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Saturday, December 17, 2011
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Missouri Family Society
Monday, December 12, 2011
Are You Gullible?
What is the coverup?
I have been perplexed with the amount of disinformation, or so it seems to me, being released to the public on the census taking world wide. It seems to me we are being lied to by those who wish to make us believe that this planet is overpopulated. Maybe it is the fact that all of the devastating information we receive is really over stated on purpose.
I have seen in the media that there have been millions upon millions of deaths of individuals through war efforts, and hundreds of thousands of children dying daily from starvation and disease and war in third world countries. This has been in mainly the last 10-20 years since we have occupied the middle east in this War on Terror, or at least, since we have been involved in being anywhere close to the middle east in the same amount of time.
If there has been all of these lives lost in the last 10-20 years and even right back to the time of the World Wars, estimations of deaths have been put in the millions and still the population estimations have remained at 7 billion. The numbers just don't seem to jive when you start checking them out. Surely, there is NOT millions of babies born every day to accomodate the hundreds of thousands babies and children who die daily. Are we that gullible to believe what could be lies told to us?
At the bombing of Pearl Harbor, we lost 5,000 plus personnel, the Philippines lost an estimated 3 million people at the same time, in WW2 we lost about 100,000 or so and the enemy losses were estimated at nearly millions, let alone the loss of many millions of Jews lives due to Hitler. An estimation of millions of lives lost in tsunamis in the Far East recently, loss of many lives in the earthquake in Japan, earthquakes in the Caribbean, the USA, and several countries around the world have been calculated. How about the millions of lives lost in the Middle East by US hands and hands of the terrorists or extremist leaders of these countries in the last 10 years? Our own law enforcement here have been involved in effecting loss of lives or devastating injuries during protests. Even loss of lives in protests all around the world for that matter.
I am sorry but the numbers are not adding up unless we have mothers fully occupying all of the beds in the hospitals around the US and popping out babies in the hundreds of thousands daily. This phenomenon would have to be going on to sustain the claim of the world population of 7 billion occupation. I think the recorded deaths are not being taken off of the records when deaths occur all around this country, let alone the whole planet, and that is what is keeping the sustaining of the population numbers at the amount it is now. AGAIN, HOW GULLIBLE ARE WE BEING, OR ARE WE JUST PLAIN STUPID? This is politics in motion in my book! LIES to keep the control of the Elite going on, over the rest of the world. TIME TO WAKE UP PEOPLE!
It is literally time for the REVOLUTIONARY COALITIONS to come together and start acting in order to turn things around from the path they are heading down. Do you really think the Elite will give up without a fight and not make it bloody as well? Pacifism may work for the gullible, but for those who are in control, brute power and strength against them is all they understand and worries them. They laugh at the puny pacifist demonstrations from behind their closed doors, and then they get physical in the public arena, just to sustain the control.
How do I know of such issues? I rubbed shoulders with the Democratic and the Republican candidates when I ran for the House of Representatives back in 2002. You know, you hit a nerve, when you watch the candidate's jaws drop, or they started sending you notes to wind up your speech immediately. This has happened with me in a local forum, I spoke in, and brought up the issue of taxation. Taxation in a forum is taboo and is never brought up, especially if it is suspension of taxation. Taxation is the bread and butter of the career politicians. That is their paychecks yearly. As soon as I brought up the idea of suspending taxation of a new company, I received a note on the podium to wind up that talk immediately, from the Democratic candidate sitting next to that podium. Needless to say, the Chamber of Commerce of the area, heard the word and gave a taxation break for the new company of $400,000 for the total year.
Drug awareness and the use of POT for medicinal uses is another taboo, unless brought up by a licensed doctor on the panel. As was the case in 2002, when pot became an issue for legalization. Doctor Schaaf, who was running for the 28th District of the House in Missouri, brought it to the attention of the audience, that pot or THC was already legal and no legislation was needed, as he had used the dispensation of THC in medications for over 10 years in Missouri. So pot or THC legalization is another scam perpetuated by the political factions to keep the divisions ongoing. AND to keep the War on Drugs ongoing with the advent of using law enforcement to keep the control of the population in hand.
These are some of the scams perpetuated by the political movement, and the population is so gullible to believe everything the career politicians tell them. Do you really think politicians have experts back them on their claims of their scams they produce? They literally pay the experts to testify what the politicians want them to tell to the public, when those experts release documentation. So the population has been duped again and again by scam creators (politicians), whom the population believe unerringly.
Do you really think the religious faction and their leaders are so pure too? Jordan Maxwell, a leading researcher in religion, covert, occult (or hidden), and political issues, has stated in the last 45-50 years of his research, that he has found, especially religion, to be one of the most false sources of information provided to the public. He comes right out and states that religion was created by the political factions as a means of controlling the social population, since the political factions was losing their methods of control, at that period of time. Politicians took the pagan religion and twisted the facts around and created a religious organization and belief to bring the people back around under their control again. The Vatican is one of the richest organized religions on the planet, with all of the gold and precious metals and occult items of belief, they display, in their own courtyards.
Let's take the King James Bible for instance. The King James Bible is a rewritten account of the original Egyptian and pagan religions by none other than King James himself of the English Dynasty. When King James found out that he was not going to have a male heir to his throne, he sought to get a divorce from his then Queen/wife, and the Vatican refused to accept it. At this time, King James abdicated from the Catholic religion, rewrote the then accepted version of the bible and started the conversion of the people of England over to Protestantism from Catholicism. This took about 2 generations to accomplish, and it is my opinion, that King James with the rewrite of the Bible, was proclaiming himself as God. England converted from Catholic to Protestant in really no time at all.
If you were to compare the ever popular King James Bible with the original versions of the Catholic account of THEIR recordings, you would find great differences in the writings. The Catholic scribes were some of the first educated, that wrote a history which was read to the people nearly 3500 years ago. Many, of the population at the time, were uneducated and illiterate and depended on what others in authority told them.
Many, in the present world we live in, subscribe to the same premises of being told what they want to know, rather than do the work and research to find out the truth for themselves. They would rather remain lazy and not do the hard work of research to find out the truth and then listen to the false prophets of information for what is proclaimed as the truth. That is why many researchers and providers of information tell you to go do the research yourself, especially if you do not believe what they have to tell you. BUT I think many of the people do not want to know the truth of the matters at hand.
The responsibility of each and every one must be held by each and every one and not shirked off onto to others to do the work for them. When you don't do the work that is required for what you desire, then in my opinion, you deserve the consequences you get. I have done my research and have labored about to find it. I do not stand or wish to be controlled by anyone other than myself, and I do something about it daily to protect myself from that external control.
There is plenty of information and actual footage of information produced, not only by private individuals but also by the media, that if you view it in an open frame of mind, you would see the atrocities perpetuated by those in the Elite controlling factions. As long as you continue to pull the wool back over your own eyes, then you have imprisoned yourself in your own jail cell and will not get out until you see the truth, as it is provided for you. There is a lot of information provided on the internet through You Tube and through viable websites that can and will show you how to get out of the dilemma you are in. The only thing of it is, is that you must do the work yourself for it to be effective. This is one of the other things the Elite do not want you to learn either. The less you know, the better they can control you, with what they tell you. It is your responsibility to find out how to get out, and only you can do it. Then you MUST link up with others to start doing something together to end the Elite's control of the world.
Only when you complete actions against the factions controlling what you do, say, or think, can you ever realize the freedom you really have. Think about this! Are they you, and do they create the thoughts you have in your head, for what you believe is right for you? When you allow someone else to make the rules for how you are supposed to live, then you have succumbed to their wills and wishes and gave up your own rights to what you really want out of life. You have literally become a SLAVE to those who make your rules.
