Tuesday, July 18, 2006

No Power of the Constitution

No Power of US Constitution and Revocation of Missouri Bill of Rights by Courts

Believe it or not, the Republic of Missouri does NOT have to guarantee you your right to Life, Liberty, or Pursuit of Happiness even though it is stated as such in the Missouri - Bill of Rights - in its Constitution (Article I Section 2 of Missouri Constitution), with direct specifications for securing equal rights of the above (specifically spelled out that nobody can deny you of your rights to Life, Libery, and Pursuit of Happiness as they are NATURAL {"God given" as I interpret it} RIGHTS) . Missouri Judges are above the law when it comes to guaranteeing the right to make a living by any profession at any time. Judge K. Marquart (St. Joseph, Mo.) made that assimilation in his courtroom and so stated that he did not have to provide that guarantee. Sorry, .......... but the Missouri Constitution states that he DOES have to provide that unequivocably. The Missouri Attorney General's office must agree with this division Judge as they have made no comments on that subject either. Are we living in Russia?

Missouri Judges can lie or run a coverup and get away with it. They are ABOVE the LAW and allow no one to take that from them. What is it with the American People that they do not come to the aid of fellow Americans when Government runs amuck? ACLU must be scared of taking this on too, as they have been quiet for the last few months when it comes to Civil Rights of the Citizenry, whether Republic or Federal.

With the corruption of Government
and its outright denial of compulsion to be held accountable, this tends to bring to light an issue of reformation of our government as is seen fit . In other words, when the reigning government becomes corrupt, it is the right of the people to bring the Supreme Law
of the land (as per Article 6 of the US Constitution) to the forefront and nullify all other laws of the Several States. This means absolution of government law would entail the nullification of all of the laws of the "several states" at the same time. Once the people take control of the Government by absolution then Constitutional Law would be amendable, and even abolished by popular demand at that given point.

Missouri Constitutional Law provides the same provisions in Article I Section 3 of that Constitution. ONLY the people have the Supreme obligation to alter or abolish the Law (Missouri Constitution) whenever it is deemed necessary to the people's safety and happiness. That is provided, it is not against the (Fundamental Law) Constitutional Law of the US.

Needless to say, corrupt Lawyers and politicians, within the Government foundation, would create chaos through the usage of a "Foreign Language of Legalese" to confound the actual meanings as was conveyed by all founding fathers and creators of the Constitutions (either Federal or Republic {<-----State?}). This corruption must be contained by the Sovereignty of the people (the original power of the people) and eliminate the corrupt politicians and "Esq.'d-Titled " (as all lawyers are Titled as such, although they do not designate it) Lawyers either by physical removal or by legal charges of Treasonous Acts against the "State" (This is legally the voter registered people of power).

How do I know all of this?

Well, I am no lawyer and can not give advice, but I am educated enough to be able to read what has been written and interpreted by the authors and Founding fathers of those Constitutions.

I also have enough backbone to stand up to be counted and not be the jellyfish invertebre that most others seem to be with their "hide-in-the-bushes-and-watch" attitude. This attitude of "let others do the work for me", will be the downfall of this great Nation as we now know it. It will lead to the total destruction of Freedom, Values, and Happiness, that we all could share, ............ if we worked together...... But we have been conditioned to believe that everyone around us can not be trusted. Who trained us this way? .......................... Let's see .............................. our clergy, the politicians we elect every 2-4-6 years, family who have been duped, and finally friends who don't even have enough fortitude in themselves to even be a force to be reckoned with.

Are we surrounded by a bunch of LOSERS? .................You might be! ............................. But I don't intend to be! Other losers just make you a loser in the long run. How do you break out of this rut? .................. EDUCATE YOURSELF ! Become knowledgeable about your environment you live in and the people who are there with you! Form Alliances and keep building them as they are your total wall of support anytime you need it.

ABOVE ALL ELSE ................................. Familiarize yourself with what is actually going on all around you. Become AWAKENED and alert to everything that concerns you and your group. Once you get acquainted with new ideas and learn them front to back then you have the knowledge to foresee, plan, and control YOUR FUTURE! Only You can accomplish this feat for yourself!

Complacency or Force

Are We Complacent or Forced to comply?

As we live in a world that is run by those who adore their power and can't live without it, many of us are either complacent about, or forced to follow, the rules and regulations that are passed by, not ourselves, but by those elected officials who enjoy making slaves out of the Sovereignty.

Why do we favor complacency over freedom of choice? Some of us do not have choices in these matters, as we have literally given ourselves up to the authority of someone who we look up to as a leader. Quite a few of us are forced to follow what others "Feel" is in the best interests of all of the "Sheeple". It does not matter what we do in order to counter what is already preordained through the preaching of the leaders, the barking of the orders to be followed, or be subject to the clandestine circumstances that is prepared for us.

St. Joseph, Missouri has many who are nothing more than "sheeple" who are like ostriches and bury their heads in the sand, and follow blindly where the so-called leaders tell them to go. Those of us who try to make it of a more independent nature, are beaten back with the ordinances and the tenets of those, who think they know best for everyone. I am so glad that they know exactly what it is I am thinking and wishing for myself. These so-called leaders must be clairvoyant or maybe even witches. At any rate, they are the authorities that make our decisions for us.

