Monday, October 03, 2016

Sovereignty and the Apocalypse

          Where were you or are you, when the Apocalypse Hits The Fan (AHTF)

Sovereigns: What will you do? What can you do? AND ------- What will your Stance be when everything goes dark ---- OR ------- You can not find enough to eat, when the store shelves go bare, or you can't get enough money to buy what is left?

Many feel the Baby Boomers (those born around the 1900's til nearly 1980's) will be the death of us all. In all actuality, the Baby Boomers could be your salvation, in all respects. The "Boomers", born around the 1920's to mid/late 1950's, have experienced first hand what these young ones today are going to suffer in the near future. Young ones these days have had everything handed to them on almost a silver platter, so to speak. The government hands them out money, food stamps, and even medical and housing, pretty much for FREE. Not one of these young ones have had to do without for much more than 1 or 2 days on average. AND God Forbid if their internet, cellphones, I-pods, Ipads, computers or even their electricity should stop working, for periods of days weeks, months or even a few years. What would they do? Sit on their BUTTS and start whining and crying? ------- Maybe !

Many of the Baby Boomers have been through a hard depression, living on nothing more that beans and biscuits, grown in their own gardens and biscuits made by their own hands and baked in their ovens right in their own home. Those boomers had to go out and pick their own beans out of the garden, strip them of their pods, and then have to kill and butcher a hog (pig) to add flavoring or meat to that meal. Boomers and older Americans have seen WAR first hand, where it was "Kill or be killed", and it depended who was faster and most accurate on the trigger, or if you were alert enough to spot the sniper, ready to take you out, and you take him/her out, before they could.

Most of these young ones have only drove to the store and picked up whatever it was they needed and go home and fix it, or they buy the ready made food in the stores or at their closest Fast Food Joint, right down the street from them. Their only experience to War is on their electronic game machines, where after a few seconds of being killed in action you get to come back into the GAME (and that is all it is ---- A GAME ----- NOTHING IS REAL) and go back to shooting your guns at pre-prepared or programmed situations that have no realistic value to them at all. Not all of the actions, shown of the so-called enemy, on these young ones screens, will run right by you and not try to kill you as they run by. That is fantasy.

Drive by shootings and gang bang actions are nothing more than terrorist activities, because rarely does anyone shoot back at them to stop that activity. Most young ones have been taught in schools and by police officers, that having a gun and using it for self protection is not for you to do. It is for the police to take care of. If you really believe, as of lately, that the police will actually protect you from threats and actions, when it happens in real time, then I have got a bridge in Arizona next to an ocean beach front, I want to sell you. It takes, on average, 20 minutes for a police officer to show up on the scene of the crime, and by then the attacker has already fled the area, or you have bled out and died. Guess what! You don't get to come back from that scenario. There is no 10-20 seconds of wait time to restore your life, so you can go back to playing again. You are dead. You don't even have the opportunity to say good-bye to anyone. -------- It's over. ----------- Game is ended. ------- AND you will never realize it, because it all turns black.

When our youth finally have to suffer for not having anything or not able to get anything, guess who gets blamed? Those that are older than them, because they could not supply them with what those youth think they need. These youth have no idea about how to make anything for themselves, because it has all been done for them, and all they had to do was hold their hand out and receive it. It has all been fun and games since the day they were born, and once everything stops coming to them, the really hard work begins, ---- or ----- they learn how to starve and die, when they are too lazy to learn the basics. These youth had better learn who they can trust, as those in government power know that when everything stops, they will have to cull the population down, if it doesn't happen for them ahead of time with starvation, looting, killing, and total chaos. These youth will not know if the free meals they get from their government has a poison in it to get rid of them, or if the free showers offered won't be a death trap. It is possible that while you are showering, in your FEMA camps, that a cyanide gas would be released through the vents in that shower area, just as it was on the JEWs in WW2 by the NAZI government. Who will you youth TRUST then?

Hillary Clinton is as close to Nazism as was Hitler during WW2. Hillary is all for total disarmament (SPEECH and GUNS) of the people so she and her ARMED government can force you to do whatever they say, including rounding the "USELESS EATERS" up and putting them into the American FEMA death camps, they have set up all around the country. Why do you think there are railroad cars sitting in those fenced in secured areas, and all of them with locking shackles in every one of them? ------ All they have to do is lock you into those cars (they can handle hundreds of people locked into each of them ----- they are real, and I have seen them first hand as an OTR driver) and drive them through a closed in area of those fenced in camps and just turn the gas on. You would be dead in minutes. AND AGAIN guess what ! You do not get to have your life restored, so you can go out and play the WAR Games ------- again or ---------- ever! --------- You are done, --------- forever banned from ever playing again. ---------- Your fun and games days are over and gone, --------- never to come back ---- at least in this lifetime !