If you are not a direct signatory to the rules and regulations created, then you have no say at all in any of the operations, and the rules can change at the whim of the creator, without your permission. Do you think all legislation in politics are made especially for you? No, not really, because the politicians who make the rules, make them so vague, that they can skate right out of those rules, but use legal issues to force you to follow them. When legal usage of rules are provided, the law in effect has been changed, because what was not written in the law, was added to the law by word of mouth from the lawyers who do interpretation. Legal interpretation of the law is corruption of the law. The law is only enforceable as it is written, and when something has been added to the law, then it has been changed unlawfully through interpretation, not through a lawful legislative process as required by our Constitution. If law is written vaguely, then the law can be only enforced vaguely, and must remain so until changed by legislators or the people themselves, “in toto”. (in toto means “in total” or by all) Nothing can be added or taken away from it, period.
People are so gullible, that they allow those in supposed authority to produce for the people, laws and rules which do not actually pertain to the people specifically, and then allow those authority figures to push them around like rag dolls on a shelf, by using the legalized form of law against the people. Do you follow the law as it is written, because someone told you it is the law, or is your signature on that law, saying you agree to conform? Oh sure the legislators that were appointed by the people make the laws, but do the laws state exactly what you wanted, word for word? Probably not, because legislators manipulated the wording for their own benefit really, and left you holding the bag. AND you bought it, and are buying it hook line and sinker, by following the law that does not really pertain directly to you. Only Treaties and contracts, of which you are a party, can do that.
If you are a party to a Treaty or a contract, then it pertains directly to you, because you have to sign them yourselves, and you control the contents of those items, by inputting what you want into them directly. If you do not agree to the issues provided by the offsetting parties, then you are not liable to those issues, if you do not sign it. If coercion, deception, or fraud are incorporated into the Treaty or Contract, then the Treaty or Contract become invalid for enforcement and may be breached lawfully. You must take responsibility for everything you do and input on any negotiation you make, and only you are liable then. You also take responsibility for full protection of that Treaty or Contract by any means available from trespass.
I have created 2 Family Societies and the second one is going through its transitional stage even now and will be viable January 1, 2012. The first is already viable and recognized, although law enforcement thinks they can circumvent it anytime they wish, until I start handing out the invoices to collect the fines as directed by my own Sovereign Treaty, which has been recognized by the ONLY lawful Sovereigns of this Nation and the World, and those are the United States Post Office, who control all of the communications (legal and private) of this Nation, and the Universal Postal Union, which controls all of the communications (also legal and private) of the entire world. I will be handing those invoices out before the end of the year 2011, and those payments are “Payment on Demand”. My Treaty is very specific and defines terms, preferred courts, specific fines, and specific sentences and prisons for use. This is why the Treaty was recognized so quickly.
If these facilitators of the corruptions of the law think they can get away with what they are doing, they have another think coming. When I am out on the road as a driver or tourist, I am out to make money from whatever source I can derive it from, and if it is them and their fellow facilitators, then so-be-it. (SOBEIT) If they do not meet the requirements of the Treaty, then they are sent to the court of my choice which happens to be the World Criminal Court (WCC or ICC), and the rules are specific for that court to rule in the Treaty. From there they will be sent to a prison, also of my choice, and that is Siberia. At which point, in order to make my money back, I would sell their contract to the Russian Government for a 50% value of the contract. So you see, I will make money no matter what, and I care less who I make it off of.
Mouthpiece lawyers who stick their noses into these contracts are also subject to prosecution along with the judges who corrupt the law. When the Judges and lawyers cross the fine line of public into private, then they come into the world they are not signed to, and trespass. They know the consequences of trespass, and it is not my responsibility to show them where they do wrong. The USPS and UPU found my treaty. Judges and lawyers can do the same, although they do not have the authority for recognition, and are subject to Supreme Law of the Land as expressed under the Treaty, as recognized, mainly because those authorities (so they think) are nothing more than the ministers of The Sovereign. (the main one who appointed them to their positions) This is an example of full protection of Treaty and Contract. If those perpetrators don't believe I would carry out my Treaty, then they can call my bluff and suffer the consequences of the call. They are of no concern to me.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Who Are You?
I have asked this question many times over the past few years, and as I sit back and view what is going on around me, I find many people are so lazy that they continue doing the same old stupid crap they have been doing all their lifetimes. These people are either stupid or so conditioned, that they have no idea or want to learn how to get out of the rut they are in even today.
When I ran for the House of Representatives back in 2002 for Missouri, I went around and talked to a lot of constituents in the district I was running in. I was running on the Independent/Libertarian Ticket, and many of my constituents were of a Democratic belief. When I explained my position to them and how my position would benefit them better, their response was: "well, my family has always been Democratic, and I will continue to vote along that party line." So I felt I was following a losing line, when it came to trying to be elected to a position, I felt I could have made a difference in. I have that same feeling even today, when it comes to the upcoming election bid of Governor I plan to work for.
People are still so stupid, that there are a lot of people who do not want to have very much to do with politics, mainly because they feel it is too complicated, and they do not want to do the work of researching extensively to find out who really is more suited for them in the long run. What most do not realize is that politics has everything to do with what they experience in their daily lives, especially when they bank, go do shopping, or even when they sign any document that has a legal disclaimer (which all of them do) attached to it. So none of these people can ever get away from politics by any means, no matter how much they try.
In this society, which is run by two distinct parties of government (or seem to be), it doesn't matter who you go to the polls to elect into a seat of government. Each party candidate of the two major parties tell you what you want to hear and then go about carrying on the "business as usual" after you put them in position. (except in the National election as those are appointed ahead of time and placed before you, so you think you make the right choice: but you are still choosing their candidate they put before you.) I have heard the comment that even if they do not like who is placed before them, they are voting for the lesser of two evils. Well, if that is your position, then you are still voting for an evil that does not benefit you specifically. You are literally throwing away your vote, but then too, when you are voting for someone placed before you to vote for, then you are still throwing away your vote.
Oh yeah I hear you. 'I didn't throw away my vote', you say, and I say yes you did, because you did not get what you really wanted out of the deal and settled for compromise. You settled for what those who appointed those candidates to pose before you, wanted you to do.You didn't do what you wanted but had to settle for something less than expected. That is no one's fault but your own, and you are to blame for what you get. It doesn't do you any good to blame the candidates, as they were doing their job to dupe you into believing them. Their agenda was sitting on the back burner while you fought amongst yourselves remaining divided, and all of them remained united, because they had the same thing on their mind, even from the different party lines. That was to keep you under their control no matter what! They literally forced you to vote the way they wanted you to vote. AND you fell for it! How Stupid can you be?
Go back over the last 50 years, at least, and you will find that if one party could not get you to believe in them, then the other party took the initiative and got you to go with their way of thinking, and then once they took control, they went back to the "business as usual" path again. AND again, you have fallen for it time and again, and never realized what they were doing in the beginning. They condition you into believing them through repitition, force, coercion, and utter deception, or outright lying to you. BUT our government would never lie to us, so you think. IT HAS AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO SO, until you wake up and actually do something about it. They won't do anything about it, because they created it in the first place. You have been conditioned to not see what they have been doing, because they slammed the door right in your face, and you weren't fast enough to stick your foot in the door to stop it from closing and locking you out.
Until you awaken and start forming coalitions against them and acting, will this never come to an end. This is the REVOLUTION, that they do not want to see you form, to throw them out. BUT you have to re-educate yourself and form new systems of belief at your local and Republic level, and have everyone come together in one group to have the effect of frightening them into exile. AND that's exactly what they would do, is go into exile to save themselves for a future date, if they are allowed to have a future date. The coalitions must hunt them down, no matter where they go and disempower them, so they can not make a come back at any time. This could be physical and bloody, just as the drug cartels have made it, to let them survive, to this day.
The career politicians, that are in office today, are of the same type of cartel, and they will fight back physically to remain in power. Now, who is financing them? You would think you are, but is the money you are throwing at them your money? NO, not really, because your name is not on the piece of paper you give them. The CENTRAL BANK's name is on them, and they own that money. Our Constitution says nothing about financing our government in script or promissory notes. It states the only legal money is coin and coinage. Political Legislators have made laws to effectively jilt you out of the legal binding that they would have to follow with the 16th Amendment, but the IRS code doesn't say anything about Americans needing to finance the government, (I haven't found the exact wording in any of the code) but it does list foreign nationals, foreign corporations working within the USA, and Americans working outside of the possessions of the USA to finance the Commerce of the US though.
