Here recently, I have been reviewing several of the conservative views or supposedly conservative views, and am starting to find out that a lot of conservative viewpoints are leading us more and more down the path to communism. I have been lately becoming more and more a supporter of the John Birch Society or JBS and their viewpoints of keeping our Constitution as our focal point in leading all of us down a path to total freedom. One such video I reviewed was the JBS review of ex-Speaker N. Gingrich. ( [this was given about a year ago]
When I entered the military back in 1970, one of the very first questions I was asked was whether I was a member of the JBS or John Birch Society. Needless to say, I said no and had no idea what the JBS was or what they stood for. If I had known of the JBS and knew their stance with military and the overall view of Communism, I might have questioned why I was asked that question, if I were to be going to defend our country from an actual force of Communism trying to undermine our own government.
Since getting out of the military complex, my curiosity got the better of me, so I started investigating what the JBS was and where they stood. As a matter of fact, my views have followed along the same lines of the JBS, in all reality. The JBS stance has been and still is for the individual and not for the group as a whole or collectivism. The Republican and Democratic and any other organized party are essentially collectivists as they support their own party groups first and leave the individual to fend for themselves. This leads to BIG GOVERNMENT, something that individualists detest in all essence.
Most parties of politics are on a collectivist movement and eventually leads to a Communistic takeover of the whole world (A New World Order but actually the OLD WORLD ORDER or OWO). Parties are not for the people in all essence but are for what they stand for first, and if you do not agree with some issues of that party, then you are demonized within and without those parties. You are NOT considered a prime candidate for their party, no matter how much you want to reduce the government and bring the power back to the people themselves. If you do not follow strict party lines then they feel you are an enemy of (their) state of system of beliefs. (State in the political arena is flatly stated as a position or stance, not a physical location)
So my questions to everyone is: Are you a Party Liner or are you an individualist? Do you wish for a group of people to rule over all of us or should the individual rule over themselves? If the individual should rule themselves, does the party or group tend to support you or demonize you?
Party affiliation subverts what you believe as what you need to do for yourself and eventually for others. This affiliation also divides society into little groups and leads to the eventual fall of the total society. This is what Communism hopes for. Kruschev stated this in his address to the US, that he would bury us from within. What better way to do it than to divide us so that we can be defeated more easily. AND we have been following this platform ever since. We create new laws that divide us. We fight amongst ourselves when it comes to electing a leader to guide us as a nation under a total collectivist ideology.
Collectivism gives the ideology that doing something for the whole is best and the hell with the individual, because that individual can be sacrificed for the greater good (Communist Manifesto). Just because we join groups of like mindedness, this is also a form of collectivism, and we do not recognize it. Even joining our own little groups still brings about the ideology of division amongst all of us, and the Communist Regime just sits back and smiles smuggly, because that was their plan in the first place. So all of America and the world has fallen into the trap set up for them in the very beginning.
Division really begins in the family, because families literally isolate themselves and their beliefs from other families and weaken the entire system we would really want to have for ourselves. To counter this division, everyone must come together and form or restore a system, that defines who we are specifically, and what we want specifically and not in vague ideologies.
Isn't it time to come together and form definitions that specifically show what every ideology we hold as Sacred? Do we want total Freedom or do we want others to make our decisions for us? If we define everything that we hold as Sacred, then there is no reason for anyone to not know where we stand, and we can keep from offending anyone.
One thing that governs our ability or inability to define ourselves is our inability to control our own emotions about what we believe in. If you or we allow our emotions to control what others should believe, then we have created a caste system where there is always someone below us, no matter where we are on a totem pole of power. Emotional beliefs are a detriment to society and keeps all of us from defining precisely who we are and where we stand.
Elections and Party Lines and Like minded groups are all formed under emotional ideologies and this even includes the Religious lines. Have you ever noticed that if you criticize any Party, any elected leader from any like minded group, or anyone's religion, that you are immediately defined as someone who is not viable to be a part of those groups? You will go to HELL, you are an enemy of the State, you are a terrorist, and so on and so on. This is emotional ideologies coming to the forefront.