If this scenario does happen, our youth will not be smart enough to protect their main advantage of knowledge, over what would happen to them. The older generation has the knowledge, the foresight and the ability to help in protecting all, provided they have not all been snowed with the ideology that they can't, because they are Felons and can't defend themselves. The problem is, that once the apocalypse happens, law collapses, and there is no law that will have any effect to anyone.  -----------  It will be everyone for themselves, or it will be families doing what is necessary to protect themselves from predators outside their own little bubble or world as they know it. It will require that those family members MUST join together and protect themselves by what ever means it takes to keep others from destroying them. Those families will learn very quickly what "Kill or be killed" means first hand, and they will learn how to effectively use that method in a very short time or lose everything that they stand for. There would be no time to wait around for someone to get over being sick at their stomach, when it comes to taking a life at any time. Survival of the fittest will be the necessity and the NORM.

I hope this scene does not play out to full action, BUT one can never be sure, and one MUST be prepared for the worst and be able to react immediately to anything or anyone trying to devastate what will keep you alive and able to fight in the game that will be in your own back yard. -------------- Oh! ------- Are the cities going to be a safe place to hide out? They may not be, if YOU can not trust your neighbor to have your back, and YOU have theirs. It will eventually come down to fully prepared families, who can self sustain themselves, protect themselves from all danger, and protect others who will be allies in the days, weeks, months and possibly years, following the DAY OF APOCALYPSE. The Cities will be another one of the Prison Camps, because you would NOT be able to leave. You would NOT be able to defend yourself with any type of weapon. AND No one would be able to come from outside to help you, in your time of need. Inside the Cities you will be totally controlled by the government in place, and those officials will tell you when you will eat, how much you can eat, and then can tell you where you can SHIT and how high. Ask any refugee from any war torn country, if that has ever happened to them, because it will come to you in much the same way, unless you fight back now and one hell of a lot stronger than your oppressor will be.

Those who have died and lived, as full a life as they had, are the LUCKY ONES. They will not have to fight your fight for you. They have already been there, done that, and got the T-shirt to boot. Now it is left to you to survive or DIE. <---------- You actually get to choose. I hope you make the right choice --------- for your sake!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Sovereignty K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid)

Sovereignty KISS Part 2

Yesterday, we talked about the Sovereign YOU. Today, we will talk about how you will NETWORK your Sovereignty with others and start creating a community, and then go on to explain how that community protects itself from outside interference from any SOURCE.

Source: Source is the subject of authority or false authority. The original beginning of anything. The main reference from which all ideology is created.

You are a Sovereign and as a Sovereign, YOU are your own authority. You are your SOURCE of your own authority.

Authority: Authority is the author or the creator of anything that generates or originates from the mind, from thought, or from any action.

Your authority begins with you. YOU are the only one who knows who you are, what you think, and what you are going to do. You are the planner of all your knowledge, and unless you communicate that knowledge with anyone else, you have got to protect that knowledge by whatever means it requires to keep it safe and secure. If your knowledge is secret, then you only give that knowledge to those you trust explicitly. Any other Source or Authority that interferes with your safe and secure knowledge is trespassing a boundary that you have just created for you and your secure and elite group. That act of Trespass is a criminal act in which YOU have NOT given your permission for anybody else to cross that line. Does this start to sound familiar, now?

Every Sovereign is an authority. As we discussed yesterday, Governments, Corporations, and any other ORGANIZED group can NOT be Sovereign, no matter what they think. ONLY a Human Being can be a Sovereign, since Sovereigns MUST think, plan, decide, and act rationally. No other thing or animal can do that. Governments, Corporations, Companies, Religions, Lawyer Associations, and the like are all created on paper and require a human being to be a SLAVE to it. Remember, Sovereigns are "DECIDERS". No other mammal, except a conscious thinking human being, can make decisions. Mammal animals react to instinct on a fight or flight ideology.

Like yesterday, Sovereignty begins with each human being, so, each human being is the SOURCE of AUTHORITY. You, as a Sovereign, are the author of your existence, and no other Sovereign is exactly like YOU and can NOT make your decisions for you. Every decision that you make, even in the communities of Sovereigns, you make those decisions that will affect YOU directly and other Sovereigns indirectly. Precautions need to be exercised by every Sovereign when dealing with another Sovereign. Every Sovereign can trespass on another Sovereign's boundary by inadvertently not getting permission from that Sovereign.

In order to not trespass onto another Sovereign's boundary, every Sovereign MUST create a treaty or an agreement with another Sovereign. Many Sovereigns have gotten lazy and have put that responsibility off onto someone else to create that treaty or agreement for them.  No true Sovereign can EVER shirk their responsibility for their own safety from any Source, even including those others to whom they have given their responsibility. Once you give up your responsibility to someone else for your own protection, you are no longer Sovereign, but have become a Slave to those others making decisions for you. You have decided that others know more about you than you do, and that is a false ideology. NO ONE knows you better than you do, even in family matters, except once you communicate those ideas to them.

