school. This woman had asked for help from friends and relatives to get the work all done, in order to finish in plenty of time to eat. Well, needless to say, many of the friends and relatives were too lazy to come in and help out, and always complained that they were hungry. So once the table was set, the old woman set it up for mainly her family members. When the others came to ask for their portion, they were denied access. Why? Because this old woman had asked kindly for extra help to get the meal finished, and no one would help. The main reason for her setting the table for her family is, because of her unconditional love for them. When it came to the others, she found no reason to provide for them, mainly because of their laziness. Needless to say, she could have limited the portions to her family because of their laziness too.

This can be compared to what others put out too. Information can be held back or not disclosed to those who do not want to find out for themselves, and then the responsibility MUST come back to those who do not search. Those people, who are too lazy to find out for themselves, may have to suffer the consequences in the long run, BUT that is their fault for not doing their own work to find out. Everyone MUST take responsibility for their own lives and what goes on around them on their own, because not everyone else will help or enable their inability to do anything for themselves. If someone takes a little time to do their own research and find out some things then it does not bother me to give them a little helping hand to understand what they found. BUT, understanding and breaking through to the reality of the situation which lays with each person individually.

As long as everybody, proverbially, buries their heads in the sand and wait for their problems to pass them by, then be prepared to suffer the consequences that come to all of you. While you ignore those things that directly affect you and your loved ones, many issues will come to pass to not allow you to do things that came second nature to you before. This is your responsibility to make sure that your own "Rights" are protected as per US Constitutional Law. Again, you can pass the baton off to someone else to protect your "Rights", but history has shown that even those, you passed the responsibility off to, have taken more from you than they are allowed or authorized. BUT in order to keep those "Rights", you MUST do your own work and not let anyone else have that power over you, in the long run. Take Responsibility for yourself once and for all, FINALLY. OR ELSE LOSE ALL YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Negating Authority

Authority : To Negate or NOT to Negate!

Who the HELL are you? And why the HELL are you here?

Can any of you answer those questions?

Most of you can't, in all reality. Many people have a fundamental idea about who they are, but actually do not know who they
really are! People are more than a face or name if you really think about it. They are their beliefs, their abilities, and how they portray themselves to others. Some are aggressive, egotistical, and don't really give a "Shit" about anyone but themselves. Others are tentative, demure, and/or timid. Still others are assertive, helpful, and would give the shirt off of their own back to ANYONE who needed it and not think twice about it.

Each and every one of us go through stressful situations every day that we breathe. Some deal with the stress in a rational way, others deal with that stress in an aggressive way, and still others try to find a "Safe Zone" to where they can just hide or stay away from anything that causes them that stress. In what classification would you consider that you would deal with stress?

When I get stressed, I have found myself thinking that I needed to get away and hide, but after thinking about the situation, I tend to look at all of the obstacles in my way causing that stress. Then I formulate a plan to rid myself of that stress the best way possible. Once the plan has been formulated to rid yourself of your stress (I like to write down my plan so I have a reference to go to when I need it!), then I take action to follow my plan to the "T", to start the process of getting back to a normal standard operating system. Once I have arrived back to my standard operating system of normalcy, then I reflect back on what I learned.

Most nearly everyone else does not even get to the plan part of getting rid of their stress. They think stress is a normal part of life, which it is not normal at all. Stress constantly hounds these people no matter where they go, who they talk to, or what they do. Stress is a silent killing machine and does cause people to do things they would never do if they were not forced into doing it.

Force is a powerful action taken on by many and not realized that they even used it. Force can be used in negative ways too, such as usurping personal values from others, and making someone do what they really don't want to do in the first place. Businesses use this type of force or coercion to get their employees to do things which they would detest doing at any other time. Not only do businesses use this method either. Government has also used this method by passing laws, misinterpreting law, and then forcing that law onto those to whom it does not concern in the long run.

If you stop and think about the Law, most of it is money orientated really. If you violate ANY law, it costs you; the perpetrator, as they (Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, and Judges) like to call you. It costs you your liberty (which is God-Given as per the US Constitution: not by man-made laws), money, and your possessions or property. Anyone who enforces those laws, do not even stop to think about what they do, when they do it. They have been told that they are required to do it (just as an employer does with its employees) or else there could be consequences. So these enforcers pass the consequences off to you even if it is temporary (or maybe even long term with further consequences afterward) really. This is called "Altruism", which is defined as "beliefs in a higher authority than oneself". All levels of our government, from law enforcement to the Congress and even the Presidency uses "Altruism" in its purest sense.

How can we overturn all of these actions without too much harm coming to ourselves? We can go out and educate, educate, educate, everyone with hard copy evidence of everything these government authorities do, that violates personal values of the Citizenry. Then it is a matter of informing the public as soon as is possible as a group so these authorities come to find that they do not hold the power over us as they would like to make us think. (and they are doing one helluva job by using their ostracization of each of us in the courts without our peers judging us.) Actually, public ostracization of public servants (slaves, in my book) with follow-up documentation along with the actual US Constitutional Law, to the public, will take all power away from those authorities.

Until each and every one of us get up off of our butts and UNIFY together, can we ever exercise our Freedoms, as they are purported, via the US Constitution, then we will contnue to flow closer and closer to the tyrannical type of government that is approaching very fast over the horizon!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Money Wealth and Standards

Money and Gold Standards are really confusing to a lot of people I believe. Do you know who actually determines what the Value of the Gold Standard is?