As long as we follow the direction and path that these authorities set out for us, then we do not have our own directions set, to where we would like to see ourselves follow. Instead we follow the paths of someone else's ideals, and our ideals mean little to them, let alone ourselves. So when we follow others ideals then we fail ourselves. And our paths are left to deteriorate and to fall away from our beings. We leave ourselves in despair and falter, because of the wishes of others, and not of ourselves. In essence, we have become lost upon the wants and whims of those who can't even see past the ends of their noses.

Their hatred of life, and their hatred for success that is to be had by anyone else other than themselves, drive these so-called authorities to keep beating those under their feet constantly to the ground, so they never arise to their freedom or their awareness of what they could accomplish. As long as our leaders can continue to be the masters of everyone, then they continue to drive the rest of us to our graves even sooner. The problem is that we allow this to happen of our own volition, because of our stupidness of our environment or what history has given us before, to guide us.

There are Judges in St. Joseph, Missouri who give a damn less about the "Life, Liberty, and Happiness" of their citizens. The have lawlessly allowed "spies" to roam amongst the citizenry to undermine the happiness of the people. The citizens are harrassed and ridiculed, and taxed beyond reason by these judges, who stick their noses in the air and pretend they are so much better than those they serve.

City Commissioners run rampant around the city condemning citizen's properties (real estate and personal property), spying on the citizens without their express written, let alone verbal authority.

Judge Boeh, of the Municipal Court Agenda, is one such Judge who has authorized the spying, and does not recognize, let alone allow any reference to Permanent US Fundamental Rights issues to permeate his courtroom at any time. References are dismissed as soon as they are mentioned. Mr Boeh, in my opinion, is one corrupt Judicial official that should never had been reelected to the position he retains. Of Course, his cohort, Prosecuting Attorney, Rebecca Spencer, who ran against him, was not any better with her "Holier than Thou" attitiude. Neither of these Jurists have any respect for the authority of the Sovereignty.

One day, the Sovereignty shall turn and bite that hand which is held out to collect the blood money (money even from the elderly, who are on nothing but limited income), and all "Hell" shall break loose. Justice will be served when those who steal from the public lose that thieving hand to those who do know what "justice for all" means.

Needless to say, Chief Justice Patrick Robb is no better than Boeh, as he has sat on his thumbs and done nothing, while the City's Citizens have been raped by the Comissioner Plunderers in their wanton spying against the citizenry along with the "Blessings" of the Attorney General's office (Mr Jay Nixon), and the Governor's Blessings (Matt Blunt). These higher authorities have seemed to stand idly by and allowed Public Servants (Slaves? {they are beholdened to the Sovereignty, aren't they? They had better be!}) to do as they please with those of whom can not afford to even help themselves.

Those of us, who do know better and try to help those that are being beaten down, are made out to be examples of what the Judge Authorities and the Higher State (Republic of Missouri) Authorities wish for others to view. This is an Evil undermining of the Values of those who work and have worked all their lives in order to better themselves, but are sacrificed for these authority's "Better Good".

When will everyone pull their heads out of the sand and see the light at the end of the Tunnel with the Advent of the New Technology Party?

It is on the way, and all that needs to be done, is to accept the idea of total freedom from theft of property by politicos, total happiness, and satisfaction of creating and accomplishing anything we attempt to do. The New Technology Party can and will bring about all that, very soon! Are you ready?

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Rebel or Activist

Are you a Rebel? Or an Activist?

I have been told that I need to dull out my stand as my rebel ways are hurting my Stand! HHhhhmmmm if I compromise my Stand, then I must have taken a Position.

Does Rebelry tend to destroy the end effects of a result? Depends on whether you let the Rebelry alter your stand. If the Stand can stay intact, then those who view the rebelry as harmful is actually using it as a measurement of insecurity for themselves.

I have no insecurity in myself at all as far as my stand goes. My Stand is strong and it is invincible, and I am so sorry there are those who can not measure up to that platform I have created for myself. That is not my problem. I deal with my problems directly whether I win or lose.

It does not matter to me, if I lose a case (in the courts), because I have proven to myself that I am a winner totally, and that that person who judges me is so insecure that they have to issue force and coercion to present themselves as superior to others. In all reality they think they are superior but they can not even get their own lives in perfect order before they judge others. Tough love or tough Luck guys. Get your acts together before you open yourselves up to ridicule from the masses.

Those that try to control others are nothing more than leeches because, they don't even have their own plans or pathways in place. They have lost their self-confidence, and they have to rob others of their confidences to make them feel better about themselves. They are FAKES in all reality and have to use the force, threats, coercion, and theft of VALUES of the real producers to justify their own existence. Without others to produce values for them, they are absolutley nothing. They are total failures and will never coexist with others who see their fakery.

So as a Rebel I have never hurt my Stand, as those who try to rob me of my Values, are nothing but a parasite that is just waiting to be exterminated. All parasites have a final end coming to them and that is inevitable. They can not shake my Stand because I am the greatest and I know it! Egotistical? Not at all! It is FACT!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Jihadists or Americans ? ? ? ?

