Saturday, December 17, 2005

Are You a Visionary?

Hello Cyberworld:

Welcome to the Rebel Rider Review!

Are you a visionary? What does it take to be a visionary? Many of these questions can be answered at my Webpage for "Warriors & God" !

What is a Visionary? A visionary is a person who sees a pathway, looks down that pathway, and designs the outcome of following that pathway. Every person has the ability to design his or her own world at any time or point in their lives. And then design it to work especially for them. Do you have that ability? Emphatically, .................. YES!

Many people do not even know how to find their pathways, and a lot of them try to find their way through self-help groups; such as : Landmark Inc, Wealth Warrior Academy. Vision Force Academy, and Neo-Warriors Academy. I personally, belong to all of the above except Landmark Inc. Each of these institutions have a specifically designed program to help each of their members to find themselves and direct them onto paths of success.

When I first joined Wealth Warrior Academy, I had no idea of where I wanted to go and how to get there. I had tried with ordering self-help books and manuals, giving direction. But none of those were seeming to work for me. About the 5th week into the Vision Force Course given by Michael Skye, my eyes seemed to really open up for me. I saw a way to do things now that seemed to be obscured from my view just prior to taking the course . I set my sights for success and started to work on it immediately.

I created a career, followed up by another career, and with still another creation of a career, yet to come. So I created my vision of "David's Professional Trails Rides", writing my eBook "Warriors & God", and finally creating the idea of starting up a radio station (either FM or internet radio) to do a lot of my advertising. Needless to say, my careers have been modified and changed to meet demand. "David"s Professional Trail Rides" is put on hold till funding can be acquired, "Warriors & God" is a reality with the publishing of it, and advertising of it here, on, through use of ( , through use of RSS from here ( to & , I also advertise the eBook on my website "Warriors & God" @ ----------> where there are secure portals for ordering the ebook through (! The radio station is slightly on hold as I study for the best route to progress forward with my endeavors there.

So with Vision I was able to create several careers in order to make a living and to create a new standard of life for me and those I associate with.

Being a Visionary requires a person to accept strict standards, to create a narrow pathway to follow, and be persistent in achieving success in following those dreams for themselves. "Warriors & God" is such a guidebook, to give you the means to create your pathway to success from your dreams. Go to my Website "Warriors & God"
and check out the information there and then go order the eBook and start a brand new life designed strictly for you and those around you!

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