Sunday, December 02, 2007

Time to get back to work again!

Sorry for Lack of Posting Regularly!

I will try to be more diligent in my efforts to keep posting to my Blog in the future as time is quickly running out for many of us even now. Here in the last few weeks and months I have been really busy doing research for my new electronic Book "The Rebel With a Cause: How to Succeed While Rebelling". Besides doing research and writing to this electronic book, I have been really busy researching current events going on around us by reviewing "News Reports", controversial websites, and other websites which would be more in alignment to me, and would contribute directly to the writings in my latest project.

Besides this latest project, I have been thinking about starting up my own radio station, both here on the Internet and at my own local station, using retransmitted programs from the World wavebands and from Satellite transmissions. I, myself, will do a one hour - to - two hour show on my interpretations of prior programming or even on subjects of importance that needs to be aired for the public to absorb. The rest of my programming will be devoted to the re-transmissions of other programming (whether recorded or live) that aligns with my own beliefs and others in the like-minded fields that I work.

Today, (as in, currently) we are going through a lot of trials and tribulations in our lives, and many people become overwhelmed with what is going on around them. Most people just give in to the information they are given by other authorities than themselves and continue to struggle along in their lives without following any specific purpose. Myself, I tend to sit back and absorb what is being said, think about it for a little bit, and then do my own research to find out if what I was told, was really what was being meant to be conveyed to me. Then I form my own opinions as to the subject and act upon those opinions directly once I have the "Facts" of the matter.

I am quite diversified in my research, as I look into anything that would be opposed to my own authority, and then see if there would be any connection that could be made to my own "Stand" that I take. Unfortunately, many of the issues now confronting all of us tends to rub me the wrong way, especially since I have researched into the "Unalienable Rights" that I have and keep as sacred to my own self. I find it quite disturbing to see others giving up their "Rights" so easily to other authorities with a "by-your-leave" type of attitude. This typically goes against the grain of what our Forefathers had set up for us in the very beginning.

To me, it just seems that a lot of people have, in comparison to an ostrich, stuck their heads in the sand and hope the problems will go away. People, every time that you do not do anything to counter and action that is not in alignment with your own beliefs and stands, the problem just escalates. Oh sure, you can hand the baton off to someone else, such as your Representatives in Congress or the Senate, but do those people really have your interests in mind? I have heard the saying "if you want to get anything done, then you have to do it yourself". This statement, in itself, says it all. If you allow someone else to do your dirty work for you, then you need to suffer the consequences.

Most people do not accept responsibility for themselves and pass the baton off to someone else to do the actual work for them. Do you remember the old woman who cooked, baked, and slaved in her kitchen all by herself? This is a little story that had been told to kids back in my time when I was a preschooler and even in school. This woman had asked for help from friends and relatives to get the work all done, in order to finish in plenty of time to eat. Well, needless to say, many of the friends and relatives were too lazy to come in and help out, and always complained that they were hungry. So once the table was set, the old woman set it up for mainly her family members. When the others came to ask for their portion, they were denied access. Why? Because this old woman had asked kindly for extra help to get the meal finished, and no one would help. The main reason for her setting the table for her family is, because of her unconditional love for them. When it came to the others, she found no reason to provide for them, mainly because of their laziness. Needless to say, she could have limited the portions to her family because of their laziness too.

This can be compared to what others put out too. Information can be held back or not disclosed to those who do not want to find out for themselves, and then the responsibility MUST come back to those who do not search. Those people, who are too lazy to find out for themselves, may have to suffer the consequences in the long run, BUT that is their fault for not doing their own work to find out. Everyone MUST take responsibility for their own lives and what goes on around them on their own, because not everyone else will help or enable their inability to do anything for themselves. If someone takes a little time to do their own research and find out some things then it does not bother me to give them a little helping hand to understand what they found. BUT, understanding and breaking through to the reality of the situation which lays with each person individually.

As long as everybody, proverbially, buries their heads in the sand and wait for their problems to pass them by, then be prepared to suffer the consequences that come to all of you. While you ignore those things that directly affect you and your loved ones, many issues will come to pass to not allow you to do things that came second nature to you before. This is your responsibility to make sure that your own "Rights" are protected as per US Constitutional Law. Again, you can pass the baton off to someone else to protect your "Rights", but history has shown that even those, you passed the responsibility off to, have taken more from you than they are allowed or authorized. BUT in order to keep those "Rights", you MUST do your own work and not let anyone else have that power over you, in the long run. Take Responsibility for yourself once and for all, FINALLY. OR ELSE LOSE ALL YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN!

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