Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Who Are You and Why Are you here TOO? Are You a Follower or Do You Make Your Own Decisions?

Hey Visionary Cyberworld Readers:

As I was doing some reading tonite while doing my Laundry. I got to thinking as I was reading, Are you a Follower or Are you an Authority? Myself, I am my own Authority! Do you follow what I have to say, or do you listen to advice, ....... and then make your own decision as to what you want to do?

What is is a BREAKTHROUGH for you? What are your insights? How many of you have really even thought about that at all?

As I was going through my readings, I really wondered how much everyone looked to someone else for their guidance?

What would it take to have those same people to look back to themselves ............. for their own guidance?

Who is going to benefit from the results of the guidance that you would receive?

Shouldn't it be you?

Well, if you depend on someone else to give you ideas, to guide you in a certain direction for a breakthrough, and insight, Isn't that someone else's authority and their controlling you in deciding what is best for you?

Who knows what is best for you? Who makes the major decisions that have to be made in your life? Who decides if you are hungry, thirsty, or tired? If you allow anyone else, AT ALL, to make that decision for you, then you have given away your FREE AGENCY, Your AUTHORITY, and YOUR TOTAL CONTROL over your own life, to some other person whom you consider to be an authority figure in your life.

You are no longer in control of your own life! And you HAVE to depend on someone else to make your DECISIONS for you! (even when you give away one decision to someone else, then you have lost total control of making decisions for your whole life!)

This is the criteria that I am going to use for my eBook which I will publish, ....... next!

And What You are Missing Out On, .... in Your Life!
(Look for this eBook in 2-3 weeks!)

AND YOU, ........................ yes you!

YOU will ........ want to buy this eBook because you have serious doubts about your own competency and ability to make your own decisions, and will want to see if I am right!

What I will discuss in the eBook is how to reclaim your competency and YOUR AUTHORITY and retake control of your life. But first, ...... I will show you how, ....... you have lost your AUTHORITY in the first place!

Many people have no idea that they had even given up their authority from the git-go! ...... Needless to say, it was taken from you without your knowledge and without your expressed say-so ...... period!

Well, it wasn't really taken from you! YOU gave it away freely, and without reserve ......!

Is there a way to recover it .......?

Yes! ........... But you are going to have to take total control of the situations! ........... All of them! (situations, ...... that is! ........ And with no remorse!)

Are you a GOD or are you a mouse?

Look for that next eBook, with possibly those answers, or at least the ideas to give you answers, to those very pressing questions!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.