Monday, December 12, 2011

Are You Gullible?

What is the coverup?

I have been perplexed with the amount of disinformation, or so it seems to me, being released to the public on the census taking world wide. It seems to me we are being lied to by those who wish to make us believe that this planet is overpopulated. Maybe it is the fact that all of the devastating information we receive is really over stated on purpose.

I have seen in the media that there have been millions upon millions of deaths of individuals through war efforts, and hundreds of thousands of children dying daily from starvation and disease and war in third world countries. This has been in mainly the last 10-20 years since we have occupied the middle east in this War on Terror, or at least, since we have been involved in being anywhere close to the middle east in the same amount of time.

If there has been all of these lives lost in the last 10-20 years and even right back to the time of the World Wars, estimations of deaths have been put in the millions and still the population estimations have remained at 7 billion. The numbers just don't seem to jive when you start checking them out. Surely, there is
NOT millions of babies born every day to accomodate the hundreds of thousands babies and children who die daily. Are we that gullible to believe what could be lies told to us?

At the bombing of Pearl Harbor, we lost 5,000 plus personnel, the Philippines lost an estimated 3 million people at the same time, in WW2 we lost about 100,000 or so and the enemy losses were estimated at nearly millions, let alone the loss of many millions of Jews lives due to Hitler. An estimation of millions of lives lost in tsunamis in the Far East recently, loss of many lives in the earthquake in Japan, earthquakes in the Caribbean, the USA, and several countries around the world have been calculated. How about the millions of lives lost in the Middle East by US hands and hands of the terrorists or extremist leaders of these countries in the last 10 years? Our own law enforcement here have been involved in effecting loss of lives or devastating injuries during protests. Even loss of lives in protests all around the world for that matter.

I am sorry but the numbers are not adding up unless we have mothers fully occupying all of the beds in the hospitals around the US and popping out babies in the hundreds of thousands daily. This phenomenon would have to be going on to sustain the claim of the world population of 7 billion occupation. I think the recorded deaths are not being taken off of the records when deaths occur all around this country, let alone the whole planet, and that is what is keeping the sustaining of the population numbers at the amount it is now.
AGAIN, HOW GULLIBLE ARE WE BEING, OR ARE WE JUST PLAIN STUPID? This is politics in motion in my book! LIES to keep the control of the Elite going on, over the rest of the world. TIME TO WAKE UP PEOPLE!

It is literally time for the
REVOLUTIONARY COALITIONS to come together and start acting in order to turn things around from the path they are heading down. Do you really think the Elite will give up without a fight and not make it bloody as well? Pacifism may work for the gullible, but for those who are in control, brute power and strength against them is all they understand and worries them. They laugh at the puny pacifist demonstrations from behind their closed doors, and then they get physical in the public arena, just to sustain the control.

How do I know of such issues? I rubbed shoulders with the Democratic and the Republican candidates when I ran for the House of Representatives back in 2002. You know, you hit a nerve,
when you watch the candidate's jaws drop, or they started sending you notes to wind up your speech immediately. This has happened with me in a local forum, I spoke in, and brought up the issue of taxation. Taxation in a forum is taboo and is never brought up, especially if it is suspension of taxation. Taxation is the bread and butter of the career politicians. That is their paychecks yearly. As soon as I brought up the idea of suspending taxation of a new company, I received a note on the podium to wind up that talk immediately, from the Democratic candidate sitting next to that podium. Needless to say, the Chamber of Commerce of the area, heard the word and gave a taxation break for the new company of $400,000 for the total year.

Drug awareness and the use of POT for medicinal uses is another taboo, unless brought up by a licensed doctor on the panel. As was the case in 2002, when pot became an issue for legalization. Doctor Schaaf, who was running for the 28th District of the House in Missouri, brought it to the attention of the audience, that pot or THC was already legal and no legislation was needed, as he had used the dispensation of THC in medications for over 10 years in Missouri. So pot or THC legalization is another scam perpetuated by the political factions to keep the divisions ongoing. AND to keep the War on Drugs ongoing with the advent of using law enforcement to keep the control of the population in hand.