Every Sovereign is a member of a group of Sovereigns, whether they know it or not. Every member of that group, including children, are Sovereign. Everyone in that group makes a decision, and children's decisions are just as important as the adults decisions are. Nobody is excluded in decision making processes, although we, as Sovereigns, give some of our Authority away to other Sovereigns and non-Sovereigns. Giving away SOME AUTHORITY is called DELEGATION of AUTHORITY.

Delegation of Authority: Giving away ONLY a portion of your authority and retaining the ability to get that authority back is called Delegation. Delegation is ONLY temporary and is ONLY allowed by permission from the originating Sovereign. As long as the original Sovereign retains full and final authority then delegation of authority can NOT be reversed and allowed to flush back onto the original SOURCE of AUTHORITY = the Sovereign.

No Sovereign EVER gives away all of their authority to a non-Sovereign at any time.

Non-Sovereign: a non-sovereign is anything or anyone who gives up their Sovereignty to the community while providing service for a private Corporation, Government, or private/public Group. Corporations, Governments, and private/public groups are ALL CREATED on paper in the form of contracts for only those forms or groups. Sovereignty remains inside those boundaries created by those groups and can NEVER cross those boundaries.

Enticing a Sovereign to cross those lines of boundaries of any group is called coercion, deception, and FRAUD. These are criminal acts of non-sovereign entities or groups acting unlawfully outside their established boundaries created on the papers which formed them.  Non-sovereign groups are always of a lower class than a Sovereign. So, anyone who volunteers to become a member of any established paper controlled group loses their Sovereignty, while they remain inside that boundary of that group. No true Sovereign is a member of any group that attempts to control the Sovereign. That control by a non-sovereign is considered to be a foreign entity and is an enemy of the Sovereignty of the human being.

Sovereigns are the creators of every non-sovereign group. So, every Sovereign human being outside that group becomes that groups authority and can decide what those groups can do within their own communities. One exception to that statement is the County Sheriff. The county Sheriff answers to the total amount of Sovereigns in each community in the County he/she was created to protect.

City Governments, State Governments, and Federal Governments are all Corporate entities created to handle the monetary assets of the Sovereigns to other outside non-sovereign entities which deal strictly in money and business. These non-sovereign entities provide services to the Sovereigns and the Sovereign decides whether or not he/she want those services. Non-sovereign services can never force that service onto a True Sovereign, in any form, or at any time. The County Sheriff is the complete filter from those forced services and can reject entry of those services into his county at any time, unless a Sovereign gives him permission for that entry.

The County Sheriff has the DUTY to know the basics of every Sovereign in his/her county and is bound to protect those Sovereigns in his/her county from any Source outside or inside (city governments and Corporations) the Sovereign communities of that county. That means the Sheriff MUST hire or get volunteers within his/her county to help him in his protection of that county. Those hired and those volunteers by the Sheriff are called his/her posse. This posse consist of fully trained law enforcement people and of Sovereign volunteers (also known as Militia) assigned to help the Sheriff to keep the high level of protection of the people or Sovereigns in that county from any enemy Source or controlling force from within or without that county.

Militia: Militia, according to the Founding Fathers (those Sovereigns who created the Federal and State Governments), were ANY able bodied man, woman, or child from the ages of at least 16 (boys were not able to join in the Civil War until they reached the age of 16) to at least 60 with the ability to defend this Country from invasion from within or without.

Within or Without: This definition means inside or outside a specific boundary as defined by Sovereignty or by contract or agreement.

Since Sovereignty is the highest power known (actually known) to human beings of all races and origins, each of the groups, created by a Sovereign, is of a lesser class than is held by the Sovereign. No group, whether it is of government, Corporation, or of any other group under paper creation of a Sovereign, has any more authority to create anything or have any authority over any other Sovereign, other than what a Sovereign at large will give to that creation. Those groups are strictly limited by exactly what the Sovereign provides for them with the writings of a specific contract with each set of groups.

Any paper created group, such as State/Republic Government, Federal Government, or social or Corporate groups only have authority of representing to outside like minded groups (Corporations, State/Republic Governments and Federal/Country Governments) the final authority of its own Sovereigns within its total boundaries, dealing strictly into Commerce. In other words, Corporations can only deal with other Corporations in commerce. State/Republic governments can only deal with other States/Republics when dealing with Commerce between the other States/Republics of the Union of States/Republics. Federal/Country Governments only have authority to deal with other Country Governments with Commerce provided for and entering into the Union of States/Republics of which it represents.

