Thursday, December 08, 2005

E-book : "Warriors and God"

It is finally done!

"Warriors and God" is finally finished and is available for download upon purchase. What is it about? It is about passion. It is about self-motivation. It is............................ Being all you can be, every day and every minute you breathe.

Warriors and God is about You! It is about who you are. It is about what you can do to be all that you can be. And it is all about You and who you will always be.

In the book, you will find a program that will allow you to design that career that you seek and desire, your passion if you will, only for you, especially for you. I have one client who is using this program to this very day and is in the process of generating $3,000,000 within a 12 month period. Besides working her passionate career/hobby, she uses this program to design her whole life. She lives this program nearly 24/7, and she is the most awesome person you would ever meet. You would never forget this woman, the minute you speak to her or shake her hand. She makes that much of an impression on you.

Other items of interest in the book include: promotion of a new Government, (one politicians do not want you to know about and to implement.) promotions of Longevity, The Grand Deception, and how to deal and manage your wealth!

Are you interested in the E-book? I have a special going on right now for the eBook. The first 1500 sales of the eBook are deeply discounted from the incredible regular low-price of $39.95 ! This eBook will sell quickly, even for the regular price of $39.95 each. It is a real bargain at this price.

Be one of the first to order the eBook and you can get it for the incredible price of $19.95, and if you would like it inscribed to you, then an additional $5.00 can be added along with your name submission and your email. The inscribed eBook will require 2 days to service the submisssion and then email it to you!

The eBook is fully upgradeable with new edits and edition additions emailed to each owner of the E-book, FREE of CHARGE! This eBook is essentially designed strictly for you and is yours personally. It is downloadable, printable (recommended), able to be 3 holed punched and added to a Notebook of your choice. New additions to the eBook are easily added to your eBook/Notebook and keeps you up-to-date with all new editions. Every page that is delivered, will bring your eBook up-to-date along with the new editions sold and will be emailed to you once you own this product.

Where can you find the order page for this eBook (Warriors And God)?

You can find the order page at the following link: Blazzzze's E-book

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