These are some of the scams perpetuated by the political movement, and the population is so gullible to believe everything the career politicians tell them. Do you really think politicians have experts back them on their claims of their scams they produce? They literally pay the experts to testify what the politicians want them to tell to the public, when those experts release documentation. So the population has been duped again and again by scam creators (politicians), whom the population believe unerringly.

Do you really think the religious faction and their leaders are so pure too? Jordan Maxwell, a leading researcher in religion, covert, occult (or hidden), and political issues, has stated in the last 45-50 years of his research, that he has found, especially religion, to be one of the most false sources of information provided to the public. He comes right out and states that religion was created by the political factions as a means of controlling the social population, since the political factions was losing their methods of control, at that period of time. Politicians took the pagan religion and twisted the facts around and created a religious organization and belief to bring the people back around under their control again. The Vatican is one of the richest organized religions on the planet, with all of the gold and precious metals and occult items of belief, they display, in their own courtyards.

Let's take the King James Bible for instance. The King James Bible is a rewritten account of the original Egyptian and pagan religions by none other than King James himself of the English Dynasty. When King James found out that he was not going to have a male heir to his throne, he sought to get a divorce from his then Queen/wife, and the Vatican refused to accept it. At this time, King James abdicated from the Catholic religion, rewrote the then accepted version of the bible and started the conversion of the people of England over to Protestantism from Catholicism. This took about 2 generations to accomplish, and it is my opinion, that King James with the rewrite of the Bible, was proclaiming himself as God. England converted from Catholic to Protestant in really no time at all.

If you were to compare the ever popular King James Bible with the original versions of the Catholic account of THEIR recordings, you would find great differences in the writings. The Catholic scribes were some of the first educated, that wrote a history which was read to the people nearly 3500 years ago. Many, of the population at the time, were uneducated and illiterate and depended on what others in authority told them.

Many, in the present world we live in, subscribe to the same premises of being told what they want to know, rather than do the work and research to find out the truth for themselves. They would rather remain lazy and not do the hard work of research to find out the truth and then listen to the false prophets of information for what is proclaimed as the truth. That is why many researchers and providers of information tell you to go do the research yourself, especially if you do not believe what they have to tell you. BUT I think many of the people do not want to know the truth of the matters at hand.

The responsibility of each and every one must be held by each and every one and not shirked off onto to others to do the work for them. When you don't do the work that is required for what you desire, then in my opinion, you deserve the consequences you get. I have done my research and have labored about to find it. I do not stand or wish to be controlled by anyone other than myself, and I do something about it daily to protect myself from that external control.

There is plenty of information and actual footage of information produced, not only by private individuals but also by the media, that if you view it in an open frame of mind, you would see the atrocities perpetuated by those in the Elite controlling factions. As long as you continue to pull the wool back over your own eyes, then you have imprisoned yourself in your own jail cell and will not get out until you see the truth, as it is provided for you. There is a lot of information provided on the internet through You Tube and through viable websites that can and will show you how to get out of the dilemma you are in. The only thing of it is, is that you must do the work yourself for it to be effective. This is one of the other things the Elite do not want you to learn either. The less you know, the better they can control you, with what they tell you. It is your responsibility to find out how to get out, and only you can do it. Then you MUST link up with others to start doing something together to end the Elite's control of the world.

Only when you complete actions against the factions controlling what you do, say, or think, can you ever realize the freedom you really have. Think about this! Are they you, and do they create the thoughts you have in your head, for what you believe is right for you? When you allow someone else to make the rules for how you are supposed to live, then you have succumbed to their wills and wishes and gave up your own rights to what you really want out of life. You have literally become a SLAVE to those who make your rules.

