Welcome to my Visionary World! You have entered into the "God-Man" realm of my world!
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Talking Heads
Sean Hannity, Tony Snow, and Rush Limbaugh for the Conservatives, and all the Liberal Talking Heads:
Quit causing a ruckus with your spouting off about what the Liberals or the Conservatives are doing! Don't you realize how popular you guys are and how many listeners you have, let alone all of the Internet viewers to your websites?
You all have wanted each other to quit with the rhetoric and putting our soldiers down over in Iraq. Do you realize that your Rants and Raves are just continuing to harm our image overseas in all 3rd world countries?
People overseas, see you guys ranting and raving about how all of the Liberals or Conservatives are going against the grain of the others, that they see this nation as being in total discord and NO Solidarity between Americans. So these uninformed people form ideas that the USA is a WEAK NATION because you people and your other followers are constantly fighting about who is right or who is wrong!
You, "Talking Heads" are just as harmful as even those who demonstrate ,as you believe, with their certain beliefs like Cindy Sheehan, etc. So stop all of this nonsense and get back to the policy of building this nation back into the powerhouse it had been Discovered to be. Find something good to talk about your opponents, rather than cut them down daily. Do you want to give the Terrorists any more reason to think we are WEAK in our beliefs of this War on Terror?
I know these are just the propaganda reports you all love to send out, but they cause more harm than good to our troops overseas and gives the terrorists more insight and more stability to keep fighting back and to setting hidden bombs to kill our men and women fighting over there!
Quit Arming the TERRORISTS with the amunition they need to keep their people coming out of the woodwork and never fearing any of us ever again. Your Rants and Raves, of all of you Conservative or Liberal Talking Heads, seem to talk about the exact same thing, in the same exact content, on every one of your shows, and has every Terrorist salivating from hearing you tear down other Americans. For once, SHUT YOUR MOUTHS and START CONNECTING WITH EACH OTHER to fully protect our troops better! By both sides projecting support and solidarity for this Event we are engaged in now, can we walk with dignity and pride knowing we have done good, but our best is yet to come!
Do you really want a defeat of the Terrorists?
Then Get With the PROGRAM and quit Whining! I have never heard so much whining from both sides of the aisle as much as I have in the last, nearly 4 years of Whine.
So the Liberals or the Conservatives made a mistake! "Big Deal" Get over it and correct it.
Quit Talking and do something about the problem.
I think the Military knows where all the terrorists are, and where they are operating from. The Viet Nam intelligence gathering was a lot more coordinated than the intelligence gathering we have going on now. We have the most sophisticated intelligence gathering equipment, that I find it extremely hard to believe that not one of the Satellites spying on Mother Earth does not have direct information as to where these nasty ones are. We should know exactly where every Kamikaze Bomb Laden Vehicle came from by looking at the recordings of the Satellite photos and video streaming the Military do!
Terrorists are picked off one or two at a time, after dark, with night vision glasses, on a regular basis. I have seen the videos! I have literally seen the terrorist disintegrate from the view of the screen. They didn't just fall, they disappeared!
I don't know why this country is stalling out the war on terror, except to drive the price of Oil up, while we risk our lives there. Of course with an oil company owning businessman for U.S. President, I could see the advantages of the stall! We, as citizens, suffer loss of loved ones, for the upward price driving of oil resources for the financial gain of Oil Owning Businessmen, Including Saudi Arabian Leaders, who financially support the terrorists, ie: the Mujhadeen !
For every drop of Oil that we pay good money to the Saudi's, we, ourselves, support the terrorists who kill our troops indiscriminately!
When every "Talking Head" spouts off about something frivolous that someone else did, then our Honor and our Pride has been dampened and the flame put out. Terrorists see and hear these condemnations on their internet, from the international news agencies who listen directly to the Radio Shows, to the streaming of those shows through the internet, and from their Families and relatives who live in this country!
So keep it up "Talking Heads", and keep driving this great nation down to its knees with your condemnations of Conservatives or Liberals.
This is the time we need the solidarity and the foresight to literally wipe all the remnants of the Islamic Terrorists COMPLETELY off of the Face of this earth, and to show the rest of the World: You don't want to mess with the US of A. We will knock down your doors, and we will commence to doing business on those of you, who oppose us. You picked on the wrong mean ass dog to awaken from our porch! We not only fight, but we destroy all who TRY to tear us apart in this Great Nation, let alone in this World!
You want a fight? Cast the first stone, and it would be the last one you would ever cast. We will come to you and walk all over you, without a second thought!
If you terrorists don't like our independence, then stay away and you can die in your arid deserts ................................................... alone!
