Sunday, April 30, 2006

Terrorists and Visionaries?

Hey Friends and Allies:

As I was reading the Vision Force "Power to Stand" edition (Michael Skye's website) and then contemplating the information that was given, I got the most sensational tingling running up the middle of my back.

I agree with the difference between the "Position and Stance" and how that can make or break a vision. But when it comes to "TERRORISTS" and "VISIONARIES" I have a really big problem with beliefs on this issue.

A dedicated "Terrorist" does not give a Damn about anyone else except those who believe exactly as he/she
does (I lean more to the "He" designation because Islamics do not have ANY respect for women!). He is not going to change his mind about the emotions that most pacifists here in the U.S. "feel" (<-----key word here), because his ideals concern total "take over" of the "World". Many here in this country are so snowed by the pacifist ideals, as is projected by those supposed "get along with" Islamics and others, who say they do not advocate violence; But they stand idly by while the violence perpetuates, and keep their heads buried in the sand pile that they are playing in.

While pacifists keep their heads sunken in the sand, many will not realize the errors of their ways, until these so-called friends of "Islamic Distinction" silently sneak up onto those snowed under individuals and decapitate them. Such is the results of being so gullible to believing any information given to them without going out of their way to do a thorough investigation of those supposed facts.

Being the "Boy Scout" or "being prepared", is the proper visionary position or stance to take. Metaphorically speaking, if people did their homework on their own and not used the cheating methods of looking over the shoulders of their fellow students to get their answers, then everyone using "Visionary" tactics would be more fully prepared to handle everyday life adventures that are presented to us.

BUT, too many people are too lazy to investigate on their own and then rely on so-called "expert" advice. These "experts" have only one thing on their minds too, if you dig deep enough to find out, and that is ------> power and control of their own. These "experts" will use whatever tactics they need to use to accomplish the results they seek, and they could care less about what you think about it. Oh, ............... they (the "Experts") will feign their outward emotions to pacify the pacifists, so that the word can be spread to all the others who have their doubts. (pacifists have a large network that they communicate with: ie: PETA, Sierra Club, anti-gun lobbys, "ABC" Gov't Orgs., pro-socialistic lobbys, religious orgs., and pro-"good-for-society" [Pharmaceutical Companies and others?] organizations!) Many of these pacifist organizations do not have "Human relations" at the forefront of their livelihoods. Animals, ecology/environment, unproven beliefs, inflationary monetary Wealth, and anti-human-rights lead these organizations on in their quest to destroy the social structures we are at present accustomed to!

Peta and Sierra Club have worked extensively together to undermine human productive efforts by effectively creating problems (extinction claims of "Suckerfish" which proved unfounded later) and eliminating active producers (farmers in Oregon during the Klammoth Falls incident) to provide for their Government controlled farms by having those devastated farmers sell out for a little of nothing, after their farms were destroyed by a forced drought brought about under U.S. Government Direction. (Government {FBI and BLM} followed the information supplied by Sierra Club mainly, and then by PETA and shut down all water supplies to those farms!) (2 firefighters also lost their lives due to the water shut down during the blazing fires that were devastating the areas south at this same time of the Klammoth Falls incident) Not one person has ever been charged with any crimes involved with this incident either.

These above organizations are also invested in "re-Wilding" the Country through the usage of following the Biodiversity Treaty (further implemented via the Clinton Administration, although never ratified by ANY state in the Union)(Biodiversity Treaty is a direct part of the Agenda 21 of the United Nations, who advocates the moving of people out of the country into "city communes" for formal control issues!). This is one of the other reasons why the controversial "John Birch Society" has been in existence, and that is to remove the UN from the shores of the U.S., period !

Honesty, dedication to exploration of ideas for fellow human life, and persistence in excellence of production are the only methods that will produce beneficial results for all of mankind. When we put our heads in the sand and refuse to accept new ideas as possible lives to yet be led, then we become so gullible to believe that the terrorists who live amongst us would not stealthily steal around us to collapse this life we know now! They car
e less about our freedoms because they have been trained to believe that they will be united with those "Virgins" they will have access to in their "Afterlife" (Who amongst us are of the "Living Dead" who really really know the facts about life after death?)(so what proof is there of another eternal life {except the kind that NT techs literally know about} - tell me about your proofs and give examples!) <--------- If you can relate these examples, does this make you an "Expert" on "Life after Death"?

As long as we or anyone else succumbs to the ideals of fatalists (those that cherish the life Here-After), then each and everyone of us are destined to be included in
THEIR plans and not our own plans. We have literally given our lives over to the authority of someone else or something else.

I, myself, am not ready to hand my livelihood over to someone who does not have an inkling of any idea of what I am thinking about at any given moment in time!
I am my own authority, and no one can take that from me! I design my own plan that I love to do, and I am the one to follow through on that plan. It is a personally designed plan, and everyone else has their own design they need to make and follow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.