Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas and Why we Celebrate

Where did Christmas derive from, and how is it applied to us today?

Why do we celebrate this day, when it is not possibly the real date of the Birth of a so-called Messiah? I believe, and this is my opinion from my studies and research, that it made for convenience for some people who were suffering through life at this time in their lives. So the date was created for the possible solution to alleviating the depressing problems of many people and bringing back a fellowship of family and friends.

This celebration was created because of one person, in all reality. That person was Jesus. Who was Jesus in all reality? Jesus was a man, just like you and me, from what I can tell. He was no one special, for our times, if he lived in the here and now, but for people back then, Jesus spoke with Authority. Why was this? Jesus was "Enlightened" and he then educated himself to be able to read and communicate with the people on their level.

Most of the people back in the Middle to Medieval Ages were mainly uneducated, illiterate, and equal to the Blue Collar Worker of today, as far as supporting their families were concerned. Jesus was the breath of fresh air the people needed to inspire them to lead new lives and come out from under the oppression of the Rulers of the time, back then. For hundreds of years, the people gathered their food, toiled on the land, and took care of their families the best way they knew how. Jesus came along and, as a child, learned the ways of the "Honest" elitists. When Jesus spoke to people, those people stood in awe and wonder to hear him speak with so much authority.

Jesus, at the age of eleven, or so it is mentioned in the Bible and by the Clergy, would go among the people telling them of his father's word and works. Well, Jesus was the son of a carpenter, so did he go about teaching others how to be a carpenter? Not that I recall, although he might have used metaphors from the workings of his own father, to make examples for others to learn about. Jesus also made mention to his Father in other ways too as a heavenly father. What I think he meant was, that when he mentioned "Heavenly", he used that as a metaphor, so that those who were grounded in the Religion of the time (Early Catholicism) could understand where he came from.

I believe "heaven" to Jesus was equal to paradise, a safe place, or a place where one could go for their own protection, if need be. Each and every one of us have these safe places that we can go to, where we do not wish to be bothered. Many use meditation to reach that safe place. Others have a certain hideout they could go to. Where can everybody go that they would have no distractions from anything and still be able to think? There is one place, where we can go that is so peaceful, and that is in our own mind, once we find a place that protects us from all distractions. Jesus also told the people to look inward and to stop listening to those who did not have their same interests in mind. Look inside to find what it was they were truly looking for, that was honest.

Jesus also gathered a following of people who wanted and needed to hear his words. What transpired from then on was that, people started understanding his words and would flock to see, touch, and believe in that fresh breath of life. The ones, who did not understand and felt threatened, were the Elite Rulers and Clerics, so they conspired, behind closed doors, under cover of Darkness, with evil intent to do away with what worried them the most.

Jesus traveled all over the lands teaching every person, who would listen, what he had learned in his very short life. He taught Love, Compassion, and he also taught Unity to the people. Everywhere he went, he had throngs of people who could not stand to not hear what he had to say. Jesus never took money for what he done. Jesus even chased the money changers or the stock brokers out of the Temple mainly because of the corruptness of these people. I bet he even got a standing ovation for that act! The money changers/stock brokers were literally robbing people of what they worked so hard for. You didn't see the Elite Rulers and Clerics trading with them, because I think these money launderers worked for the Elites.

Even when times got rough, Jesus
did not seem to get a feather ruffled, because, I believe, he knew of other paths to take to bypass those problems. When things got too rough, you would find him in solitude contemplating what to do next , although it was written that he prayed to an invisible God for guidance. We all have an invisible God within each and every one of us. That is our consciousness, and that was what Jesus wanted each of us to find, in all reality. We have been told we have "free agency", but what is free agency for us? Free agency is the ability to discern or decide what is best for each of us, individually. Not to wait on somebody else to tell us what to do, how to do it or even when to do it. When you allow someone else to make your decisions for you, then you have given away your "Free Agency" that you were given in the first place.

Jesus became a type of martyr for Religion, when he was executed for crimes supposedly committed against the Church. Pilate could find no crime that Jesus had done against the people, but it seems after conversations with the Clergy, that Pilate turned the decision about Jesus over to the Church. In all reality, it was the Church Clergy's final decision for the execution. Jesus was trying to educate the people, and the Church of the time, became offended, and it seems the Church felt he was taking their followers away from THEIR teachings. Less than 70 years later, Christianity emerged as a leading opponent to the Church in power at the time.

I believe, since the emergence of Christianity as a Religious leader in the community, that the celebrations of Jesus life had been created at some time close to that emergence. (either 100 - 300 years later) As a tradition, this celebration has been continued on into present day. From what I can see, the Ruling Church (Catholicism), of the time, had no reason for celebration due to the fact of their offense of Jesus actions. So, it seems to me, that Catholicism did not accept the Christian Celebrations until later on, many centuries later. (possibly after the 1400's due to the "Witch Hunts" by Pope Innocent of the Catholic Religion)

Not only the Birth is celebrated on Christmas Day, but also the life of Christ, (Jesus) because the main reason for the celebration would be the things Jesus done and told the people throughout his life, not just the so-called prophecies of his Birth. Not all of the Old Testament books were written before the Birth of Jesus, but some were written even 250 years after the death of Jesus. So, I believe, some of those prophecies were added in the Old Testament after the Crucifixion, and then gave New World Religions ideas to hold onto about a Holy Birth prophesied prior to that Birth.

The idea for Christmas Celebration, to me, is not only for the Birth or Life of Jesus, but the celebration of abundant Love for Family and Friends. I believe, the Love for Family and Friends, and the celebration of that Love, also represents the Love of Jesus for all people, whether they were newborn or even the elderly. I believe, this celebration is a reminder to all of us to remember that Love for all mankind is required to sustain a lifestyle that is so ideal for everyone who breathes. We must put this perspective into the lives of everyone around us, and then bring a new world of advances, so all of us may continue to sustain our lives for each and every one around us.

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