Saturday, February 05, 2011

iFS TREATY or Declaration

Hello Everyone:

The following is my public announcement of a Sovereign Society and Entity which follows a resource base instead of the Monetary Base System, perpetuated by the Society of Bankers, who rule the World. If you find this system of interest and importance in your life, please by all means, sign on to it, send a copy of it to me, (electronically), print out and keep a copy for yourself, as you may need it to prove that you are a Sovereign, and finally send me a comment to acknowledge and recognize this proposed system as The Sovereign System for a New World as it should be. (positive and recognition comments bring about the Sovereign System)


The imlay Family Society

St. Joseph, Missouri 64505

February 2011

I, CHARLES DAVID IMLAY, do hereby rescind this corporate identification as my personal individual nomenclature. From this day forward, I will be known by the identification of “blaze” : (of the) imlay Family Society (to be identified from this time on as [the] iFS).

The iFS is an emergent society consisting of members who are screened and signed to this agreement and the Treaty attached to it. All society member pledges will agree and adhere to the policies created within this document with their signature as taking an oath of allegiance to the iFS and the Treaty or Treaties created forthwith.

Independent Treaties are required to be created to effectively become a full fledged member of this society. Treaties are to be signed and notarized before an International Registered Notary and submitted to the CEO of the House of the imlay Family Society, whose identification is: “blaze”.

This agreement/treaty between “blaze” and pledge members is an introduction of the imlay Family Society to those pledged members and to the general public to whom this is submitted for lawful informational purposes. This agreement/treaty will be published in the International Blog, throughout the land of The United States of America (the Sovereign Entity comprised of self determined members), and the International Community, and will serve as an official notice of the established politic society of the imlay Family Society.

All individuals who are screened and sign to this document and the Treaty, created at the time of the pledge, will agree to live by The Law of Fairness, in accordance with the International Document of the Law of Nations and become a sovereign entity living a life as a Sovereign to be recognized the world over.

All individuals, who become a member of the iFS, will bring into the iFS, a business line, that they have created or will create, and have become or will become a CEO of that Business. Any individual who requests to enter into the iFS and does not have a business line, of which they are a CEO, may enter on the stipulation that they create a business line and emerge as the CEO of that project, within Sixty (60) days of application. (time-line is granted to insure that forward progress to self sustainment is being fulfilled and can and may be extended as is warranted) At this time, a Treaty will be drawn up and signed and Notarized between “blaze” and the pledge member.

Self-determination is the act of making decisions and is accorded to each individual member of the iFS. As long as any decision reached by any individual member is brought forth under the ideology of the written word of the “Law of Fairness”, then that decision becomes a precedent for that member and may be adopted by any other member of the society. Once any member adopts those precedences, then respect and honor will be given on those accords.

Lawfully gained property by any member of the iFS may be entered into the iFS Trust Program to insure that said property becomes and remains a direct part of the Sovereign Domain throughout the Society (iFS). It is the responsibility, of the Trust Program installed, to protect the said property or properties from forced theft, taxation by a foreign entity of the iFS, and foreclosure proceedings which have no standing within the iFS, by any entity which is not signed to the Sovereign Treaty of the iFS. All controversies within the iFS towards any proceeding of any property under such protection, then must undergo an intensive investigation of claimant, especially if claimant is not the original registered owner of said property. The determination of the property by a committee or group of members assigned to investigate will be final.

Any committee or group of members assigned to investigate any matter brought before it is to be known as a “Grand Jury Investigation Committee”. The Grand Jury Investigation Committee has the power to investigate, indict, and make final determinations in accordance with lawful registrations, Law of Fairness, and under the written jurisdiction of Law of Nations, as they apply. The final determination of the Grand Jury Investigation Committee is not able to be reviewed by any other Court or Jurisdiction of the World. This Grand Jury Investigation Committee is The Supreme Power of Determination and no other “Powers” from without the iFS have standing of sufficient measure to over turn that determination. The only allowance of over turn of the Grand Jury Investigation Committee determination will be by Ninety Percent (90%) of the entire Standing Membership of the iFS, as these standing members are the controlling party of the iFS. Otherwise all determinations by the Grand Jury Investigation Committee are considered Supreme Law of the iFS.

In matters of protection of the iFS, all members may be requested to stand as the physical wall against all invasions of the iFS, from any aggressive force of a foreign national. Any foreign Nation entering the iFS with a forced and aggressive invasion will be met by intimidating, physically aggressive forces to repel any of such actions. If the invasion is too intense, the iFS may ask for assistance of its allies, established under Treaties previously signed, in repelling the invading forces. It is not the ideology of the iFS to go into other Nations without their express invitation or request.

Those foreign nationals granted visitation to the iFS, although Diplomatic in style and procedure, will be asked to adhere to the respect and honor of all members of the iFS, else they will be escorted to the boundaries of the iFS and asked to leave in peace. Any visitor may be granted a temporary pass to allow peaceful travel through the physical boundaries of the iFS.

All outside trade treaties entered into with the iFS are considered to be “Private Contracts” under full protection of the Law of Fairness as its governance. Those treaties extend to trade agreements in private and establish NO commercial entity between those entered into those treaties. No monetary values are to be considered in those trade agreements. Trades are established on the merits of “Needs” by those requesting the free trade.

Although other Nations put values on items of trade and demand equal value, let it be known that all trading within the jurisdiction of the iFS are of equal value, no matter the determination by any other established entity. Values of outside entities have no “Standing” within the confines of the treaties established with the iFS.

The rules and regulatory issues to be stipulated in this agreement/treaty are an introductory to the format to be used in the governance of the iFS, through the Society Group Treaty to be created by all members, whether Sovereign or not, of the iFS.

