Sunday, December 23, 2007

Darth Vader Force Versus the Light

We are coming into the Holiday season of Christmas and a New Year very, very, quickly, or so it seems to me. I guess that could be because of my advancing age and my ability to slow down twice as fast as I did when I was in my 20's, let alone my 30's. Maybe that could be a good thing, or as some seem to think, I may be too slow for their fast paced world that they are living in.

There is a growing concern among Americans approaching the coming events in the next year, as to who, they themselves, want to lead them on their journey into their futures.The one main concern that doesn't even come to the forefront into their minds, is that there is literally a Dark Force working against each and every one of us. It is an ever growing stealth force advancing in maturity very quickly behind the scenes. Many of us are not aware of what goes on around us, because we have been too busy worrying about how our day is going to end and what tidings will bring us tomorrow. Some of us are more concerned to make sure we don't miss the partying atmosphere that this Dark Force prefers that you remain in, so they may continue to bring about its DOOM onto all of us for its own gain.

The less you realize the undermining of society going on behind our backs, the more this Dark Force sneaks around creating chaos, offering solutions, and then implementing their ideas to the public for corrections to what they created in the first place. This Dark Force of "Neo-cheaters" do not want you to know what they are doing, so they work under the cover of Darkness and secrecy to accomplish their ends. That Dark Force will lie to you, keep you uninformed, and create law and regulations to force you to follow their guidelines to bring their New World Order into our lives. Any Force that works under the cover of Darkness and never want their works brought out into the light too soon, seem to be of evil intent, and work to undermine our sovereignty's, our liberties, and our lives to their own evil ends.

Who are these Dark Force "Neo-cheaters, anyway?

They can be anyone who has a personal agenda to implement and includes you in their plans. They can be the politician, who has gained your interest, by promising you your dreams, and then reneging on them, once they have achieved their goal of being your leader in your life. They can be your Clergy, by professing to know an invisible God whom they have never seen, let alone NEVER had a conversation with. (although they profess that God talks to them - WHERE? - in their heads?) They can be the teachers of our Children with their deceptive profession of teaching our children, the agenda provided for them by the Dark Force ruling their careers. They can be our Medical Professionals whose dependence on a monetary system that brings them wealth beyond their beliefs in prescribing drugs, which are dangerous or harmful to the society they took an "Oath" to protect and serve. They can be the uninformed FDA administrators who approve these dangerous drugs for society. Finally they can be the parents, who have been duped by all of the other professionals, in raising their families and providing a meager environment in the end.

Many of these "Neo-cheaters" do not even realize they are creating havoc for society, because they have been trained by MASTERS in the Art of Deception, Force, Threats, and Coercion. Business also operates in this same mode of operation too. They give the orders from the management positions above, and those below (the lower class) follow those orders without knowing what the end result could be. All of these lower class people mainly realize is, that they will possibly receive a paycheck every week, twice a month, once a month, or even once a year. They depend on the upper management to provide for them in their needs of purchasing food, housing in some respects, vacations, and bonuses. We, all depend on the upper management of politics to provide us with guidelines, laws, regulations, and entitlements, so that we can mange our lives in safety, welfare, and an obscure clarity (which never becomes clear for us) of our environment.

Those of us, that depend on others to make our important decisions for us, are truly unaware or not "enlightened" of who we are in our societal positions, why we are here to perform our duties that we do, and why everyone else is here with us, violating our own private space. We are a duped society by many of the "MASTERS of a Race", who do not care about many of us in the lower classes of life. Everyone desires "Change" to be brought into their lives, but how many really will experience that "Change" by sitting in our armchairs at home, watching the one-eyed-monster (TV), playing mindless video games, and listening to those who will lie to us about taking care of us? (music, politicians, Clergy, and mainly the Media)

When we sit on our "BUTTS", hide our heads in the sands, ignore the honest advice given, then we have given ourselves over to the slavery issues that permeate our lives everyday. According to the MASTERS, you are nothing more than slaves, lower class degenerates, and mindless idiots, that they can manipulate in whatever way they want. The Masters know that
YOU will not take total responsibility for your own lives, so they know they can control you in whatever way they require, so their agenda is met, and that is total takeover of the World.

Do you know what? ......... YOU have given them that permission to do just that, by your inability to respond to their demands. You sit around worrying about how to survive in this cruel, cruel world we live in, instead of getting up off of your "BUTTS" and doing something about it. Giving your Values to someone else, is not doing what is right for you in all reality. You have shirked your own responsibilities, to let someone else in an external "AUTHORITY POSITION" to actively take over your life, and make the decisions that you should be making on your own. Once you begin taking an active part in your own lives by doing something and then following through with your decisions, can you ever begin to realizing the
"Freedoms" allotted to you from the very beginning, by a Creator (who may or is within each and every one of us) who endowed you with those Values.

What is "enlightenment" or the Light? "Enlightenment" or the Light is the total awareness of EVERYTHING going on around you in your environment, your families, and the societies that you live in. The Bible even tells people to not hide their light under a bushel basket (did they really have a measurement of "Bushel" back in the Middle or Medieval Ages?), which means to not allow your accumulation of knowledge to be hidden away from total honesty that abounds all around us in every aspect of our lives. When we hide our knowledge from total honesty, then we are more susceptible to being influenced by powers other than our own, and then we creep ever closer to the Darker side of life and its dishonesty that it thrives on. We, as a people, MUST take total control of our own lives and not rely on others to dictate to us how we should live, where we may be allowed to go (do you have your passport yet?), and what we can say in our public lives. We have allowed a dictatorship mentality to guide us into a Global War with other nations over an issue of
OIL, in all respects really. We have allowed them do that too and sat with our THUMBS up our A$$es and did nothing to find out the truth of the matter and then act upon that truth.


We as a society have to get around to doing something on our own and bringing about our futures for our own selves, if we really want to experience the "FREEDOMS" that we so desire. No one else can give that to us. We must take that responsibility on our own and create the society that is best for us. Once we have created our society that is best for us, then we become the Men and Women and integrators for ourselves, and for others at the same time. That is the purpose for our being here in this lifetime. Through integration with ourselves and others, we find out who we are and become "Enlightened" about our environment around us and the societies we live in.

Do YOU wish to follow the Darth Vader Dark Force, or will you follow the Light that you shine every day of your life?


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