Welcome to my Visionary World! You have entered into the "God-Man" realm of my world!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Younger Vs Older : Sexually Active
Here in the past few weeks I have been frequenting a singles site and have seen the advertisements for dating (especially men over 40 - 60) on that site. Needless to say, this is not the only time I have had an experience along this line and have had some interesting conversations with at least 10 women, between the ages of 17 to 30. Many of these conversations have gone to the length of discussing sex, sexual positions, and sexual preferences, especially with older men.
These younger girls or women have had urges and desires to associate with the older men. This particular group of women, I talked to a few months back, had a specific agenda on their minds. No need to discuss this agenda on this blog, as it tends to become seemingly obvious what that agenda was.
Here recently, I have had younger women approach me on some of the singles sites and even a lot younger women than myself try to contact me on my messenger service. I believe most of these women are searching for non-committal type of sex, with no strings attached. This type of approach has left me a bit befuddled and bewildered as to the end result desired by these women. It could be just that of not requiring a commitment to a full time relationship, or it could be the possibility that these women (and some of them do have children) are looking for a more stable environment to raise a family within.
It seems to me that the younger guys, that many of these women have had relationships with, are game players, in the drug scene and don't want to leave that, or still have not grown up enough to take on the responsibility of the relationship they first got into and now want out of totally. So some of these women are looking for more of a stable relationship, where what children they bring into that relationship, will be nurtured and can learn some of the old forgotten ways to survive.
Unfortunately, many of these children are learning to play video games (the violent ones) at a very young age (some kids I know have started around 5-6) and some of these games could possibly contribute to a juvenile delinquency of these children as they grow up. This could be one of the growing concerns for some of these single mothers and finding it harder and harder to cope. One of the other things that a lot of younger children suffer from is ADHD syndrome. In my day (and I still use the terms), when we were real young, we were always known to be highly energetic and needed an outlet to vent that energy. Children these days are pretty much the same, but a NEW disease was invented to cover that : hence ADHD, and chemical treatments are administered to slow it down.
I believe, if these children are given something to do to occupy their minds and keep them from getting bored, that they would be better able to handle the pressures dealt to them. I also believe that those mothers and even some single women, are looking for an outlet to vent the frustrations they are feeling and/or want a relationship with someone, who is not so much a father figure for the kids but more of a mentor. Most of these kids have fathers, and the fathers do care to a point, and some more than others.
Besides having an outlet for frustrations and mentoring, I believe these women desire a loving and caring relationship which would make them feel more needed. Then to top that off, it could mean a possible added fringe benefit to help stave off the frustration and bring a more healthier attitude towards that relationship. Many women look for more happiness and do wish to have some sort of companionship from someone, they can talk to when times get rough and then remember some of the good times, they had and still can have with someone who shows that they do care. Some women call this romanticism.
I am still trying to figure out what the fad is coming about with the younger women (a lot of them) wanting a relationship with an older man, even on a sexual basis. There are some women on the single's sites who tend to hold onto the idea of dating or hanging out with older or younger men within a 5-10 year age bracket. Some women are looking even beyond that bracket too, at least on the older side. I have my theories about that and am willing to explore those theories with those younger women, if they are game to do it.
I am a firm believer in the exchange of hormonal balances between men and women. I do think, and would like to pursue the theory, that younger women produce a lot of estrogen hormones, and those extra hormones could benefit the older men in contributing to longevity of the species. Older men still produce testosterone which women need in all stages of their lives, and when those women reach the age of 30-40, that level decreases So younger women can give to older men the estrogen they need to regenerate, and the older men can give women the testosterone to bring balance back to them. So it turns out to be a win - win situation for all the ones involved in that endeavor. Or the sexual meeting, so to speak.
What is your thoughts?
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Have you ever been accosted by a police officer, who is nothing more than a private organization or Corporation strong arm?
Do you feel your rights have been violated?
Have you been assaulted by a human being hiding behind a uniform and a badge?
Do officers have the right to defend their so-called rights and not allow you to protect your own?
Do any of these officers realize they are jeopardizing their whole family tree by following illicit orders?
Do any of the officers know they can be sued privately, and their families sued for their actions just to be able to sue the Corporation they work for?