We could really care less!
You act like the Carrion of the desert, and Carrion, has its place.
Watching its own DEAD~!
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Income Tax Hoax and the Government Pulloff
The Income Tax Hoax is just That!
A Hoax & Pulloff
In three (3) weeks time, two separate court cases have been tried and two separate answers have come out of both of them. Both cases were Income Tax "Failure to File" cases. It is quite obvious that each Federal Court is independent of decisions made in Related Courts and Related Cases. It is also quite obvious that Judges are prejudiced in their decisions on each case as to allowance of evidence presented.
Joseph Bannister, an ex-IRS agent turned freedom fighter, won his case on a Failure to File case in conjunction with IRS accusations. The IRS was dealt a fatal blow with the decision of the court in question. The IRS could not present evidence of where an authority was to allow them to collect taxes. IRS could not present evidence of why the law is mandatory as their own writings, on their own documents, even state that their collections is voluntary. So the case with Joe Bannister was a major flop for the IRS and one they wish not to have publicized and it deters their reason for collecting!
Larkin Rose was tried by a Federal Court on pretty much the same charges as Joe Bannister above and Mr Larkin ended up with a conviction and 3 month or more bracelet wearing ceremony. It sure seems suspicious when one Jury can find one man innocent of charges and another jury find another man guilty of the same sort of crime. To me it seems really traitorous to have one jury instructed in one way and another jury instructed another way by two different judges. In my opinion ALL FEDERAL JUDGES should be made to comply with all jurisdictions of any jury decision made no matter what. When courts and Judges fail or are derelict in their duties, then it seems to reason that they are initiating means of undermining the ruling government (THE PEOPLE'S GOVERNMENT /COMMON LAW). These Judges should be held accountable for their instructions given and actions made in any due course of a court room trial. As I see it, there are no Statutes of Limitations for actions of any Judges or court room officers, and each need to be held accountable for those actions and punished accordingly to the law of the People. Let the People Rule and get politicians out of the process. Judges, whether appointed or elected, are nothing more than politicians saving face by ruling according to popularity of the public dissent. I wonder if any of them know what the common law of man really is and can abide by it daily!
The Counter to the Pulloff!
When the New Technology World Order comes into the realm of being, then all Politicians shall face the music of undermining and attempts to undermine the Government of the People (Common Law, not Corporate Law in which "ALL" courts operate under, to this day!). By implememnting Corporate Law where inappropriate, Courts and politicians get away with undermining the common good of all mankind, by handcuffing the ideals of a society, and by oppression through use of political bullies pushing their weight around. This is a daily occurrence of politicians all over the face of this great nation, by allowing them to use Force, Threats of Force, Coercion, Deception, and Evil to emit a controlling nature among their forces over the people of a Free Nation. The New Technology World Order ......SHALL and WILL eliminate those forces and render them impotent even unto themselves. Be prepared, for the Day comes for the Reckoning, and all who oppress (Politicians and Public Servants [<------ slaves?]). Those remnants of the ones, who truly rule (We the People), shall sit in control and shall deal with those oppressors accordingly! No Matter What! What is stated above is that politicians and public servants, when they oppress the people, shall be judged by the people themselves and dealt with accordingly! SO BEWARE PUBLIC SERVANT (<------- slave)!
Nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, will stop this movement, as it has already begun! Your 1,000 (millenial) year reign has ended, although you don't realize it as of yet, and you shall be judged accountable for your actions from this day forth! I love the bible prohpecies, as they give such an eye opening account of what is actually gonna happen, for the so-called ruling class of Today!
So, you Dummy Politicians, keep reading your "Politics for Dummies" books and continue to dumb yourself down, for a New World Reign is approaching and is taking your place. You, politicians are being set into your place of being ( as a has been!) and there is nothing you can do to change that!
Welcome the New Technology World Order and the Power of the Force it exudes, for nothing can oppress it. The Power of the Force shall destroy all oppression as it is encountered on its Journey. Competitve Business is the Future and the livelihood of all the people is their existence. Those who do not compete will not exist!
A Hoax & Pulloff
In three (3) weeks time, two separate court cases have been tried and two separate answers have come out of both of them. Both cases were Income Tax "Failure to File" cases. It is quite obvious that each Federal Court is independent of decisions made in Related Courts and Related Cases. It is also quite obvious that Judges are prejudiced in their decisions on each case as to allowance of evidence presented.
