Saturday, January 02, 2010

Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life

Hello Guys:

I know it has been a very long while (over a year as a matter of fact) since I have produced a post, but Boy this last year has been a year to remember. We have just started onto the newest adventure we will ever experience. We are getting closer and closer to the BIG CHANGE that is coming to all of us, and are we really prepared for it? In my opinion, I don't think any of us have an inkling of what to expect. Are we living in the right place in this Universe to survive the Shift Changes that are coming our way?

Some scientists are saying that the Earth's crust is becoming more and more unstable, and by the time 2012 gets here, we will have a major change of environments, for all of us to adapt to. Others are talking about a consciousness enhancement. Then there are some who are saying this is all a BIG Hoax, and we are all being taken in by it. Who do we want to believe in the end?

Myself, I think a combination of events will occur and all of the above points are true.

First, let's get the hoax theory out of the way. I believe we have been hoaxed for the last 3500 years by some very powerful individuals and that power has changed hands many times over those past few years. The hoax has been perpetrated over and over again by each power change, as it occurred. We are literally Slaves to a system that has kept us in that position ever since and possibly even before any recorded history was ever produced. That system is the monetary exchange system.

This very system keeps all of our hands tied to a grindstone and robs all of us of our abilities to advance into a newer and better society. Money only creates scarcity within our society and causes all of us to produce only what those power individuals determine what is necessary. Money is also a scarcity. Nobody ever has enough to really get them by in this life we live, and we all fight tooth and nail to be able to survive.

Abundance, and availability of that abundance, is the only thing that can help to keep EVERYONE, and I mean Everyone, out of the poor house. If everyone produced products in abundance, there would be no need for a system of money to accumulate products from that abundance. That abundance would be spread throughout society equally and not giving anyone a need or want for anything. You see, only the scarcity of products causes everyone to panic and believe that there is not enough to go around, and so they COMPETE against each other, to make sure that they are the ones who acquire that scarce product. (of which, if it was over produced, there is never a scarcity)

Back in the 50's and 60's, right up until the beginning of the 1970's, when the increase in the monetary values of our worth was brought to the forefront, there was not a need in having both parents going out into the world to work their asses off to make sure all of their family survived in the coming years. Families were nurtured and fortified with having one parent in the home to insure a stability within that family. Education was a quality type of education where history was taught, and science, and math were taught, because those staples were what was needed to keep all of us at an even keel and sailing in the right direction.

Abundance was more available with the production of the automobile, trains, homes not made out of mud with dirt floors, everyone grew a garden in order to eat, families raised their own livestock to put food on the table, every able bodied individual either hunted or knew how to use a rifle or gun in order to protect themselves, and everyone knew their neighbor and would come running to help when help was needed.

Today, we are looking at a system that controls our movements, what we eat, what we can say, and whom we can freely talk to. Since the beginnings of the 1970's, I have watched this nation slump down in value with both parents having to go out and find work, the increase in valuation of the same homes we have lived in for years (which caused us to work more, to pay the taxes on these homes), devaluation of businesses and their service to the nation, and an overall separation of the human communication between neighbors.

In 2001, we saw a GREAT NATION brought to its knees following a devastation and a cover up within its ranks, and people too scared to stand up and question why it happened.

Too many people have been snowballed by those in control and have been conditioned to not question what our government does behind closed doors. AND to think, every U.S. President has stated they have an open door policy to communicate what is actually going on.

is everyone going to wake up to the LIES?

When is everyone going to get up off of their FAT ASSES and do something about it?

When those in control take everything you have earned(?), which is only half of what you are worth?

Law enforcement can not do anything until something is done against a victim and not before. So you have to die or be badly injured before they will protect you? Isn't that putting the cart before the horse? Maybe it is time we protect ourselves then!

The Second item on the agenda is the shifting of the Earth's crust. Scientists have been studying this phenomenon for more years than I have been alive. It has been determined that the core of the Earth is made up of molten material and has been heating up for the past 10,000 or more years. There is a claim that the Earth's crust will rotate and the North and South Poles will end up in a different place than what we have known for most of our lives. Magnetic waves within the Earth have been diminished and is helping to bring about this Shift.

Many scientists have been studying the Sun, the planets, and other stars in order to figure out what the future lays in store for us. The sun is going through more and more eruptions on its surface, and planets have begun starting to heat up also, in the last few thousand years, but we have idiots out in society who are profiting off of the idea that man is creating all this havoc. This is a bunch of Bull-hockey.