Understandably, police officers are human beings, and they are responsible for what actions they do against any other human being. This counter lawsuit that can be applied to them goes on a public record, and they will forever be listed as a predator against society. This is something that can never be erased from those records, no matter how hard they try to suppress them. When the world finally comes together for this lawsuit, any police officer who follows illicit orders against society will be judged and convicted by the self appointed world court for felony charges leveled against them.
Oath keeper Sheriffs already know this can happen, and I believe that is why they have changed sides and are supporting those being abused by some of their own brotherhood. I believe Sheriff Richard Mack knows this and supports the rights of private citizens and is trying to educate their own brotherhood of Sheriffs and police officers. I do believe that the oath keepers have seen all of the violent actions of their own brotherhood and are in the process of trying to turn those actions around.
Are we being led into a law of Facism, Totaliarianism, and of Corporatism or Corporatcracy? I believe that all of America is being led that way, and too many people are dependent on someone else to protect them other than themselves. So the corporate strong arms have taken it upon themselves to organize society in their own image, just as our Supreme Creator created all of us in his or her own image.
I believe these strong arms have taken the belief that they are our Supreme Creator, and they can make laws to suit themselves. In fact, I believe the Supreme Creator created them just like everyone else was created. So it is my belief that these strong arms are violating the ultimate law governing themselves and thumbing their nose at everyone's Supreme Creator. That is blasphemy. That is an unforgivable sin against the one who created them.
I believe that a few of the strong arms serve Satan, the Great Deceiver, and are oblivious to the consequences Satan will serve to them. Do these strong arms care? I don't believe so, because they are uneducated to what they serve. They have been told they will receive rich rewards for their duty but have never had those rewards defined for them. I believe they have been lied to, and they have bought it hook, line, and sinker.
Will these strong arms receive their just desserts? I believe they will, because the Great Deceiver shall make sure they burn in HELL and receive eternal damnation for their actions. Will these strong arms be able to turn that around? I do believe they can if they are swift in their actions and smite the TRUE enemy of the Supreme Creator.
I believe if those strong arms make the wrong choice, they shall serve their master in total Hell and Damnation, and be tortured forever, because of who they serve. Not only will the strong arms suffer, but their own family tree shall suffer, because they know what was done too, or at least suspect it. I believe the family tree is just as guilty as the perpetrator of the crime against society. So they will also suffer the consequences of total Hell and Damnation and serve the Great Deceiver.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
PSP ONLINE Service Challenge
From the Desk of THE iFS TRUST
Sole proprietor: charles david imlay (human being)
Saint Joseph, Mo.
Disclaimer and Request
Be it hereby announced and Declared this Notice accompanies the PSP.pdf e-returned to Sharkey Transportation: 3803 Dye Rd. Quincy, Il. 62305 and forwarded to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).
In reference to non-defined entities within the document PSP.pdf of Prospective Employer, its employees, authorized agents, and/or affiliates, these entities must be fully defined as to who those entities are. Definitions of separate issues of inspection and safety in regards to combinations used in contract with the wording “crash” must also be defined. Hereby let it be known separate uses of above wording in challenges brings to light different definitions as previously assumed.
In regards to and reference to the defined entity “Prospective Employer” as the entity or corporation which enters its identification on the blank line preceding the defined entity “Prospective Employer”. This is comprehended as a true statement in each provided instant.
Be it hereby announced and Declared prior to disclosure of any information to “Prospective Employer” definitions of Prospective Employer, its employees, authorized agents, and/or affiliates must be defined and a copy of those definitions be received by the iFS TRUST via the email designation the request is sent from. Else un-named entities within the signed contract remain un-named and have no voice or authority within the confines of said contract. Un-named entities will not be allowed to influence any decision made by “Prospective Employer” for employment of human being charles david imlay, without creating damage of criminal trespass.
All actions of criminal trespass by any entity committing such actions within the boundaries of the defined The United States of America will be resolved within twenty four (24) hours of commission of such criminal act. Ie.: $500,000 Fine of Corporate trespass determined by sole proprietor of iFS (imlay Family Society) and TRUST as Judge, Jury, and Executioner. Forfeiture of said Fine after the required twenty four (24) hour period constitutes an appeal to the International Criminal Court @ The Hague, Netherlands of the amount ten (10) times the original sought. Ie.: $5,000,000 per incident per entity found guilty of criminal actions by the iFS, as per the iFS Treaty 2011.