Joseph Bannister, an ex-IRS agent turned freedom fighter, won his case on a Failure to File case in conjunction with IRS accusations. The IRS was dealt a fatal blow with the decision of the court in question. The IRS could not present evidence of where an authority was to allow them to collect taxes. IRS could not present evidence of why the law is mandatory as their own writings, on their own documents, even state that their collections is voluntary. So the case with Joe Bannister was a major flop for the IRS and one they wish not to have publicized and it deters their reason for collecting!
Larkin Rose was tried by a Federal Court on pretty much the same charges as Joe Bannister above and Mr Larkin ended up with a conviction and 3 month or more bracelet wearing ceremony. It sure seems suspicious when one Jury can find one man innocent of charges and another jury find another man guilty of the same sort of crime. To me it seems really traitorous to have one jury instructed in one way and another jury instructed another way by two different judges. In my opinion ALL FEDERAL JUDGES should be made to comply with all jurisdictions of any jury decision made no matter what. When courts and Judges fail or are derelict in their duties, then it seems to reason that they are initiating means of undermining the ruling government (THE PEOPLE'S GOVERNMENT /COMMON LAW). These Judges should be held accountable for their instructions given and actions made in any due course of a court room trial. As I see it, there are no Statutes of Limitations for actions of any Judges or court room officers, and each need to be held accountable for those actions and punished accordingly to the law of the People. Let the People Rule and get politicians out of the process. Judges, whether appointed or elected, are nothing more than politicians saving face by ruling according to popularity of the public dissent. I wonder if any of them know what the common law of man really is and can abide by it daily!
The Counter to the Pulloff!
When the New Technology World Order comes into the realm of being, then all Politicians shall face the music of undermining and attempts to undermine the Government of the People (Common Law, not Corporate Law in which "ALL" courts operate under, to this day!). By implememnting Corporate Law where inappropriate, Courts and politicians get away with undermining the common good of all mankind, by handcuffing the ideals of a society, and by oppression through use of political bullies pushing their weight around. This is a daily occurrence of politicians all over the face of this great nation, by allowing them to use Force, Threats of Force, Coercion, Deception, and Evil to emit a controlling nature among their forces over the people of a Free Nation. The New Technology World Order ......SHALL and WILL eliminate those forces and render them impotent even unto themselves. Be prepared, for the Day comes for the Reckoning, and all who oppress (Politicians and Public Servants [<------ slaves?]). Those remnants of the ones, who truly rule (We the People), shall sit in control and shall deal with those oppressors accordingly! No Matter What! What is stated above is that politicians and public servants, when they oppress the people, shall be judged by the people themselves and dealt with accordingly! SO BEWARE PUBLIC SERVANT (<------- slave)!
Nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, will stop this movement, as it has already begun! Your 1,000 (millenial) year reign has ended, although you don't realize it as of yet, and you shall be judged accountable for your actions from this day forth! I love the bible prohpecies, as they give such an eye opening account of what is actually gonna happen, for the so-called ruling class of Today!
So, you Dummy Politicians, keep reading your "Politics for Dummies" books and continue to dumb yourself down, for a New World Reign is approaching and is taking your place. You, politicians are being set into your place of being ( as a has been!) and there is nothing you can do to change that!
Welcome the New Technology World Order and the Power of the Force it exudes, for nothing can oppress it. The Power of the Force shall destroy all oppression as it is encountered on its Journey. Competitve Business is the Future and the livelihood of all the people is their existence. Those who do not compete will not exist!
Increasing Gas Prices = Terrorism?
Are Our Increasing Gas Prices Paying for the Saudi Support of Terrorism and the increasing Domestic Terrorism at Home?
I might be putting my foot in my own mouth, but I am becoming more and more agravated by the increasing costs of gas with the rising prices of crude oil being bought from the Saudi Government!
It is factually known that that the Saudi Regime (ie: Bin Laden's) have been openly supporting terrorist gangs with their monetary support.
How do the Saudi's make the majority of their money? How else but to sell crude oil to the world! I have heard it said, that Arabian oil only makes up a smaller percentage of the total oil being sold. Ok, maybe that is true, but the Bin Laden's control the pricing of that oil. They have been well trained by our own country on the values of supply and demand. They cut back their production, so they can drive the prices higher and higher.
With the guidance from US Oil Ministers, Oil Barrons, and Corporate Execs (even tho' they do not sit in the seat, they still run the business), the Saudi's seem as tho' they wish to cripple this nation by making us depend more and more on that oil supply. The only problem, is that there is plenty of entrepreneurs, who will go out of their way to design a new energy or redesign the gas and vehicles to stop relying on Arab Oil. Once a majority of demand for Arab Oil subsides then the Saudis and the rest of the oil dependent world shall be left behind with the advent of the entrepreneurial world of the Creators. The Arabs will then own a gold that holds no value at all!
