Saturday, February 26, 2011


Dear Friends:

Who is Blaze, blaze, or david for that matter? Let me give a little summary somewhat so you get an idea. Blaze, blaze, or david is a human being, who breathes, consumes natural and unnatural substances for sustainability, and who is a free-thinker in a society designed by himself, and any others who wish to join in.

Being a FREE-THINKER, in all reality, means that the individual, whether man or woman or boy or girl, rationally decides for themselves what they need to sustain their inhabitant lifestyle, which includes acquiring food and drink to keeping their body in a healthy state, educating themselves of their environment, and then cohabit with others of likenesses (designed in likeness of stature, thinking, etc.) and honoring those inhabitants.

Recognition of others is essential for a society to grow and to sustain itself in the means that Nature provided. When we get to the point of recognition and then dishonor others by trespassing or invading their spaces without permission, then we are becoming more and more out of Harmony with Nature in all essence. Nature provided for all of us, the most ideal environment we could ever ask for, and we screw it up by dividing ourselves amongst each other and ripping that serene system all apart.

Too many people are very id-minded, and allow themselves to graduate to the super-ego status and walk all over everyone else without rationalizing what it is that they are doing. In order to bring ourselves back into harmony, we need to initialize the ego part of ourselves and become more rational not only to ourselves but also to others around us. Ego is the system of where we take part of the id, or self aggrandizing, grandstanding and think only of ourselves, and then take a part of the super-ego, where we look down on others and think how great we are over others, and bring both of those parts together to bring about a synthesis or combination that allows us to look on our lives as a whole and see where we can be of help to others to allow them to get where we are.

In most of our situations, people have no idea what each and every one of our boundaries are unless we come right out and tell them. So it seems essential to write our boundaries down and give a copy to everyone we know and deal with, so they know how far they can go, before they cross that imaginary line and trespass into our space, that we protect so vehemently. As long as we let them know what we will allow and not allow, and they can have a copy of that in their possession, then there is no reason for any one of us getting out of Harmony with each other and then we help Nature to stay in Harmony with herself.

Some people call this a survey for legal terminology, but if you consider legal terminology itself, it is nothing more than terminology for a totally different society other than our own that we create. When we create our own society, then we create our own rules, regulations, and customs that will make us comfortable in our own little world. You see, most people do not recognize a society and world as the one and the same. They think it is two totally different ideas. Now, world can be two different things really. It all depends on the creator of that world, and how it connects with the other worlds, outside of itself. Your world is totally personal, and the other world is the unification of all the other worlds that your own world interacts with. Now you have two separate sets of rules and regulations to set up and adhere to, to keep Harmony. Customs are of a totally personal nature and needs respect when dealing with other world's customs.

This is where the idea of a treaty came into play. A treaty is the idea of setting up rules and regulations between two separate entities, with respect to each others customs, which could be a religion or belief system adhered to by that one entity. Treaties are boundaries and allow specific others to know what special do's and don'ts will be allowed. So you see, treaties are specific matters and can be between two entities or groups of entities, considering how they are set up. Groups of entries on a treaty can set up a society, a nation, or an empire. OR it can be specific between two separate entities where special allowances are made where they would not be given to any other entity. This tends to keep anyone from consistently irritating the other by doing something that they had no idea was bothering, or trespassing on, someone else at the time.

When we do a survey or a declaration of ourselves and hand it out to everyone we know or everyone we deal with, then we establish a rapport where all of us know how far we can go with each other. When you deal with specific people a lot, then references to those surveys are used less, until some part of the survey changes and notifications are again handed out. Keeping everyone we interact with appraised of who and what we are about keeps Harmony going between all of us and remains in a peaceful situation.

Then there is the BULLY. What do you do about them? Oh sure you can ignore them and hope they go away, but that bully believes that when you ignore him, he can do whatever he wants with you, until you do something to physically make him stop. The bully does not have the intellect enough to recognize the essence of any treaty, because all he see is words and doesn't understand them or refuses to understand them. Until you actually do something to him to make him stop (and having someone else, like a court system telling him to stop is a failure to him, because you were not big enough to do it yourself), he will continue to bully you at your every turn. Why do you think bullies continue to stalk and harass others even after a court issues a warning or court order to try and make him stop and then he has to be arrested. Arresting is a temporary bandage for that person. It only makes them stop while they are in jail. A bully will not leave you alone unless you force him or her to stop yourself. That is history and has been seen all through the school system , government, and even corporations. (How about those callers who wait til you get home and sit down to eat to try and solicit something to or from you?) Until YOU do something yourself, they will never quit. That is bullying! Does that stop when you ignore it? AND then sometimes after you do something, they try a different tactic to get to you, because you used someone else to get your job done for you.