Each of these above groups only have limited authority delegated to them by the Sovereigns, who actually govern their decisions and actions. None of these groups can officially turn their authority back onto the Sovereigns who created them and maintain them, in the first place. That would be exactly like biting the hand that feeds them. When those groups bite the hand that feeds them, then those groups MUST be penalized or eliminated immediately, so no more damage is extended back onto its Master, or the Sovereign creator. Allowing any group to turn on its Master is exactly like the crew of the ship committing mutiny against its Captain or its creator. Any Corporate CEO knows that he/she is the master of his/her company and has the full right to fire those unable or unwilling to follow his/her boundaries, that CEO created from the git-go. The Sovereign is the Master of their own creations, and those creations have NO authority to override its Master, either. (SAME DIFFERENCES)

A Corporation, Government, or other Group is only Sovereign within its own boundaries and has NO authority to step outside those Boundaries or BOXES that they create. They have NO authority to entice or coerce or force any Sovereign to join its group, without a lawful contract being drawn up, stipulating or saying what considerations or RIGHTS that each member has, once they join. Once a Sovereign joins that group and signs a contract for that affiliation, then that Sovereign is bound by those agreements, except when they step out of that BOX, even on a temporary basis. Then the original Sovereignty is given back to that Sovereign for their daily life, and NO other entity can interfere with that life ------ PERIOD.

So, now the question comes back to you. Are YOU Sovereign, or are you a Slave to those you have created or help to maintain as your creation?

If you are Sovereign, THEN practice your Sovereignty with a KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Sovereignty K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid)


Welcome to this edition of the Rebel Rider Review. What is it that you do not understand about "YOUR" Sovereignty and where did it come from?

Learning about your Sovereignty is technically pretty simple really, but most people make it a complicated issue. People tend to read more into being a Sovereign and apply issues or ideas to their life which doesn't mean anything at all. When it comes to you being your own Sovereign, then only your own decisions for yourself even matter at all.

First, how do you get your Sovereignty in the first place? You have always had your own Sovereignty from the very beginning and just didn't realize it. So, what is Sovereignty and what is necessary for me to continue to be Sovereign, and how does it apply to my everyday life? Okay, let's start with the definition of Sovereignty and then see where that applied to your life and the life you live, even today.

Sovereignty:  Sovereignty is the personal ability to make rational decisions, to think independently, and to act upon those decisions made.

Pretty simple, isn't it? What most people do not realize is that each and every one of them make decisions from rational thoughts that are created in their own minds. This is the beginning of their Sovereignty, but it requires something else. To be a Sovereign any person, or human being, creates a thought or idea in their mind, and rationalizes how that thought or idea can be brought to the reality stage and actually transfers that thought or idea into an everyday activity.

Sovereign: A human being that creates a thought or idea in their minds and brings that thought or idea into reality of "Their" world or environment that they reside.

A Sovereign can not be an animal, a rock, a State or Republic, or a Country. An animal can not make a rational decision. A rock can not make a rational decision. States or Republics can not make rational decisions. A country can not make a rational decision.  Some people will say that a State/Republic or a Country can be Sovereign, but I disagree. States/Republics and Countries are not human beings. States/Republics and Countries are nothing more than locations with drawn up paper contract governments or rules and have no brains or thinking capacity to make decisions on their own independently.

I can hear you saying this now. "Yes, States/Republics and Countries can be sovereign, because there are people or human beings running them." -------- What is the key word or words that you just uttered? ------- Human Beings or people, Right? ---------- Remember, only human beings or people have the ability to create thoughts or ideas and make decisions on those thoughts and ideas. Human beings are the only creatures that can reasonably think and create with their minds and  then react from those thoughts. Without any human being intervention, I challenge any State/Republic or Country to create a thought, make a decision, and then act upon that thought or decision. It can not be done by ANY State/Republic or Country at any time.

Keeping Sovereignty simple is what gives each human being their power. If anyone believes that someone else can have power over them, then they are not Sovereign or have given up their Sovereignty. Sovereignty in a simple sense is a God-given Right or a Right given to human beings by a Supreme Being not fully or entirely known to humans.

Sovereignty starts with the individual human being, as each human being is a "decider" for their own life or lives. That sovereignty then extends to the families of each of them. Even children in those families exercise sovereignty to a certain extent. Sovereignty is the voice of each human being in establishing boundaries which extend to them and with those to whom they associate. The extent of the Sovereignty remains in effect to the point, that sovereignty is lost when a human being voluntarily gives their service to another human being operating under the rules and guidelines as is stipulated in contracts.

Sovereignty is lost when any human being allows power to be given to another human being over them or gives their power over to rules and guidelines written out on paper. Contracts of any sort, including Law, only gain power when a human beings gives permission and follows what is written on that paper. Only those that follow the rules and guidelines written into a contract or law are the only ones who are bound to those rules and laws as it is written. Those ex-Sovereigns only hold power within the written rules and laws, once they follow those written issues and agree to become a part of that written contract.

When a contract member forces their ideology of their contract off onto another Sovereign, then they have violated the customary boundaries created by that Sovereign and/or their families. That is called trespass, and it is the inherent Right of the Sovereign to defend their borders or boundaries by any means available and with more force than is exerted onto them. No Contract or member of a contract has the authority to trespass against another human being's boundaries without suffering dire consequences for such acts. Besides no contract has the ability to move, breathe, think, or consume. Only animals, some plants and human beings have that ability. I have yet to see a contract sit up of its own accord without the help of a human being.