Americans in the military and the embassy's get around this ideology of finance or taxation, because the US claims the land that they occupy, outside the possessions, as sovereign ground. So that ground is considered American soil at that point. BUT politicians have duped Americans into believing that they have to pay taxes by telling them they have to and hiding all rules and codes that state otherwise in legalese and codes only they and their lawyer friends understand. Then they FORCE you to finance the extras that they want through those deceptions. Taxation is a ploy of the CENTRAL BANK or Federal Reserve in all essence, and none of the Americans who are not signed as stockholders of the Federal Reserve Corporation has any voice in what the CENTRAL BANK does. BUT the Federal Reserve can and does through the IRS, force most Americans to do the BANK's bidding and pay taxation through the use of local and Republic and independent Law Enforcement. Too many people are afraid to fight back due to the consequences, but what consequences would the BANK suffer, if the people finally won the battle in full force?
The CENTAL BANK would be forced to close its doors and go into hiding, and we could go back to the lawful coinage allowed in our US Constitution. There is a difference between lawful and legal. Lawful is the exact writing of the law and executed as such, and legal is the interpreted and inserted voice or color of the law, that is not written in the law and enforced through political voice. Anything inserted into the law other than what was written is corrupting the law, as it is written. Vagueness of the law is written specifically in the law to allow the loopholes for the politicians to use to get out of the law. BUT the politicians and law enforcement force the people to follow the law by using interpretation and corrupting the law.
2012 IS THE YEAR OF THE "INDEPENDENT/LIBERTARIAN REVOLUTION" and YOU MUST become a large part of it, if we are to take this country back. Only YOU can do this, and YOU MUST become ACTIVE at once. NOW is the TIME not LATER.
Friday, December 02, 2011
Follow The MONEY!!!
The Power Question
"For a few to be immortal, many must die." -- from the film In Time.
Who has all the power in the world? The People? The elected representatives of the People? Or is it the banks, corporations, bond markets, dynastic families, hereditary monarchs and the super rich?
Answer? - FOLLOW THE MONEY. The flow of money is the flow of power. Dollars are the amoral units of power and are overwhelmingly held by the amoral (or indeed immoral) super rich. The closer you are to the money flow, the more you can divert into your own pockets, hence the incredible wealth of bankers. The further you are from the flow, the poorer you are. The public good, merit, morality, fairness, justice and rationality play no part at all in the money flow.
The more dollars you have, the more powerful you are. The fewer you have, the more you become invisible. No one sees you and no one listens to you. You are "power deficient", hence irrelevant. Isn't it time to be seen and heard? Isn't it time for the public good and General Will rather than the private good (of the rich) and Particular Will (of the rich) to shape the power equation and dictate the money flow?
Money is a "proximity phenomenon" - the closer you are to its source, to its flow, the better. So, the rich ENSURE they are in closest proximity, while the ordinary people find themselves very far away. Those who are furthest of all from the money require State hand-outs, charity or must beg. They are held in almost universal contempt, yet their central problem is nothing but being too far from the money flow, and that can happen for all sorts of reasons. African Americans, for example, have never been allowed near the money in any significant numbers, hence have never stood a chance. Jews, on the other hand, went out of their way to be close to the money, and succeeded spectacularly. Most of all, the rich CONTROL who gets near the money. You are permitted to come close only if you're a member of their privileged cartel. The whole system is rigged against you. In a free world, the People, not the rich, not the Zionists and WASP Freemasons, must be in charge of who has proximity to the money.
1% (the rich) command and 99% (the poor) obey. Isn't it time for genuine People Power rather than the fake version served up by dumbocracy? Then the People must take the money of the rich - or we'll be their slaves forever. In this time of global financial meltdown, anyone who does not advocate a vast and unprecedented redistribution of wealth from the rich to the People is an Enemy of the People. Any defence of the rich is an attack on the People.
The Old World Order is dead. It's time to push it into its grave.
Free market capitalism has demonstrated that the market controls the economic and hence political agenda. Who and what constitutes the market? What is the market's purpose? Who elected any of the participants in the market? What are the political affiliations of these participants? How wealthy are they? In what way do they express the General Will of the People? Is the market designed to operate in the public good? Do our political leaders have any control over the market? Do they know exactly how the market functions and how it contributes (or not) to the public good? Do they know the identities of all the market participants and their respective agendas? Are they able to inform the People exactly what role the market plays? We all know the answer. Our leaders are clueless. They don't control the market; the market controls them.
The market constitutes an unelected, unaccountable, extra-political entity that nevertheless dominates the political space and can bring down presidents, prime ministers and entire national economies. It can provoke global economic crises and yet governments have ZERO control over it. Don't you find that somewhat odd? How can anyone talk of the people being in charge of the political process if the market dictates government policy? Free markets and democracy are INCOMPATIBLE. You cannot have a democracy if you have a market-controlled economy external to the political process and unaccountable to the electorate.
Democracy likes to trumpet the fact that you can remove unpopular politicians and governments, implying that you get the government you choose, yet there is no mechanism whatever for removing the controllers of the marketplace, the people who run free market capitalism hence the people who actually run democracy. If you can't remove them then you have no power at all and you are at their mercy.
The rich aren't stupid. They gave people democracy because they knew it changed nothing. The market retains all of the real power and THEY are the market. If the rich can't be removed from the market for corruption, greed, the pursuit of naked self-interest and actively acting against the public good then the people have no power. Democracy is a sham. The truth is that the market and its controllers are beyond the reach of the electorate while completely controlling the fate of the electorate. They are outside democracy and yet they run the democratic system. Is that not genius? The legions of dumbed down, manipulated and brainwashed masses who will fight to the death for democracy haven't noticed that their political system is a farce and gives them no power at all. Democracy is simply a disguised plutocracy - rule by the rich - operating via the "sacrosanct", unregulated market where the rich hold all of the cards and the poor have no say.
It need not be like this. "Social" capitalism, as opposed to free market capitalism, is structured to ensure that there are no extra-political entities that dictate to governments and are capable of destroying the economy. Markets must be subordinated to politics, not the other way around. Every element of the political process must be defined (because how can you understand, regulate and control undefined entities) and must be subject to the will of the people; otherwise it's ridiculous to talk of "people power". The market is neither defined nor does it have any connection whatever with the public good.
Who are the authors of free market capitalism? - THE RICH.
Who are the beneficiaries of free market capitalism? - THE RICH.
Who are the controllers of the economic and political agenda? - THE RICH.
WAKE UP! Democracy and its diabolical twin - free market capitalism - must be abolished. It's time for Meritocracy and social capitalism operating in the public good.
"It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution by tomorrow morning." -- Henry Ford
What is the single most important fact for you to grasp about the world? It is that whoever controls the money controls everything else. Therefore a political system such as dumbocracy that gives people the vote but gives them no money and no say over the private individuals, private banks and private corporations that control the money is never anything but the illusion of surrendering power to the people. The ancient controlling elites remain the same as ever. As an act of psychological genius, they gave the people the pretence of power while they maintained iron control of actual power. The only reason they agreed to dumbocracy was that they saw how it would deliver up a servile, compliant, docile population who would delude themselves that they were "free" and in charge, hence would never revolt. Freedumb and dumbocracy are the greatest acts of deception ever devised (apart from Abrahamism, that other masterful con that made billions bow to Satan and call him "God"!). They have fooled the dumb masses in every possible way.
If you want a new world with the people in charge then hear this - dumbocracy must be destroyed and the people must take control of the money. Any other suggestions are bullshit and a supreme waste of time. Without control of the money, the people have nothing and are permanently powerless. The formula for true freedom? - follow the money and seize control of it. There shouldn't be a single private bank run by private individuals serving their own agendas on this planet. Once you realise that, the way forward is simplicity itself, but the elites will of course do all in their power to make you dance to their old tunes and reject any New World Order of authentic people power. The entire debate about economics, politics and freedom is reducible to just a single question - who should control the money; the people or a small group of exceptionally rich private individuals unaccountable to the people yet controlling the people? Everything else is propaganda. So, whose side are you on? It's time to choose.
