China is causing a stir it can not afford in the long run. They have, in all effect, dishonored the world with their stupid action of disregarding what is recognized all around the world as a major event. (The Nobel Peace Prize Awards) ....... The East is a world that makes honor as a prerequisite to all other things of materialistic thinking. China has turned its back on honor and demands that all other countries in the world to honor their decision to do this.
In all essence, China turned its back on those countries, that have honored this annual or timely honor given to all members of society, who wish to establish a society where everyone honors everyone else. China must not wish to be part of the world, and does what it does to try and keep its Social Status intact by using force, coercion, deception, and censureship as its prerequisite for maintaining its materialistic hold over the rest of the world. That ideal will come back to bite China on its own BUTT in the long run, and China will have to deal with that consequence when it happens. China has turned its back on the ideal of Honor and holds materialistic values as its highest value.
If the rest of the World would hold a boycott on all of China's productions it puts out, then China might realize they had made a mistake and would have to pay for that mistake, even to the highest levels of its government establishment. It would make all of the people of China suffer, but maybe it would cause those people to revolt and take over the government from the oppression that its materialistic leaders wish to govern ideally.
I make a call to the World to stop buying and using anything made by China from this day forth. China is one of the world's wealthiest nations, and even our (US) billionaires are donating half of their wealth back to others, so they can have a chance at advancement. BUT China is too stubborn or STUPID to realize, that if all of their productions are not bought, that they will be in debt to the rest of the world, then and become financially unable to pay their bills too. It is time to bring China down to the level of all of the rest of the World and not let its power hungry ideals overload its mouth through its ASS.
If the World allows China to use their so-called policing force to pressure the other people of the world to knuckle under to their demands, then the World deserves what they get. Russia even knuckled under to China with their inability to withstand the pressure issued by China in recent events. Russia used to be a Power House. Now it is like a Pussy Cat rubbing up against the leg of its OWNER (China?) to get its attention. So is Russia full of PUSSIES? ......... They are now, since they succumbed to the pressure exerted by their owner! ....... (for not recognizing the Nobel Peace Prize winner as the one, who the rest of the world recognizes!) That is considered turning its back on Sovereignty according to the ........ Law of Nations! ......... Shame on you ........ Russia ...... and any other nation ........ that allowed China to force them to turn their backs on ....... Sovereignty........ All of you turned your backs on the ideology of Democracy of which you fought so valiantly for, in the past years.
Democracy, in the US, took many years to be established here and now everyone else thinks it should come to them overnight, so to speak. It will not happen. You have to work for it with your labors, your sweat, and your tears, for it to come to you. Some people learn the ideology of a democracy that is free, but still they have a lot of work to do just to insure that it remains free for them. China would love to have the ideology of Democracy as long as it is for the higher levels of their government, and it could be, if they worked it that way, but they are TOO STUPID to see that light. All China sees is the materialistic ways of their being, and one day soon, it will fall to their feet, and be unusable from that point on.
Capitalism as is exerted by corporations (even the Chinese Government Corporation) is a failed system, and that failure will be felt by all, right up through to the highest levels of that Corporate Entity, no matter where it is established. The China Government is NO EXCEPTION! China and all other Corporate Governments have already failed, but they don't even realize it yet ................. BUT IT COME TO THEM SOON ENOUGH! (the failure that is)
Those who have succeeded are the ones who have turned their backs on the Corporate Entities and walked away from them. The World Bank already knows this and is scrambling to bring those successions back into its fold even now. But it too will FAIL! ..... The Monetary System is the root of the FAILURE and all MUST turn their backs on that system and walk away from it at a steady, ........ if not fast, ....... pace. If the failure is allowed to catch back up with society, then society will be sucked back into that Eternal Failure System created by greedy members of a society which cares not for others, but only for itself.
The Chinaman jailed for his belief in the freedom of communication, by China, is already free, in a sense, because of his beliefs. China has failed for not recognizing that in the first place. So China is nothing more than a failure waiting on the day of its demise to come to it. AND that day will come too soon for China, in all essence. ........ AND the World will know and WITNESS that demise in the end.
Chin up China, because your day in HELL is on the brink of arriving on your doorstep, and you will not know how to GREET it. If you do not accept your failures, and those consequences to follow, on presentation, then you shall be dragged to your doom screaming and wailing every step of the way. That is your ....... FATE ....... and that is your ...... DOOM ....... that you bring to yourself. ....... Accept it and move on!