Flaw-filled man wouldn't even begin to know where to start to cause this type of havoc ready to be sprung on all of us. Too many people in the population counts? I think this is another huckster idea in the making. Another Profit making, profit sharing idea to bilk people out of their wealth. (not just their monetary wealth, but their intelligent wealth too)

The shifting of the crust of the earth has been an ongoing process and these idiots haven't even lived long enough to realize that fact. Anything to make a profit from, that is their idea of this whole matter. This phenomenon we are getting ready to experience can be the most devastating issue to ever confront us in all of our lives and like I said before, ARE WE READY for that to happen? I really doubt it, because too many of us rely on what the results will be before we even act. By that time things may be too late for us to do very much of anything about it, except to bend over and KISS our own asses goodbye. We are just not prepared to see everything in advance and then counter that by acting soon enough to save ourselves. So what are we waiting for? Why do we not plan our strategies before the BIG EVENT arrives?

Could it be that we don't have a plan ourselves for what we need to do in order to survive in this world we all live in?

When you have to wait on someone else to tell you how to get, or lead you by the hand, to the next step, then you are possibly an invalid, or still in the childlike state to even begin realizing what is needed.

Are we all that naive to believe that we are unable to do anything for ourselves without guidance from some source who is not even remotely connected to us in any way or form?

Or can we, with guidance, learn how to make those decisive steps and not rely on anyone else to help us get there?

This is the third step on the agenda of those who wish to have us know. Enhancing our consciousness to become the person who we are meant to be.

What does enhancing our consciousness entail for us as individuals? First our consciousness is our own, and no one else can force you into believing other than what you already know on your own accord. Many of us have to go through learning processes in order to enhance what we have already learned. In other words, learning is an ongoing, never-ending, process, and we always will be in a school of knowledge that has no ending to ever be seen. So what we do, is, to take everything we learn and try our best to make it more perfect than it was before. Sometimes we have to have outside help to understand how to do this process, and we should be grateful for someone outside our own box, who can see something in a different light than what we see it in.

Consciousness, in the past few hundred years, has been compartmentalized, in that, everything we learn has a certain place, where consciousness must be maintained and not integrated, or may be minimally integrated with other parts of that consciousness.

I like to use a metaphor of a picture puzzle, in a box, to compare our consciousness to. Every piece of our consciousness is like each piece of the puzzle, as it lays inside that box. If we dumped out that box of puzzle pieces and started fitting each piece together we would finally see the picture coming together. The same can be said for our consciousness. If we dumped everything we learned out of our consciousness and laid it out on the table before us and started fitting all of those pieces together, we would start seeing a totally different picture than what those in power provide for us on a daily basis. Nobody else can dump our puzzle boxes out on the table for us. We must do this of our own accord and ability. If it takes us longer to put that puzzle together, SO BE IT! BUT it is up to each and everyone of us to open that box, dump it out, and start putting those pieces together.

Until we can get to that part of the plan, we are just spinning our wheels on the road of life. Once we have our plans made up and our puzzle pieces fitting together to see the picture we have created for our own selves, then we can start fitting that puzzle into the larger puzzle picture of consciousness and connecting to those others, in our lives, and interlocking those pieces together to see an even bigger picture, yet to unfold for us in our future. This puzzle picture is the picture of everyone coming together and participating in the roles we have created for each of us to do.

Our consciousness is still in the infancy stage. In Other words, we don't have a clue as to what we can really do for ourselves or even for others on a Grand Basis. Yet, we are constantly dog paddling to stay afloat in what is an endless sea of chaos, confusions, and embitterment. We are too busy remaining in constant diversions (television programs, Video games, movies, sports, etc.) and not looking at the entire picture to get the focal point of where each of us need to begin our travel to the consciousness we so rightly deserve.

There is so much to learn about our consciousness and the change that may be awaiting us on that final day of prophecy or December 21, 2012. We, ourselves, must prepare for that day, if it really comes to pass, and be ready to accept the change, as it occurs. If we do not prepare ourselves for that change, we may find ourselves being left in the dust behind those others who did prepare, and now we must try to catch back up. Needless to say, the game of catch up is not an easy one to play. Most of the time it requires twice as much work, than if we had predetermined what needed to be done in the first place.

Those who have predicted the change of consciousness has made it quite clear that this change will not be subtle, but will be abrupt. So, for many, a state of confusion and or chaos will be enhanced, if they did not do their diligent homework for that assignment and prepare. Those of us who have done some homework, still, will not be ready for that change as it occurs, because we do not have a full knowledge of what to expect. BUT, we will have an advantage, to the point of being able to be ready for the change as it occurs and can adapt to it with fair ease. Then we can either assist those others to the change, or we can continue on the paths we have chosen for ourselves and move onward towards the positive positions we have created for ourselves and those few others who link to us.

So, Are you ready for the changes that are about to occur? Are you ready to move if need be, to protect yourself and those you love? Can you act in time to become who you were meant to be? Only you have the answers to all of these questions posed before you and no one can help you to know precisely what would apply to you. ARE YOU ON YOUR OWN?

I Hope not!