Sunday, April 09, 2006

Who Do these Fools Think They are?

Are our Politicians letting us down or ................ Are We letting ourselves Down?

Hi Friends:

It has been a while since I have left a Blog on here. I have recently relocated my current abode of living. I have relocated my horse (Lana) to a more closer stable so I might be able to work with her. (matter of fact I will be riding this afternoon) I have also decided to throw my hat into the Municipal Court Judge arena for the year 2010.

Why would I want to do something to this extreme? Well, the way I look at it is this!: the Judges and courtroom officers have been bringing an extremely close (pretty much TOO close) relationship together for the accumulation of money for the city. When you stop to think about it, aren't most regulations and judiciary review of those regulations "All About The Money"?

Who benefits the most from regulations and those judiciary reviews? Certainly not the Sovereign Citizens of the Communities. Judiciaries have all in the past collected the money from violators and for some reason I, myself, have not found out where that money has gone within the confines of the City Accounting Market.

So the reason I am looking at running for the office of Municipal Court Judge is to bring the entry level of the job to the people and to educate the people in the true ways of Constitutional Law (or Fundamental Law).

I do not believe in foreign languages being used in our court systems whatsoever. Some believe "Legalese" is the prime or best language to use for judicial reviews. I say "BALDERDASH" Legalese is a foreign language with its own definition of specific words that we all grew up to learn about since we first started school! Our definition of those specific words have no honor, no weight in meaning, and no jurisdiction in any courtroom. LET'S LOOK AT THE ORIGIN OF LEGALESE!

"Legalese" was created in and around 1939 with the creation of the American Bar Association (ABA). This language was created with the only purpose of confounding, confusing, and stripping people of their inherent powers as provided under "Fundamental Law". In the few short years that the ABA has been in existence, from the authority of the British Crown, the ABA has literally taken significant values from each and every value creator who has ever had to deal with them. This is outright Highway Robbery by Public Servants (Slaves???) against all American people (except those who have monetary wealth to bribe these officials). Most of us stand idly by and allow these actions to go on around us, because we, the American People, do not know the correct route to take to countermand those actions.

I am looking to being the "KEY" to the downfall of the political system as it stands now. The political system that we have now is a corrupt system and must be dealt with, immediately, if not sooner. So why not start at the basic level of the system? The Training arena of the political and Judicial system!

What my plan is, is to take the position of the Municipal Court Judge, establish a FIJA (Fully Informed Jury Association) Jury system, and to further limit the powers of City Public Servants (Slaves ???). How will I accomplish that? With an educating of the people of St. Joseph, Missouri to the New Technology Party of politics!

(more to come soon today!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!