Be it hereby known under the iFS Treaty recognized by several agencies in The United States of America including the United States Postal Service, associating the Corporate designation with the human being designation of charles david imlay constitutes a criminal trespass against the human being charles david imlay and deems the offending parties as criminally negligent in directly violating The iFS Treaty of 2011 and the Declaration of Sovereignty of the iFS of 2011. Resolution of said negligence is and will be enforced from the date of discovery of criminal trespass.
Be it known that reception and processing of PSP Report constitutes a lawful contract as is written and signed this July 17, 2012.
From this day forward of July 17, 2012, a request has been made for discovery of definitions of said contract of “IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING BACKGROUND REPORTS FROM THE PSP ONLINE SERVICE”.
So Shall it Be
Date Agreed: _____________________ ___________________________
Signature of receiver
charles david imlay - blaze
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Who Are You?
When are you going to wake up? When the dollar finally collapses, .... and it will ...., are you going to be ready for those changes that will take place immediately? ....... Will it be, when you get tired of your children continuing to cry and complain about not having anything to eat? ........ Will it be, when the supermarkets no longer present you with enough food on their shelves to feed your family?
Many people are so lackadaisical about their surroundings, that they go on about their lives on a daily basis and think everything will be the same as it was, before the hard times really hit. Most people do not know how to store up foods for themselves just in case a shortage does occur. A lot of people do not even know how to preserve what foods they do now have, so they may have it at a later date and does not go bad on them.
Many of our young people have never learned what it is to go without. Many of our young people have never learned how to save, let alone preserve and store. Many of the young people believe they can go back down to the store and replace whatever it is that they need, .... or use their food stamps to buy with. What will they do when that ability comes to an end for them?
Ignorance of our youth will be the downfall of this great nation. Young people are not interested in saving anything except stupid items that will not serve them, if the economy collapses or the dollar falls and is worthless. This will include the food stamps they now use to claim their so-called free food and WIC vouchers for their babies. All of this will come to an end, if America falls to its lower level.
These young will be the ones who will be crying and begging for their next food handout if America falls to the select few who govern them. Those select few will look down on them and say "sorry but you should have been better prepared". This is true! It is not the responsibility of those select few to provide for anyone else but themselves.
Are you one of those select few? ...... More than likely not, ...... if you have not provided for yourself and family to survive for at least 3 months into the future. If you haven't saved and preserved enough food and water to help you survive for at least three months, then you will be one of the culled. You, who have not prepared, are responsible for your own death and the death of your family. Only you can prevent that from happening.
Too many of the people, especially our young adults, who get by on a day to day basis will be the ones who suffer the most, when the collapse comes. They are not prepared to know what to do if everything stopped dead in its tracks. Those who hustle and bustle daily from home to job or jobs and back home again, will be at a loss for what needs to be done if their jobs ended abruptly. All they know is go to work, come home, sleep, and go back to work.
The ones above are so busy with their financial lives that they do not notice the scarcity of the food occurring right before their very eyes. Most, especially the young adults and their children have no idea where the food comes from in the first place. A lot of people believe that supermarkets magically create and produce the food that is placed on their shelves for other people to buy and eat.
There are a select few who really know that the food in their stores come from off of the land, and that it takes someone else to go and do the manual labor to harvest that food. Most of our young people have no idea what they would have to do to even harvest a land of the food they would need in order to survive. Most do not know how to hunt or trap for their meats or even how to process a beef or hog to provide the steak or ham for a meal on their tables.
Those select few, who govern the rest of us, have no plans and do not wish for you to learn how to do that. ........ If you learned those processes, you would not need them ever again. But you are so complacent to stand idly by and let them provide for you, that you buy and play those stupid idiotic games and movies more than you want to learn. The movies all have a message in them, ..... and have you really seen that message and heeded the warning they present? Probably not, because they are only entertainment for you and numb you to the reality of the world around you.
You are the IGNORANT ONE! ...... You have allowed this to happen to you, and still you wish to do nothing. That is exactly what the ones, who control you, want you to do. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ........ to learn what they have done to you. Are you the solution? ....... NO you are the problem. ...... You can't even figure out how to feed yourself, if everything closed down around you. The select few will let you DIE of starvation, because they do not feel you are worth anything to them. They will treat you exactly like the other cattle they lead to the slaughter, ....... that feeds you.