All Sovereigns have all authority over all other Contracts and members of that contract, when the members of the contract step outside the created boundaries of its writings. All members of a contract have lost their Sovereign inherited Rights and have become nearly exactly the contract itself. Those members have lost the ability to think, as the writings of the contract control what is thought, and how that members acts, especially within those borders thus created. Once that member of the contract steps outside that box of borders, then the contract has no further powers and that member is criminally responsible for their actions towards another Sovereign human being and must pay damages for that criminal act. Contracts can not have any power over another human being who has not signed up to be a member of that contract.

A contract can not extend its boundaries except within its own writings, as the contract can not own property or have a definite location. The owner of the property location has all authority over the contract, when the contract is placed inside the physical boundaries of that property. The owner of the property can extend his/her property boundaries by negotiating with the Sovereign of the neighboring property at recognized set rates.

Land or real estate can not re-evaluate itself without manipulation from another human being, BUT the value of the Land remains the same, as no Sovereign or human being can totally own the land, since it was created by someone or something other than themselves. In most cases, this is called Nature, as Nature can create or destroy, at will or when necessary, any land or its inhabitants. Nature remedies all of its ills for it to survive, as needed. If a human being is in Nature's path of cleansing, then Nature will warn that human being to prepare for that danger, by finding shelter or get out of its path. Nature exists through a balance of its own existence. Animals react to Nature by escaping to safer regions, and human beings learn to react through their mistakes, if they live through those mistakes.

So, in essence, Sovereigns rationally think, create plans, decide what is best for themselves, and then act accordingly to those plans and decisions made.

Friday, February 19, 2016


Legislatures and Congresses of the States/Republics of the united States of America, How say you?

Who Do you Legislators comply to? Who is your BOSS ? Who really created you and gave you limited power?  Who do you issue that power over? Are you, the Legislators and all other politicians, who take an OATH to protect the Constitution of the united States of America, (united is not capitalized because used with the States means that the States are independent but are formed to work together as a unit to bring positive change) bound by the very same Constitution of the united States of America? Why wouldn't you be bound by those rules and Laws that are written in that Constitution?

Every American living within these borders of the united States of America are protected by these rules and Laws written in the Constitution of the united States of America. The FIRST ten Amendments are known as the BILL OF RIGHTS for the people, not the government. Each of the First 8 Amendments deal with INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS of the PEOPLE, not RIGHTS of GROUPS of PEOPLE.

It is the INHERENT RIGHT of each individual to FREEDOM OF SPEECH, FREEDOM of RELIGION, FREEDOM OF the PRESS, FREEDOM of ASSEMBLY, and the FREEDOM of PETITIONING the Government of GRIEVANCES. And Congress SHALL NOT infringe upon those RIGHTS in any way, including creating Law to abridge those RIGHTS. This is the First Amendment of the Constitution of the united States of America. Congress and the Legislature are the Strongest of the three Branches of all Governments, including the States/Republics.  Which means the other two branches (the Executive and Judicial) are weaker than it. The Legislature can shut down any other part of the Government just by refusing to fund their projects or their rulings and opinions.

Each of these three Branches of both styles of Government MUST remember who created them and who is their Bosses. Until the BOSSES know who they are, those bosses can not wield any power over these Governments. Once the Bosses do finally realize that they are in control, then these Governments will fall into compliance with the orders of those Bosses. ------- WHO ARE THE BOSSES?    ---------- The PEOPLE are the BOSSES and every single one of them need to rise to their feet, roll their sleeves up, and prepare to give out orders, and force those people in Government to bow down to their MASTERS ----------> The PEOPLE.

Only the common PEOPLE have all of their RIGHTS afforded to them 24 hours a day, 365(6) days a year. Government employees, including elected employees, gave up their RIGHTS to be ruled by their Bosses and to serve those BOSSES, without question. Government elected and appointed employees (also called people) volunteered to become Slaves and servants of their BOSSES ---- the PEOPLE. This comes about through the election process and by appointment of those elected officials or volunteers.

Let's start at the bottom of this Pyramid.(which actually should be inverted, as those on top, and of the biggest proportion, are the ones, who deal their orders DOWN to the next level of that Pyramid. Those in that largest proportion of the Pyramid are the PEOPLE --- The BOSSES. There are more People than there are politicians and government agents aren't there? These people delegate their power to the lower order of the pyramid by giving orders to those servants that literally work for them.

The Next level of the that Pyramid are the Counties. The people inhabit (coexist and live) in many Counties in their State/Republic. The first Elected  and only politician in each County is the Sheriff. The Sheriff is the chief Law Enforcement officer over ALL of the County. His/Her first responsibility as a Sheriff is to protect every inhabitant within his/her County and to protect their inherent Rights. That Sheriff is charged with preventing any foreign authority (inside or outside the authority of the Sheriff) from interfering in the happiness pursuit of the people or interfering in their Rights.