In my mind, as long as we continue to buy into the Arabic World of Oil, then we are contributing to the terrorism that continues to kill. So every drop of Gas or Diesel that you buy, you are paying for these terrorists to continue their savageness against the freedoms we all experience today.
To get rid of the terrorists, quit supplying them with money to continue their Jihaad! Refuse to buy their oil! Refuse to allow them to enter this country! Quit giving in to their every whim!
These Islamics and their supporters, (if you harbored the terrorists from 9-11-01, then you supported them!) that are continuing on their vengeance of their Jihaad, shall one day meet the ONE GOD, who shall condemn them all and send each and every one of them into the Nether-Regions with no salvation (<------ no virgins for terrorist infidels ever) except for tormentation of their beliefs.
A terrorist cares less about you or me, and could eliminate you without a second thought! Some say that you can not solve violence with violence. Hhhhmmmmm Does our local and national law enforcement know about that? The only way you solve violent force is with extreme violent force, with no mercy! That may sound terroristic but in self-defense, it is the only way to react. That is why we are over in Iraq, Afghanistan, and soon to be Iran! I would quit pussyfooting around with these infidels and just do an ethnic cleansing and be rid of them forever! They are a pest. They are an evil force. They are the Snake in the Garden and need their heads removed, as they have removed their enemies heads (or so they thought were their enemies! Prepare for the worst case scenario yet to come to you, Islam! You think Quoran propheicies are the thing? Get ready, ethnic cleansing of Islamic infidels is prophesied for the redemption from your evil ways! ).
Is it Evil to be Self-Defensive? Never! ....... in the realm of Self-Preservation. The only time I believe that anyone should have to suffer an "eye for an eye" or "turn the other cheek" is, when you know in your own heart, that you have done someone wrong and never admitted it, even to yourself. Then the "Eye for an Eye" or "Turn the other Cheek" would apply. Other than that: it is my belief, that you exert extreme brutal force on the enemy (Islamic Infidels) and totally eliminate them from the face of this earth, in Self-Defense for yourself and for others, whom you have pledged your allegiance.
Is this an Oil Issue that we are fighting for? I think it is a power struggle for the control of the Middle-Eastern Oil, and We should not even be involved in it. Unless the leaders of this country have turned to the Dark side, then it should be our duty to protect our own and leave everyone to their fate. If we are to engage in an a War, then we need to engage all out, totally eliminate everything in our path, and set an example for the rest of the world to see.
We have pussyfoot around with these clowns far too long with the technology that we possess. We have the capability and technology to totally eliminate an enemy at any given time without prejudice! Why we play around with these terrorists is beyond all recognition of logic, to me. Eliminate them and go on with Life!
I honestly think that this country intends to follow up on UN Agenda 21 and to institute the temporary ( it is temporary, the illuminati know it: so does the "Temporary" {'Dubya'}) control and the depopulation they wish to exert over the people of this great nation. As long as we stand together fully armed, they (UN and its financiers ) will stay at bay from the takeover, they have planned. Why else does Agenda 21 have people moving out of the country and into the cities? It is a control issue and elimination of unwanteds and weaklings is easier to accomplish that way. If you remain out in the country then their work to eliminate those they wish to be rid of, is extremely hard. This may be the Dark Side that our leaders follow, besides the Bohemian Grove Cult or Skull and Bones (?)!
This is the Dawning of the New World Order, but the Dawning of the New Technology World Order is stronger, and more willing to take over, and IS the "One" to Unite all people into "THE" One World.
I might be putting my foot in my own mouth, but I am becoming more and more agravated by the increasing costs of gas with the rising prices of crude oil being bought from the Saudi Government!
It is factually known that that the Saudi Regime (ie: Bin Laden's) have been openly supporting terrorist gangs with their monetary support.
How do the Saudi's make the majority of their money? How else but to sell crude oil to the world! I have heard it said, that Arabian oil only makes up a smaller percentage of the total oil being sold. Ok, maybe that is true, but the Bin Laden's control the pricing of that oil. They have been well trained by our own country on the values of supply and demand. They cut back their production, so they can drive the prices higher and higher.
With the guidance from US Oil Ministers, Oil Barrons, and Corporate Execs (even tho' they do not sit in the seat, they still run the business), the Saudi's seem as tho' they wish to cripple this nation by making us depend more and more on that oil supply. The only problem, is that there is plenty of entrepreneurs, who will go out of their way to design a new energy or redesign the gas and vehicles to stop relying on Arab Oil. Once a majority of demand for Arab Oil subsides then the Saudis and the rest of the oil dependent world shall be left behind with the advent of the entrepreneurial world of the Creators. The Arabs will then own a gold that holds no value at all!
