Saturday, July 08, 2006

Jihadists or Americans ? ? ? ?

Jihadists or American?

Are you a typical American?
You might be if you do not care, do not stand up, and be counted. Most Americans, it seems, are hiding behind someone else's skirttails, hope someone else takes charge and does something. They are either too scared or too lazy to get up off of their asses and do something for themselves. It is not their problem or the problem is not feasable to do.

Do you fit into one of these categories?

1. Lazy (what have you done lately?)
2. Scared (have you got your tail between your legs ? Or got a yellow streak a mile long?)
3. Not your Problem (If it ain't your problem, whose is it then?)
4. Not feasable to do or able to be done (What have you even tried to do, in the last year?)

If you wait on someone else to do what needs to be done, then are you sure that it will be done the right way or a way preferable to your way of life? Why do you wait on someone else to do things for you? Just get in there and "Get 'er Done".

How many Muslims have you seen walking amongst us here in this country? I, myself, have seen entirely too many of them to be very comfortable living where I do. (in the Midwest) Of course, I would not sit idly by if some terrorist (how do you know if that Muslim living next door to you is not a terrorist?) would just happen to decide to plant a nuclear device in the city I live close to or live in. Do you think any terrorist is gonna advertise their whereabouts openly for us to find them?

A Muslim terrorist could be your best friend, a loving buddy, your spouse, etc. UNTIL they get their orders or a signal from their leaders and detonate those devices they have planted. Do you really know that so-called Muslim you call a friend?

I for one, thoroughly believe each and every Muslim should be interred into a concentration camp until every last Terrorist, who threatens this country and its people, is totally destroyed and eliminated from existence from this planet ................ period. (kinda sounds like an extremist, huh? A Jihadist terrorist is a hateful extremist and wants to destroy everyone who does not believe as he does {a religious fanatical NUTcase})

Am I a terrorist? HELL NO! I am a red blooded, rednecked, American who loves this country and will defend it from all terrorists from within or without! When this country's pacifist lawmakers get their heads out of the sand or their asses, and take note of their loss of their possible existence (unless those pacifists work for or with the terrorists), then we can defend this country without putting ourselves in dire jeopardy by waiting for the first strike to happen. This will never be the Japanese First Strike of WWII , because I believe terrorists are already here hiding amongst us and ready to strike at any given moment.

It used to be in the old days, that when a bad boy (it was mainly the "boys" who got the whuppin') got caught doing something that he wasn't supposed to be doing, then he got taken down behind the woodshed and got his hide tanned good and proper. Nowadays we have gotten a lot of pansy assed delegates in our government and we are letting them dictate a losing attitude for the rest of us to follow (or you to follow really) ! They do not care if we protect this country and its people, because if they can still be in control, that is all that they have on their AGENDA!

It is high time to be rid of them and get this country back on track of cleaning up our own backyard. We need to rid ourselves of anyone who affiliates themselves with any terrorist inside or outside of this country.

This is the PEOPLE'S COUNTRY and we need to do something and do it now, without even thinking about it at all. Even if it means to protect ourselves from those who think they are doing right and protecting civil rights, even of foreigners
(Since when and where does it say in our Constitution that foreigners are allowed guaranteed rights? The same as American Citizens? No where that I know of!) Those who prophesy to sit back and wait, seem to me, to be ones who are helping those who want to do extreme damage to this Country's Values and and to its people's Freedoms and Happiness. If we sit back and allow these things to happen to us, then we deserve all the loss that we get.

These Pacifists (you know who you are!) have weakened this great Nation since the onslaught of the Viet Nam Conflict (War? not hardly! more like slaughter) with their whining and crying over stupid ideals that they hold onto. These ideals are the leftover ideas of the Leaders, who failed in their attempts to be that Leader (Hitler, Stalin, Gorbechev, Pol Pot, etc. ). <--------Each of these leaders failed to accomplish their end result, and so goes those leaders and behind the scenes wannabes, who are attempting to run (or ruin?) this country and its economy! If they are incompetent as they are seeming to be, then they need to be removed, even physically, if need be!

There is no room for error when we have invaders already set to take this country down in one swift blow. Our nerves must be razor sharp, on edge, and ready to take out the invaders or interpolators, without hesitation. One second of hesitation could possibly mean total destruction of the world, Nation, or friends and relatives as we have known it and loved!

Here is the key to the successful defense of our ideals, Values, and possessions! That key is: NO HATE! Just complete concentration of defending this Nation to the very ends that we require it to be! Immediate reactions are not good enough. Immediate interaction and intuition is what is required to keep this Nation the greatest place to be ........ forever. When we give up on ourselves and this country, then we fail all others that we serve.

Are you climbing your mountain? You had better be climbing and putting together your picture puzzles. These mountains you are climbing are your obstacles, and those puzzles that you put together are your life plans from beginning to end. What have you seen coming from these obstacles you have encountered? Got a new plan? One that's better?

Always better yourself no matter what. Letting others guide you, takes you out of your plan's pathway. And to correct that deviation takes a lot of effort and time to get back on track again : UNLESS you find the shortcuts that brings you up-to-date on your itinerary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.