That means the Sheriff must stop City employees (elected and appointed) from interfering in the Rights and Life of any of his/her inhabitants. That Sheriff must also stop interference from other Counties and their officials from interfering in the Lives and Rights of his/her inhabitants. That Sheriff Must also stop any inference from State/Republic and even Federal officials from interfering in the Lives and Rights of his/her inhabitants. The Sheriff, as the main elected official of the Law, is responsible for calling a Court and the Jury for any Crimes of injury or damage within his/her County.

A short note on City employees and elected officials. City employees and officials are lower on the totem pole (or food chain for that matter) than the Sheriff, as their city falls squarely into the domain of the County and the Chief Law Enforcement Officer, The Sheriff. City Law is on a short chain, when it comes to enforcing any law, and must answer to the Sheriff when challenged.

The Next tier or level of the Pyramid is the District.  Districts are divided into larger portions and would include possibly several Counties. As we go into the other levels of the Pyramid, you will notice that each level becomes smaller and smaller, which means fewer and fewer people elected to those positions. The District level is also charged with helping the County Sheriffs protect the people, their Lives, and their Rights. The other main objective of the Districts is to insure compliance between the Counties in its District and to maintain that lawful order. This would be done with District Courts and handling of appeals from the County Courts.

The Next level of the Pyramid is the Departmental Cabinets of the State/Republic. This is the area where the People can go to volunteer to become candidates for elected and appointed positions in all levels of the State/Republic government. This is the working class of servants to the People. They are also charged with the responsibility of protecting the People, their Lives and their inherent Rights. They also accept the responsibility of the more superior Courts to hear the appeals from the lower courts. They also record all transactions of the people, the Districts, and Counties. This section also maintains the lands afforded to State responsibility (notice the word "maintains"; not owns), the records of deposits and debits from the Banks (State/Republic Treasury), and other Departments that the Governor Appoints or is Elected to serve the People at the State/Republic level. Although there are fewer Heads of the Departments this level employs walk in applicants to assist in helping to maintain  the Commerce side of the State/Republic. This level of the Pyramid, along with the Districts can not interfere in the Lives, and Rights of the people, without bucking the authority of the Sheriffs.

The very Next Level is the meat and potatoes of the State/Republic. This is where the three Branches of Government stand in readiness for ultimate protection.  The Legislature, the Judicial, and the Executive offices all reside here, along side of the Attorney General. These Branches of the State/Republic have been given "Limited" Sovereignty by the BOSSES. This means that their Sovereignty deals with making decisions for the State/Republic to other State/Republics of the union. Also among those responsibilities are negotiation attributes for the good of the BOSSES.

Needless to say, the Legislature is responsible for creating Law and creating fundraisers to satisfy the needs of the State/Republic and the BOSSES. This does not mean that they (the Legislators) fund raise from the BOSSES, but they should fund raise from the agreements reached with the several States/Republics to do business within the original State/Republic. The Legislature also is a check and balance against the Executive Branch and the Judicial Branch to insure they continue the integrity of their respective Branches and to not encroach upon any other Branch with undue power over each of them. Laws created by the Legislative Branch deal mainly in maintaining interstate Commerce.

The Judicial Branch would deal with making sure the Laws created, are complied with at the interstate level to insure that no harm or damage come to its BOSSES or any of the other levels of the Pyramid. The Judicial Branch would also handle the appeals from the District Courts as needed.

The Executive Branch has a lot of responsibilities assigned to it in all essence. It is responsible for the total protection of all of the People (BOSSES) of the State/Republic, their Lives and their Rights. The Governor is the CEO of the State/Republic and oversees that protection. Protecting the Lives and Rights of the People is the main responsibility of all Branches towards the inside of the State/Republic. All other responsibility is geared for dealing with interstate Commerce.

The Next Level is the Capstone of the Pyramid and that belongs to the Governor and Lieutenant Governor. These two are the Ambassadors to the other States/Republics of the union, and prime protector of the People who inhabit their State/Republic. It is the responsibility of the Governor to raise his own State/Republic Militia consisting of any able bodied man or woman from the Common People. The governor also employs his State Police force and Guards as part of the Militia. The militia would guard the borders of the State/Republic from encroachment or invasion from any foreign entity, whether common or Authority. The governor has the sole Responsibility to prevent any Foreign authority from operating within his/her State/Republic, at any time, without his and the Bosses expressed written permission to do so.

If the State/Republic is designed in such a way then it would operate more efficiently. The BOSSES do have that power to make the State/Republic operate this way if they would only get off of the asses and do it.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

ARE You a Leader or a Follower?

               How it was designed and who is it For?

Oh man, here we are in 2016 and headed down a road that is new and unfamiliar to all of us.

I was listening to a new You Tube recorder by the name of KrisAnne Hall. She is a Disabled American Veteran (DAV), a teacher, a Constitutional Attorney, a member of C.O.W.S. (Coalition of Western States),  and a retired Prosecuting Attorney. She has several you tube videos about the history of the Constitution, speaking events she has been invited to speak, and her daily radio show. I have found these recordings to be of valuable interest, especially since the Federal Government and its agents working for it, have gotten more and more out of control with what they do and what they have been ordered to do, by our very own President.

