Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Complacency or Force

Are We Complacent or Forced to comply?

As we live in a world that is run by those who adore their power and can't live without it, many of us are either complacent about, or forced to follow, the rules and regulations that are passed by, not ourselves, but by those elected officials who enjoy making slaves out of the Sovereignty.

Why do we favor complacency over freedom of choice? Some of us do not have choices in these matters, as we have literally given ourselves up to the authority of someone who we look up to as a leader. Quite a few of us are forced to follow what others "Feel" is in the best interests of all of the "Sheeple". It does not matter what we do in order to counter what is already preordained through the preaching of the leaders, the barking of the orders to be followed, or be subject to the clandestine circumstances that is prepared for us.

St. Joseph, Missouri has many who are nothing more than "sheeple" who are like ostriches and bury their heads in the sand, and follow blindly where the so-called leaders tell them to go. Those of us who try to make it of a more independent nature, are beaten back with the ordinances and the tenets of those, who think they know best for everyone. I am so glad that they know exactly what it is I am thinking and wishing for myself. These so-called leaders must be clairvoyant or maybe even witches. At any rate, they are the authorities that make our decisions for us.

As long as we follow the direction and path that these authorities set out for us, then we do not have our own directions set, to where we would like to see ourselves follow. Instead we follow the paths of someone else's ideals, and our ideals mean little to them, let alone ourselves. So when we follow others ideals then we fail ourselves. And our paths are left to deteriorate and to fall away from our beings. We leave ourselves in despair and falter, because of the wishes of others, and not of ourselves. In essence, we have become lost upon the wants and whims of those who can't even see past the ends of their noses.

Their hatred of life, and their hatred for success that is to be had by anyone else other than themselves, drive these so-called authorities to keep beating those under their feet constantly to the ground, so they never arise to their freedom or their awareness of what they could accomplish. As long as our leaders can continue to be the masters of everyone, then they continue to drive the rest of us to our graves even sooner. The problem is that we allow this to happen of our own volition, because of our stupidness of our environment or what history has given us before, to guide us.

There are Judges in St. Joseph, Missouri who give a damn less about the "Life, Liberty, and Happiness" of their citizens. The have lawlessly allowed "spies" to roam amongst the citizenry to undermine the happiness of the people. The citizens are harrassed and ridiculed, and taxed beyond reason by these judges, who stick their noses in the air and pretend they are so much better than those they serve.

City Commissioners run rampant around the city condemning citizen's properties (real estate and personal property), spying on the citizens without their express written, let alone verbal authority.

Judge Boeh, of the Municipal Court Agenda, is one such Judge who has authorized the spying, and does not recognize, let alone allow any reference to Permanent US Fundamental Rights issues to permeate his courtroom at any time. References are dismissed as soon as they are mentioned. Mr Boeh, in my opinion, is one corrupt Judicial official that should never had been reelected to the position he retains. Of Course, his cohort, Prosecuting Attorney, Rebecca Spencer, who ran against him, was not any better with her "Holier than Thou" attitiude. Neither of these Jurists have any respect for the authority of the Sovereignty.

One day, the Sovereignty shall turn and bite that hand which is held out to collect the blood money (money even from the elderly, who are on nothing but limited income), and all "Hell" shall break loose. Justice will be served when those who steal from the public lose that thieving hand to those who do know what "justice for all" means.

Needless to say, Chief Justice Patrick Robb is no better than Boeh, as he has sat on his thumbs and done nothing, while the City's Citizens have been raped by the Comissioner Plunderers in their wanton spying against the citizenry along with the "Blessings" of the Attorney General's office (Mr Jay Nixon), and the Governor's Blessings (Matt Blunt). These higher authorities have seemed to stand idly by and allowed Public Servants (Slaves? {they are beholdened to the Sovereignty, aren't they? They had better be!}) to do as they please with those of whom can not afford to even help themselves.

Those of us, who do know better and try to help those that are being beaten down, are made out to be examples of what the Judge Authorities and the Higher State (Republic of Missouri) Authorities wish for others to view. This is an Evil undermining of the Values of those who work and have worked all their lives in order to better themselves, but are sacrificed for these authority's "Better Good".

When will everyone pull their heads out of the sand and see the light at the end of the Tunnel with the Advent of the New Technology Party?

It is on the way, and all that needs to be done, is to accept the idea of total freedom from theft of property by politicos, total happiness, and satisfaction of creating and accomplishing anything we attempt to do. The New Technology Party can and will bring about all that, very soon! Are you ready?

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