Saturday, August 13, 2005

Income Tax Hoax and the Government Pulloff

The Income Tax Hoax is just That!

A Hoax & Pulloff

In three (3) weeks time, two separate court cases have been tried and two separate answers have come out of both of them. Both cases were Income Tax "Failure to File" cases. It is quite obvious that each Federal Court is independent of decisions made in Related Courts and Related Cases. It is also quite obvious that Judges are prejudiced in their decisions on each case as to allowance of evidence presented.

Joseph Bannister, an ex-IRS agent turned freedom fighter, won his case on a Failure to File case in conjunction with IRS accusations. The IRS was dealt a fatal blow with the decision of the court in question. The IRS could not present evidence of where an authority was to allow them to collect taxes. IRS could not present evidence of why the law is mandatory as their own writings, on their own documents, even state that their collections is voluntary. So the case with Joe Bannister was a major flop for the IRS and one they wish not to have publicized and it deters their reason for collecting!

Larkin Rose was tried by a Federal Court on pretty much the same charges as Joe Bannister above and Mr Larkin ended up with a conviction and 3 month or more bracelet wearing ceremony. It sure seems suspicious when one Jury can find one man innocent of charges and another jury find another man guilty of the same sort of crime. To me it seems really traitorous to have one jury instructed in one way and another jury instructed another way by two different judges. In my opinion ALL FEDERAL JUDGES should be made to comply with all jurisdictions of any jury decision made no matter what. When courts and Judges fail or are derelict in their duties, then it seems to reason that they are initiating means of undermining the ruling government (THE PEOPLE'S GOVERNMENT /COMMON LAW). These Judges should be held accountable for their instructions given and actions made in any due course of a court room trial. As I see it, there are no Statutes of Limitations for actions of any Judges or court room officers, and each need to be held accountable for those actions and punished accordingly to the law of the People. Let the People Rule and get politicians out of the process. Judges, whether appointed or elected, are nothing more than politicians saving face by ruling according to popularity of the public dissent. I wonder if any of them know what the common law of man really is and can abide by it daily!

The Counter to the Pulloff!

When the New Technology World Order comes into the realm of being, then all Politicians shall face the music of undermining and attempts to undermine the Government of the People (Common Law, not Corporate Law in which "ALL" courts operate under, to this day!). By implememnting Corporate Law where inappropriate, Courts and politicians get away with undermining the common good of all mankind, by handcuffing the ideals of a society, and by oppression through use of political bullies pushing their weight around. This is a daily occurrence of politicians all over the face of this great nation, by allowing them to use Force, Threats of Force, Coercion, Deception, and Evil to emit a controlling nature among their forces over the people of a Free Nation. The New Technology World Order ......SHALL and WILL eliminate those forces and render them impotent even unto themselves. Be prepared, for the Day comes for the Reckoning, and all who oppress (Politicians and Public Servants [<------ slaves?]). Those remnants of the ones, who truly rule (We the People), shall sit in control and shall deal with those oppressors accordingly! No Matter What! What is stated above is that politicians and public servants, when they oppress the people, shall be judged by the people themselves and dealt with accordingly! SO BEWARE PUBLIC SERVANT (<------- slave)!

Nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, will stop this movement, as it has already begun! Your 1,000 (millenial) year reign has ended, although you don't realize it as of yet, and you shall be judged accountable for your actions from this day forth! I love the bible prohpecies, as they give such an eye opening account of what is actually gonna happen, for the so-called ruling class of Today!

So, you Dummy Politicians, keep reading your "Politics for Dummies" books and continue to dumb yourself down, for a New World Reign is approaching and is taking your place. You, politicians are being set into your place of being ( as a has been!) and there is nothing you can do to change that!

Welcome the New Technology World Order and the Power of the Force it exudes, for nothing can oppress it. The Power of the Force shall destroy all oppression as it is encountered on its Journey. Competitve Business is the Future and the livelihood of all the people is their existence. Those who do not compete will not exist!


1 comment:

Rick Jones said...

Can you give me the documentation on those cases?
