Sunday, August 07, 2005

External Authorities

Who Are the External Authorities in your life?

Have you ever wondered why you have not been successful in your business or your lifestyle? Do you wish to be wealthy? Do you wish to be free?

I was listening to a conference call-in today around 12 noon CDT, and some comments made referred directly to monetary wealth around the center of business. I got to thinking about this and wondered, why is it that business NEEDS that monetary wealth? You see, money is just the results of the efforts of productivity, and is what makes the world go 'round! (being facetious here --------->) I always thought gravity had something to do with the rotation of the world. But money makes it go around and around? Boy that is something new I learned today.

I have been told that my attitude about money ("the root of all EVIL"!), is the main reason I do not have the monetary wealth that everyone else thinks I should have. What has money caused for anyone in the past? And what gives it the power that everyone thinks it has?

1st, let me answer those questions by saying that money never brings happiness. It never solves the problems of the world. It has led to the destruction of families, countries, and friendships. So give me one good reason to obtain money and keep that money to where it has no repercussions from possession of it! It is extremely harmful to individuals directly, as others want it worse than you do! Those others will do anything under the sun, including killing you, to get it from you! Is that really worth it to try and have control of that money you think you earn?

2nd, What gives money the power you think it has? YOU DO! Your mindset is what gives money the power to rule over you. That is an External Authority! Anytime you give up your power of your ownself then you give that power up to an External Authority which will make the decisions for you. Most of these decisions are not the ones you would make to do your business. So why are you dumb (or should I say stupid?) enough to take away from yourself and never get anything back that benefits you drastically.

What is an External Authority in the end run? External Authority is anything or anyone, to whom you give up your values! Anything you value, IE: (these are long term satisfactions mind you! --------->) your life, your freedoms, your right to choose for yourself, and your dignity, are what you have to give up, and those authorities are not obligated to replace those values at any time in your lifetime or the lifetime of your decendants. Let alone will they replace the money they forcibly or coercively take from you!

Every individual has the extreme right to live eternally if they so desire!

I know, I know, I can hear ya yelling "Rebel, no one can live eternally, are you nuts?"

Who says you can't live eternally?

A doctor?
A scientist?
A politician?
Or a Clergy?

Who are these people? These people think they are experts on everybody elses life but their own. They are nothing more that an authority figure so that puts them into the External Authority delegation running your life. They take your money, they take your property, they take your dignity, and they totally ruin nearly everyone else's life too in the process. How do they know you can not live for an eternity? They are all still living in the past! They are the External Authorities who control most of the facets of your life with their laws, their edicts, their facts they think they have altho they disregard fellow colleague comments, and they can't give ya medication without side-effects to cure any illness.

Why is all of this so relevant? It all deals with monetary issues. These authorities will go to any length to gather all of the money they can off of their constituents without having a conscious thought about the devastation they create in the aftermath. Doctors (some not all) give out Rx's for meds that give you side-effects while treating you for another pain. What gain is that? Doctors are paid high dollars, to prescribe these meds really, by the pharmaceutical companies!

If there was no money or there was no value given to money, then there would be less fighting for it. People, themselves, make money an External Authority by believing that it DOES hold a power over people. Think about it! Can money itself build a business? Can it do anything on its own without outside help?


It needs a helping hand, and that is where you come in! You ENABLE the power of money to allow it to devastate you! You have created the mindset that money can make you powerful, it can buy you anything, and it can get you out of trouble! It didn't get Jesse James out of trouble for robbing trains. It can not buy you love. Money is only a short term satisfaction. Has it cured the poverty level in all of the world? Answer to all of these Questions: --------> NO!

Money is nothing more than the ultimate control of bankers over your lives and properties. Who has control of your property when you have a mortgage being held by a bank? As long as you succumb to the throes of these oppressing evils then you can never escape their grip and you WILL DIE.

Other External Authorities control our destinies whether we know it or not. So called special interest groups, especially in the fields of environment and family life, govern or rule over everyone and take away the power of the people to make their own decisions. They make laws to ban certain items, like DDT, living in the country, and influence uninformed politicians on issues of water sustenance and then too especially in the realm of Sustaining Communities. What these sustaining Communities are is part of the Agenda 21 of the UN to gather the people together and house them like herds of sheep to be led to slaughter.

Tell me, is it easier to kill more people by having them live closer together or living farther apart out in the country? Look at the World Trade Towers effect for one. Look at the bombings of subways filled with people. Look at the roadside and suicide bombings of civilians and military personnel in Iraq. Terrorists are responsible for these and they care little about you or your families! There are still some clerics who preach from their pulpits to destroy this country, and we allow that to happen!

Does it sound like we are destinying ourselves to failure? Then those in control NEED to be removed and replaced with ones who are in perfect vision of succeeding totally in this country in all aspects of life. Sitting passively on the side will not get the job done! To totally succeed requires each and everyone of us to do our part to protect ourselves at every vantage point by whatever means is needed. BECOME A WARRIOR and FIGHT BACK!

1 comment:

Rick Jones said...

God of Fire!

From my past travels that I have made know to you I can relate on the "external authorities" issue.

YES, "they" are a thorn in our side BUT "they" can be overcome!

I key is to engrain our knowledge into the culture! If its engrained into the culture it will continue with or without us.

From past expearence I can tell you that we need to document who these "THEY" are. Names and numbers please! We need to know who is pulling the strings in the background of the OZ illusion. Who is the wizard!

As a small group like we are, we will get some resistance from groups that know what we are up to. (Neo_teck) As our numbers grow those in power will get invilved to protect thier power. This is the "THEY" that needs to be identified. We are on the verge of a power war! Be prepared my friends! IT WILL HAPPEN!

In the meantime continue to build the vision and engrain it into our culture. If its in the culture the dream will live!