If you are not a direct signatory to the rules and regulations created, then you have no say at all in any of the operations, and the rules can change at the whim of the creator, without your permission. Do you think all legislation in politics are made especially for you? No, not really, because the politicians who make the rules, make them so vague, that they can skate right out of those rules, but use legal issues to force you to follow them. When legal usage of rules are provided, the law in effect has been changed, because what was not written in the law, was added to the law by word of mouth from the lawyers who do interpretation. Legal interpretation of the law is corruption of the law. The law is only enforceable as it is written, and when something has been added to the law, then it has been changed unlawfully through interpretation, not through a lawful legislative process as required by our Constitution. If law is written vaguely, then the law can be only enforced vaguely, and must remain so until changed by legislators or the people themselves, “in toto”. (in toto means “in total” or by all) Nothing can be added or taken away from it, period.

People are so gullible, that they allow those in supposed authority to produce for the people, laws and rules which do not actually pertain to the people specifically, and then allow those authority figures to push them around like rag dolls on a shelf, by using the legalized form of law against the people. Do you follow the law as it is written, because someone told you it is the law, or is your signature on that law, saying you agree to conform? Oh sure the legislators that were appointed by the people make the laws, but do the laws state exactly what you wanted, word for word? Probably not, because legislators manipulated the wording for their own benefit really, and left you holding the bag. AND you bought it, and are buying it hook line and sinker, by following the law that does not really pertain directly to you. Only Treaties and contracts, of which you are a party, can do that.

If you are a party to a Treaty or a contract, then it pertains directly to you, because you have to sign them yourselves, and you control the contents of those items, by inputting what you want into them directly. If you do not agree to the issues provided by the offsetting parties, then you are not liable to those issues, if you do not sign it. If coercion, deception, or fraud are incorporated into the Treaty or Contract, then the Treaty or Contract become invalid for enforcement and may be breached lawfully. You must take responsibility for everything you do and input on any negotiation you make, and only you are liable then. You also take responsibility for full protection of that Treaty or Contract by any means available from trespass.

I have created 2 Family Societies and the second one is going through its transitional stage even now and will be viable January 1, 2012. The first is already viable and recognized, although law enforcement thinks they can circumvent it anytime they wish, until I start handing out the invoices to collect the fines as directed by my own Sovereign Treaty, which has been recognized by the ONLY lawful Sovereigns of this Nation and the World, and those are the United States Post Office, who control all of the communications (legal and private) of this Nation, and the Universal Postal Union, which controls all of the communications (also legal and private) of the entire world. I will be handing those invoices out before the end of the year 2011, and those payments are “Payment on Demand”. My Treaty is very specific and defines terms, preferred courts, specific fines, and specific sentences and prisons for use. This is why the Treaty was recognized so quickly.

If these facilitators of the corruptions of the law think they can get away with what they are doing, they have another think coming. When I am out on the road as a driver or tourist, I am out to make money from whatever source I can derive it from, and if it is them and their fellow facilitators, then so-be-it. (SOBEIT) If they do not meet the requirements of the Treaty, then they are sent to the court of my choice which happens to be the World Criminal Court (WCC or ICC), and the rules are specific for that court to rule in the Treaty. From there they will be sent to a prison, also of my choice, and that is Siberia. At which point, in order to make my money back, I would sell their contract to the Russian Government for a 50% value of the contract. So you see, I will make money no matter what, and I care less who I make it off of.

Mouthpiece lawyers who stick their noses into these contracts are also subject to prosecution along with the judges who corrupt the law. When the Judges and lawyers cross the fine line of public into private, then they come into the world they are not signed to, and trespass. They know the consequences of trespass, and it is not my responsibility to show them where they do wrong. The USPS and UPU found my treaty. Judges and lawyers can do the same, although they do not have the authority for recognition, and are subject to Supreme Law of the Land as expressed under the Treaty, as recognized, mainly because those authorities (so they think) are nothing more than the ministers of The Sovereign. (the main one who appointed them to their positions) This is an example of full protection of Treaty and Contract. If those perpetrators don't believe I would carry out my Treaty, then they can call my bluff and suffer the consequences of the call. They are of no concern to me.

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