Hey Friends and Allies:
As I was reading the Vision Force "Power to Stand" edition (Michael Skye's VisionForce.com website) and then contemplating the information that was given, I got the most sensational tingling running up the middle of my back.
I agree with the difference between the "Position and Stance" and how that can make or break a vision. But when it comes to "TERRORISTS" and "VISIONARIES" I have a really big problem with beliefs on this issue.
A dedicated "Terrorist" does not give a Damn about anyone else except those who believe exactly as he/she does (I lean more to the "He" designation because Islamics do not have ANY respect for women!). He is not going to change his mind about the emotions that most pacifists here in the U.S. "feel" (<-----key word here), because his ideals concern total "take over" of the "World". Many here in this country are so snowed by the pacifist ideals, as is projected by those supposed "get along with" Islamics and others, who say they do not advocate violence; But they stand idly by while the violence perpetuates, and keep their heads buried in the sand pile that they are playing in.
While pacifists keep their heads sunken in the sand, many will not realize the errors of their ways, until these so-called friends of "Islamic Distinction" silently sneak up onto those snowed under individuals and decapitate them. Such is the results of being so gullible to believing any information given to them without going out of their way to do a thorough investigation of those supposed facts.
Being the "Boy Scout" or "being prepared", is the proper visionary position or stance to take. Metaphorically speaking, if people did their homework on their own and not used the cheating methods of looking over the shoulders of their fellow students to get their answers, then everyone using "Visionary" tactics would be more fully prepared to handle everyday life adventures that are presented to us.
BUT, too many people are too lazy to investigate on their own and then rely on so-called "expert" advice. These "experts" have only one thing on their minds too, if you dig deep enough to find out, and that is ------> power and control of their own. These "experts" will use whatever tactics they need to use to accomplish the results they seek, and they could care less about what you think about it. Oh, ............... they (the "Experts") will feign their outward emotions to pacify the pacifists, so that the word can be spread to all the others who have their doubts. (pacifists have a large network that they communicate with: ie: PETA, Sierra Club, anti-gun lobbys, "ABC" Gov't Orgs., pro-socialistic lobbys, religious orgs., and pro-"good-for-society" [Pharmaceutical Companies and others?] organizations!) Many of these pacifist organizations do not have "Human relations" at the forefront of their livelihoods. Animals, ecology/environment, unproven beliefs, inflationary monetary Wealth, and anti-human-rights lead these organizations on in their quest to destroy the social structures we are at present accustomed to!
Peta and Sierra Club have worked extensively together to undermine human productive efforts by effectively creating problems (extinction claims of "Suckerfish" which proved unfounded later) and eliminating active producers (farmers in Oregon during the Klammoth Falls incident) to provide for their Government controlled farms by having those devastated farmers sell out for a little of nothing, after their farms were destroyed by a forced drought brought about under U.S. Government Direction. (Government {FBI and BLM} followed the information supplied by Sierra Club mainly, and then by PETA and shut down all water supplies to those farms!) (2 firefighters also lost their lives due to the water shut down during the blazing fires that were devastating the areas south at this same time of the Klammoth Falls incident) Not one person has ever been charged with any crimes involved with this incident either.
These above organizations are also invested in "re-Wilding" the Country through the usage of following the Biodiversity Treaty (further implemented via the Clinton Administration, although never ratified by ANY state in the Union)(Biodiversity Treaty is a direct part of the Agenda 21 of the United Nations, who advocates the moving of people out of the country into "city communes" for formal control issues!). This is one of the other reasons why the controversial "John Birch Society" has been in existence, and that is to remove the UN from the shores of the U.S., period !
Honesty, dedication to exploration of ideas for fellow human life, and persistence in excellence of production are the only methods that will produce beneficial results for all of mankind. When we put our heads in the sand and refuse to accept new ideas as possible lives to yet be led, then we become so gullible to believe that the terrorists who live amongst us would not stealthily steal around us to collapse this life we know now! They care less about our freedoms because they have been trained to believe that they will be united with those "Virgins" they will have access to in their "Afterlife" (Who amongst us are of the "Living Dead" who really really know the facts about life after death?)(so what proof is there of another eternal life {except the kind that NT techs literally know about} - tell me about your proofs and give examples!) <--------- If you can relate these examples, does this make you an "Expert" on "Life after Death"?