"Government Involvement"

Let's go as far as our government, or what we think is our government. We allow police officers to harass us at every turn in our lives and never do anything about it. Oh sure we walk into THEIR courtroom to try to make them stop and what happens? They even continue the harassment right in the courtroom and involve the judge to harass you too, if you do not know what to do about it. Think about it. As a human being, if you do not harm or kill another human being , interfere in their contracts, or damage THEIR (human beings) property, then you have committed no crime. BUT government entities are taking on "Human" characteristics and YOU allow them to get away with it. No matter what you do, some part of the government or its agencies find something else to harass you about, and you allow that. When are you going to get mad and literally stand up to defend yourself and not stand behind a whining "leave me alone" statement? When you do not stand up to them and force them back into the positions they belong, then you may deserve being harassed and locked up in jail, with no consideration for restitution for their wrong doing against you.

Let's now turn to Lawyers, Judges, and Political Legislators. Political Legislators are anyone who passes laws or edicts from their bench. These include Representatives, Senators, Governors, AGs, and even most Judges. Since when has any Political Legislator brought anything out in law or rule that favors the people explicitly? If you look at what they do pass, you will find that MONEY always comes out first as the front line agenda. You the people come out at the very tail end of that agenda. If it is gonna cost the government money to do it, then it will never get done. Many a bill has been turned down at the Governor's desk because the State or Republic can not afford the expense of the law or rule. Even the referendums or bills posed to Legislators have been drastically changed to achieve their agenda first and you would be lucky to get anything out of it. AGs or Attorney Generals, who are supposed to be looking out for the general good of the people, look at the money issues first too. If the AG or the law enforcement can make a buck off of putting you in a privately run jail, then that is where you will go.
Lawyers are the ILK of the government, as most who operate at the helm, are lawyers. Lawyers do the interpreting of the law and corrupting it and GET AWAY WITH IT! Why? Because all of these politicians, including lawyers are directly or indirectly members of the corporate system that deals in the money of the State or Republic. They all belong to political UNIONS. Even the law enforcement are members of a UNION. So, they do not work for the government. They work for a Corporation. Judges have been known to legislate from the bench and many have gotten away with it too. These judges issue power and coercion from the bench of which they do not have that authority, as they are only supposed to be negotiating differences. Judges will not bite the hands of the attorneys or lawyers standing before him, because he is part of their Union too, and there are rules within the Union that provide for that.

Each of us must create a personal survey to identify who we are, and what we will and will not allow to come near us. It is our choice in these matters, and only we, ourselves, can make that choice unless we agree to have someone else do it for us. If we allow anyone else to decide what we think, say, and do, then we become slaves to those who make those decisions for us. Does anyone know what goes on inside your head in your thinking processes, besides you? Unless you tell everyone what you are thinking as you think it, then only you are the [MASTER] key to unlocking the mysteries going on in there. As long as you remain rational and sensible about your thinking, then you are not likely to go out and harm or kill someone intentionally. That is following the Rule of Nature and of Common Law. Others like to define Common Law as the law that they make common, and that definition you do not have to accept, if it is not what you believe it means.

When you make your own boundaries and state them, then you create your own rules that you will abide by. Common Sense tells you what is rational or not and that is your final decision and not anyone else's idea to influence you into their beliefs. You must take a stand and protect that stand by whatever means it takes, to make sure that you, yourself, are protected in the long run. Only you have that power of protection, and you are the one who can enforce it. When you delegate your power then you are subject to that delelgate's whims and wishes, as to how they enforce your rules. Every rule and every idea must be explicit and precise, so there is no confusion by anyone, as to what you mean. You are literally the final Supreme Court Judge who makes that decision and follows up on it.

Here is my Survey on myself for all to view.

I am a human being, who breathes, thinks, sustains my life, and makes final determinations over all aspects of my life. I am a human being who abides by the inherent Laws of Nature, which is the main and final determiner of keeping Harmony in its system. I agree to help sustain the Harmony of Nature as one of my main goals, other than producing for myself and those who join me in my system, that I create of my own free will. My creation of my system or world is only a sub-part of the overall system of Nature and the supreme being, who was instrumental in creating myself as a human being.

As a human being it is my responsibility to maintain Harmony in all aspects of my life and to the lives of others to bring peaceful solutions to any problem that is encountered. My decisions on my part are final, although joint resolutions may be reached with others in their systems to help maintain the Harmony. Joint resolutions are honorable methods of reaching for conclusions to problems that confront each of us on our daily journey through life. Joint Resolutions are specific in Nature and apply only to the problems encountered, when they arise, and all conferences to reach that resolution are encouraged. Joint resolutions may or may not be reached by using the same methods in each circumstance, and one resolution does not consistently complement another resolution, unless similar in Nature. Resolutions are a joint effort by all human beings as is defined above.