The only thing that will be of importance in a society that shuts down, will be food and water. If you have not saved up enough of those resources, so you can survive for at least three months, then you will die. Those select few will look down upon you and smile and think in their minds, "yeah more for us". The other thing they will think about is "you deserve to die and get what you get in the end". You have NO worth to them at all.
When the last of the people die, there will be no one around to bury them, and what is left ........ will go to the cattle and vermin of the world to feast on for their survival. Those who suffer have no one to blame but themselves and not many others, will even care about that suffering. Those others will be doing all they can to survive for themselves. ........ They will have no time for you, ........ especially if you are too lazy to do your own work.
Are you prepared for the coming calamity headed your way? Are you well informed and aware, .... or ill informed and aware .... of how to place food on your table when the whole world stops? ...... What if the world stops and the food empties out of the stores? ....... What if gun manufacturers are sold out of their products? (guns and ammo) ....... Can you make a bow and arrow out of the right tree, so it will provide a long season for a hunt for food? Can you process the food you kill, (if you can even learn to kill it) so it can be used for long periods of time, ...... if the supply of animals goes short? ......... Do you know what plants you can eat, what berries and the like you can eat, to survive?
What you learn and retain in knowledge is the most valuable product any person can attain for their survival. ........ No one will come to your aid when things get really bad, and you will have to depend on what you know, to get you out of the predicament you get into. ......... Nobody will give you any value that you think you deserve. You are only worth what you know you are worth, ..... and that will be only valuable to you. Nothing else will matter when it really becomes a "dog eat dog world". .......... And that day is coming, .... whether you believe it or not, ..... and if you are not prepared, .... then so be it. You bring it on yourself. ...... It is your own fault. ......... Even your children must learn this lesson.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Government Corruption and Locking Our Kids in Jail
Two video links are included in this blog that show the corruption of our Courts for money, and our Police systems that overrun their own authorities to a potential totalitarian network.
Americans are ignorant of the abuses applied onto themselves, and most have no idea how to get out from under that oppression. It is time for the American people and people of the world to start standing up to this corruption and get it to stop.
Please view both of these videos and become the judge of what should be done for once in your life!
Police and DNA
Courts and money
Thursday, March 22, 2012
The Right To Publicity
What exactly is "Right to Publicity" or personality rights? These rights really walk hand in hand with the 1st Amendment of the Constitution of The United States of America . Right to Publicity or personality rights are rights of individuals to remain in the private sector and to be left alone. These are also rights in which no other person, government, or organization may use an individual's name, picture, image, demeanor, mannerisms, or voice for any commercial venue. This includes even the venue of the IRS or other government agency from selling an individual's name or registered documents for monetary gain. This also means commerce of any sort without express "Written permission" from the individual himself.
Needless to say, use of the name in legal terms, even in the court systems constitutes a hearsay tort, which is non-admit-able since the individual himself has no first hand knowledge of ownership of that name. The name was not chosen by that person, but was given to them by a third party before consciousness was acquired. Right of Publicity, in this sense, can be applied to the admissibility of birth dates associated with the name, as the individual was told about that too, by a third party. In the interpretive Legal Court System, these are hearsay issues and not admissible, until consent has been given for their use. So as you can see, these issues walk hand in hand together and in conjunction with the 1st Amendment of the Bill of Rights, which were also Creator given and no man can take away.
Right to publicity has been deemed in the courts as a separate entity from registered copyright and registered trademarks. Use under copyright and trademark laws allow usage as long as no detrimental damage comes out of the usage. As long as no significant gain is realized from the usage of the name, picture, image, or voice, then usage is allowed within limits. When significant gains are realized then Right to Publicity does indeed kick in.
If a person's name, picture, image, or voice is used for monetary gain, then the person who was offended may claim all or a fair percentage of the gains monetarily by those offending entities. The main reason for this is, because the offending entities did not ask for permission for the usage and got that permission in writing.
Right to publicity or personality rights are mainly maintained through the separate States (approximately 12- 15 as of this writing) under statutes, torts, common, and civil law. So far nothing has been set up under Federal law, but I would think that apportionment of the law between the states would accommodate that. In other words, Precedent of Law would be relevant in most situations, especially in jury trials. The precedent could then be transferred from one State to another at that point.
As with Sovereignty, the Right to Publishing will have its challenges until more and more people become more familiar with its usage for the benefit of all mankind.