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Monday, September 26, 2016
Sovereignty K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid)
Sovereignty KISS Part 2
Yesterday, we talked about the Sovereign YOU. Today, we will talk about how you will NETWORK your Sovereignty with others and start creating a community, and then go on to explain how that community protects itself from outside interference from any SOURCE.
Source: Source is the subject of authority or false authority. The original beginning of anything. The main reference from which all ideology is created.
You are a Sovereign and as a Sovereign, YOU are your own authority. You are your SOURCE of your own authority.
Authority: Authority is the author or the creator of anything that generates or originates from the mind, from thought, or from any action.
Your authority begins with you. YOU are the only one who knows who you are, what you think, and what you are going to do. You are the planner of all your knowledge, and unless you communicate that knowledge with anyone else, you have got to protect that knowledge by whatever means it requires to keep it safe and secure. If your knowledge is secret, then you only give that knowledge to those you trust explicitly. Any other Source or Authority that interferes with your safe and secure knowledge is trespassing a boundary that you have just created for you and your secure and elite group. That act of Trespass is a criminal act in which YOU have NOT given your permission for anybody else to cross that line. Does this start to sound familiar, now?
Every Sovereign is an authority. As we discussed yesterday, Governments, Corporations, and any other ORGANIZED group can NOT be Sovereign, no matter what they think. ONLY a Human Being can be a Sovereign, since Sovereigns MUST think, plan, decide, and act rationally. No other thing or animal can do that. Governments, Corporations, Companies, Religions, Lawyer Associations, and the like are all created on paper and require a human being to be a SLAVE to it. Remember, Sovereigns are "DECIDERS". No other mammal, except a conscious thinking human being, can make decisions. Mammal animals react to instinct on a fight or flight ideology.
Like yesterday, Sovereignty begins with each human being, so, each human being is the SOURCE of AUTHORITY. You, as a Sovereign, are the author of your existence, and no other Sovereign is exactly like YOU and can NOT make your decisions for you. Every decision that you make, even in the communities of Sovereigns, you make those decisions that will affect YOU directly and other Sovereigns indirectly. Precautions need to be exercised by every Sovereign when dealing with another Sovereign. Every Sovereign can trespass on another Sovereign's boundary by inadvertently not getting permission from that Sovereign.
In order to not trespass onto another Sovereign's boundary, every Sovereign MUST create a treaty or an agreement with another Sovereign. Many Sovereigns have gotten lazy and have put that responsibility off onto someone else to create that treaty or agreement for them. No true Sovereign can EVER shirk their responsibility for their own safety from any Source, even including those others to whom they have given their responsibility. Once you give up your responsibility to someone else for your own protection, you are no longer Sovereign, but have become a Slave to those others making decisions for you. You have decided that others know more about you than you do, and that is a false ideology. NO ONE knows you better than you do, even in family matters, except once you communicate those ideas to them.
Every Sovereign is a member of a group of Sovereigns, whether they know it or not. Every member of that group, including children, are Sovereign. Everyone in that group makes a decision, and children's decisions are just as important as the adults decisions are. Nobody is excluded in decision making processes, although we, as Sovereigns, give some of our Authority away to other Sovereigns and non-Sovereigns. Giving away SOME AUTHORITY is called DELEGATION of AUTHORITY.
Delegation of Authority: Giving away ONLY a portion of your authority and retaining the ability to get that authority back is called Delegation. Delegation is ONLY temporary and is ONLY allowed by permission from the originating Sovereign. As long as the original Sovereign retains full and final authority then delegation of authority can NOT be reversed and allowed to flush back onto the original SOURCE of AUTHORITY = the Sovereign.
No Sovereign EVER gives away all of their authority to a non-Sovereign at any time.
Non-Sovereign: a non-sovereign is anything or anyone who gives up their Sovereignty to the community while providing service for a private Corporation, Government, or private/public Group. Corporations, Governments, and private/public groups are ALL CREATED on paper in the form of contracts for only those forms or groups. Sovereignty remains inside those boundaries created by those groups and can NEVER cross those boundaries.
Enticing a Sovereign to cross those lines of boundaries of any group is called coercion, deception, and FRAUD. These are criminal acts of non-sovereign entities or groups acting unlawfully outside their established boundaries created on the papers which formed them. Non-sovereign groups are always of a lower class than a Sovereign. So, anyone who volunteers to become a member of any established paper controlled group loses their Sovereignty, while they remain inside that boundary of that group. No true Sovereign is a member of any group that attempts to control the Sovereign. That control by a non-sovereign is considered to be a foreign entity and is an enemy of the Sovereignty of the human being.