"It's better to die on your feet than live on your knees." -- Emiliano Zapata
"You understand that in this election, the greatest risk we can take is to try the same old politics with the same old players and expect a different result." -- Barack Obama
What did Obama do when he got into power? He appointed the same old players, tried the same old politics, and got the same old results! That's democracy for you. Only a madman would keep trying the same old failed formula. Democracy is no longer tenable. It's time for meritocracy.
The top 3 million Americans (1%) own 33% of the nation's wealth - 32 times more than their fair share. (Some estimates put it as high as 42%, and growing.)
The bottom 150 million Americans (50%) own 3% of the country's wealth - 16 times less than their fair share.
The next 149 million Americans (49%) own 64% of the country's wealth - 0.3 times more than their fair share.
In other words, 1% are having a ball, 49% are doing slightly better than OK, and 50% are in hell. Where's the Revolution? How can you treat half of your population like shit in order to allow 1% to live like kings? Why do the 50% tolerate it? It's the 49% who are the accomplices of the elite 1%.
Imagine life as a 100 metres race. 49% of the people are more less at the starting line, but 1% are 32 metres up the track. Their 100 metres race is only 68 metres long! As for 50%, they are 16 metres behind the starting line. They have to run 16 metres before they even join the race. (Many don't get that far: they never start.) Ask yourself a very simple question - who will win this race and who will lose? Is there any doubt? The race is rigged from the beginning.1% are sure to win and 50% are sure to lose. As for the 49%, they need to break every world record imaginable to beat the 1%. they have to be one in a million! Do you fancy those odds? So why are you taking part in this race? Isn't it time for a new race where everyone lines up at the same starting line?
Meritocracy is based on the absolute destruction of the rigged race of life via the introduction of 100% inheritance tax i.e. an overwhelming advantage can no longer be passed on by rich parents to their children. All children, no matter the wealth of their parents, must begin at the same starting line as everyone else. No parent can rig the race. The 1% can no longer dictate the outcome of the race.
Many people claim to be meritocrats but when you mention 100% inheritance tax to them, all of the blood drains from their faces. You know what that means? - THEY'RE NOT MERITOCRATS!
"Democracy" literally means "people power" (demos - people; kratos = power). It was designed to stop rule by the rich elite. Look at "democratic" America. Who runs it? The rich elite - the top 1%!!! Why haven't the dumb "democrats" worked out that the elite have conned them yet again!
"There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning." -- US billionaire Warren Buffett.
There's a sucker born every minute." -- P.T. Barnum
Is your name on the "Suckers' List"? Isn't it time you removed it? FIGHT BACK!
50 million Americans have no healthcare. More than 45 million Americans are on food stamps. More than 24 million can't find a full-time job. 14 million are unemployed.
The degree of inequality in America is on a par with Rwanda - yet America is supposed to be the richest and most powerful country on earth. America has failed, democracy has failed and capitalism has failed.
It's time for a change - and that means an entirely new political vision. MERITOCRACY. Only the irrational would persevere with an utterly failed and discredited political, economic and social system.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Conservatism or Communism or Total Freedom? You Choose
When I entered the military back in 1970, one of the very first questions I was asked was whether I was a member of the JBS or John Birch Society. Needless to say, I said no and had no idea what the JBS was or what they stood for. If I had known of the JBS and knew their stance with military and the overall view of Communism, I might have questioned why I was asked that question, if I were to be going to defend our country from an actual force of Communism trying to undermine our own government.
Since getting out of the military complex, my curiosity got the better of me, so I started investigating what the JBS was and where they stood. As a matter of fact, my views have followed along the same lines of the JBS, in all reality. The JBS stance has been and still is for the individual and not for the group as a whole or collectivism. The Republican and Democratic and any other organized party are essentially collectivists as they support their own party groups first and leave the individual to fend for themselves. This leads to BIG GOVERNMENT, something that individualists detest in all essence.
Most parties of politics are on a collectivist movement and eventually leads to a Communistic takeover of the whole world (A New World Order but actually the OLD WORLD ORDER or OWO). Parties are not for the people in all essence but are for what they stand for first, and if you do not agree with some issues of that party, then you are demonized within and without those parties. You are NOT considered a prime candidate for their party, no matter how much you want to reduce the government and bring the power back to the people themselves. If you do not follow strict party lines then they feel you are an enemy of (their) state of system of beliefs. (State in the political arena is flatly stated as a position or stance, not a physical location)
So my questions to everyone is: Are you a Party Liner or are you an individualist? Do you wish for a group of people to rule over all of us or should the individual rule over themselves? If the individual should rule themselves, does the party or group tend to support you or demonize you?
Party affiliation subverts what you believe as what you need to do for yourself and eventually for others. This affiliation also divides society into little groups and leads to the eventual fall of the total society. This is what Communism hopes for. Kruschev stated this in his address to the US, that he would bury us from within. What better way to do it than to divide us so that we can be defeated more easily. AND we have been following this platform ever since. We create new laws that divide us. We fight amongst ourselves when it comes to electing a leader to guide us as a nation under a total collectivist ideology.
Collectivism gives the ideology that doing something for the whole is best and the hell with the individual, because that individual can be sacrificed for the greater good (Communist Manifesto). Just because we join groups of like mindedness, this is also a form of collectivism, and we do not recognize it. Even joining our own little groups still brings about the ideology of division amongst all of us, and the Communist Regime just sits back and smiles smuggly, because that was their plan in the first place. So all of America and the world has fallen into the trap set up for them in the very beginning.
Division really begins in the family, because families literally isolate themselves and their beliefs from other families and weaken the entire system we would really want to have for ourselves. To counter this division, everyone must come together and form or restore a system, that defines who we are specifically, and what we want specifically and not in vague ideologies.
Isn't it time to come together and form definitions that specifically show what every ideology we hold as Sacred? Do we want total Freedom or do we want others to make our decisions for us? If we define everything that we hold as Sacred, then there is no reason for anyone to not know where we stand, and we can keep from offending anyone.
One thing that governs our ability or inability to define ourselves is our inability to control our own emotions about what we believe in. If you or we allow our emotions to control what others should believe, then we have created a caste system where there is always someone below us, no matter where we are on a totem pole of power. Emotional beliefs are a detriment to society and keeps all of us from defining precisely who we are and where we stand.
Elections and Party Lines and Like minded groups are all formed under emotional ideologies and this even includes the Religious lines. Have you ever noticed that if you criticize any Party, any elected leader from any like minded group, or anyone's religion, that you are immediately defined as someone who is not viable to be a part of those groups? You will go to HELL, you are an enemy of the State, you are a terrorist, and so on and so on. This is emotional ideologies coming to the forefront.
If you are totally Free and exercising Freedom, then emotion plays NO important part of any beliefs. Emotional beliefs are a weakness of everyone who holds onto the beliefs that you are wrong to have any belief that is different from that one you hold. If you take full responsibility for you and you alone, then you have no reason to involve yourself into someone else's beliefs, until you are asked for your opinion. When you are not asked for your opinion, and express your opinion on that belief, even behind that individual's back, then you are trespassing onto someone else's beliefs where you have no business. Who gave you that authority?
When we look at the ideologies of Conservatism, Communism, Liberalism, and any other group ideologies, we are looking at Social Contracts. Are you a member of one of these ideologies? More than likely you are involved in one or more of them at any point in your life. Although you may be involved in them, are you signatory to them? Are you a signed up member of that ideology? If you are not directly signed up to one of these memberships, then you do not have any business being able to make any of the decisions of any of these memberships. Most of these memberships (interesting twist on what this means politically) are formed under written rules and regulations (not widely accepted laws created by the people themselves directly) especially for those systems.