As long as we or anyone else succumbs to the ideals of fatalists (those that cherish the life Here-After), then each and everyone of us are destined to be included in THEIR plans and not our own plans. We have literally given our lives over to the authority of someone else or something else.
I, myself, am not ready to hand my livelihood over to someone who does not have an inkling of any idea of what I am thinking about at any given moment in time! I am my own authority, and no one can take that from me! I design my own plan that I love to do, and I am the one to follow through on that plan. It is a personally designed plan, and everyone else has their own design they need to make and follow!
Welcome to my Visionary World! You have entered into the "God-Man" realm of my world!
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Continuation of "Who Do These Fools Think They are?"
Hi Friends:
I am back with the continuation of the blog I posted earlier in the day. I have pretty much thrown my hat into the public arena and am right now starting my campaign for the Municipal Court Judge seat for 2010 in St, Joseph, Missouri.
How do I figure I am qualified to hold this position?
For one: I am a Sovereign Citizen!
Two: I am interested in an honest use of Justice of the Law by all who come through the courtroom doors!
Three: I personally want to bring the power of the people BACK to the people!
Four : I speak English which is the language of the People!
Five : I feel I have the ability to complete the job I am sent to do.
Don't you have to be a lawyer to become a judge?
The Municipal Court Judge is an entry level position! You do not have to be a lawyer, and it is my feeling that a lawyer should never be a judge. Look at the prosecutors who create these cases. Prosecutors use deception, threats of force and coercion (through use of investigators of law enforcement = police officers) to force accused defendants to agree to the preferred charges that the prosecutors want. When the Lawyer profession has to stoop lower than the person who commits the crime to get the conviction and snows the Judge into buying their version, then they are nothing more equal to the ilk they promote. Many know the old sayings such as: Once a liar, always a liar; once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic!: and the same would apply to the prosecutors when they indulge in the evil black arts of deception to accomplish their mission. They can be considered a liar, a thief, and a felon for their acts of terrorism against the American Dream and the Sovereign Citizenry!
Besides, courtroom officers are nothing more than Public Servants or even Public Slaves because they are there only to serve the Public and not themselves! The Sovereign Citizen holds more power than a public servant or should, but history shows the servant overpowering the Citizen and holding them to their chains of agonies. 90% of the time most people are considered guilty until proven innocent, in all courts of law even though the Judges give "Lip Service" to all stating that they follow the law and provide for innocence. Why is it that most Judges and lawyers dismiss the Fundamental Law of the Land? Because it does not benefit their pockets let alone the pockets of the City. Fundamental Law limits public servant powers and emboldens the power of the Sovereignty!
Since a Judge can not change the law, how can he provide justice for injustice by written law?
I would provide for the establishment of a Fully Informed Jury Associate Jurer! The Fully Informed Jury Associate has the power to make decisions on criminal actions in conjunction with law. Only a Jury can change the context of a law, an ordinance, a regulation, or the nullification of any and all legislation from any level of Government. That decision by a jury is not challengeable by any court (not even an Appeals Court {any other interpretation is a deception!}) except the U.S. Supreme Court. This may be the only court that has any jurisdiction and then too may not have jurisdiction on any Jury decision whether a Fully Informed Jury or not!
What is a Fully Informed Jury? it is a Jury that has full authority to decide and weigh decisions via the level of the crime and whether the law protecting against the crime does not violate Citizen's Inherent Unalienable Rights. Citizen's Inherent Unalienable Rights are those endowed and bestowed upon the Citizens by their creator. These "Rights" are NOT able to be taken away from a Citizen at any time by any one person, one group of people, Government, or any institution! These Rights can only be given up freely, without coercion, by the individual who has those Rights bestowed upon them. I do not recommend anyone to give up their Rights at any time to anyone.
Do Courtroom Officers hold all omnipotent power over any defendent within a courtroom?
NO they do not! They are Servants to the public and hold no power over any Sovereign Citizen at any one time. Stop and think about it for a minute! All courts are subject to the Rulings of the U.S. Supreme Court. Which means that all subordinate courts (Federal, State, County, and Local) are nothing more than satellite courts of the U. S. Supreme Court. Where is the U.S. Supreme Court located? Washington D.C. which is -----> Outside the Territorial Legal Borders of the United States. This means that our court systems and our current Government are subject to the direction of the United Nations, and also to the direction of our monetary substance by the British Crown, since the Crown is of German decent.