Sovereigns are the creators of every non-sovereign group. So, every Sovereign human being outside that group becomes that groups authority and can decide what those groups can do within their own communities. One exception to that statement is the County Sheriff. The county Sheriff answers to the total amount of Sovereigns in each community in the County he/she was created to protect.
City Governments, State Governments, and Federal Governments are all Corporate entities created to handle the monetary assets of the Sovereigns to other outside non-sovereign entities which deal strictly in money and business. These non-sovereign entities provide services to the Sovereigns and the Sovereign decides whether or not he/she want those services. Non-sovereign services can never force that service onto a True Sovereign, in any form, or at any time. The County Sheriff is the complete filter from those forced services and can reject entry of those services into his county at any time, unless a Sovereign gives him permission for that entry.
The County Sheriff has the DUTY to know the basics of every Sovereign in his/her county and is bound to protect those Sovereigns in his/her county from any Source outside or inside (city governments and Corporations) the Sovereign communities of that county. That means the Sheriff MUST hire or get volunteers within his/her county to help him in his protection of that county. Those hired and those volunteers by the Sheriff are called his/her posse. This posse consist of fully trained law enforcement people and of Sovereign volunteers (also known as Militia) assigned to help the Sheriff to keep the high level of protection of the people or Sovereigns in that county from any enemy Source or controlling force from within or without that county.
Militia: Militia, according to the Founding Fathers (those Sovereigns who created the Federal and State Governments), were ANY able bodied man, woman, or child from the ages of at least 16 (boys were not able to join in the Civil War until they reached the age of 16) to at least 60 with the ability to defend this Country from invasion from within or without.
Within or Without: This definition means inside or outside a specific boundary as defined by Sovereignty or by contract or agreement.
Since Sovereignty is the highest power known (actually known) to human beings of all races and origins, each of the groups, created by a Sovereign, is of a lesser class than is held by the Sovereign. No group, whether it is of government, Corporation, or of any other group under paper creation of a Sovereign, has any more authority to create anything or have any authority over any other Sovereign, other than what a Sovereign at large will give to that creation. Those groups are strictly limited by exactly what the Sovereign provides for them with the writings of a specific contract with each set of groups.
Any paper created group, such as State/Republic Government, Federal Government, or social or Corporate groups only have authority of representing to outside like minded groups (Corporations, State/Republic Governments and Federal/Country Governments) the final authority of its own Sovereigns within its total boundaries, dealing strictly into Commerce. In other words, Corporations can only deal with other Corporations in commerce. State/Republic governments can only deal with other States/Republics when dealing with Commerce between the other States/Republics of the Union of States/Republics. Federal/Country Governments only have authority to deal with other Country Governments with Commerce provided for and entering into the Union of States/Republics of which it represents.
Each of these above groups only have limited authority delegated to them by the Sovereigns, who actually govern their decisions and actions. None of these groups can officially turn their authority back onto the Sovereigns who created them and maintain them, in the first place. That would be exactly like biting the hand that feeds them. When those groups bite the hand that feeds them, then those groups MUST be penalized or eliminated immediately, so no more damage is extended back onto its Master, or the Sovereign creator. Allowing any group to turn on its Master is exactly like the crew of the ship committing mutiny against its Captain or its creator. Any Corporate CEO knows that he/she is the master of his/her company and has the full right to fire those unable or unwilling to follow his/her boundaries, that CEO created from the git-go. The Sovereign is the Master of their own creations, and those creations have NO authority to override its Master, either. (SAME DIFFERENCES)
A Corporation, Government, or other Group is only Sovereign within its own boundaries and has NO authority to step outside those Boundaries or BOXES that they create. They have NO authority to entice or coerce or force any Sovereign to join its group, without a lawful contract being drawn up, stipulating or saying what considerations or RIGHTS that each member has, once they join. Once a Sovereign joins that group and signs a contract for that affiliation, then that Sovereign is bound by those agreements, except when they step out of that BOX, even on a temporary basis. Then the original Sovereignty is given back to that Sovereign for their daily life, and NO other entity can interfere with that life ------ PERIOD.
So, now the question comes back to you. Are YOU Sovereign, or are you a Slave to those you have created or help to maintain as your creation?
If you are Sovereign, THEN practice your Sovereignty with a KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)
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