Well, it has been a while since I had last written anything here, So I guess I had better get going.
Are you a survivalist, a prepper, or an anarchist? Are you really ready to survive or are you just going through the motions? What does it take to become a survivalist or a prepper, as most people believe that both of these terms are synonymous with each other? Actually they can be just as different as night and day, but they can merge to become one too.
Let's define these terms, first off. What is a survivalist? Are you a survivor? Have you lived through a hardship and made it on your own without having to rely on getting things in a regular sort of way? Have you had to improvise just to make your day go by a little easier? Have you had to scrounge for food or go without for even one day? ....... A survivor is one sort or type of being, whether human or of some other mammal species, that has had to do what ever it takes to live and breathe for one more day or many more days, for that matter. A survivor improvises by using what he or she finds along their paths of life to be assured that they can go on even one more day. Many of our homeless people in society are survivors. They go to a food kitchen to eat. They find a shelter of some sort for sleep and even have had to make their own shelters for the night for all kinds of weather.
It doesn't matter if what they find is trash, junk, or any other throw away, that some one else felt was not worth their time keeping. Survivors will find a use for that item and make it useful for them, just to make their life easier to manage. Most people, with some sort of affluence, see these homeless, those survivors, as bums or as a detriment to society. Could you, with your affluence, and if you lost all of that affluence, be able to do what these homeless and survivors do to maintain some sort of life? I really doubt that most could. Most people would be lost in this world. They are so used to being given everything on a proverbial silver platter that they have never had to think about those things, BUT that day may come, and what are THEY going to do?
Even survivalists who have some sort of affluence may not be fully prepared for whatever may come up in the future. Are you going to lay down and die? Probably not, but some who are affluent will figure that they will be on the verge of that, if they are left with nothing of any relevance that they can use to survive. Some so-called survivalists have educated themselves somewhat in their survival skills, but have they really brushed up on what it really takes to survive? Have you got enough wire, enough string or rope or what about that little item you find out on the street? Could you use that for your survival? I assure you a homeless survivor could. There are a lot of so-called survivalists in this country, and in the world, who have not even lived the life of a homeless person and HAD to find a way to survive. If you really want to know how to survive, become a homeless person, even for one week, and learn how to really survive without having to dip into your precious, put away, survival gear. Learn how to survive by taking only what you find in your path of life and make that work, so you survive even for one week at a time. Could you do it? Take the challenge.
Now preppers are another story. These are people who horde away items that they think they will actually need, if the collapse were to come about. I do believe that these people are the most vulnerable, in all respects. How many others actually know you have stored away food items, knick knacks, weaponry (and what kind you have for that matter), where you have everything stored, and is there a back door they may use to join in? These are some of the things that preppers do not think about, when they divulge their knowledge of these things. Who actually eavesdropped on a conversation you had with a close knit friend, about your preppiing ideas? In all respects, do preppers really have everything they need to survive if the sh*t hits the fan, so to speak? Maybe, and maybe they don't. Maybe they need to visit the homeless and become one of them to learn a few tricks of the trade, just in case.
Do you have a bug-out bag? Do you have a bug-out location to go to? How many others actually know about these things that you have prepared to use and go to? Who can you trust as a close confident in these cases? Some of that you would learn after the fact. But some people are like politicians and tell you what you want to hear, before they actually have to experience it for themselves. That is when you find out who you can really trust to have your back when it all comes down to having to do what it really requires to survive.
What is possibly really disturbing is the bug-out locations. Is your bug-out location registered? If it is, then it is a matter of public record, and anybody can get that information before everything goes down in the collapse. Do you think you are safe from your government, if things go south, and they won't come to look you up and see what you have, that they might think they will need? Is your trust in the government so closed minded, that you are not prepared to defend yourself from that invasion?
Do you think the collapse will only have to deal in the money issues? You had better not think that! A total collapse involves not only the money, but the ideology of the government, the chaos that will ensue a few days into the collapse, the total breakdown of society, and whether you are ready to totally defend yourself, if it comes to your living or dying.
It really all comes down to a matter of trust. Can you trust your government to do what is really right for you, or are they only going to do what they think will protect those people in their positions of power? Can you trust your friends, you have had around you, when society was affluent, not only in the ability to get whatever they needed, but also when society didn't worry about and didn't think seriously about, if a total collapse would even occur. Those that didn't care, now really do care about survival, and they will come after that form of survival, that they possibly think you have.
Now let's touch on ANARCHY. Are you an anarchist, or are you now thinking of anarchy, if the government comes after everything, you have got, for their own safety and survival? Is it really for their own survival, or is it only to protect themselves from society at large? That would be the question on anybody's mind when a collapse occurs. Can you read their minds as to what they really want from you, and are you going to lay down and give up to them, all you have, because of your trust for them? What is Anarchy? Anarchy in most minds is total disregard for an ESTABLISHED government, but their definitions leave out the word "Established". In their minds, it is also abandonment from the government, and again they leave out the word "established".
What is an "established government? Most people think of government, whether established or not, as one, they, themselves created. This is not entirely true. Most governments are created by Laws. Most to all Laws are contracts, in all essence. Contracts name the parties involved, the considerations, and the results of that contract. What most people don't know is that contracts are very specific in their details. If Law is a contract then what are the specific details of that contract? Oh, I forgot. A contract requires the signature of all parties or participants of that contract. Laws are signed. Who signed them? If you are not a direct party to that contract, and you follow the considerations of that contract, are you a trespasser of a boundary specifically stated by that law or contract or are you now a user of that contract? If you are given permission to use the Law, then you are a legalized or interpreted user of the contract, without being named as such. In essence, you originally do not have permission to use that contract, and that is how people get into trouble with the law.
Not everything in Law involves any of us, as most to nearly all of us are not signed to that Law, although we think our representatives signed those laws on our behalf. Actually did those Representatives sign for us, or did they do it for themselves and then pass it on off to the rest of us to deal with it? Did the Representative or the committees change even one word in the law, that we allowed our Representative to present for us? Even if one word is changed in the law, then the law is no longer ours and then becomes the law of the Representatives who changed it. Did we give them permission to change the law from what we wanted in the first place? Probably NOT. So, if you do not follow the Law as it was approved and signed (by the Representative and the Governor or President) are you an Anarchist? In their eyes you might be considered that, but how about you? How many of your friends are part of the herd of sheep who follow an errant shepherd leading them on? Are you one of those SHEEP?