Each human being is an expert in their field, no matter the limitations of that human being. Each human being will give the respect to another human being for their expertise. That respect will bring to the forefront the diplomacy required in all meetings of the minds. It is inherent that all human beings are responsible for their actions, words, and deeds and take accountability for those actions words and deeds.

It is human nature that all human beings, no matter what name they create for themselves, that they insure not only their own protection, but also provide for the protection of those human beings from whom they derive their prosperity of life. In order for the prosperity of human life to be preserved, then it is essential for all human beings to come together as a single unit to defend that lifestyle created.

All trading, commerce, and decisions of methods of sustenance may be by word of mouth and honor of what is spoken, or it may be written down and that honor extended to the specific writings between the two or more who reach agreements for those methods. This writing may be of a treaty style or may be of a "Trust Agreement" between all involved in this agreement. All Trust agreements will follow the same rules of creation. Trusts are private and all agreements may not be divulged outside the limitations of that Trust. Trusts are independent of one another in creation and may be changed at any time by both parties of that Trust. No party, who is not included in that Trust, has no standing and makes no determinations for that Trust at any time. Appointed "Trustees" of the Trust are limited by what is prescribed by the owner(s) of that Trust. No other determinations by anyone outside the Trust is allowed and is classified as a trespass, when encroachment is found. Definitions of parties, party, and members is in direct reference to human beings.

All contracts created by any human being with another human being are of a private nature, and all considerations, determinations, and notices of right to contract must be reached before a signature is afixed to the document. All contracts shall have fixed to them a seal, signature, and sovereign stamp, from each human being, and honor is essential between the those humans for it to be lawful. No standing is awarded to anyone who is not a signatory to that contract. Anything added to a contract in the form of fine print, before, during, or after creation of the contract, is for informational purposes only and have no bearing on the original contents of that contract. Contracts are written instruments of agreements reached and have no life attributed to them. Only human beings can make any determinations on contracts.

Corporations are considered contracts created on paper and have no bearing on any human being's lifestyle or ultimate prosperity. Corporations are nothing more than mechanisms of creation of prosperity for a human being and issue no control over that human being. All human beings that participate in the decision making of a corporation are nothing more than facilitators of methods used to create prosperity and have no bearing or authority outside the boundaries of the Contract creating the Corporation. No human being is considered to be a corporation and no corporate or political entity has any jurisdiction over any human being.

All human beings have the individual inherent right to freedom of speech, freedom of system of belief, freedom of the press, freedom to choose whatever style of education that is beneficial to them, freedom to create prosperity of value for oneself, freedom of protection by whatever means available to protect the lifestyle of their choice, and freedom to contract and own lawful property. All human beings have the right to refuse to be taxed for anything that belongs to them lawfully. All human beings have the full freedom of right to travel without any restrictions being put on them at any time. All human beings have the right to pursue their happiness without causing harm to any one other human being or their property or contract.

All human beings have the full right to self determination without interference from any other source. All human beings have the right to create, maintain, and manage any business venture, so long as it does not disturb the Harmony of Nature and the Supreme Being. All human beings have the right to use whatever methods of exchange within those business ventures to conduct commerce or pursuit of happiness without direct or indirect interference from any source outside this created Treaty and Declaration of intent.

This Declaration of Intent and Treaty is a direct supplement of the iFS Treaty and is considered a direct part of the Supreme Law of the Land.

In conclusion, I am a human being, who has the facility of making my own self determinations and decisions. I have chosen the identification of "blaze" by my own creation and choosing. Any other consideration of identification without my consent is deemed as a trespass against this formal treaty and myself ["blaze"] and is to be enforced through myself and the international court of my choosing. Any and all contracts created upon the given alleged date of my creation in this life and without my specific consent are considered null and void due to fraudulent considerations created without full disclosure. In order for honor to be brought to the fraudulent reconciliation and can be recognized, then all frauds commited against "blaze" aka CHARLES DAVID IMLAY, C D IMLAY, C. DAVID IMLAY, Charles David Imlay, Charles D. Imlay, charles d. imlay, charles david imlay, david imlay, and David Imlay must be brought to resolution, and forgiveness given, before full honor can be bestowed onto the offending entities. It is the responsibility of the offending entity to bring resolution to all matters of the names from the aforementioned, used by that entity, to create the fraud committed against the human being now identified as "blaze". Sobeit!

Put to this Treaty by the hand of "blaze" on February 26, 2011

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