Monday, December 26, 2005

HURRY, HURRY, HURRY Time is catching up~! The "FREE" upgrades are growing to a close!

Hello Cyberworld Readers:

Well, time is catching up with me and my eBook! I am in the process of doing the editting of the chapters in the eBook "Warriors & God" , and once all the editting is done, I will pull the First Edition of the eBook off of the market and insert the 2nd Edition.

Of course when the First Edition is pulled from the market, and if all of the 1500 introductory editions have not been taken, then the introductory period is finished. Instead of finishing the introductory offer out at $19.95 each with "FREE" upgrades of the new editions, then the 2nd Edition will be introduced to the market at the $39.95 price. These editions (the 2nd Edition) will be readily available upon completion of the upgrades (edits of all Chapters {8} in the eBook). Upgrades will be available for the 2nd Edition eBooks, also! If you would like to have the eBook at the intro price, then don't get behind and wait to order through the links (underlined titles of the eBook), as the 2nd Edition will be out in short order!

I can make the First Edition copies available upon request, but, ............... those copies will have to be restored out of archive and made available for $99.95. If you would like a copy of the First Edition of "Warriors & God" at $19.95 @ "FREE" upgrades, then be one of the first 1497 (this is how many intros are left!) people left to buy this edition, before the new 2nd Edition is released.

I have revised Chapter 1 in the eBook already and am in the process of editting the rest of the chapters in due order. So, time is of the essence, and some owners are already raving about the contents of the eBook. These owners will also receive their "FREE" upgrade edits of the eBook and will have the up-to-date information in their "Warriors & God" eBook as they are written and upgraded.

In the next few days, I will be giving highlites of each of the Chapters in the "Warriors & God" eBook, just to give you an idea as to what you can find inside!

As a matter of fact, right now, you will find an excerpt from the "Program" in Chapter 2, in which you can learn what the ideal career for you is, and how to maintain a high success rate to pursue that career!

This excerpt will open a door to you, and give you a glimpse of a possible 7 figure income you can acquire, if you so desire. This "Program", called the "Essence of Life", is possibly worth well over the $100 or more that would be asked for, if this was presented to you as a Stand-Alone program.

Once you grasp onto the handles that are presented for you to grab, you will be taking one of the most wildest of rides into a future you had never dreamed possible!

The "Essence of Life" not only helps you to establish your highly successful career, it can also establish a pattern of a way of life for you to live.

One of my other clients has done exactly that, and has a new career, quit his/her old job, and has designed their life around this program and experiences a brand new life daily through it! If you were to meet this person, as quite a few people have, you would be caught up in their enthusiasm, their vibrant personality, and want some of that for yourself.

Where did this person acquire this program? I presented this program to them before I inserted it into the "Warriors & God" eBook.

Since that time this person (client) has taken off on a new plane of life and will acquire what they have desired within the timeframe they have set for themselves (this person made a statement before he/she embarked upon this project, that he/she wished to make a 7 figure income within 12 months!) .

Needless to say, even if you set up a timeframe to do this program and to design a project, then your timeframe can be upgraded and redesigned to meet your desired ends.

You would learn what exactly is the career that YOU would be able to run with and be successful doing. You will learn how to design the direction in which to take your new career and to keep it successful.

Once you have mastered your career position with this program, then you will know how to apply "The Essence of Life" to design the direction you need to lead you to be successful in your life and your relationships.

Is that worth the price you would pay for this eBook? I think it would be worth more than what you pay for this eBook, no matter what that price may be!

Are you ready to jump onboard and claim what is laying out there waiting on you and Just You? Then don't hesitate to get your copy of the eBook "Warriors & God" (<------these are links, by the way!) and stay ahead of everyone else with your "FREE" upgrades by ordering your copy today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.