In my mind, as long as we continue to buy into the Arabic World of Oil, then we are contributing to the terrorism that continues to kill. So every drop of Gas or Diesel that you buy, you are paying for these terrorists to continue their savageness against the freedoms we all experience today.
To get rid of the terrorists, quit supplying them with money to continue their Jihaad! Refuse to buy their oil! Refuse to allow them to enter this country! Quit giving in to their every whim!
These Islamics and their supporters, (if you harbored the terrorists from 9-11-01, then you supported them!) that are continuing on their vengeance of their Jihaad, shall one day meet the ONE GOD, who shall condemn them all and send each and every one of them into the Nether-Regions with no salvation (<------ no virgins for terrorist infidels ever) except for tormentation of their beliefs.
A terrorist cares less about you or me, and could eliminate you without a second thought! Some say that you can not solve violence with violence. Hhhhmmmmm Does our local and national law enforcement know about that? The only way you solve violent force is with extreme violent force, with no mercy! That may sound terroristic but in self-defense, it is the only way to react. That is why we are over in Iraq, Afghanistan, and soon to be Iran! I would quit pussyfooting around with these infidels and just do an ethnic cleansing and be rid of them forever! They are a pest. They are an evil force. They are the Snake in the Garden and need their heads removed, as they have removed their enemies heads (or so they thought were their enemies! Prepare for the worst case scenario yet to come to you, Islam! You think Quoran propheicies are the thing? Get ready, ethnic cleansing of Islamic infidels is prophesied for the redemption from your evil ways! ).
Is it Evil to be Self-Defensive? Never! ....... in the realm of Self-Preservation. The only time I believe that anyone should have to suffer an "eye for an eye" or "turn the other cheek" is, when you know in your own heart, that you have done someone wrong and never admitted it, even to yourself. Then the "Eye for an Eye" or "Turn the other Cheek" would apply. Other than that: it is my belief, that you exert extreme brutal force on the enemy (Islamic Infidels) and totally eliminate them from the face of this earth, in Self-Defense for yourself and for others, whom you have pledged your allegiance.
Is this an Oil Issue that we are fighting for? I think it is a power struggle for the control of the Middle-Eastern Oil, and We should not even be involved in it. Unless the leaders of this country have turned to the Dark side, then it should be our duty to protect our own and leave everyone to their fate. If we are to engage in an a War, then we need to engage all out, totally eliminate everything in our path, and set an example for the rest of the world to see.
We have pussyfoot around with these clowns far too long with the technology that we possess. We have the capability and technology to totally eliminate an enemy at any given time without prejudice! Why we play around with these terrorists is beyond all recognition of logic, to me. Eliminate them and go on with Life!
I honestly think that this country intends to follow up on UN Agenda 21 and to institute the temporary ( it is temporary, the illuminati know it: so does the "Temporary" {'Dubya'}) control and the depopulation they wish to exert over the people of this great nation. As long as we stand together fully armed, they (UN and its financiers ) will stay at bay from the takeover, they have planned. Why else does Agenda 21 have people moving out of the country and into the cities? It is a control issue and elimination of unwanteds and weaklings is easier to accomplish that way. If you remain out in the country then their work to eliminate those they wish to be rid of, is extremely hard. This may be the Dark Side that our leaders follow, besides the Bohemian Grove Cult or Skull and Bones (?)!
This is the Dawning of the New World Order, but the Dawning of the New Technology World Order is stronger, and more willing to take over, and IS the "One" to Unite all people into "THE" One World.
Sunday, August 07, 2005
External Authorities
Who Are the External Authorities in your life?
Have you ever wondered why you have not been successful in your business or your lifestyle? Do you wish to be wealthy? Do you wish to be free?
I was listening to a conference call-in today around 12 noon CDT, and some comments made referred directly to monetary wealth around the center of business. I got to thinking about this and wondered, why is it that business NEEDS that monetary wealth? You see, money is just the results of the efforts of productivity, and is what makes the world go 'round! (being facetious here --------->) I always thought gravity had something to do with the rotation of the world. But money makes it go around and around? Boy that is something new I learned today.
I have been told that my attitude about money ("the root of all EVIL"!), is the main reason I do not have the monetary wealth that everyone else thinks I should have. What has money caused for anyone in the past? And what gives it the power that everyone thinks it has?
