Saturday, August 13, 2005

Increasing Gas Prices = Terrorism?

Are Our Increasing Gas Prices Paying for the Saudi Support of Terrorism and the increasing Domestic Terrorism at Home?

I might be putting my foot in my own mouth, but I am becoming more and more agravated by the increasing costs of gas with the rising prices of crude oil being bought from the Saudi Government!

It is factually known that that the Saudi Regime (ie: Bin Laden's) have been openly supporting terrorist gangs with their monetary support.

How do the Saudi's make the majority of their money? How else but to sell crude oil to the world! I have heard it said, that Arabian oil only makes up a smaller percentage of the total oil being sold. Ok, maybe that is true, but the Bin Laden's control the pricing of that oil. They have been well trained by our own country on the values of supply and demand. They cut back their production, so they can drive the prices higher and higher.

With the guidance from US Oil Ministers, Oil Barrons, and Corporate Execs (even tho' they do not sit in the seat, they still run the business), the Saudi's seem as tho' they wish to cripple this nation by making us depend more and more on that oil supply. The only problem, is that there is plenty of entrepreneurs, who will go out of their way to design a new energy or redesign the gas and vehicles to stop relying on Arab Oil. Once a majority of demand for Arab Oil subsides then the Saudis and the rest of the oil dependent world shall be left behind with the advent of the entrepreneurial world of the Creators. The Arabs will then own a gold that holds no value at all!

In my mind, as long as we continue to buy into the Arabic World of Oil, then we are contributing to the terrorism that continues to kill. So every drop of Gas or Diesel that you buy, you are paying for these terrorists to continue their savageness against the freedoms we all experience today.

To get rid of the terrorists, quit supplying them with money to continue their Jihaad! Refuse to buy their oil! Refuse to allow them to enter this country! Quit giving in to their every whim!

These Islamics and their supporters, (if you harbored the terrorists from 9-11-01, then you supported them!) that are continuing on their vengeance of their Jihaad, shall one day meet the ONE GOD, who shall condemn them all and send each and every one of them into the Nether-Regions with no salvation (<------ no virgins for terrorist infidels ever) except for tormentation of their beliefs.

A terrorist cares less about you or me, and could eliminate you without a second thought! Some say that you can not solve violence with violence. Hhhhmmmmm Does our local and national law enforcement know about that? The only way you solve violent force is with extreme violent force, with no mercy! That may sound terroristic but in self-defense, it is the only way to react. That is why we are over in Iraq, Afghanistan, and soon to be Iran! I would quit pussyfooting around with these infidels and just do an ethnic cleansing and be rid of them forever! They are a pest. They are an evil force. They are the Snake in the Garden and need their heads removed, as they have removed their enemies heads (or so they thought were their enemies! Prepare for the worst case scenario yet to come to you, Islam! You think Quoran propheicies are the thing? Get ready, ethnic cleansing of Islamic infidels is prophesied for the redemption from your evil ways! ).

Is it Evil to be Self-Defensive? Never! ....... in the realm of Self-Preservation. The only time I believe that anyone should have to suffer an "eye for an eye" or "turn the other cheek" is, when you know in your own heart, that you have done someone wrong and never admitted it, even to yourself. Then the "Eye for an Eye" or "Turn the other Cheek" would apply. Other than that: it is my belief, that you exert extreme brutal force on the enemy (Islamic Infidels) and totally eliminate them from the face of this earth, in Self-Defense for yourself and for others, whom you have pledged your allegiance.

Is this an Oil Issue that we are fighting for? I think it is a power struggle for the control of the Middle-Eastern Oil, and We should not even be involved in it. Unless the leaders of this country have turned to the Dark side, then it should be our duty to protect our own and leave everyone to their fate. If we are to engage in an a War, then we need to engage all out, totally eliminate everything in our path, and set an example for the rest of the world to see.

We have pussyfoot around with these clowns far too long with the technology that we possess. We have the capability and technology to totally eliminate an enemy at any given time without prejudice! Why we play around with these terrorists is beyond all recognition of logic, to me. Eliminate them and go on with Life!

I honestly think that this country intends to follow up on UN Agenda 21 and to institute the temporary ( it is temporary, the illuminati know it: so does the "Temporary" {'Dubya'}) control and the depopulation they wish to exert over the people of this great nation. As long as we stand together fully armed, they (UN and its financiers ) will stay at bay from the takeover, they have planned. Why else does Agenda 21 have people moving out of the country and into the cities? It is a control issue and elimination of unwanteds and weaklings is easier to accomplish that way. If you remain out in the country then their work to eliminate those they wish to be rid of, is extremely hard. This may be the Dark Side that our leaders follow, besides the Bohemian Grove Cult or Skull and Bones (?)!

This is the Dawning of the New World Order, but the Dawning of the New Technology World Order is stronger, and more willing to take over, and IS the "One" to Unite all people into "THE" One World.

1 comment:

Rick Jones said...

I recently wrote a letter to th ePrsident , senators, governer & media.

It demanded trading a Busshel of wheat for a Barell of oil! WHY NOT!

It costs aprox $1.60 to produce a barrel of oil. It sells for $85/barrel...lets see. That equals RIP F*&%*&^& Off!

Quit playing games! They cant eat sand! They cant eat camels. ( well maybe a few LOL). They cant eat oil! Why do we pay taxes to subsidise to there theives?
Use the same markup for wheat as they do for oil! Nevermind! Take that same mark up and raise ir 50% !! If they bitch, raise it 60 %!