After listening to KrisAnne, I have begun to question why our government does what it does inside the borders of this country, when they have NO apparent constitutional jurisdiction to operate within the very borders of which they are ordered to protect. These Federal officials have given up all of their Rights as Americans, when they put on the uniforms of their positions and live outside the country, on top of all that. What has become readily apparent to me is that the people all of these uniformed officials (Federal, State, County, and Local) have become ignorant of the fact that every one of them hold the power to control these uniformed officials from controlling them. This fact has turned them all into the "Sheeple" that they are called and being controlled by the Wolves of a higher  society, which looks down in disdain at them and lick their jowls, waiting on their next feast of lamb.

I haven't figured out if the people are just stupid and refuse to be educated for their own Salvation, or they are just scared and ignorant of what is really going on around them. It could be they are afraid to stand up to the wolves and scare them off and afraid to sic their dogs on them to protect the others. When these officials attack the people, they use the same methods that a pack of wolves or wild dogs would use to gain their next meal.  These predators pick on the weakest of the herd and attack in numbers just to bring that one down.  The people seem to wear blinders, so they do not see the angle of attack, or they take the attitude, "Well at least they are leaving me alone." Well, when those predators decide to, they will come for you anyway, because you do not fill the spot of their need, in the long run, so, you will be next on their list to feed from, and you are too weak to fight back. Just Saying, Be Prepared.

Looking at that analogy from a government perspective, it is the same scenario. Government agents swarm in large packs and have back up packs to attack a smaller group of the people, that seems to buck what the government feels is their territory to control. The problem is, is that these agents are nothing more than Slaves to other government officials, who are Slaves, to some writing, that another human being wrote as a guide for total control. What these officials don't fully recognize is, that once they become Slaves to someone or something else, then they have lost all of their inherent "Rights" as a human being, and are nothing more than fodder to the overall total group of people, who actually are their Masters, but really haven't realized it yet. Once the people finally realize that fact, then all of the officials, who committed acts of heinous crimes against the people, will become the targets of everyone who finally realizes their true worth to their societies.

I do not feel sorry for any of these government agents and officials, since they are too stupid for their own good, that they COULD provide. They have become too greedy in their power soaked environment to realize that they have been sucked into a trap, of which they can not escape, and now it could be too late for them. That is now their problem, and no amount of pleading may do any good for them. They should have learned sooner, what the end means for them was. All they could see was the dollar signs and the perks available to them as long as they continued on that path, and the power that would lead to their own destruction in the end.

They shouldn't have bit the hand that fed them in the past, since now their future will look more bleak than it did, before they entered the door to that trap. The breaking of the promises to them will happen more sooner than they had figured it would, in the end. It is not too late for them, BUT they must drop all of their beliefs drilled into their heads, by the teachers of the schools that only had a dollar sign posted at the right hand corner of their checks. That dollar sign is the main driving force keeping them on the path to their own destruction, and they haven't even begun to see the light at the end of their tunnel yet. The driving force is so powerful that those officials are not allowed to see the light at the end of the crossroad shortcuts that they pass in their travels along that tunnel. Those shortcuts are their way out of the Slavery of which they are trapped in. Some of them have seen those lights and fled to them, but the rest keep on their trudging through the tunnels, which their own masters control.

Let's get back to KrisAnne and her teachings. Maybe we can keep some of the really good people from falling into the traps set for them by the Evil Masters, wishing to control everyone for their own ends. KrisAnne has taught the genealogy of the Constitution, and that is a 5 hour course, which actually shows you how the Constitution was created, and from what sources it was taken. She is very informative in her courses and quotes directly from the Founding Fathers, in their writings, as to what the Constitution really means, and how to implement it in our daily lives.

Some of what she teaches is that the States created the Constitution and also created the official positions of the people, who will and do occupy those.  KrisAnne and I tend to compare the positions of our Federal officials to the supervisors of the CEO's of corporations and compare what would happen, if those supervisors did not do their jobs or strayed outside their delegated positions. Since the States created the Federal positions and held all of the power as the CEO (which that position breaks down even farther than that) of the company that delegates only a certain amount of power to those positions, then the States as CEO's retain complete power over the delegated power given to the Fed.  It is the ultimate decision of the States, as a Sovereign to rein in the power of the Fed from their straying away from the controls directly written into the Constitution of the united States of America. (united is not capitalized because it designates the unity of the several States to make independent decisions and to combine them into one eventually)

I can take the Sovereignty down even more steps than KrisAnne does in some of her teachings, because Sovereignty can only be applied to a human being, who is capable of being the only one in our society of making decisions. So, essentially, the people at the bottom of the rung or tier of the ladder or pyramid (the pyramid needs to be turned upside down to show it effectively, really) are the real bosses in all governments. People are the only ones who can make intelligent decisions and become the Masters, since the politicians and their agents are nothing more than Slaves and gave up all of their human Rights, to the will of the people and their represented contracts. Those Slaves have no jurisdiction over the Masters, and it is high time the Masters took their positions of power and wield it. Most of the people have been held down in their educations, and believe they have NO power, but in fact hold all the power, if they understand this diatribe.