1st, let me answer those questions by saying that money never brings happiness. It never solves the problems of the world. It has led to the destruction of families, countries, and friendships. So give me one good reason to obtain money and keep that money to where it has no repercussions from possession of it! It is extremely harmful to individuals directly, as others want it worse than you do! Those others will do anything under the sun, including killing you, to get it from you! Is that really worth it to try and have control of that money you think you earn?
2nd, What gives money the power you think it has? YOU DO! Your mindset is what gives money the power to rule over you. That is an External Authority! Anytime you give up your power of your ownself then you give that power up to an External Authority which will make the decisions for you. Most of these decisions are not the ones you would make to do your business. So why are you dumb (or should I say stupid?) enough to take away from yourself and never get anything back that benefits you drastically.
What is an External Authority in the end run? External Authority is anything or anyone, to whom you give up your values! Anything you value, IE: (these are long term satisfactions mind you! --------->) your life, your freedoms, your right to choose for yourself, and your dignity, are what you have to give up, and those authorities are not obligated to replace those values at any time in your lifetime or the lifetime of your decendants. Let alone will they replace the money they forcibly or coercively take from you!
Every individual has the extreme right to live eternally if they so desire!
I know, I know, I can hear ya yelling "Rebel, no one can live eternally, are you nuts?"
Who says you can't live eternally?
A doctor?
A scientist?
A politician?
Or a Clergy?
Who are these people? These people think they are experts on everybody elses life but their own. They are nothing more that an authority figure so that puts them into the External Authority delegation running your life. They take your money, they take your property, they take your dignity, and they totally ruin nearly everyone else's life too in the process. How do they know you can not live for an eternity? They are all still living in the past! They are the External Authorities who control most of the facets of your life with their laws, their edicts, their facts they think they have altho they disregard fellow colleague comments, and they can't give ya medication without side-effects to cure any illness.
Why is all of this so relevant? It all deals with monetary issues. These authorities will go to any length to gather all of the money they can off of their constituents without having a conscious thought about the devastation they create in the aftermath. Doctors (some not all) give out Rx's for meds that give you side-effects while treating you for another pain. What gain is that? Doctors are paid high dollars, to prescribe these meds really, by the pharmaceutical companies!
If there was no money or there was no value given to money, then there would be less fighting for it. People, themselves, make money an External Authority by believing that it DOES hold a power over people. Think about it! Can money itself build a business? Can it do anything on its own without outside help?
It needs a helping hand, and that is where you come in! You ENABLE the power of money to allow it to devastate you! You have created the mindset that money can make you powerful, it can buy you anything, and it can get you out of trouble! It didn't get Jesse James out of trouble for robbing trains. It can not buy you love. Money is only a short term satisfaction. Has it cured the poverty level in all of the world? Answer to all of these Questions: --------> NO!
Money is nothing more than the ultimate control of bankers over your lives and properties. Who has control of your property when you have a mortgage being held by a bank? As long as you succumb to the throes of these oppressing evils then you can never escape their grip and you WILL DIE.
Other External Authorities control our destinies whether we know it or not. So called special interest groups, especially in the fields of environment and family life, govern or rule over everyone and take away the power of the people to make their own decisions. They make laws to ban certain items, like DDT, living in the country, and influence uninformed politicians on issues of water sustenance and then too especially in the realm of Sustaining Communities. What these sustaining Communities are is part of the Agenda 21 of the UN to gather the people together and house them like herds of sheep to be led to slaughter.
Tell me, is it easier to kill more people by having them live closer together or living farther apart out in the country? Look at the World Trade Towers effect for one. Look at the bombings of subways filled with people. Look at the roadside and suicide bombings of civilians and military personnel in Iraq. Terrorists are responsible for these and they care little about you or your families! There are still some clerics who preach from their pulpits to destroy this country, and we allow that to happen!
Does it sound like we are destinying ourselves to failure? Then those in control NEED to be removed and replaced with ones who are in perfect vision of succeeding totally in this country in all aspects of life. Sitting passively on the side will not get the job done! To totally succeed requires each and everyone of us to do our part to protect ourselves at every vantage point by whatever means is needed. BECOME A WARRIOR and FIGHT BACK!
Have you ever wondered why you have not been successful in your business or your lifestyle? Do you wish to be wealthy? Do you wish to be free?
I was listening to a conference call-in today around 12 noon CDT, and some comments made referred directly to monetary wealth around the center of business. I got to thinking about this and wondered, why is it that business NEEDS that monetary wealth? You see, money is just the results of the efforts of productivity, and is what makes the world go 'round! (being facetious here --------->) I always thought gravity had something to do with the rotation of the world. But money makes it go around and around? Boy that is something new I learned today.