Many people do not realize that when they ask their Representatives to create laws to govern them, that once the people have given their permission for those Representatives to make those laws, that those Representatives create laws in their own version of what the people want. Representatives create the laws in their own words and protect themselves from ever having to follow those laws for their entire lifetime. They take the ideas from the people and twist those wants around, to where the people are forced to follow the ideology created for them, even if it is not totally what they wanted in the first place. Most people believe that those Representatives can be removed for their inadequacies for the people, but how many have been removed immediately for those indiscretions? NONE! Many of their laws they created become the collective Social Contract of those who are too lazy to research what has been done to them or how to get out of following those laws, lawfully! Is your Signature on that law, so you can comment on it or change it? NO! So you have been duped over and over again to follow something that is not valid for you, because you are not a direct member of that contract.
People are so lazy that they consider politics as too complicated or unimportant that it doesn't concern them directly. What the people do not understand or comprehend is that they have accepted that law just by following one item listed within it, and so they are bound by that law until they finally realize it does not apply to them. Those laws only apply to those who are signed to that law (sponsors and cosponsors of that written law). Representatives mainly tell people they are not bound by the law but show no proof of that statement, because that would undermine their control over everyone. Representatives advise law enforcement to FORCE the lower classes of people to follow the law through word of mouth and interpretation. But if you read the law exactly as it is written, you would find a different meaning to that law. People are so lazy they will only listen to people who they consider authorities and interpret law in their own versons, and the people will follow that law as it is TOLD to them, not as they read it.
In order to counteract what has been perpetuated onto them, people MUST re-educate themselves in what the law is really saying, instead of taking someone's word as gospel. When you take the word of someone else as an authority, then you have agreed to become a slave to their whims and wishes, and do not have the ability or gumption to make a decision of your own and live by that decision. Freedom requires that you take total responsibility for what you say, think, or do 24/7. Otherwise you become the fodder for someone else to control you, and what you say, think, or do. You are nothing more than a SLAVE! You gave up your Freedom for some convenience of someone else deciding, for you, what you may do.
When you give up your Freedom for convenience of someone else making your decisions for you, then you have given your rights away and deserve to live under Communistic or Fascist rule, not law. You have agreed to become the Slaves to the ideology, that those Rulers have signed up to, and agreed to use against you, collectively.
Once you give up your rights, it then becomes a physical fight to regain them for your own use, and maybe you will lose your life for that fight, unless you possibly join forces together to make battle for those rights. Be prepared to take back those rights by force if need be, and of which belong to you exclusively, and defend them by any means available, to insure you never lose them again. This means, if you have to go into a personal war on a life or death situation over your rights, then prepare to win that battle at all costs, no matter who lives or dies. There can be no remorse for your decision in the end, only responsibility. If it is good for the individual, then it becomes good for the whole, when you help to defend the rights of others, even if they differ from your own, and they do not trespass on your own Social Contract. That is the only boundary. Your drawn up plan of action or Contract is your boundary, and everyone else must become aware of it through public exposure and exercise their own ability to understand it and honor it.
As long as you are explicit and well defined in all that you design in your plan of action, then you have done all that is needed to defend that plan of action or Contract from whatever source that tends to trespass on those boundaries, with no regrets and answer to no one else for your defense. Once there is trespass then your actions of self defense are justified, even through Nature which answers to no one else too. You have literally become one with Nature, when you design all that you are, and where you stand with a plan of action or Written Contract for yourself, in accordance with Nature.
Sunday, October 02, 2011
Marijuana or Cannibis
After watching National Geographics, the narrow mindedness of law enforcement and lawmakers is very evident in their destruction of a medicinal supplement which has been shown to KILL cancer and create new cell structures in the body. (this has been done over a period of 10 years or more through careful research) Law enforcement and lawmakers can not prove these facts otherwise, except when they PAY experts to say what those agencies want those experts to say, to keep their AGENDA going for the false front of the "War on Drugs" campaign they have going. Law enforcement and lawmakers tend to be liars when it comes to their AGENDAS that they run, because those AGENDAS make them money by using those confiscated drugs and money to continue to use illegal methods to keep those AGENDAS going.
In all honest essence, licensing is nothing more than allowing someone to do something that is illegal and without permission. If you do not have the license, then you really can not do it under the system they have going. If you do not have permission to do anything that you are not licensed to do, then you tend to trespass on their territory, and you can be prosecuted for that trespass. That is why you are arrested and hauled into their courts. You TRESPASSED against their wishes, and you need to remedy that by making things good not only for them, but you also.
Money and its false value is the only thing stupid people know anything about. Not only is law enforcement stupid along with the lawmakers, but the people who believe in these stupid people are just as stupid. As a matter of fact, they are gullible to the ideas that these false front agencies put out.
When you do not think for yourself and allow others to do your thinking and decision making for you, then you have no reason to even be here. When you allow others to change your views with their lies, then you are so weak, anyone can control you. You deserve to be manipulated by those agencies that have no business trespassing into your lives. When you are hauled into court and allow the lies to control you, then you are so weak that you can not even defend yourself effectively for your own survival. You do not have the smarts enough to know what is necessary to turn the tables in your own favor. You use the court's own officers to defend you, instead of standing up for yourself in your own defense. The courts have duped you into believing that is the only way to do it, because they have you thinking you are too stupid to think for yourself.
Everything that outside agencies try to use to force you to do their bidding, is nothing more than completing their agendas that they have against you. Their agendas are so secretive that you are not allowed to know what they have plotted against you, until it gets leaked out for you to find out. What is so irresponsible is that the leaks or informants are so weak or scared, that when they leak it out, the informants will not do anything, although they know it is wrong.
In summary, in order to get back to the subject of this post, it is my opinion, from my own research and study, that marijuana or cannibis THC is extremely beneficial to correct many medical problems of any human on this planet. The main problem of being able to use this product in beneficial ways is being controlled by narrow minded and ignorant people from all walks of life. Soon I will pinpoint the lowest common denominator for the abuse of power and the abuse of use of marijuana or cannibis. First law enforcement are stupid for following the orders of even more stupid higher ups, which have only money accumulation (another false value) as their means for control over the other stupid people. Second, Law makers are stupid for following the orders of their higher ups (this is not the people, because law makers think the people who elect them into position are stupider than they are) and implementing laws into place they are told to put there, so control will also be issued. Thirdly and finally, the people are so stupid to use the marijuana or cannibis as a method of escape from control by smoking it. (wrong method to use it really: could it be that the controllers wanted this method used to continue the control?)
Marijuana or cannibis is mainly beneficial if it is taken by ingestion or eating it or drinking it for periods of certain amounts of time. Neither of these products need to be used for long terms, but only when needed for relief and eradication of many of our illnesses. Those people who value money or possession of tangible property will do anything, even unlawfully, to gain control of anything they find as valuable to them. This includes subliminal slavery and mind control of the people, creating false laws and agendas to continue their control, controlling the law enforcement agencies to enforce the agendas of the controllers, controlling law makers in much the same way, and finally being stupid enough to believe they are the only smart humans to inhabit this planet.
It is the agenda or should be the agenda of the people to hunt down these stupid higher ups trying to control the people, and eradicate them from the planet, before they eradicate nearly all of the smart and non gullible people first. These higher ups do not deserve to be even numbered amongst any of the rest of us and have no servicing purpose to even exist. Those controllers are very few, and we are the many, and the many should have no problem to locate and eliminate any and all who do not cater directly to the people. THIS IS THE AGENDA OF THE PEOPLE! We have the technology to locate and capture their DNA's and send that scattered and shattered DNA into the outer Universe to never have existence again on this planet.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Who is Blaze, blaze, or david for that matter? Let me give a little summary somewhat so you get an idea. Blaze, blaze, or david is a human being, who breathes, consumes natural and unnatural substances for sustainability, and who is a free-thinker in a society designed by himself, and any others who wish to join in.
