This has been a subject that has always intrigued me and has been brought to my attention again.
Here in the past few weeks I have been frequenting a singles site and have seen the advertisements for dating (especially men over 40 - 60) on that site. Needless to say, this is not the only time I have had an experience along this line and have had some interesting conversations with at least 10 women, between the ages of 17 to 30. Many of these conversations have gone to the length of discussing sex, sexual positions, and sexual preferences, especially with older men.
These younger girls or women have had urges and desires to associate with the older men. This particular group of women, I talked to a few months back, had a specific agenda on their minds. No need to discuss this agenda on this blog, as it tends to become seemingly obvious what that agenda was.
Here recently, I have had younger women approach me on some of the singles sites and even a lot younger women than myself try to contact me on my messenger service. I believe most of these women are searching for non-committal type of sex, with no strings attached. This type of approach has left me a bit befuddled and bewildered as to the end result desired by these women. It could be just that of not requiring a commitment to a full time relationship, or it could be the possibility that these women (and some of them do have children) are looking for a more stable environment to raise a family within.
It seems to me that the younger guys, that many of these women have had relationships with, are game players, in the drug scene and don't want to leave that, or still have not grown up enough to take on the responsibility of the relationship they first got into and now want out of totally. So some of these women are looking for more of a stable relationship, where what children they bring into that relationship, will be nurtured and can learn some of the old forgotten ways to survive.
Unfortunately, many of these children are learning to play video games (the violent ones) at a very young age (some kids I know have started around 5-6) and some of these games could possibly contribute to a juvenile delinquency of these children as they grow up. This could be one of the growing concerns for some of these single mothers and finding it harder and harder to cope. One of the other things that a lot of younger children suffer from is ADHD syndrome. In my day (and I still use the terms), when we were real young, we were always known to be highly energetic and needed an outlet to vent that energy. Children these days are pretty much the same, but a NEW disease was invented to cover that : hence ADHD, and chemical treatments are administered to slow it down.
I believe, if these children are given something to do to occupy their minds and keep them from getting bored, that they would be better able to handle the pressures dealt to them. I also believe that those mothers and even some single women, are looking for an outlet to vent the frustrations they are feeling and/or want a relationship with someone, who is not so much a father figure for the kids but more of a mentor. Most of these kids have fathers, and the fathers do care to a point, and some more than others.
Besides having an outlet for frustrations and mentoring, I believe these women desire a loving and caring relationship which would make them feel more needed. Then to top that off, it could mean a possible added fringe benefit to help stave off the frustration and bring a more healthier attitude towards that relationship. Many women look for more happiness and do wish to have some sort of companionship from someone, they can talk to when times get rough and then remember some of the good times, they had and still can have with someone who shows that they do care. Some women call this romanticism.
I am still trying to figure out what the fad is coming about with the younger women (a lot of them) wanting a relationship with an older man, even on a sexual basis. There are some women on the single's sites who tend to hold onto the idea of dating or hanging out with older or younger men within a 5-10 year age bracket. Some women are looking even beyond that bracket too, at least on the older side. I have my theories about that and am willing to explore those theories with those younger women, if they are game to do it.
I am a firm believer in the exchange of hormonal balances between men and women. I do think, and would like to pursue the theory, that younger women produce a lot of estrogen hormones, and those extra hormones could benefit the older men in contributing to longevity of the species. Older men still produce testosterone which women need in all stages of their lives, and when those women reach the age of 30-40, that level decreases So younger women can give to older men the estrogen they need to regenerate, and the older men can give women the testosterone to bring balance back to them. So it turns out to be a win - win situation for all the ones involved in that endeavor. Or the sexual meeting, so to speak.
What is your thoughts?