I have been told that my attitude about money ("the root of all EVIL"!), is the main reason I do not have the monetary wealth that everyone else thinks I should have. What has money caused for anyone in the past? And what gives it the power that everyone thinks it has?
1st, let me answer those questions by saying that money never brings happiness. It never solves the problems of the world. It has led to the destruction of families, countries, and friendships. So give me one good reason to obtain money and keep that money to where it has no repercussions from possession of it! It is extremely harmful to individuals directly, as others want it worse than you do! Those others will do anything under the sun, including killing you, to get it from you! Is that really worth it to try and have control of that money you think you earn?
2nd, What gives money the power you think it has? YOU DO! Your mindset is what gives money the power to rule over you. That is an External Authority! Anytime you give up your power of your ownself then you give that power up to an External Authority which will make the decisions for you. Most of these decisions are not the ones you would make to do your business. So why are you dumb (or should I say stupid?) enough to take away from yourself and never get anything back that benefits you drastically.
What is an External Authority in the end run? External Authority is anything or anyone, to whom you give up your values! Anything you value, IE: (these are long term satisfactions mind you! --------->) your life, your freedoms, your right to choose for yourself, and your dignity, are what you have to give up, and those authorities are not obligated to replace those values at any time in your lifetime or the lifetime of your decendants. Let alone will they replace the money they forcibly or coercively take from you!
Every individual has the extreme right to live eternally if they so desire!
I know, I know, I can hear ya yelling "Rebel, no one can live eternally, are you nuts?"
Who says you can't live eternally?
A doctor?
A scientist?
A politician?
Or a Clergy?
Who are these people? These people think they are experts on everybody elses life but their own. They are nothing more that an authority figure so that puts them into the External Authority delegation running your life. They take your money, they take your property, they take your dignity, and they totally ruin nearly everyone else's life too in the process. How do they know you can not live for an eternity? They are all still living in the past! They are the External Authorities who control most of the facets of your life with their laws, their edicts, their facts they think they have altho they disregard fellow colleague comments, and they can't give ya medication without side-effects to cure any illness.
Why is all of this so relevant? It all deals with monetary issues. These authorities will go to any length to gather all of the money they can off of their constituents without having a conscious thought about the devastation they create in the aftermath. Doctors (some not all) give out Rx's for meds that give you side-effects while treating you for another pain. What gain is that? Doctors are paid high dollars, to prescribe these meds really, by the pharmaceutical companies!
If there was no money or there was no value given to money, then there would be less fighting for it. People, themselves, make money an External Authority by believing that it DOES hold a power over people. Think about it! Can money itself build a business? Can it do anything on its own without outside help?
It needs a helping hand, and that is where you come in! You ENABLE the power of money to allow it to devastate you! You have created the mindset that money can make you powerful, it can buy you anything, and it can get you out of trouble! It didn't get Jesse James out of trouble for robbing trains. It can not buy you love. Money is only a short term satisfaction. Has it cured the poverty level in all of the world? Answer to all of these Questions: --------> NO!
Money is nothing more than the ultimate control of bankers over your lives and properties. Who has control of your property when you have a mortgage being held by a bank? As long as you succumb to the throes of these oppressing evils then you can never escape their grip and you WILL DIE.
Other External Authorities control our destinies whether we know it or not. So called special interest groups, especially in the fields of environment and family life, govern or rule over everyone and take away the power of the people to make their own decisions. They make laws to ban certain items, like DDT, living in the country, and influence uninformed politicians on issues of water sustenance and then too especially in the realm of Sustaining Communities. What these sustaining Communities are is part of the Agenda 21 of the UN to gather the people together and house them like herds of sheep to be led to slaughter.
Tell me, is it easier to kill more people by having them live closer together or living farther apart out in the country? Look at the World Trade Towers effect for one. Look at the bombings of subways filled with people. Look at the roadside and suicide bombings of civilians and military personnel in Iraq. Terrorists are responsible for these and they care little about you or your families! There are still some clerics who preach from their pulpits to destroy this country, and we allow that to happen!
Does it sound like we are destinying ourselves to failure? Then those in control NEED to be removed and replaced with ones who are in perfect vision of succeeding totally in this country in all aspects of life. Sitting passively on the side will not get the job done! To totally succeed requires each and everyone of us to do our part to protect ourselves at every vantage point by whatever means is needed. BECOME A WARRIOR and FIGHT BACK!
Who Are You? Why Are You Here?
WHO ARE YOU? .................................. And Why are you here?
Do you have any idea as to how to answer those two very important Questions? They are difficult at best, but is there a definitive answer to either of or both of the questions? I think there is a great answer to both of those questions, and they are quite definitive of who you or I are!
