Saturday, May 21, 2005

External Authority in our Lives Today

Everyday as we go through our daily routines, we tend to follow preset guidlines. These guidelines, laws, regulations, edicts, and tenents are forces that direct our paths that we take in our lives. These guidelines are the tools of politicians, lawyers, clergy, and some educators who are known as External Authorities in our lives.

Do you have an external authority in your daily life? The answer to that is Yes! Explicitly! Anytime you give in to someone elses whims or dreams or ideals, then you are under a directed subject of outside authority. Whether we want to be or not.

How do we get out of this catch 22 situation? It is difficult at best, because these outside authorities do not wish to release you so you can take on a life of your own and make your own decisions. There is a way to escape from this catch 22 though. That is:
Make your own decisions, become an independent entrepreneur, and create the world you require to live in and live it!

Some people are quite satisfied to be in the situation they are in. No hard decisions to make. No pressures from having to complete something at a given time. Relaxation and doing what you want to do, anytime that you want to do it, within the reasonable arena the authority ALLOWS you! That is the crutch! You are limited by what others allow you to do, when they say you can do it. you become lazy and a detriment to the producing society. A BURDEN!

Anyone out from under the controlling thumb of those external authorities are unlimited by the range of things they can do and when they can do them. These individuals can make their own decisions without being hampered by someone looking over their shoulder to make sure they don't violate any laws or regulations. With that kind of pressure anyone will make mistakes and more than likely violate some written, or even obscure, laws. Whereas a person who makes his own decisions know what the legal boundries are and is honest enough to know that hard work and effort is how you make big breakthroughs. So their structure is narrow and rigid to keep on a specific path they must follow to be successful.

Pacifism is a crutch created by external authorities and many people practise it. It allows loopholes in the system so external authorities can walk back in and take back over the control that they never released you from in the first place. So you see, until you can thoroughly dismiss and not recognize
outside or External Authority, then you MUST deal with them over and over again in all of your life. I don't have that time to be kept in the loop and be made to do tricks at the whim of the gameplayers!

Some people say that we have brought this onto ourselves by electing these officials into these positions to be able to do that. Sure that is true, but I do not have to put up with their childish little games they play on a daily basis. Like creating problems where none existed prior to the discovery of the problem. Or accusing some worthless despot of starting up an issue when our own authorities created the problem in the first place.

All external authorities thrive on Force, threats of force, deception, wars, and bullying tactics to back someone down from them. And they always create the problem by ganging up on one person to a small group of people and use force to get their way.
Look at Waco! Look at Ruby Ridge! If you look at the edges you can see remnants of the same thing in Oklahoma City bombing of the Murrow Building.

Where were all of the FBI people that worked in the Murrow Building, on that day of the bombing? They were not at their jobs like all the other uninformed people and CHILDREN
were. Very few if any security type people in the Federal service was anywhere near that building that day, but they were everywhere around that building just a short time after the event.

Look again at Waco, where you had a butcher of an Attorney General (who has never been prosecuted for any crime of killing children either) who authorized the militarial actions of the Texas Police forces and the Feds to help start the fire and who then stood back while it burned to the ground with Children in it. Besides weapons being in the compound does that authorize the police or Feds to use automatic weapons on women and children too? The building was so thin that all bullets went through the building with ease. More weapons were fired from outside than there were fired from the inside
. So who used FORCE?

Take another look at Ruby Ridge! Feds surrounding a secluded farmhouse and instead of taking out Randy Weaver as they had planned to do, they took out his wife and baby (another child killing)(and no prosecution efforts done either).
They used the excuse that she was involved in the situation too, and they had plans to take her out too (lie number 2). Again you have governmental force being used, and we, citizens, allow this to happen pretty much daily. Until American Citizens say enough is enough and DO something about it, it will never stop!

Since that time, our Government has passed the
USA PATRIOT ACT of 2001 and have used it effectively to strip citizens of their rights (look at the protests by US citizens of the Globalistic event in Seattle, Wa. and police used force and bullys from their own forces to create a mayhem and then make arrests right and left!) especially the right to petition the Government over grievences, speech, and the right to defend. Americans can use the USA PATRIOT ACT of 2001
on corrupt officials too, because it doesn't state anywhere in the Act that Public Servants are exempt from this law either! Matter of fact any person (that is what it says too) can be prosecuted for Domestic Terrorism under Section 812 of the ACT, if they commit treasonous actions, harm someone, or try to take into servitude any citizen of the United States !

Look at the IRS and their bullying tactics. They are nothing but a Corporation with
NO authority whatsoever to collect taxes. If I remember the Constitution right, ONLY Congress has the power to lay and collect taxes. Congress directed the Treasury Department to collect taxes, and the Treasury Department did not give the IRS specific authority to do anything with Taxes. Some people think the 16th Amendment gave that authority, but you show me where it says IRS or any other 3rd Party designate mentioned anywhere in the Amendment was given any authority. It is not in there, so the Amendment did not change anything from out of the context as directed under Constitutional Law. Constitutional Law ONLY allows indirect taxation through sales, excise, tarrif, and like taxes. No Direct taxation without complete enumeration of the census, and then EVERYBODY including the indigent (welfare and the imprisoned)
must pay their fair share. Everybody pays an equal tax too, but no completed survey for the census has ever been done, so direct taxation is nullified, per US Constitutional Law! There was no provision made otherwise anywhere in the laws. Congress could not pass that Act!

So you have been lied to and forced to do something that you really didn't have to do!
By Whom? Who else but your External Authorities! AND You let them get by with it!
Why? Because you have stuck you head in the sand and hope all the bad stuff will go away! It never goes away, until you force them to go away!

Until you become the Warrior and act like a Warrior then you shall be bullied for the rest of your days. Otherwise, become the Warrior you are and rule your own life and stop depending on others to bail ya out!

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