Monday, April 23, 2012

Government Corruption and Locking Our Kids in Jail

Courts and Police systems are in complete disarray, and We The American People allow this to happen. When are Americans going to take their heads out of their asses and finally stand up to a government that does not have its interests in mind of the American people? Will you wait until they sterilize you and emotionally destroy your children so there is no point of return, or are you going to act now?

Two video links are included in this blog that show the corruption of our Courts for money, and our Police systems that overrun their own authorities to a potential totalitarian network.

Americans are ignorant of the abuses applied onto themselves, and most have no idea how to get out from under that oppression. It is time for the American people and people of the world to start standing up to this corruption and get it to stop.

Please view both of these videos and become the judge of what should be done for once in your life!

Police and DNA

Courts and money

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