Sunday, August 07, 2005

Who Are You? Why Are You Here?

WHO ARE YOU? .................................. And Why are you here?

Do you have any idea as to how to answer those two very important Questions? They are difficult at best, but is there a definitive answer to either of or both of the questions? I think there is a great answer to both of those questions, and they are quite definitive of who you or I are!

Let's start with the first question! ..................................... WHO ARE YOU?

Are you a person? Do you know your destination? Do you have a path that is well used, or have you taken a brand new road less travelled? How you answer these pertinant questions defines your ownself.

I find myself having to look inward every day and see who I am, where I am going, and what I plan to do once I arrive at my final destination. I can not depend on some other soul to stand beside me and tell me who I am, when I haven't even let them know who I am as of yet! That person has not even an inkling of what I have in mind to do with my life, unless I communicate it with hm/her. I even wonder if they can keep up with me on the new path I have decided to embark upon. Have they seen this path before? Doubt it! Because they have not looked for it in the first place. I have seen this path several times in my mind, and now I am travelling down this path at breakneck speeds. Why? Because the more I get done the sooner I can begin a new project and gain some values from that.

I am a Value. I am valuable! I am valuable to myself and to those who walk my path with me! This is who I am!

Now the Second question! .................................. Why are you here today?

Hopefully you are here to learn something new! I look at being in a given place and a given time, as being in a place where I will learn something, that will bring me closer to a valuable lesson, that will benefit me and those who know me. As long as I do not learn something new everyday that I breathe, then, what am I here for? Am I just fodder for someone else's fire? NO, I am fodder for my own fire, to tell ya the truth. I make my own decisions. I do what is the very best for me, and me alone. I am selffish, but for a good cause! I am here to build myself up to be all that I can be, and then maybe more.

Would I have to trample others to get what I need? Maybe, if they get in the way and hinder my progress. I could care less about society, as society needs to learn how to care for itself instead of lazing around, waiting on someone else to take care of them. Sure there are those who do not mind taking care of others, but there is an offset to that care! Sometimes you pay out the nose and still that is not enough! People are too greedy for their own good, and the time will come when that greed will totally devastate them and their world. Do I care? Sure, but they got themselves into that, now they need to get themselves out of it! About like a young kid in trouble. They have to learn how they got there, and what the path is to get back out of it! The more you learn on your own, the more you can design your pathway to keep from doing what caused the problem in the first place, or suffer the consequences and accept that responsibility for it!

Life is a total learning experience! So what have you learned?

Who Are You? And Why Are You Here?

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