As a Municipal Court Judge I would provide access to the sovereignty to regain its power that has been stripped from it by convoluted and corrupted officials who have been running and ruining these courts with their unruly power they thought they had in the ever recent past.
With the advent of the Fully Informed Jury System, Sovereign Citizens will fully realize the emanation of their power over corruption, and correct that position before it can return to the unsettling position it has been occupying! Corruption is dishonesty and before Judges became lawyers and were influenced by corrupted jurists (lawyers) from the Hierarchy of the ABA, most judges were considered honest and would provide the justice for all, so we could remain "Free". Once the corruption from the ABA entered into the judiciary then the raping of the nation thus began! The Sovereignty is the only one who can stop this in its tracks and my job as a MC Judge is to educate them in order for them to keep their "Rights" firmly secure.
Are all Laws Just and Reasonable?
Most laws can be Just and Reasonable if they are put in the proper context. In other words, Foreign Language must be eliminated from the courtrooms at all costs to keep ensuring our freedoms. Besides being read in the words that are written (instead of the illegal Legalese now used in the courts), common sense and application of that common language would nearly guaranttee a turn around in most judicial reviews that have been handed down by those who hide behind their wigs and their uppity black Robes!
Exclusionary Law should be employed at all times in the courtrooms at any cost. What this means is that if it is not written in the law, it is not included in that law. Legalese is a foreign language that defines terms with erroneous directions so it confuses all who read the words written, except those who created the language. In my court, plain language law is only allowed, and if it is not included in the original text of the law, then it does not exist for the law.
What are the Requirements in your opinion for qualifications for the position of Municipal Court Judge?
In my opinion there are mainly two qualities that are required for the position of Municipal Court Judge and that is Total Honesty and Dilligence both, in following and interpreting the law as it is written without influence from outside direction and misdirection from those who seek the omnipotent power over all.
I am back with the continuation of the blog I posted earlier in the day. I have pretty much thrown my hat into the public arena and am right now starting my campaign for the Municipal Court Judge seat for 2010 in St, Joseph, Missouri.
How do I figure I am qualified to hold this position?
For one: I am a Sovereign Citizen!
Two: I am interested in an honest use of Justice of the Law by all who come through the courtroom doors!
Three: I personally want to bring the power of the people BACK to the people!
Four : I speak English which is the language of the People!
Five : I feel I have the ability to complete the job I am sent to do.
Don't you have to be a lawyer to become a judge?
The Municipal Court Judge is an entry level position! You do not have to be a lawyer, and it is my feeling that a lawyer should never be a judge. Look at the prosecutors who create these cases. Prosecutors use deception, threats of force and coercion (through use of investigators of law enforcement = police officers) to force accused defendants to agree to the preferred charges that the prosecutors want. When the Lawyer profession has to stoop lower than the person who commits the crime to get the conviction and snows the Judge into buying their version, then they are nothing more equal to the ilk they promote. Many know the old sayings such as: Once a liar, always a liar; once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic!: and the same would apply to the prosecutors when they indulge in the evil black arts of deception to accomplish their mission. They can be considered a liar, a thief, and a felon for their acts of terrorism against the American Dream and the Sovereign Citizenry!
Besides, courtroom officers are nothing more than Public Servants or even Public Slaves because they are there only to serve the Public and not themselves! The Sovereign Citizen holds more power than a public servant or should, but history shows the servant overpowering the Citizen and holding them to their chains of agonies. 90% of the time most people are considered guilty until proven innocent, in all courts of law even though the Judges give "Lip Service" to all stating that they follow the law and provide for innocence. Why is it that most Judges and lawyers dismiss the Fundamental Law of the Land? Because it does not benefit their pockets let alone the pockets of the City. Fundamental Law limits public servant powers and emboldens the power of the Sovereignty!
Since a Judge can not change the law, how can he provide justice for injustice by written law?
