Saturday, August 20, 2005

Talking Heads

Sean Hannity, Tony Snow, and Rush Limbaugh for the Conservatives, and all the Liberal Talking Heads:

Quit causing a ruckus with your spouting off about what the Liberals or the Conservatives are doing! Don't you realize how popular you guys are and how many listeners you have, let alone all of the Internet viewers to your websites?

You all have wanted each other to quit with the rhetoric and putting our soldiers down over in Iraq. Do you realize that your Rants and Raves are just continuing to harm our image overseas in all 3rd world countries?

People overseas, see you guys ranting and raving about how all of the Liberals or Conservatives are going against the grain of the others, that they see this nation as being in total discord and NO Solidarity between Americans. So these uninformed people form ideas that the USA is a WEAK NATION because you people and your other followers are constantly fighting about who is right or who is wrong!

You, "Talking Heads" are just as harmful as even those who demonstrate ,as you believe, with their certain beliefs like Cindy Sheehan, etc. So stop all of this nonsense and get back to the policy of building this nation back into the powerhouse it had been Discovered to be. Find something good to talk about your opponents, rather than cut them down daily. Do you want to give the Terrorists any more reason to think we are WEAK in our beliefs of this War on Terror?

I know these are just the propaganda reports you all love to send out, but they cause more harm than good to our troops overseas and gives the terrorists more insight and more stability to keep fighting back and to setting hidden bombs to kill our men and women fighting over there!

Quit Arming the TERRORISTS with the amunition they need to keep their people coming out of the woodwork and never fearing any of us ever again. Your Rants and Raves, of all of you Conservative or Liberal Talking Heads, seem to talk about the exact same thing, in the same exact content, on every one of your shows, and has every Terrorist salivating from hearing you tear down other Americans. For once, SHUT YOUR MOUTHS and START CONNECTING WITH EACH OTHER to fully protect our troops better! By both sides projecting support and solidarity for this Event we are engaged in now, can we walk with dignity and pride knowing we have done good, but our best is yet to come!

Do you really want a defeat of the Terrorists?

Then Get With the PROGRAM and quit Whining! I have never heard so much whining from both sides of the aisle as much as I have in the last, nearly 4 years of Whine.

So the Liberals or the Conservatives made a mistake! "Big Deal" Get over it and correct it.
Quit Talking and do something about the problem.

I think the Military knows where all the terrorists are, and where they are operating from. The Viet Nam intelligence gathering was a lot more coordinated than the intelligence gathering we have going on now. We have the most sophisticated intelligence gathering equipment, that I find it extremely hard to believe that not one of the Satellites spying on Mother Earth does not have direct information as to where these nasty ones are. We should know exactly where every Kamikaze Bomb Laden Vehicle came from by looking at the recordings of the Satellite photos and video streaming the Military do!
Terrorists are picked off one or two at a time, after dark, with night vision glasses, on a regular basis. I have seen the videos! I have literally seen the terrorist disintegrate from the view of the screen. They didn't just fall, they disappeared!

I don't know why this country is stalling out the war on terror, except to drive the price of Oil up, while we risk our lives there. Of course with an oil company owning businessman for U.S. President, I could see the advantages of the stall! We, as citizens, suffer loss of loved ones, for the upward price driving of oil resources for the financial gain of Oil Owning Businessmen, Including Saudi Arabian Leaders, who financially support the terrorists, ie: the Mujhadeen !
For every drop of Oil that we pay good money to the Saudi's, we, ourselves, support the terrorists who kill our troops indiscriminately!

When every "Talking Head" spouts off about something frivolous that someone else did, then our Honor and our Pride has been dampened and the flame put out. Terrorists see and hear these condemnations on their internet, from the international news agencies who listen directly to the Radio Shows, to the streaming of those shows through the internet, and from their Families and relatives who live in this country!

So keep it up "Talking Heads", and keep driving this great nation down to its knees with your condemnations of Conservatives or Liberals.

This is the time we need the solidarity and the foresight to literally wipe all the remnants of the Islamic Terrorists COMPLETELY off of the Face of this earth, and to show the rest of the World: You don't want to mess with the US of A. We will knock down your doors, and we will commence to doing business on those of you, who oppose us. You picked on the wrong mean ass dog to awaken from our porch! We not only fight, but we destroy all who TRY to tear us apart in this Great Nation, let alone in this World!

You want a fight? Cast the first stone, and it would be the last one you would ever cast. We will come to you and walk all over you, without a second thought!

If you terrorists don't like our independence, then stay away and you can die in your arid deserts ................................................... alone!
We could really care less!
You act like the Carrion of the desert, and Carrion, has its place.
Watching its own DEAD~!


Tala said...

Wow David, Glad I asked! It's good to know someone sees what's happening with our world. We are totally controlled and not many people seem to mind as long as they have their tv's and beer. You should visit me down here in Florida. We are all being walled in, safe in our individual gated communities. We have all our little fantasy parks where even our emotions are directed. Cameras are everywhere. I can see what's going on in my back yard on the computer. Scary? Yeah! But you and my friends at Vision Force, as well as the writer James Redfield (Secrets of Shambhala), have given me enough hope to fight another day.

Rick Jones said...

I could not have said it any clearer!

Who's side is Who on??

Time for a MAJOR Change. Lets fix it!