The people, themselves, can turn the government direction of flow around, once they fully realize that everything falls on the people to control everything the government does. The people control all of the power and decision making and only Delegate, or give limited power to those they elect, to protect them and their Rights. None of the people's rights are given to any of the elected officials, as those officials volunteered to give up their Rights to serve those, who put them there. Even those appointed officials have no extra power than what they are given from the majority of the people who allow them to occupy those positions, and those appointed officials also lose their Rights too, while they wear the uniform. If those elected and appointed officials cross out of their delegated roles, they can and should be removed and replaced immediately, because if they cross out once, they will do it again and again, until they can not be controlled, or until the people rise up in a large body and force them out.

Every Elected and appointed official, and even the walk-in employees of the elected officials, MUST give an Oath to protect the Constitution of the united States of America. It is then that their main objective of their jobs, or positions of employment, is given as, to protect the inhabitants within the borders of the States or Republics they live, and guarantee that the Rights of the people remain intact from coercion and invasion of those Rights. Even if a threat to loss of those Rights is given, that is direct damage brought upon a human being, and those Servants must step in to block those threats at all costs.

The County Sheriff is the most powerful elected official charged with the protection and the Rights protection of every inhabitant of his county, he was elected in. He is charged with not allowing even State officials or Federal officials and their agents from threatening any of the people living in his domain, although he does report to the Governor as his boss. The County Sheriff is more familiar with the people who live in his county, than the Governor or his agents who do his bidding throughout the rest of the State.

The Governor is given limited Sovereignty with his ability to make decisions that deal with issues outside his State/Republic of his jurisdiction and is also charged with the total protection of every inhabitant within the borders of his State/Republic. The Governor's responsibility is to raise a militia of private inhabitants and appointed law enforcement officers, charged with protecting the State/Republic with protection from threats or invasion from outside the State/Republic. He is also the Diplomat or Ambassador to visitors from outside the State/Republic who come to visit or decide to move here or there. The Governor is also charged with the responsibility of making decisions right along side of the other Governors of the other States/Republics, when it comes to decisions of controlling the Fed.

Another Responsibility of the Governor is to propose cabinets to take charge of maintaining lands and other issues inside the State/Republic, provided those cabinets do not threaten the inherent Rights of the inhabitants and their Properties which only humans can own. The People can delegate some power to those cabinets to maintain the lands which would benefit the State/Republic in its ability to remain self sustaining for the People of that State/Republic. Control of the Corporations and their totalitarian states come under the guidance of the Governor too, so corporations do not overstep their boundaries of violating inherent human Rights either.

As I have said before, all politicians elected into their positions have their first responsibility to the protection of the Rights of their inhabitants first and foremost. This even applies to the Legislators and Judiciary as their responsibility along with the Governor. Each of these are the checks and balances of the Governor, and he with them. When a Constitutional Government takes its place in Jefferson City in Missouri, over the provisional government now in place, it will be charged with trimming the fat off of laws and resolutions, so those do not cross the line of protection established with the present government that is to be elected into place.

A word about the provisional government of Missouri, if you please. At the start of the Civil War in 1861, Missouri refused to send Missouri troops to fight for the Union Federal Army and told President Lincoln so directly. In June/July of 1861, the Union Army marched into Jefferson City and chased Missouri's duly elected officials out and forced them to retreat to Neosho, Mo. At this time, the Union Federal Army imposed military Martial Law and established a provisional government with its own candidates, who were supportive of the Union's Movements, in Jefferson City. That style of government remains to this day, through the style of elections, established by the Union at the time of the Martial Law imposition. It is time for a change in Missouri, and that change must begin in Jefferson City.

We, Missourians have nine months to effect a government change and establish the duly elected government that will benefit all Missourians, instead of providing the provisional (Federally controlled) government that reigns in Jefferson City now. All Missourians need to rise up and elect officials that will see to it that the government becomes subject to the will of the people and effectively terminate all Federal programs within the State that have nothing to do with State Business. This means that the Federal Government will have 30 days to pack up and get out of Missouri, or we would move them out ourselves and confiscate all property. All Federal property would become the property of the State/Republic to be dealt with, as needed, to increase the revenue for Missouri.

If Missourians will come together to effect the above changes, Missouri would lead the way with being a role model for all of the other States/Republics to follow suit. States could actually supply the needed manpower to control immigrant crossings, invasions from outside the Country, and then to protect each State/Republic from invasions within the several States/Republics. This country of the united States of America would become a stronger and safer nation to live in, once these changes are implemented nationwide. So America ..................... LET'S GET 'ER DONE!