Jihadists or American?

Are you a typical American?
You might be if you do not care, do not stand up, and be counted. Most Americans, it seems, are hiding behind someone else's skirttails, hope someone else takes charge and does something. They are either too scared or too lazy to get up off of their asses and do something for themselves. It is not their problem or the problem is not feasable to do.

Do you fit into one of these categories?

1. Lazy (what have you done lately?)
2. Scared (have you got your tail between your legs ? Or got a yellow streak a mile long?)
3. Not your Problem (If it ain't your problem, whose is it then?)
4. Not feasable to do or able to be done (What have you even tried to do, in the last year?)

If you wait on someone else to do what needs to be done, then are you sure that it will be done the right way or a way preferable to your way of life? Why do you wait on someone else to do things for you? Just get in there and "Get 'er Done".

How many Muslims have you seen walking amongst us here in this country? I, myself, have seen entirely too many of them to be very comfortable living where I do. (in the Midwest) Of course, I would not sit idly by if some terrorist (how do you know if that Muslim living next door to you is not a terrorist?) would just happen to decide to plant a nuclear device in the city I live close to or live in. Do you think any terrorist is gonna advertise their whereabouts openly for us to find them?

A Muslim terrorist could be your best friend, a loving buddy, your spouse, etc. UNTIL they get their orders or a signal from their leaders and detonate those devices they have planted. Do you really know that so-called Muslim you call a friend?

I for one, thoroughly believe each and every Muslim should be interred into a concentration camp until every last Terrorist, who threatens this country and its people, is totally destroyed and eliminated from existence from this planet ................ period. (kinda sounds like an extremist, huh? A Jihadist terrorist is a hateful extremist and wants to destroy everyone who does not believe as he does {a religious fanatical NUTcase})

Am I a terrorist? HELL NO! I am a red blooded, rednecked, American who loves this country and will defend it from all terrorists from within or without! When this country's pacifist lawmakers get their heads out of the sand or their asses, and take note of their loss of their possible existence (unless those pacifists work for or with the terrorists), then we can defend this country without putting ourselves in dire jeopardy by waiting for the first strike to happen. This will never be the Japanese First Strike of WWII , because I believe terrorists are already here hiding amongst us and ready to strike at any given moment.

It used to be in the old days, that when a bad boy (it was mainly the "boys" who got the whuppin') got caught doing something that he wasn't supposed to be doing, then he got taken down behind the woodshed and got his hide tanned good and proper. Nowadays we have gotten a lot of pansy assed delegates in our government and we are letting them dictate a losing attitude for the rest of us to follow (or you to follow really) ! They do not care if we protect this country and its people, because if they can still be in control, that is all that they have on their AGENDA!

It is high time to be rid of them and get this country back on track of cleaning up our own backyard. We need to rid ourselves of anyone who affiliates themselves with any terrorist inside or outside of this country.

This is the PEOPLE'S COUNTRY and we need to do something and do it now, without even thinking about it at all. Even if it means to protect ourselves from those who think they are doing right and protecting civil rights, even of foreigners
(Since when and where does it say in our Constitution that foreigners are allowed guaranteed rights? The same as American Citizens? No where that I know of!) Those who prophesy to sit back and wait, seem to me, to be ones who are helping those who want to do extreme damage to this Country's Values and and to its people's Freedoms and Happiness. If we sit back and allow these things to happen to us, then we deserve all the loss that we get.

These Pacifists (you know who you are!) have weakened this great Nation since the onslaught of the Viet Nam Conflict (War? not hardly! more like slaughter) with their whining and crying over stupid ideals that they hold onto. These ideals are the leftover ideas of the Leaders, who failed in their attempts to be that Leader (Hitler, Stalin, Gorbechev, Pol Pot, etc. ). <--------Each of these leaders failed to accomplish their end result, and so goes those leaders and behind the scenes wannabes, who are attempting to run (or ruin?) this country and its economy! If they are incompetent as they are seeming to be, then they need to be removed, even physically, if need be!

There is no room for error when we have invaders already set to take this country down in one swift blow. Our nerves must be razor sharp, on edge, and ready to take out the invaders or interpolators, without hesitation. One second of hesitation could possibly mean total destruction of the world, Nation, or friends and relatives as we have known it and loved!

Here is the key to the successful defense of our ideals, Values, and possessions! That key is: NO HATE! Just complete concentration of defending this Nation to the very ends that we require it to be! Immediate reactions are not good enough. Immediate interaction and intuition is what is required to keep this Nation the greatest place to be ........ forever. When we give up on ourselves and this country, then we fail all others that we serve.

Are you climbing your mountain? You had better be climbing and putting together your picture puzzles. These mountains you are climbing are your obstacles, and those puzzles that you put together are your life plans from beginning to end. What have you seen coming from these obstacles you have encountered? Got a new plan? One that's better?

Always better yourself no matter what. Letting others guide you, takes you out of your plan's pathway. And to correct that deviation takes a lot of effort and time to get back on track again : UNLESS you find the shortcuts that brings you up-to-date on your itinerary.