All regulatory rules and issues created must have decisions made by at least Ninety Percent (90%) of the Sovereign members on each order, as is originally stated in this Treaty of the iFS documentation. All definitions used within this agreement/treaty, the individual treaties, and the Society Group Treaty, will be in accordance to the Law of Fairness documentation. No external interpretation, other than the wording exactly written, will be allowed as per the Law of Fairness doctrine, which is included in the individual treaties and the Society Group Treaty legal/lawful documentations.

The regulatory governance of this agreement and the creation of all treaties will come under the official governance of “blaze”, until such time as a membership of at least Ten (10) standing members within the iFS is established, at which time a rotating council will make initial determinations of rules and regulations. A council of Five (5) Sovereign members of the iFS will rotate one position every Sixty (60) days, in sequence from the day of admission into the iFS. A submission of those initial determinations will be brought before the general standing membership of the iFS for final approval with a minimum Ninety Percent (90%) vote.

All Treaties created within and without the iFS are the Supreme Law of the Society of the imlay Family Society and of the land. All Sovereign members must adhere to those agreed terms, as they were created. All Treaties will be created with a full protection of the iFS, and with alliances created through an outside Society Treaty. All outside Treaties created for alliances must be negotiated by all members of the iFS, and then be brought forward for approval by all Sovereign entities involved.

A comment time of 21 days is established on this date of February 5, 2011 to dispute the lawful creation of this Society. No considerations of comments will be accepted after February 26,2011, and will constitute a silent acquiescence of recognition by all parties who have disputing comments from this creation. Formal Recognition, with or without, any disputed comments will be the Authority of this Treaty as a Supreme Law of the Land as of February 26,2011. All comments of dispute should and must be of lawful debate of creation of this iFS Treaty. All treaty carrying members of the iFS will have Diplomat status and shall be treated as such by all government agencies, worldwide, with no exceptions.

All violations of this Treaty shall be reviewed and determined by the World Criminal Court of The Hague in the Netherlands. All illegal/unlawful detentions constitute a fine of $50,000 Federal Reserve Notes or 5 Sovereign Gold coins of 1 troy ounce weight, payable upon demand. Default of said payment brings an action in the WCC and a forfeiture of a fine of 10 times the amount of first requirement. ($500,000 in Federal reserve Notes or 50 Sovereign Gold coins of 1 troy ounce weight) Any violation of this treaty by any foreign agent (government official or non-member of iFS) against any member of the iFS, constitutes a legal trespass and is subject to the above terms.

Respectfully submitted,

February 2011


Terms of Agreement and Application to the imlay Family Society (iFS)

I,___________________________ , do hereby agree to the above arguments brought out for application and admission to the imlay Family Society. (iFS) I do or do not have a business entity that I would like to present to the iFS at this time. I comprehend that all rules and regulations, here now before me, are of sound nature, and I also agree to those terms.

I, _________________________ wish to apply and ask for approval to become a pledged member of the imlay Family Society (iFS). Upon approval, I agree to create a Treaty with the iFS and win approval to become a full fledged Sovereign member of said society.



  • Applicant must keep a signed document on their personal body to be presented, when asked for, by any official for identification. As a pledged Sovereign, you will be provided the protection, as required, as if you are a full fledged member of the iFS, until such time as your Sovereignty is gained by you.

Per: “blaze


February 2011

Appendix I


The Law of Fairness

Law of Fairness

INTRODUCTION: The core essence of human life is the right of Self-determination. No government, government entity, individual, or group, including any and all religious doctrine has the right to determine how an individual should live his or her life; as long as, the individual’s actions are in accordance with the Law of Fairness and the Laws of Nature. No individual, group, government or government entity has the right or authority to impose their will through the use of deception, threat of deception, threat of force, fraud, coercion, threat of initiated force or initiated force on any individual who has reached the age of reasoning.*

The right of self -determination includes any and all choices that encompass the liberty and freedom of the individual to determine how said individual will procure income, real property, worldly possessions, choice of social compact and happiness; as long as, said individual is abiding by the Law of Fairness and the Laws of Nature.

Stipulation 1: Any individual, group, or government using deception, threat of deception, fraud, coercion, threat of initiated force, or initiatory force upon another individual, group, government, social compact, or their property or contracts is violating the Law of Fairness and such actions are strictly prohibited.

Stipulation 2: Any individual, group, government or government entity not abiding by the Law of Fairness will be subject to corrective measures according to the depth and scope of the infringement as adjudicated by the governing body whose jurisdiction includes the location where the infringement occurred. Use of force is justifiable ONLY in the event of the violation of the Law of Fairness, including violation of Stipulation 1, by any individual, group, or government or government entity.

Stipulation 3: There shall be no exceptions to Stipulations 1 and 2.

* Age of Reasoning When an individual believes that he or she has reached the age of reasoning, that individual can formally express his or her intent to pursue his or her right to self-determination within the community, and accept full responsibility for their actions -- under the Law of Fairness. At the moment of the acceptance by the community, the expression will be considered recognized.

Endorsed by:


1 comment:

David Imlay said...

Anyone replying to this post can leave me a message at . Also you can modify the application to the iFS Society by copying and pasting to your favorite editor or word processor and then email your signed application to the above email address, if you wish to become a part of this emerging society.

I also can and would be happy to conduct classes to teach others on how they may draw up their own declaration and/or Treaty to this or any other Society of choice.

Needless to say, I do accept donations for my time and effort to conduct these classes, and those donations can be sent to my Bank at Academy Bank. Email me to get the routing number and name to send it to. Thanks for at least reading.