Let's start with the first question! ..................................... WHO ARE YOU?
Are you a person? Do you know your destination? Do you have a path that is well used, or have you taken a brand new road less travelled? How you answer these pertinant questions defines your ownself.
I find myself having to look inward every day and see who I am, where I am going, and what I plan to do once I arrive at my final destination. I can not depend on some other soul to stand beside me and tell me who I am, when I haven't even let them know who I am as of yet! That person has not even an inkling of what I have in mind to do with my life, unless I communicate it with hm/her. I even wonder if they can keep up with me on the new path I have decided to embark upon. Have they seen this path before? Doubt it! Because they have not looked for it in the first place. I have seen this path several times in my mind, and now I am travelling down this path at breakneck speeds. Why? Because the more I get done the sooner I can begin a new project and gain some values from that.
I am a Value. I am valuable! I am valuable to myself and to those who walk my path with me! This is who I am!
Now the Second question! .................................. Why are you here today?
Hopefully you are here to learn something new! I look at being in a given place and a given time, as being in a place where I will learn something, that will bring me closer to a valuable lesson, that will benefit me and those who know me. As long as I do not learn something new everyday that I breathe, then, what am I here for? Am I just fodder for someone else's fire? NO, I am fodder for my own fire, to tell ya the truth. I make my own decisions. I do what is the very best for me, and me alone. I am selffish, but for a good cause! I am here to build myself up to be all that I can be, and then maybe more.
Would I have to trample others to get what I need? Maybe, if they get in the way and hinder my progress. I could care less about society, as society needs to learn how to care for itself instead of lazing around, waiting on someone else to take care of them. Sure there are those who do not mind taking care of others, but there is an offset to that care! Sometimes you pay out the nose and still that is not enough! People are too greedy for their own good, and the time will come when that greed will totally devastate them and their world. Do I care? Sure, but they got themselves into that, now they need to get themselves out of it! About like a young kid in trouble. They have to learn how they got there, and what the path is to get back out of it! The more you learn on your own, the more you can design your pathway to keep from doing what caused the problem in the first place, or suffer the consequences and accept that responsibility for it!
Life is a total learning experience! So what have you learned?
Who Are You? And Why Are You Here?
Do you have any idea as to how to answer those two very important Questions? They are difficult at best, but is there a definitive answer to either of or both of the questions? I think there is a great answer to both of those questions, and they are quite definitive of who you or I are!
Let's start with the first question! ..................................... WHO ARE YOU?
Are you a person? Do you know your destination? Do you have a path that is well used, or have you taken a brand new road less travelled? How you answer these pertinant questions defines your ownself.
I find myself having to look inward every day and see who I am, where I am going, and what I plan to do once I arrive at my final destination. I can not depend on some other soul to stand beside me and tell me who I am, when I haven't even let them know who I am as of yet! That person has not even an inkling of what I have in mind to do with my life, unless I communicate it with hm/her. I even wonder if they can keep up with me on the new path I have decided to embark upon. Have they seen this path before? Doubt it! Because they have not looked for it in the first place. I have seen this path several times in my mind, and now I am travelling down this path at breakneck speeds. Why? Because the more I get done the sooner I can begin a new project and gain some values from that.
I am a Value. I am valuable! I am valuable to myself and to those who walk my path with me! This is who I am!
Now the Second question! .................................. Why are you here today?
Hopefully you are here to learn something new! I look at being in a given place and a given time, as being in a place where I will learn something, that will bring me closer to a valuable lesson, that will benefit me and those who know me. As long as I do not learn something new everyday that I breathe, then, what am I here for? Am I just fodder for someone else's fire? NO, I am fodder for my own fire, to tell ya the truth. I make my own decisions. I do what is the very best for me, and me alone. I am selffish, but for a good cause! I am here to build myself up to be all that I can be, and then maybe more.
Would I have to trample others to get what I need? Maybe, if they get in the way and hinder my progress. I could care less about society, as society needs to learn how to care for itself instead of lazing around, waiting on someone else to take care of them. Sure there are those who do not mind taking care of others, but there is an offset to that care! Sometimes you pay out the nose and still that is not enough! People are too greedy for their own good, and the time will come when that greed will totally devastate them and their world. Do I care? Sure, but they got themselves into that, now they need to get themselves out of it! About like a young kid in trouble. They have to learn how they got there, and what the path is to get back out of it! The more you learn on your own, the more you can design your pathway to keep from doing what caused the problem in the first place, or suffer the consequences and accept that responsibility for it!
Life is a total learning experience! So what have you learned?
Who Are You? And Why Are You Here?
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