Where were you or are you, when the Apocalypse Hits The Fan (AHTF)
Sovereigns: What will you do? What can you do? AND ------- What will your Stance be when everything goes dark ---- OR ------- You can not find enough to eat, when the store shelves go bare, or you can't get enough money to buy what is left?
Many feel the Baby Boomers (those born around the 1900's til nearly 1980's) will be the death of us all. In all actuality, the Baby Boomers could be your salvation, in all respects. The "Boomers", born around the 1920's to mid/late 1950's, have experienced first hand what these young ones today are going to suffer in the near future. Young ones these days have had everything handed to them on almost a silver platter, so to speak. The government hands them out money, food stamps, and even medical and housing, pretty much for FREE. Not one of these young ones have had to do without for much more than 1 or 2 days on average. AND God Forbid if their internet, cellphones, I-pods, Ipads, computers or even their electricity should stop working, for periods of days weeks, months or even a few years. What would they do? Sit on their BUTTS and start whining and crying? ------- Maybe !
Many of the Baby Boomers have been through a hard depression, living on nothing more that beans and biscuits, grown in their own gardens and biscuits made by their own hands and baked in their ovens right in their own home. Those boomers had to go out and pick their own beans out of the garden, strip them of their pods, and then have to kill and butcher a hog (pig) to add flavoring or meat to that meal. Boomers and older Americans have seen WAR first hand, where it was "Kill or be killed", and it depended who was faster and most accurate on the trigger, or if you were alert enough to spot the sniper, ready to take you out, and you take him/her out, before they could.
Most of these young ones have only drove to the store and picked up whatever it was they needed and go home and fix it, or they buy the ready made food in the stores or at their closest Fast Food Joint, right down the street from them. Their only experience to War is on their electronic game machines, where after a few seconds of being killed in action you get to come back into the GAME (and that is all it is ---- A GAME ----- NOTHING IS REAL) and go back to shooting your guns at pre-prepared or programmed situations that have no realistic value to them at all. Not all of the actions, shown of the so-called enemy, on these young ones screens, will run right by you and not try to kill you as they run by. That is fantasy.
Drive by shootings and gang bang actions are nothing more than terrorist activities, because rarely does anyone shoot back at them to stop that activity. Most young ones have been taught in schools and by police officers, that having a gun and using it for self protection is not for you to do. It is for the police to take care of. If you really believe, as of lately, that the police will actually protect you from threats and actions, when it happens in real time, then I have got a bridge in Arizona next to an ocean beach front, I want to sell you. It takes, on average, 20 minutes for a police officer to show up on the scene of the crime, and by then the attacker has already fled the area, or you have bled out and died. Guess what! You don't get to come back from that scenario. There is no 10-20 seconds of wait time to restore your life, so you can go back to playing again. You are dead. You don't even have the opportunity to say good-bye to anyone. -------- It's over. ----------- Game is ended. ------- AND you will never realize it, because it all turns black.
When our youth finally have to suffer for not having anything or not able to get anything, guess who gets blamed? Those that are older than them, because they could not supply them with what those youth think they need. These youth have no idea about how to make anything for themselves, because it has all been done for them, and all they had to do was hold their hand out and receive it. It has all been fun and games since the day they were born, and once everything stops coming to them, the really hard work begins, ---- or ----- they learn how to starve and die, when they are too lazy to learn the basics. These youth had better learn who they can trust, as those in government power know that when everything stops, they will have to cull the population down, if it doesn't happen for them ahead of time with starvation, looting, killing, and total chaos. These youth will not know if the free meals they get from their government has a poison in it to get rid of them, or if the free showers offered won't be a death trap. It is possible that while you are showering, in your FEMA camps, that a cyanide gas would be released through the vents in that shower area, just as it was on the JEWs in WW2 by the NAZI government. Who will you youth TRUST then?
Hillary Clinton is as close to Nazism as was Hitler during WW2. Hillary is all for total disarmament (SPEECH and GUNS) of the people so she and her ARMED government can force you to do whatever they say, including rounding the "USELESS EATERS" up and putting them into the American FEMA death camps, they have set up all around the country. Why do you think there are railroad cars sitting in those fenced in secured areas, and all of them with locking shackles in every one of them? ------ All they have to do is lock you into those cars (they can handle hundreds of people locked into each of them ----- they are real, and I have seen them first hand as an OTR driver) and drive them through a closed in area of those fenced in camps and just turn the gas on. You would be dead in minutes. AND AGAIN guess what ! You do not get to have your life restored, so you can go out and play the WAR Games ------- again or ---------- ever! --------- You are done, --------- forever banned from ever playing again. ---------- Your fun and games days are over and gone, --------- never to come back ---- at least in this lifetime !
If this scenario does happen, our youth will not be smart enough to protect their main advantage of knowledge, over what would happen to them. The older generation has the knowledge, the foresight and the ability to help in protecting all, provided they have not all been snowed with the ideology that they can't, because they are Felons and can't defend themselves. The problem is, that once the apocalypse happens, law collapses, and there is no law that will have any effect to anyone. ----------- It will be everyone for themselves, or it will be families doing what is necessary to protect themselves from predators outside their own little bubble or world as they know it. It will require that those family members MUST join together and protect themselves by what ever means it takes to keep others from destroying them. Those families will learn very quickly what "Kill or be killed" means first hand, and they will learn how to effectively use that method in a very short time or lose everything that they stand for. There would be no time to wait around for someone to get over being sick at their stomach, when it comes to taking a life at any time. Survival of the fittest will be the necessity and the NORM.
I hope this scene does not play out to full action, BUT one can never be sure, and one MUST be prepared for the worst and be able to react immediately to anything or anyone trying to devastate what will keep you alive and able to fight in the game that will be in your own back yard. -------------- Oh! ------- Are the cities going to be a safe place to hide out? They may not be, if YOU can not trust your neighbor to have your back, and YOU have theirs. It will eventually come down to fully prepared families, who can self sustain themselves, protect themselves from all danger, and protect others who will be allies in the days, weeks, months and possibly years, following the DAY OF APOCALYPSE. The Cities will be another one of the Prison Camps, because you would NOT be able to leave. You would NOT be able to defend yourself with any type of weapon. AND No one would be able to come from outside to help you, in your time of need. Inside the Cities you will be totally controlled by the government in place, and those officials will tell you when you will eat, how much you can eat, and then can tell you where you can SHIT and how high. Ask any refugee from any war torn country, if that has ever happened to them, because it will come to you in much the same way, unless you fight back now and one hell of a lot stronger than your oppressor will be.
Those who have died and lived, as full a life as they had, are the LUCKY ONES. They will not have to fight your fight for you. They have already been there, done that, and got the T-shirt to boot. Now it is left to you to survive or DIE. <---------- You actually get to choose. I hope you make the right choice --------- for your sake!
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