Being a FREE-THINKER, in all reality, means that the individual, whether man or woman or boy or girl, rationally decides for themselves what they need to sustain their inhabitant lifestyle, which includes acquiring food and drink to keeping their body in a healthy state, educating themselves of their environment, and then cohabit with others of likenesses (designed in likeness of stature, thinking, etc.) and honoring those inhabitants.
Recognition of others is essential for a society to grow and to sustain itself in the means that Nature provided. When we get to the point of recognition and then dishonor others by trespassing or invading their spaces without permission, then we are becoming more and more out of Harmony with Nature in all essence. Nature provided for all of us, the most ideal environment we could ever ask for, and we screw it up by dividing ourselves amongst each other and ripping that serene system all apart.
Too many people are very id-minded, and allow themselves to graduate to the super-ego status and walk all over everyone else without rationalizing what it is that they are doing. In order to bring ourselves back into harmony, we need to initialize the ego part of ourselves and become more rational not only to ourselves but also to others around us. Ego is the system of where we take part of the id, or self aggrandizing, grandstanding and think only of ourselves, and then take a part of the super-ego, where we look down on others and think how great we are over others, and bring both of those parts together to bring about a synthesis or combination that allows us to look on our lives as a whole and see where we can be of help to others to allow them to get where we are.
In most of our situations, people have no idea what each and every one of our boundaries are unless we come right out and tell them. So it seems essential to write our boundaries down and give a copy to everyone we know and deal with, so they know how far they can go, before they cross that imaginary line and trespass into our space, that we protect so vehemently. As long as we let them know what we will allow and not allow, and they can have a copy of that in their possession, then there is no reason for any one of us getting out of Harmony with each other and then we help Nature to stay in Harmony with herself.
Some people call this a survey for legal terminology, but if you consider legal terminology itself, it is nothing more than terminology for a totally different society other than our own that we create. When we create our own society, then we create our own rules, regulations, and customs that will make us comfortable in our own little world. You see, most people do not recognize a society and world as the one and the same. They think it is two totally different ideas. Now, world can be two different things really. It all depends on the creator of that world, and how it connects with the other worlds, outside of itself. Your world is totally personal, and the other world is the unification of all the other worlds that your own world interacts with. Now you have two separate sets of rules and regulations to set up and adhere to, to keep Harmony. Customs are of a totally personal nature and needs respect when dealing with other world's customs.
This is where the idea of a treaty came into play. A treaty is the idea of setting up rules and regulations between two separate entities, with respect to each others customs, which could be a religion or belief system adhered to by that one entity. Treaties are boundaries and allow specific others to know what special do's and don'ts will be allowed. So you see, treaties are specific matters and can be between two entities or groups of entities, considering how they are set up. Groups of entries on a treaty can set up a society, a nation, or an empire. OR it can be specific between two separate entities where special allowances are made where they would not be given to any other entity. This tends to keep anyone from consistently irritating the other by doing something that they had no idea was bothering, or trespassing on, someone else at the time.
When we do a survey or a declaration of ourselves and hand it out to everyone we know or everyone we deal with, then we establish a rapport where all of us know how far we can go with each other. When you deal with specific people a lot, then references to those surveys are used less, until some part of the survey changes and notifications are again handed out. Keeping everyone we interact with appraised of who and what we are about keeps Harmony going between all of us and remains in a peaceful situation.
Then there is the BULLY. What do you do about them? Oh sure you can ignore them and hope they go away, but that bully believes that when you ignore him, he can do whatever he wants with you, until you do something to physically make him stop. The bully does not have the intellect enough to recognize the essence of any treaty, because all he see is words and doesn't understand them or refuses to understand them. Until you actually do something to him to make him stop (and having someone else, like a court system telling him to stop is a failure to him, because you were not big enough to do it yourself), he will continue to bully you at your every turn. Why do you think bullies continue to stalk and harass others even after a court issues a warning or court order to try and make him stop and then he has to be arrested. Arresting is a temporary bandage for that person. It only makes them stop while they are in jail. A bully will not leave you alone unless you force him or her to stop yourself. That is history and has been seen all through the school system , government, and even corporations. (How about those callers who wait til you get home and sit down to eat to try and solicit something to or from you?) Until YOU do something yourself, they will never quit. That is bullying! Does that stop when you ignore it? AND then sometimes after you do something, they try a different tactic to get to you, because you used someone else to get your job done for you.
"Government Involvement"
Let's go as far as our government, or what we think is our government. We allow police officers to harass us at every turn in our lives and never do anything about it. Oh sure we walk into THEIR courtroom to try to make them stop and what happens? They even continue the harassment right in the courtroom and involve the judge to harass you too, if you do not know what to do about it. Think about it. As a human being, if you do not harm or kill another human being , interfere in their contracts, or damage THEIR (human beings) property, then you have committed no crime. BUT government entities are taking on "Human" characteristics and YOU allow them to get away with it. No matter what you do, some part of the government or its agencies find something else to harass you about, and you allow that. When are you going to get mad and literally stand up to defend yourself and not stand behind a whining "leave me alone" statement? When you do not stand up to them and force them back into the positions they belong, then you may deserve being harassed and locked up in jail, with no consideration for restitution for their wrong doing against you.
Let's now turn to Lawyers, Judges, and Political Legislators. Political Legislators are anyone who passes laws or edicts from their bench. These include Representatives, Senators, Governors, AGs, and even most Judges. Since when has any Political Legislator brought anything out in law or rule that favors the people explicitly? If you look at what they do pass, you will find that MONEY always comes out first as the front line agenda. You the people come out at the very tail end of that agenda. If it is gonna cost the government money to do it, then it will never get done. Many a bill has been turned down at the Governor's desk because the State or Republic can not afford the expense of the law or rule. Even the referendums or bills posed to Legislators have been drastically changed to achieve their agenda first and you would be lucky to get anything out of it. AGs or Attorney Generals, who are supposed to be looking out for the general good of the people, look at the money issues first too. If the AG or the law enforcement can make a buck off of putting you in a privately run jail, then that is where you will go. Lawyers are the ILK of the government, as most who operate at the helm, are lawyers. Lawyers do the interpreting of the law and corrupting it and GET AWAY WITH IT! Why? Because all of these politicians, including lawyers are directly or indirectly members of the corporate system that deals in the money of the State or Republic. They all belong to political UNIONS. Even the law enforcement are members of a UNION. So, they do not work for the government. They work for a Corporation. Judges have been known to legislate from the bench and many have gotten away with it too. These judges issue power and coercion from the bench of which they do not have that authority, as they are only supposed to be negotiating differences. Judges will not bite the hands of the attorneys or lawyers standing before him, because he is part of their Union too, and there are rules within the Union that provide for that.
Each of us must create a personal survey to identify who we are, and what we will and will not allow to come near us. It is our choice in these matters, and only we, ourselves, can make that choice unless we agree to have someone else do it for us. If we allow anyone else to decide what we think, say, and do, then we become slaves to those who make those decisions for us. Does anyone know what goes on inside your head in your thinking processes, besides you? Unless you tell everyone what you are thinking as you think it, then only you are the [MASTER] key to unlocking the mysteries going on in there. As long as you remain rational and sensible about your thinking, then you are not likely to go out and harm or kill someone intentionally. That is following the Rule of Nature and of Common Law. Others like to define Common Law as the law that they make common, and that definition you do not have to accept, if it is not what you believe it means.
When you make your own boundaries and state them, then you create your own rules that you will abide by. Common Sense tells you what is rational or not and that is your final decision and not anyone else's idea to influence you into their beliefs. You must take a stand and protect that stand by whatever means it takes, to make sure that you, yourself, are protected in the long run. Only you have that power of protection, and you are the one who can enforce it. When you delegate your power then you are subject to that delelgate's whims and wishes, as to how they enforce your rules. Every rule and every idea must be explicit and precise, so there is no confusion by anyone, as to what you mean. You are literally the final Supreme Court Judge who makes that decision and follows up on it.
Here is my Survey on myself for all to view.