I would provide for the establishment of a Fully Informed Jury Associate Jurer! The Fully Informed Jury Associate has the power to make decisions on criminal actions in conjunction with law. Only a Jury can change the context of a law, an ordinance, a regulation, or the nullification of any and all legislation from any level of Government. That decision by a jury is not challengeable by any court (not even an Appeals Court {any other interpretation is a deception!}) except the U.S. Supreme Court. This may be the only court that has any jurisdiction and then too may not have jurisdiction on any Jury decision whether a Fully Informed Jury or not!
What is a Fully Informed Jury? it is a Jury that has full authority to decide and weigh decisions via the level of the crime and whether the law protecting against the crime does not violate Citizen's Inherent Unalienable Rights. Citizen's Inherent Unalienable Rights are those endowed and bestowed upon the Citizens by their creator. These "Rights" are NOT able to be taken away from a Citizen at any time by any one person, one group of people, Government, or any institution! These Rights can only be given up freely, without coercion, by the individual who has those Rights bestowed upon them. I do not recommend anyone to give up their Rights at any time to anyone.
Do Courtroom Officers hold all omnipotent power over any defendent within a courtroom?
NO they do not! They are Servants to the public and hold no power over any Sovereign Citizen at any one time. Stop and think about it for a minute! All courts are subject to the Rulings of the U.S. Supreme Court. Which means that all subordinate courts (Federal, State, County, and Local) are nothing more than satellite courts of the U. S. Supreme Court. Where is the U.S. Supreme Court located? Washington D.C. which is -----> Outside the Territorial Legal Borders of the United States. This means that our court systems and our current Government are subject to the direction of the United Nations, and also to the direction of our monetary substance by the British Crown, since the Crown is of German decent.
As a Municipal Court Judge I would provide access to the sovereignty to regain its power that has been stripped from it by convoluted and corrupted officials who have been running and ruining these courts with their unruly power they thought they had in the ever recent past.
With the advent of the Fully Informed Jury System, Sovereign Citizens will fully realize the emanation of their power over corruption, and correct that position before it can return to the unsettling position it has been occupying! Corruption is dishonesty and before Judges became lawyers and were influenced by corrupted jurists (lawyers) from the Hierarchy of the ABA, most judges were considered honest and would provide the justice for all, so we could remain "Free". Once the corruption from the ABA entered into the judiciary then the raping of the nation thus began! The Sovereignty is the only one who can stop this in its tracks and my job as a MC Judge is to educate them in order for them to keep their "Rights" firmly secure.
Are all Laws Just and Reasonable?
Most laws can be Just and Reasonable if they are put in the proper context. In other words, Foreign Language must be eliminated from the courtrooms at all costs to keep ensuring our freedoms. Besides being read in the words that are written (instead of the illegal Legalese now used in the courts), common sense and application of that common language would nearly guaranttee a turn around in most judicial reviews that have been handed down by those who hide behind their wigs and their uppity black Robes!
Exclusionary Law should be employed at all times in the courtrooms at any cost. What this means is that if it is not written in the law, it is not included in that law. Legalese is a foreign language that defines terms with erroneous directions so it confuses all who read the words written, except those who created the language. In my court, plain language law is only allowed, and if it is not included in the original text of the law, then it does not exist for the law.
What are the Requirements in your opinion for qualifications for the position of Municipal Court Judge?
In my opinion there are mainly two qualities that are required for the position of Municipal Court Judge and that is Total Honesty and Dilligence both, in following and interpreting the law as it is written without influence from outside direction and misdirection from those who seek the omnipotent power over all.
Who Do these Fools Think They are?
Are our Politicians letting us down or ................ Are We letting ourselves Down?
Hi Friends:
It has been a while since I have left a Blog on here. I have recently relocated my current abode of living. I have relocated my horse (Lana) to a more closer stable so I might be able to work with her. (matter of fact I will be riding this afternoon) I have also decided to throw my hat into the Municipal Court Judge arena for the year 2010.
Why would I want to do something to this extreme? Well, the way I look at it is this!: the Judges and courtroom officers have been bringing an extremely close (pretty much TOO close) relationship together for the accumulation of money for the city. When you stop to think about it, aren't most regulations and judiciary review of those regulations "All About The Money"?
Who benefits the most from regulations and those judiciary reviews? Certainly not the Sovereign Citizens of the Communities. Judiciaries have all in the past collected the money from violators and for some reason I, myself, have not found out where that money has gone within the confines of the City Accounting Market.