Has it ever occurred to any of us that, what the
Values of our currency, the Value of Gold, Silver, Paladium, copper, and any other precious metals that we could own, are literally determined by others and not by ourselves, as to what their contrived value is. I guarantee you, that you can not go out and take some Gold or Silver, that you own, to anyone else (how about a collector?) and demand to convert those precious metals into what YOU determine the monetary value you hold for these items. Those people, that you present these items to, would nearly laugh in your face, if your worth or value for these things is higher than what is nationally figured by others as their VALUE!

Let us get down to the Nitty Gritty of this situation.
Bankers or afiliates of the World Bankers have already determined what the regulated Value of these items are and control their Value once the precious metals are presented for conversions. Currency already comes under the heading of being controlled by foreign authorities. Foreign Authorities in this instance refers to an authority, which is not our own authority.

Once we have accepted the
Values set upon these items by others, then we have literally allowed ourselves to be under the control of these others, as far as Values goes.

Take for instance
Income Taxes! Are you really paid what you are worth? Is our manual labor set at a specific set amount? What is the determination of Income Taxes in all reality?

Taxation on income of labor, is the result of
Capital Gains on income, or should be. Ok what is the determined set Value of your Labor? .......... Is it higher than what you are being paid in your opinion? ......... Ok what is your Capital Gain on your income? ....... A minus in Gains? ............ Then why do you pay taxes?

Government should pay you a difference in the
Gains of what you earn to just break even on Income Taxes. Ok how do we determine what your worth or Value is in conjunction to what the Government thinks should be your worth? Now we have a major dilemma. Government never thinks we are worth what ...... "we" ......... think we are worth. So who is right then?

I believe that
I am right, because no one else has the right or the authority to determine my worth for me, in all reality. I am worth a whole lot more than what employers are paying me for my wages for a living. Is that not how you would think or should think? ........ I believe it had better be, or else you have given in to the authority of someone more superior than yourself !

In all essence as long as we submit to
ANY other authority of any sort, then we have given up our own authority, to that other authority, who we regard as more superior to ourselves.

I just love how people give excuses to authority and allow a foreign morality base to take
over that authority. I just can not understand how conditioned morality authority can take the place of integrated and personal rationality within our own minds, and as to what we hold as moral for us. Morality beliefs of the majority, is general emotional feelings that have nothing to do with factual, tangible, and creative issues that deal with specific persons or things: ………… which in all reality include ourselves.

When we live in a world that others control extensively, then we no longer live in our own worlds. But we live in the
World designed by and controlled by those others ...... who pass laws and MAKE us follow them. ......... Anytime that you give in to someone else's directions and their pathways, then you live in Their World and have lost the control over your own world.

Ok so now back to the money issue! Is your name on your money that you have in your pocket? ........ I dare say
NOT! .......... It seems to me that the Federal Reserve has their name all over those bills of currency you have. Who is the Federal Reseve? Nothing more than a conglomeration of WORLD BANKS, and they control the money that you use daily and also the power of that money as such. They also determine the Value of the Gold and Silver that you plan to use as an alternative form of monetary wealth. So again, you do not have control of your Values of your wealth, monetary-wise, really.

So how do we bring back the control of our wealth to ourselves? First, we must determine what our wealth is, in the beginning. Our literal wealth is an internal, integrated wealth and that is the most valuable wealth any person can hold. Our internal wealth is a Value that no one can ever take away from us, unless we give it totally away to anyone else. Hhhhhmmmmm, this sounds like our “Unalienable Guarantteed Rights” as provided in the US Constitution (Notice how America is not included in the Title? ——> more on that later)

“God-given Rights” can never be taken away from us, unless we give them away ourselves. Our “Rights” involve and include the first “10 Amendments” of the U.S. Constitution. This includes other certain unalienable rights; such as: LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS ! Even though these last rights are listed in the Declaration of Independence, the Declaration of Independence provided these rights to us right along with the 10 Amendments of the Constitution.

So Now it is up to each and everyone of us to make our
Worlds Real, Complete, and Personalized. .......... No one can do that for us, because that is our responsibility and then becomes our new-found wealth that we can provide for ourselves and family, or open it up for others to enjoy too, if, WE so desire. Our wealth starts with us and ends with us, all in one full movement. We control how we live and what we create for ourselves. This becomes a personal vendetta specifically for us, and it is our responsibility to protect our new World, by whatever means we have available to us, at any one or more times.

So, ……………. It is our turn to become the
Gods, the Creators, and the Administrators of our own worlds, and we must protect that environment by whatever means available to us, without anyone undermining what we have built for ourselves and others.

As a short postscript I would like to add that
USA stands for United States of America which to me is nothing more than a Union of the states all together in one Like-minded Entity. (A Corporate entity, if you will!) .......... Whereas US stands for United States and is referred to as the “Sovereignty”. We, as separate individuals, are also Sovereign Citizens of this Country and also the States wherein we live, …………. But as far as the States go, we are only Residents and not Citizens. We are Sovereign Citizens of this Country first, foremost, and Permanently.

As Residents, our residencies are only temporary, because when we move, our residency terminates in one state and then resumes
60-90 days later in another state that we move to. Our Sovereignty remains permanent because we never give up our Citizenship except when we denounce it of our own volition.