If you are totally Free and exercising Freedom, then emotion plays NO important part of any beliefs. Emotional beliefs are a weakness of everyone who holds onto the beliefs that you are wrong to have any belief that is different from that one you hold. If you take full responsibility for you and you alone, then you have no reason to involve yourself into someone else's beliefs, until you are asked for your opinion. When you are not asked for your opinion, and express your opinion on that belief, even behind that individual's back, then you are trespassing onto someone else's beliefs where you have no business. Who gave you that authority?
When we look at the ideologies of Conservatism, Communism, Liberalism, and any other group ideologies, we are looking at Social Contracts. Are you a member of one of these ideologies? More than likely you are involved in one or more of them at any point in your life. Although you may be involved in them, are you signatory to them? Are you a signed up member of that ideology? If you are not directly signed up to one of these memberships, then you do not have any business being able to make any of the decisions of any of these memberships. Most of these memberships (interesting twist on what this means politically) are formed under written rules and regulations (not widely accepted laws created by the people themselves directly) especially for those systems.
Many people do not realize that when they ask their Representatives to create laws to govern them, that once the people have given their permission for those Representatives to make those laws, that those Representatives create laws in their own version of what the people want. Representatives create the laws in their own words and protect themselves from ever having to follow those laws for their entire lifetime. They take the ideas from the people and twist those wants around, to where the people are forced to follow the ideology created for them, even if it is not totally what they wanted in the first place. Most people believe that those Representatives can be removed for their inadequacies for the people, but how many have been removed immediately for those indiscretions? NONE! Many of their laws they created become the collective Social Contract of those who are too lazy to research what has been done to them or how to get out of following those laws, lawfully! Is your Signature on that law, so you can comment on it or change it? NO! So you have been duped over and over again to follow something that is not valid for you, because you are not a direct member of that contract.
People are so lazy that they consider politics as too complicated or unimportant that it doesn't concern them directly. What the people do not understand or comprehend is that they have accepted that law just by following one item listed within it, and so they are bound by that law until they finally realize it does not apply to them. Those laws only apply to those who are signed to that law (sponsors and cosponsors of that written law). Representatives mainly tell people they are not bound by the law but show no proof of that statement, because that would undermine their control over everyone. Representatives advise law enforcement to FORCE the lower classes of people to follow the law through word of mouth and interpretation. But if you read the law exactly as it is written, you would find a different meaning to that law. People are so lazy they will only listen to people who they consider authorities and interpret law in their own versons, and the people will follow that law as it is TOLD to them, not as they read it.
In order to counteract what has been perpetuated onto them, people MUST re-educate themselves in what the law is really saying, instead of taking someone's word as gospel. When you take the word of someone else as an authority, then you have agreed to become a slave to their whims and wishes, and do not have the ability or gumption to make a decision of your own and live by that decision. Freedom requires that you take total responsibility for what you say, think, or do 24/7. Otherwise you become the fodder for someone else to control you, and what you say, think, or do. You are nothing more than a SLAVE! You gave up your Freedom for some convenience of someone else deciding, for you, what you may do.
When you give up your Freedom for convenience of someone else making your decisions for you, then you have given your rights away and deserve to live under Communistic or Fascist rule, not law. You have agreed to become the Slaves to the ideology, that those Rulers have signed up to, and agreed to use against you, collectively.
Once you give up your rights, it then becomes a physical fight to regain them for your own use, and maybe you will lose your life for that fight, unless you possibly join forces together to make battle for those rights. Be prepared to take back those rights by force if need be, and of which belong to you exclusively, and defend them by any means available, to insure you never lose them again. This means, if you have to go into a personal war on a life or death situation over your rights, then prepare to win that battle at all costs, no matter who lives or dies. There can be no remorse for your decision in the end, only responsibility. If it is good for the individual, then it becomes good for the whole, when you help to defend the rights of others, even if they differ from your own, and they do not trespass on your own Social Contract. That is the only boundary. Your drawn up plan of action or Contract is your boundary, and everyone else must become aware of it through public exposure and exercise their own ability to understand it and honor it.
As long as you are explicit and well defined in all that you design in your plan of action, then you have done all that is needed to defend that plan of action or Contract from whatever source that tends to trespass on those boundaries, with no regrets and answer to no one else for your defense. Once there is trespass then your actions of self defense are justified, even through Nature which answers to no one else too. You have literally become one with Nature, when you design all that you are, and where you stand with a plan of action or Written Contract for yourself, in accordance with Nature.