I am a human being, who breathes, thinks, sustains my life, and makes final determinations over all aspects of my life. I am a human being who abides by the inherent Laws of Nature, which is the main and final determiner of keeping Harmony in its system. I agree to help sustain the Harmony of Nature as one of my main goals, other than producing for myself and those who join me in my system, that I create of my own free will. My creation of my system or world is only a sub-part of the overall system of Nature and the supreme being, who was instrumental in creating myself as a human being.
As a human being it is my responsibility to maintain Harmony in all aspects of my life and to the lives of others to bring peaceful solutions to any problem that is encountered. My decisions on my part are final, although joint resolutions may be reached with others in their systems to help maintain the Harmony. Joint resolutions are honorable methods of reaching for conclusions to problems that confront each of us on our daily journey through life. Joint Resolutions are specific in Nature and apply only to the problems encountered, when they arise, and all conferences to reach that resolution are encouraged. Joint resolutions may or may not be reached by using the same methods in each circumstance, and one resolution does not consistently complement another resolution, unless similar in Nature. Resolutions are a joint effort by all human beings as is defined above.
Each human being is an expert in their field, no matter the limitations of that human being. Each human being will give the respect to another human being for their expertise. That respect will bring to the forefront the diplomacy required in all meetings of the minds. It is inherent that all human beings are responsible for their actions, words, and deeds and take accountability for those actions words and deeds.
It is human nature that all human beings, no matter what name they create for themselves, that they insure not only their own protection, but also provide for the protection of those human beings from whom they derive their prosperity of life. In order for the prosperity of human life to be preserved, then it is essential for all human beings to come together as a single unit to defend that lifestyle created.
All trading, commerce, and decisions of methods of sustenance may be by word of mouth and honor of what is spoken, or it may be written down and that honor extended to the specific writings between the two or more who reach agreements for those methods. This writing may be of a treaty style or may be of a "Trust Agreement" between all involved in this agreement. All Trust agreements will follow the same rules of creation. Trusts are private and all agreements may not be divulged outside the limitations of that Trust. Trusts are independent of one another in creation and may be changed at any time by both parties of that Trust. No party, who is not included in that Trust, has no standing and makes no determinations for that Trust at any time. Appointed "Trustees" of the Trust are limited by what is prescribed by the owner(s) of that Trust. No other determinations by anyone outside the Trust is allowed and is classified as a trespass, when encroachment is found. Definitions of parties, party, and members is in direct reference to human beings.
All contracts created by any human being with another human being are of a private nature, and all considerations, determinations, and notices of right to contract must be reached before a signature is afixed to the document. All contracts shall have fixed to them a seal, signature, and sovereign stamp, from each human being, and honor is essential between the those humans for it to be lawful. No standing is awarded to anyone who is not a signatory to that contract. Anything added to a contract in the form of fine print, before, during, or after creation of the contract, is for informational purposes only and have no bearing on the original contents of that contract. Contracts are written instruments of agreements reached and have no life attributed to them. Only human beings can make any determinations on contracts.
Corporations are considered contracts created on paper and have no bearing on any human being's lifestyle or ultimate prosperity. Corporations are nothing more than mechanisms of creation of prosperity for a human being and issue no control over that human being. All human beings that participate in the decision making of a corporation are nothing more than facilitators of methods used to create prosperity and have no bearing or authority outside the boundaries of the Contract creating the Corporation. No human being is considered to be a corporation and no corporate or political entity has any jurisdiction over any human being.
All human beings have the individual inherent right to freedom of speech, freedom of system of belief, freedom of the press, freedom to choose whatever style of education that is beneficial to them, freedom to create prosperity of value for oneself, freedom of protection by whatever means available to protect the lifestyle of their choice, and freedom to contract and own lawful property. All human beings have the right to refuse to be taxed for anything that belongs to them lawfully. All human beings have the full freedom of right to travel without any restrictions being put on them at any time. All human beings have the right to pursue their happiness without causing harm to any one other human being or their property or contract.
All human beings have the full right to self determination without interference from any other source. All human beings have the right to create, maintain, and manage any business venture, so long as it does not disturb the Harmony of Nature and the Supreme Being. All human beings have the right to use whatever methods of exchange within those business ventures to conduct commerce or pursuit of happiness without direct or indirect interference from any source outside this created Treaty and Declaration of intent.
This Declaration of Intent and Treaty is a direct supplement of the iFS Treaty and is considered a direct part of the Supreme Law of the Land.
In conclusion, I am a human being, who has the facility of making my own self determinations and decisions. I have chosen the identification of "blaze" by my own creation and choosing. Any other consideration of identification without my consent is deemed as a trespass against this formal treaty and myself ["blaze"] and is to be enforced through myself and the international court of my choosing. Any and all contracts created upon the given alleged date of my creation in this life and without my specific consent are considered null and void due to fraudulent considerations created without full disclosure. In order for honor to be brought to the fraudulent reconciliation and can be recognized, then all frauds commited against "blaze" aka CHARLES DAVID IMLAY, C D IMLAY, C. DAVID IMLAY, Charles David Imlay, Charles D. Imlay, charles d. imlay, charles david imlay, david imlay, and David Imlay must be brought to resolution, and forgiveness given, before full honor can be bestowed onto the offending entities. It is the responsibility of the offending entity to bring resolution to all matters of the names from the aforementioned, used by that entity, to create the fraud committed against the human being now identified as "blaze". Sobeit!
Put to this Treaty by the hand of "blaze" on February 26, 2011
Saturday, February 05, 2011
iFS TREATY or Declaration
The following is my public announcement of a Sovereign Society and Entity which follows a resource base instead of the Monetary Base System, perpetuated by the Society of Bankers, who rule the World. If you find this system of interest and importance in your life, please by all means, sign on to it, send a copy of it to me, (electronically), print out and keep a copy for yourself, as you may need it to prove that you are a Sovereign, and finally send me a comment to acknowledge and recognize this proposed system as The Sovereign System for a New World as it should be. (positive and recognition comments bring about the Sovereign System)
The imlay Family Society
St. Joseph, Missouri 64505
February 2011
I, CHARLES DAVID IMLAY, do hereby rescind this corporate identification as my personal individual nomenclature. From this day forward, I will be known by the identification of “blaze” : (of the) imlay Family Society (to be identified from this time on as [the] iFS).
The iFS is an emergent society consisting of members who are screened and signed to this agreement and the Treaty attached to it. All society member pledges will agree and adhere to the policies created within this document with their signature as taking an oath of allegiance to the iFS and the Treaty or Treaties created forthwith.
Independent Treaties are required to be created to effectively become a full fledged member of this society. Treaties are to be signed and notarized before an International Registered Notary and submitted to the CEO of the House of the imlay Family Society, whose identification is: “blaze”.
This agreement/treaty between “blaze” and pledge members is an introduction of the imlay Family Society to those pledged members and to the general public to whom this is submitted for lawful informational purposes. This agreement/treaty will be published in the International Blog, throughout the land of The United States of America (the Sovereign Entity comprised of self determined members), and the International Community, and will serve as an official notice of the established politic society of the imlay Family Society.
All individuals who are screened and sign to this document and the Treaty, created at the time of the pledge, will agree to live by The Law of Fairness, in accordance with the International Document of the Law of Nations and become a sovereign entity living a life as a Sovereign to be recognized the world over.
All individuals, who become a member of the iFS, will bring into the iFS, a business line, that they have created or will create, and have become or will become a CEO of that Business. Any individual who requests to enter into the iFS and does not have a business line, of which they are a CEO, may enter on the stipulation that they create a business line and emerge as the CEO of that project, within Sixty (60) days of application. (time-line is granted to insure that forward progress to self sustainment is being fulfilled and can and may be extended as is warranted) At this time, a Treaty will be drawn up and signed and Notarized between “blaze” and the pledge member.
Self-determination is the act of making decisions and is accorded to each individual member of the iFS. As long as any decision reached by any individual member is brought forth under the ideology of the written word of the “Law of Fairness”, then that decision becomes a precedent for that member and may be adopted by any other member of the society. Once any member adopts those precedences, then respect and honor will be given on those accords.