So the reason I am looking at running for the office of Municipal Court Judge is to bring the entry level of the job to the people and to educate the people in the true ways of Constitutional Law (or Fundamental Law).
I do not believe in foreign languages being used in our court systems whatsoever. Some believe "Legalese" is the prime or best language to use for judicial reviews. I say "BALDERDASH" Legalese is a foreign language with its own definition of specific words that we all grew up to learn about since we first started school! Our definition of those specific words have no honor, no weight in meaning, and no jurisdiction in any courtroom. LET'S LOOK AT THE ORIGIN OF LEGALESE!
"Legalese" was created in and around 1939 with the creation of the American Bar Association (ABA). This language was created with the only purpose of confounding, confusing, and stripping people of their inherent powers as provided under "Fundamental Law". In the few short years that the ABA has been in existence, from the authority of the British Crown, the ABA has literally taken significant values from each and every value creator who has ever had to deal with them. This is outright Highway Robbery by Public Servants (Slaves???) against all American people (except those who have monetary wealth to bribe these officials). Most of us stand idly by and allow these actions to go on around us, because we, the American People, do not know the correct route to take to countermand those actions.
I am looking to being the "KEY" to the downfall of the political system as it stands now. The political system that we have now is a corrupt system and must be dealt with, immediately, if not sooner. So why not start at the basic level of the system? The Training arena of the political and Judicial system!
What my plan is, is to take the position of the Municipal Court Judge, establish a FIJA (Fully Informed Jury Association) Jury system, and to further limit the powers of City Public Servants (Slaves ???). How will I accomplish that? With an educating of the people of St. Joseph, Missouri to the New Technology Party of politics!
(more to come soon today!)
Hi Friends:
It has been a while since I have left a Blog on here. I have recently relocated my current abode of living. I have relocated my horse (Lana) to a more closer stable so I might be able to work with her. (matter of fact I will be riding this afternoon) I have also decided to throw my hat into the Municipal Court Judge arena for the year 2010.
Why would I want to do something to this extreme? Well, the way I look at it is this!: the Judges and courtroom officers have been bringing an extremely close (pretty much TOO close) relationship together for the accumulation of money for the city. When you stop to think about it, aren't most regulations and judiciary review of those regulations "All About The Money"?
Who benefits the most from regulations and those judiciary reviews? Certainly not the Sovereign Citizens of the Communities. Judiciaries have all in the past collected the money from violators and for some reason I, myself, have not found out where that money has gone within the confines of the City Accounting Market.
So the reason I am looking at running for the office of Municipal Court Judge is to bring the entry level of the job to the people and to educate the people in the true ways of Constitutional Law (or Fundamental Law).
I do not believe in foreign languages being used in our court systems whatsoever. Some believe "Legalese" is the prime or best language to use for judicial reviews. I say "BALDERDASH" Legalese is a foreign language with its own definition of specific words that we all grew up to learn about since we first started school! Our definition of those specific words have no honor, no weight in meaning, and no jurisdiction in any courtroom. LET'S LOOK AT THE ORIGIN OF LEGALESE!
"Legalese" was created in and around 1939 with the creation of the American Bar Association (ABA). This language was created with the only purpose of confounding, confusing, and stripping people of their inherent powers as provided under "Fundamental Law". In the few short years that the ABA has been in existence, from the authority of the British Crown, the ABA has literally taken significant values from each and every value creator who has ever had to deal with them. This is outright Highway Robbery by Public Servants (Slaves???) against all American people (except those who have monetary wealth to bribe these officials). Most of us stand idly by and allow these actions to go on around us, because we, the American People, do not know the correct route to take to countermand those actions.
I am looking to being the "KEY" to the downfall of the political system as it stands now. The political system that we have now is a corrupt system and must be dealt with, immediately, if not sooner. So why not start at the basic level of the system? The Training arena of the political and Judicial system!
What my plan is, is to take the position of the Municipal Court Judge, establish a FIJA (Fully Informed Jury Association) Jury system, and to further limit the powers of City Public Servants (Slaves ???). How will I accomplish that? With an educating of the people of St. Joseph, Missouri to the New Technology Party of politics!
(more to come soon today!)
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