Monday, May 30, 2005

My Vision as per request of my Allies

Allies, Friends and Neighbors:

My allies, the ones who do keep me in line, have stressed to have me post my total vision for all to see. These allies want to see my total Vision and see if they can be inspired by what inspires me.

My Vision starts with a single little piece to a puzzle. My own Puzzle! Where each part of that puzzle belongs is difficult to figure out until you snap several pieces of that puzzle together, a few out of 500? Even though you snap those individual pieces of YOUR puzzle into place. and you finally see a picture forming, you have not even started completing the puzzle. For you see there is an even bigger puzzle that your individual puzzle becomes a piece of, and another picture forms .

My vision involves putting my own pieces of my puzzle together and then standing back and looking at the overall Larger Puzzle. (Everybody's combined life of nearly 100 Billion other different pieces) We as individuals, must each put our own puzzles together and be ready to place those puzzles in to THE Big Puzzle and integrate their puzzle with everyone else's puzzle. You see, for the Big Picture Puzzle to come together, each of our own individual puzzle (pieces) must join up with another's puzzle and be able to snap it into place, so we have a chance at seeing that picture we are all striving for.

Each and everyone of us are all interconnected with each other whether we want to be or not. We each fit well together as there is a certain part of someone else's puzzle which matches up with our own part of the Big Puzzle. When every piece of the puzzle is connected, and you step back to look at it, you will see that each individual piece relies on the next one to it to help form the picture. Without the connectivity, there would be no Unity , no solid basis for design, no foundation to build, and there would be no Love and compatibility to form between each and every one of us.

Let us take into account that each piece of our puzzle is literally one portion of our own life. It is the conscious thoughts we have. It is a happiness we express daily. It is the Love we hold for one another and ourselves. It is how we continue to push ourselves constantly forward in our quests. It is the daily essence of our being that calls us to succeed.

As we continue down our pathways we have chosen for ourselves, we run into obstacles that tend to drive us out of our pathways, delay us in our travels, and try to stop us from completing what we really want to do. With our alliance, the friends who really care and want for us to do good, they push each of us on toward our goals and strive for us to be the best that we can be. Once we acheive our self-values, then we can concentrate on being the one that strives to be the best that we can be for everyone around us, including our alliance.

My Vision is to create a world of Harmony, of Trust, and of Love, between all individuals. I Stand to be the one to bring that world into being and push and snap each and every puzzle piece into the overall picture puzzle to bring it closer to completion. I will teach each and every one around me the Values of this new World, and show them how to integrate those Values to the betterment of all conscious individuals. I stand to be the Warrior who brings this world to life by not leading but by working beside every warrior striving to rebuild our world we live in!

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