Lawfully gained property by any member of the iFS may be entered into the iFS Trust Program to insure that said property becomes and remains a direct part of the Sovereign Domain throughout the Society (iFS). It is the responsibility, of the Trust Program installed, to protect the said property or properties from forced theft, taxation by a foreign entity of the iFS, and foreclosure proceedings which have no standing within the iFS, by any entity which is not signed to the Sovereign Treaty of the iFS. All controversies within the iFS towards any proceeding of any property under such protection, then must undergo an intensive investigation of claimant, especially if claimant is not the original registered owner of said property. The determination of the property by a committee or group of members assigned to investigate will be final.
Any committee or group of members assigned to investigate any matter brought before it is to be known as a “Grand Jury Investigation Committee”. The Grand Jury Investigation Committee has the power to investigate, indict, and make final determinations in accordance with lawful registrations, Law of Fairness, and under the written jurisdiction of Law of Nations, as they apply. The final determination of the Grand Jury Investigation Committee is not able to be reviewed by any other Court or Jurisdiction of the World. This Grand Jury Investigation Committee is The Supreme Power of Determination and no other “Powers” from without the iFS have standing of sufficient measure to over turn that determination. The only allowance of over turn of the Grand Jury Investigation Committee determination will be by Ninety Percent (90%) of the entire Standing Membership of the iFS, as these standing members are the controlling party of the iFS. Otherwise all determinations by the Grand Jury Investigation Committee are considered Supreme Law of the iFS.
In matters of protection of the iFS, all members may be requested to stand as the physical wall against all invasions of the iFS, from any aggressive force of a foreign national. Any foreign Nation entering the iFS with a forced and aggressive invasion will be met by intimidating, physically aggressive forces to repel any of such actions. If the invasion is too intense, the iFS may ask for assistance of its allies, established under Treaties previously signed, in repelling the invading forces. It is not the ideology of the iFS to go into other Nations without their express invitation or request.
Those foreign nationals granted visitation to the iFS, although Diplomatic in style and procedure, will be asked to adhere to the respect and honor of all members of the iFS, else they will be escorted to the boundaries of the iFS and asked to leave in peace. Any visitor may be granted a temporary pass to allow peaceful travel through the physical boundaries of the iFS.
All outside trade treaties entered into with the iFS are considered to be “Private Contracts” under full protection of the Law of Fairness as its governance. Those treaties extend to trade agreements in private and establish NO commercial entity between those entered into those treaties. No monetary values are to be considered in those trade agreements. Trades are established on the merits of “Needs” by those requesting the free trade.
Although other Nations put values on items of trade and demand equal value, let it be known that all trading within the jurisdiction of the iFS are of equal value, no matter the determination by any other established entity. Values of outside entities have no “Standing” within the confines of the treaties established with the iFS.
The rules and regulatory issues to be stipulated in this agreement/treaty are an introductory to the format to be used in the governance of the iFS, through the Society Group Treaty to be created by all members, whether Sovereign or not, of the iFS.
All regulatory rules and issues created must have decisions made by at least Ninety Percent (90%) of the Sovereign members on each order, as is originally stated in this Treaty of the iFS documentation. All definitions used within this agreement/treaty, the individual treaties, and the Society Group Treaty, will be in accordance to the Law of Fairness documentation. No external interpretation, other than the wording exactly written, will be allowed as per the Law of Fairness doctrine, which is included in the individual treaties and the Society Group Treaty legal/lawful documentations.
The regulatory governance of this agreement and the creation of all treaties will come under the official governance of “blaze”, until such time as a membership of at least Ten (10) standing members within the iFS is established, at which time a rotating council will make initial determinations of rules and regulations. A council of Five (5) Sovereign members of the iFS will rotate one position every Sixty (60) days, in sequence from the day of admission into the iFS. A submission of those initial determinations will be brought before the general standing membership of the iFS for final approval with a minimum Ninety Percent (90%) vote.
All Treaties created within and without the iFS are the Supreme Law of the Society of the imlay Family Society and of the land. All Sovereign members must adhere to those agreed terms, as they were created. All Treaties will be created with a full protection of the iFS, and with alliances created through an outside Society Treaty. All outside Treaties created for alliances must be negotiated by all members of the iFS, and then be brought forward for approval by all Sovereign entities involved.
A comment time of 21 days is established on this date of February 5, 2011 to dispute the lawful creation of this Society. No considerations of comments will be accepted after February 26,2011, and will constitute a silent acquiescence of recognition by all parties who have disputing comments from this creation. Formal Recognition, with or without, any disputed comments will be the Authority of this Treaty as a Supreme Law of the Land as of February 26,2011. All comments of dispute should and must be of lawful debate of creation of this iFS Treaty. All treaty carrying members of the iFS will have Diplomat status and shall be treated as such by all government agencies, worldwide, with no exceptions.
All violations of this Treaty shall be reviewed and determined by the World Criminal Court of The Hague in the Netherlands. All illegal/unlawful detentions constitute a fine of $50,000 Federal Reserve Notes or 5 Sovereign Gold coins of 1 troy ounce weight, payable upon demand. Default of said payment brings an action in the WCC and a forfeiture of a fine of 10 times the amount of first requirement. ($500,000 in Federal reserve Notes or 50 Sovereign Gold coins of 1 troy ounce weight) Any violation of this treaty by any foreign agent (government official or non-member of iFS) against any member of the iFS, constitutes a legal trespass and is subject to the above terms.
Respectfully submitted,
blazeFebruary 2011
Terms of Agreement and Application to the imlay Family Society (iFS)
I,___________________________ , do hereby agree to the above arguments brought out for application and admission to the imlay Family Society. (iFS) I do or do not have a business entity that I would like to present to the iFS at this time. I comprehend that all rules and regulations, here now before me, are of sound nature, and I also agree to those terms.
I, _________________________ wish to apply and ask for approval to become a pledged member of the imlay Family Society (iFS). Upon approval, I agree to create a Treaty with the iFS and win approval to become a full fledged Sovereign member of said society.
Applicant must keep a signed document on their personal body to be presented, when asked for, by any official for identification. As a pledged Sovereign, you will be provided the protection, as required, as if you are a full fledged member of the iFS, until such time as your Sovereignty is gained by you.
Per: “blaze
February 2011
Appendix I
The Law of Fairness
Law of Fairness
INTRODUCTION: The core essence of human life is the right of Self-determination. No government, government entity, individual, or group, including any and all religious doctrine has the right to determine how an individual should live his or her life; as long as, the individual’s actions are in accordance with the Law of Fairness and the Laws of Nature. No individual, group, government or government entity has the right or authority to impose their will through the use of deception, threat of deception, threat of force, fraud, coercion, threat of initiated force or initiated force on any individual who has reached the age of reasoning.*
The right of self -determination includes any and all choices that encompass the liberty and freedom of the individual to determine how said individual will procure income, real property, worldly possessions, choice of social compact and happiness; as long as, said individual is abiding by the Law of Fairness and the Laws of Nature.
Stipulation 1: Any individual, group, or government using deception, threat of deception, fraud, coercion, threat of initiated force, or initiatory force upon another individual, group, government, social compact, or their property or contracts is violating the Law of Fairness and such actions are strictly prohibited.
Stipulation 2: Any individual, group, government or government entity not abiding by the Law of Fairness will be subject to corrective measures according to the depth and scope of the infringement as adjudicated by the governing body whose jurisdiction includes the location where the infringement occurred. Use of force is justifiable ONLY in the event of the violation of the Law of Fairness, including violation of Stipulation 1, by any individual, group, or government or government entity.
Stipulation 3: There shall be no exceptions to Stipulations 1 and 2.
* Age of Reasoning When an individual believes that he or she has reached the age of reasoning, that individual can formally express his or her intent to pursue his or her right to self-determination within the community, and accept full responsibility for their actions -- under the Law of Fairness. At the moment of the acceptance by the community, the expression will be considered recognized.
Endorsed by: