Welcome to my Visionary World! You have entered into the "God-Man" realm of my world!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
In all essence, China turned its back on those countries, that have honored this annual or timely honor given to all members of society, who wish to establish a society where everyone honors everyone else. China must not wish to be part of the world, and does what it does to try and keep its Social Status intact by using force, coercion, deception, and censureship as its prerequisite for maintaining its materialistic hold over the rest of the world. That ideal will come back to bite China on its own BUTT in the long run, and China will have to deal with that consequence when it happens. China has turned its back on the ideal of Honor and holds materialistic values as its highest value.
If the rest of the World would hold a boycott on all of China's productions it puts out, then China might realize they had made a mistake and would have to pay for that mistake, even to the highest levels of its government establishment. It would make all of the people of China suffer, but maybe it would cause those people to revolt and take over the government from the oppression that its materialistic leaders wish to govern ideally.
I make a call to the World to stop buying and using anything made by China from this day forth. China is one of the world's wealthiest nations, and even our (US) billionaires are donating half of their wealth back to others, so they can have a chance at advancement. BUT China is too stubborn or STUPID to realize, that if all of their productions are not bought, that they will be in debt to the rest of the world, then and become financially unable to pay their bills too. It is time to bring China down to the level of all of the rest of the World and not let its power hungry ideals overload its mouth through its ASS.
If the World allows China to use their so-called policing force to pressure the other people of the world to knuckle under to their demands, then the World deserves what they get. Russia even knuckled under to China with their inability to withstand the pressure issued by China in recent events. Russia used to be a Power House. Now it is like a Pussy Cat rubbing up against the leg of its OWNER (China?) to get its attention. So is Russia full of PUSSIES? ......... They are now, since they succumbed to the pressure exerted by their owner! ....... (for not recognizing the Nobel Peace Prize winner as the one, who the rest of the world recognizes!) That is considered turning its back on Sovereignty according to the ........ Law of Nations! ......... Shame on you ........ Russia ...... and any other nation ........ that allowed China to force them to turn their backs on ....... Sovereignty........ All of you turned your backs on the ideology of Democracy of which you fought so valiantly for, in the past years.
Democracy, in the US, took many years to be established here and now everyone else thinks it should come to them overnight, so to speak. It will not happen. You have to work for it with your labors, your sweat, and your tears, for it to come to you. Some people learn the ideology of a democracy that is free, but still they have a lot of work to do just to insure that it remains free for them. China would love to have the ideology of Democracy as long as it is for the higher levels of their government, and it could be, if they worked it that way, but they are TOO STUPID to see that light. All China sees is the materialistic ways of their being, and one day soon, it will fall to their feet, and be unusable from that point on.
Capitalism as is exerted by corporations (even the Chinese Government Corporation) is a failed system, and that failure will be felt by all, right up through to the highest levels of that Corporate Entity, no matter where it is established. The China Government is NO EXCEPTION! China and all other Corporate Governments have already failed, but they don't even realize it yet ................. BUT IT COME TO THEM SOON ENOUGH! (the failure that is)
Those who have succeeded are the ones who have turned their backs on the Corporate Entities and walked away from them. The World Bank already knows this and is scrambling to bring those successions back into its fold even now. But it too will FAIL! ..... The Monetary System is the root of the FAILURE and all MUST turn their backs on that system and walk away from it at a steady, ........ if not fast, ....... pace. If the failure is allowed to catch back up with society, then society will be sucked back into that Eternal Failure System created by greedy members of a society which cares not for others, but only for itself.
The Chinaman jailed for his belief in the freedom of communication, by China, is already free, in a sense, because of his beliefs. China has failed for not recognizing that in the first place. So China is nothing more than a failure waiting on the day of its demise to come to it. AND that day will come too soon for China, in all essence. ........ AND the World will know and WITNESS that demise in the end.
Chin up China, because your day in HELL is on the brink of arriving on your doorstep, and you will not know how to GREET it. If you do not accept your failures, and those consequences to follow, on presentation, then you shall be dragged to your doom screaming and wailing every step of the way. That is your ....... FATE ....... and that is your ...... DOOM ....... that you bring to yourself. ....... Accept it and move on!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
The Movement is Real
The Movement is Real: Accept it or Walk Away!
(This Movement is real, and if you want success, you need to either do as the Title of this article says "ACCEPT IT OR WALK AWAY" or just go on and keep doing what you are doing! This article is brief and to the point and is pretty damned accurate in its review of what is now going on. If you can't see the environment around you and can not do anything about it, so you think, then you are doomed to SLAVERY to the ELITE or PTB (Powers That Be)
We have received a growing number of observations of the following type:
Number of members of the Illuminati = 6,000
Number of members of the Old World Order = 6,000
Illuminati = Old World Order
Eureka! QED
Frankly, if that is the basis for people's decision-making processes then we might as well give up. To equate two groups on the basis that they contain similar numbers isn't "skepticism" but irrationality. In fact, it's insanity. It's equivalent to reading completely different manifestos by two opposed political parties and then concluding that both parties are actually the same because, despite the fact that they disagree with each other in every regard, you've discovered that they both have a similar number of members.
We were the ones who put both numbers into the public arena and we did so absolutely deliberately for two reasons: a) to show how few people are actually controlling this world - just a few thousand are dictating to a million times that number b) as a test of the extent to which we could successfully overcome the propaganda of our enemies. The test went like this. If we put a million words into the public arena expressing our manifesto for a New World Order and if those million words were ignored in favour of a conclusion that we were indeed the "evil" Illuminati of popular internet mythology solely because we and the Elite both have a similar number of members then we were completely wasting our time because we could never hope to overcome the entrenched prejudice against us if that's all it takes to make people equate us with the Elite (which is what they're all secretly itching to do, of course).
The first person to make this "calculation" was someone who believed that 666, the Number of the Beast in the Book of Revelation, could be shown, he claimed, to equal the word COMPUTER, and that the Book of Revelation was saying that in 2,000 years time, everyone would be forced to have a microchip inserted in their head to allow them to be controlled by the Elite. This suggestion reveals a great deal about the person making it while revealing nothing at all about the Book of Revelation.
It has been reported to the three Illuminati members who run this site that the project is increasingly seen as a failure, and, accordingly, the future of the project has been called into question.
There are enormous problems in this world and yet, rather than do anything about them, there are those who would prefer to doubt every statement we make because of the number 6,000 and say, "Told you so - these are the bad guys!"
Even members of the Movement who, one would imagine, would have a certain sympathy with our views, nevertheless take this absurd nonsense seriously and express major doubts to us. Therefore it has been decided to suspend further activity on this site for the time being while the project is re-evaluated.
The current options are that a) it may be abandoned completely and removed from the internet b) left as it is with no new additions c) it may resume once more at a later date d) that it will remove all references to the Movement. if the Movement cannot transform itself into a group of talented, creative, disciplined, business-like individuals who are serious about changing this world of ours. If you prefer to speculate about aliens, pan-dimensional lizards, 333, 6000, colours, esoteric symbols blah blah blah yada yada yada then you are not on our wavelength and we have failed to communicate our message, and this project is indeed a failure. The last thing we wanted to accomplish when we embarked on this project was to create a David Icke style forum for ludicrous theories about complete nonsense.
We seek a better world. We have put an immense amount of effort into this site and look at the sophistication of the response we have received: "6,000 of you, 6,000 of them, so you must be one and the same." Fucking, Doh!
This is exactly the outcome that was predicted by the senior member of the Illuminati who constructed the "6,000" test. We were certain he would be proved wrong, but now we have to acknowledge that he was right all along. We have no desire to be part of a freak show of infantile speculation. Are you serious or not? We are.
A member of the recruitment cell of the Illuminati signed up to the Movement's forum some time ago and has been monitoring it ever since. That person's first formal report has now been delivered and it makes it clear that there are only about forty "serious" people there and the rest are various shades of crank who would prefer to spend hours obsessing over garbage than actually doing anything productive. They would be far more suited to the hysterical sites associated with Icke, Makow, Jones etc.
The observer's report says that the Movement is simply not amounting to anything that would ever give the Elite any cause for alarm. It says that there are numerous members of the Movement who are actually subversive of the Illuminati's agenda, and wish only to damage our cause. These people are, in effect, a Fifth Column serving the agenda of the Elite who have always despised everything the Illuminati stand for and sought our complete destruction.
"GF" said in a recent message:
My current mindset is that the war of those who want us locked in a recurring loop of demiurgic materialism is fought on a mental level. Most of this war is waged against the spirit of man not with weapons but psychically with the manipulation of language and symbols. Our task is to know who we really are and become light-bearers ourselves. The OWO have done a brilliant job in conning everyone on the planet into believing that material possessions are the highest value to aspire to. This at the expense of real knowledge of one's self, nature and our fellow human beings. We all have been buying into fruitless addictions and selling our true spirit to selfish infantile "masters". The duty of man now is to see through this veil of illusion and transcend it, either that or remain a slave and perish.
We hoped the whole Movement would have got it too, but our message has completely bypassed most of them. They don't have a clue. Instead of campaigning against the Elite, they are more concerned with finding out more about us and casting suspicion on us. Forget the messengers, the message is all that counts. You either agree with it or you don't. You either act on it or you don't. It doesn't matter one jot who delivers it. We are a secret society. We are secretive because we have to be. Get over it.
If you don't like our message then fuck off and go shopping. If you do like it then get off your arse and do something. We're sick of having to read bizarre messages about complete crap. We will no longer answer any dumb questions. We've provided a million words of the most precious and unique information you will find anywhere on earth. What have you done for us? What have you done for the world? What contribution have you made to getting rid of the Elite? In most cases, FUCK ALL.
The leadership of the Illuminati hoped, through this project, to create a 21st century internet version of the Knights Templar, creating a noble international army of light consisting of ordinary people full of honour, intelligence and creativity who would, in the course of time, sweep aside the Elite. Instead, thus far, it seems that the Movement has predominantly attracted self-indulgent cranks and nutters with no interest in politics, philosophy, science, religion or activism, but a great deal of interest in conspiracy junk and speculation about who the Illuminati really are.
It doesn't matter a fuck who we are. If you are serious about getting rid of the Elite then get a fucking grip. Become serious people with serious intent. If you can't manage that then fuck off. We will never get rid of the Elite if most people are dumbed-down conspiracy theorists who have swallowed the Elite's propaganda, misinformation and disinformation hook line and sinker.
We feel as if we have wasted two and a half years of our lives on this website. The number of people in the world capable of resisting the Elite is, it appears, very close to zero. The Illuminati are practically the only ones still holding the torch. The Elite have destroyed the intelligence and capabilities of ordinary people. They have entirely succeeded in their agenda to rule as kings of the earth over a world population of slaves who, ludicrously, imagine they are free.
Here's the agenda:
Get Organised.
Get Serious.
Get Disciplined.
Get an Identity.
Get a Cause.
Get Attitude.
Get Political.
Get Philosophical.
Get Scientific.
Get Religious.
Get Psychological
Get Artistic.
Get Creative.
Get Smart.
Get Meritocratic.
Get Real.
Get Active.
Get Going.
If you just want to speculate about aliens, get out of here.
If you're lazy, apathetic, and aimlessly looking for some direction in life, get out of here.
If you have nothing to contribute, get out of here.
If you want to be skeptical all of the time, as a means of never having to commit yourself to the cause, get out of here.
If you want to sabotage and subvert the Movement because it gives you a weird kick, get out of here.
The Illuminati is not a debating society and neither should the Movement be. The time for talk is long over. These are the days of action. If nit picking, complaining, whining, whineying, indecision, permanent skepticism, perpetual doubt, eternal excuses for inaction are your thing, get out of here.
If you think the Illuminati are an evil Elite trying to enslave the world, get a grip. Do you really think the Elite would establish a website calling for the overthrow of the Elite?
Let there be no kidology. The Movement, if it's to be anything other than a pathetic joke, must become a serious-minded organisation in which people conduct themselves in a disciplined, methodical, purposeful way. There's no room for cranks and nuts, for the lazy and half-hearted, for the curious and the desperate.
If you know, deep down, that you have nothing to contribute, get out of here. Keep your mad speculations to yourself or take them to the David Icke forum.
There's only one game in town: to create an organization that the Elite will one day recognize, with horror, as their nemesis and replacement.
The Movement must be utterly committed to changing the world. If that's not for you, if it's too radical, if you want to stay in your safety zone of mad debates about Nibiru, get out of here.
So, what's it to be? It's time to decide. It's much better for the Movement to lose three quarters of its members and be left with a core of committed, serious radicals with a burning desire to leave their mark on this world than it is to stagger on as an ever-increasing joke that no one would ever take seriously. If you know you are not a serious person and would rather clown around, forget it. Do something else. Leave the Movement to those who want to make a difference.
Create a Charter, a Contract, a Code, a Rule, a meritocratic governing council. Expel those who can't make a positive contribution. It's intolerable that self-indulgent, destructive cynics should be able to poison the enthusiasm and dedication of others with their toxic, corrosive negativity. We have noted that several people who would otherwise have been dynamic forces for change have instead succumbed to the mind pollution of the inane, chattering sabotage of the conspiracy theorists.
We are advocates of skepticism, but not if it takes people on the road to nowhere. We champion "healthy" skepticism that ensures that people never fall prey to brainwashing, but we despise the sort of nihilistic skepticism that wants to continually snipe at and undermine any creative and constructive enterprise.
The Movement has unfortunately attracted quite a few of the latter type of skeptic and they have succeeded in damaging the whole project. The Movement can never succeed with such people onboard.
Enthusiasm, positivity and commitment are essential in any fledgling organization. If you're the sort of person who is fundamentally negative, suspicious, always trying to find flaws and contradictions, then have the decency to leave and burden someone else with your nihilism. You're not wanted.
One of the reasons why the Illuminati adopt such a painstaking approach to recruitment is that it is imperative that we keep out those self-indulgent types who have no concept of working together in a disciplined, cohesive, focused group seeking to achieve great ends. We rapidly expel anyone who falls short of the expected standard. In recent years, we have had no reason to expel anyone, which is a tribute to the skill of the recruitment cell.
Our patience has run out. We refuse to be associated with a circus. If you're capable of being more than that then prove it. If not, then forget it. It's entirely up to you.
The Movement must become disciplined, organized, serious, focused, professional, intelligent, creative and active. If it doesn't then it can serve no useful function and is a waste of time and effort. If you're consumed with curiosity about the Illuminati then leave. This is about you, not about us. We often get messages from people who say things such as, "You seem to be saying good things, but I'm just not sure. I don't know if I trust the Illuminati. Look at all the terrible things people say about you. I don't want to end up helping the Elite." Well, if you've read our website and you harbour even one notion that we can be equated with the Elite then fuck off because you're a half wit and you're insulting not only our intelligence, but your own.
The last people we want to be associated with are those who can't read something and make up their own mind, who are always drifting back to the propaganda they read elsewhere. Nothing could be more offensive and insulting to us than to hear the repetition of the slanders and libels that we are the world's secret puppetmasters. If you love what the clowns like Icke, Makow and Jones say then sign up to their newsletters, buy their products, have wet dreams about pan-dimensional lizard aliens, but get the fuck out of our way. Don't come to our website, don't read any of our material. Stick your head in the sand where it belongs. Shape up or ship out.
No sane person who has read our site and those of our detractors could ever be in any doubt about whom the Elite genuinely fear. On one side, you have a gang of shrieking, hysterical self-publicists ranting on endlessly about the most unbelievable bullshit imaginable (and look at how many dummies eagerly suck it up). On the other side, you have a coherent, integrated philosophical, religious, and political stance formulated by an organized group of some of the finest thinkers in human history and fully compatible with the most advanced scientific discoveries. So whose side are you on?
If it is to flourish, then the Movement must attract strong-minded, meritocratic, creative people who want to shake the world by the scruff of the neck. The Movement, at the present time, is overweight with the self-indulgent, self-pitying, immature, and naïve. If the Movement is ever to become a meaningful force then it has to be superior to the Elite: smarter, more creative, more energetic, more determined. If you don't feel up to it, don't get involved. Look at yourself in the mirror and contemplate if you really have what it takes. Are you a new Templar Knight, or just a hopeless dreamer on that long road that never leads to any destination?
If the Movement has no future then we will simply start a new project and begin a new search for the sort of people who can make a difference in this world.
So, this will be the last article on this website for the present time, and perhaps forever. We wish the best of good fortune to those high calibre members of the Movement who understand what's really going on in this world and are as depressed as we are by the lack of heroes willing to stand up for what is right. As for the rest - the doubters, the accusers, and the Ignavi - if you think we are the Elite, what planet are you living on? It certainly isn't Earth. No wonder the Elite are never troubled by the slave population of this planet, by the sad, pathetic, unwitting servants of the Demiurge.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Missouri Americans
Missouri Americans
Missouri Americans ......................... Where are you? Where are you actually at? Do you have an idea what a Missouri American is? I will attempt to answer each of these questions, so that you, as an American, can totally understand who you are, and what you can do as an American, and be totally free from ANY oppression of any sort from ANY SOURCE.
First let's define "Source". Do you really have any idea what Source is? Source means literally, from a very simple definition, from a beginning!
If you want to find out where a certain item came from, you would search for the source or the beginning of where that item was created, or where it originated. So, now with that simple definition, let's define "ANY SOURCE", as it was stated in the above statement. The above statement made the claim that you can be totally free from ANY oppression (or something that holds you back from continuing on a forward successful progress) of any sort, from ANY SOURCE.
Are you totally free from any source of oppression in your life? I really doubt it. If you remember from some of my previous postings, that if you follow "ANY SYSTEM", created by anyone else, then you are literally following their ideas, and then being oppressed from doing what you really want and need to do in your life. In my opinion, this also includes systems of "Organized Religions".
In order to understand (I prefer to use comprehend, which means the same thing, but keeps you out of the legal interpretation aspects) where Organized Religion had its source or origination, you have to go and research the history of Religion. Where do you think Religion started? Do you believe it originated at the very beginning where there was nothing and finally man was created out of some "clay" (dirt and water combination) image by some unseen entity, who claimed to be the master of everything? Or could science really have some validity here, as science has more proofs than religion does?
If you go back into history to find recorded information on religion, you only have to literally go back about 3500 years, as this was when real written information was put down in a language, that nearly anyone could comprehend, and it was written by scribes (people who learned to write and read a created language by government/religious leaders of society) who were the main sources that could literally read and write. People from that era, could not read, write, but could understand what was told to them. Scribes were mainly used in the Catholic Religious Sect of the time, BUT, ................. there was pictographic information recorded on cave walls, rocks, and even on city walls, to some respects. (like modern day Graffiti?) This pictographic information painted on walls and rocks everywhere, was literally the very first history ever recorded.
Scribes recorded historic words on sheets of types of paper, hides of animals, and the like, and were kept in safe or specific places in the cities, by those who were in total control of all of the people who lived in that area. Those who were in total control of cities, villages, and societal communities, were of governmental origin, and so it seems, religious leaders. Religious Catholic type of leaders had a direct influence on how government officials ruled from their positions. Any time a community decision had to be made, the officials consulted with the Religious leaders of the community for their advice, and then followed that advice, nearly explicitly, when it came to making those decisions. Scribes were appointed, learned individuals, by Religious leaders, and then followed the edicts of those leaders without question. (isn't that something we now do even today ...... by following edicts created by political leaders of our societies? AND where are those recordings kept, if you think about it?) (so religious ideas are possibly the origin of our political laws made for all of us)
So, in all respects our political society was created by those Catholic (Italian [Roman]) types of leaders who employed the use of scribes (political society leaders or mouthpieces?) to create a system to keep everyone who lived in that community under the thumb of those political religious leaders. So Organized Religion was the source of all of the political aspects of our society that we now live in.
Now, another issue I have is, what source of proof is there that religious doctrine is clearly true in the first place? Some of the pictographic paintings on walls of caves, rocks and city walls, depicted what I consider another source of idea, that was something of a completely different nature. Some pictures of that era showed some images of people who had a totally different idea than what most of the people of that time may have really looked like, as those images were recorded in the paintings also. There were images of machinery, modes of travel other than animals, clothing, how they kept themselves sustaining, leaders of societies which wore costumes or dress which did not seem to be from that era of time, and also staffs used by those who led and depicted a pine cone image on every staff. (Catholic and protestant religions [which are literally organized or created by others] still use the image of the pine cone in all of their services - Does this have any significance?) This seems to be a different type of religion, than what we now have in society today, which happens to be copied from the writings of those scribes employed by the religious leaders of the time, 3500 years ago. So which one of these recordings are true in all respects?
Is there any direct proof of the existence of Jesus who walked on earth as a God-like image? No, I do not believe there is any proof from any other writers of that era. The only proof, of that man or that religion, is from only one set of writings, which were preserved mainly by the scribes and religious leaders of that time. No reference of a man who walked on water, healed the sick, chased money changers out of the Temple, or the like, was ever written by anyone else, EXCEPT in books called the "BIBLE", "TORAH", or the "KORAN". Who created these books, in the first place? Who else, than the religious leaders who dictated what was to be written in the books by the scribes, and then preserved in specifically guarded or hidden places by those leaders of that society, 3500 years ago. Have all of us in this society of today been duped? IT IS A POSSIBILITY! AND those, who follow those teachings, are following nothing more than someone's ideas, other than our own.
This is exactly what all of us do even today. We follow the ideas and rules set down by someone other than ourselves in all respects. Even when we express our voice on some law created by politicians in our legislatures, those words are put into a language and idea that comes from those politicians and we all accept those ideas as gospel. Is Legislative Law now considered an "Organized Religion" now? When we follow these laws created by so-called scribes in our legislatures, are we not being suppressed from doing what we should be freely doing, no matter what?
I think we are, when we are not allowed to make the decision to do something, that we feel we should be able to do, without being curtailed from fully doing what needs to be done. Law, literally prevents us from making our own decisions and learning from mistakes made, so we are literally oppressed and we have let them do that to us. We can nearly put ourselves in the same position of those, 3500 years ago, following the edicts of the religious leaders of that time. Our political mouthpieces, we supposedly elected to speak for us, do not make law as we have stated it, but have literally used words and meanings they created, and convince all of us that, that is what we meant in the long run. No, it is not, if the exact wording we told them to use is not used. That is their creation, and we let them get away with it.
What is an American? An American, in my opinion, is an individual who is a member of a specific society, all grouped together of like minds and beliefs, and support one another without standing down from any other oppressive source. An American is not part African, part Vietnamese, part Chinese, or part of any other source of ethnic heritage background. When we all took an oath (oh yes you did in your high school final years, when you studied the Constitution and then stood and held up your right hand and repeated the oath given in that class {you literally gave an oath and signed a paper in that class to that oath}) to come together as a complete unit to protect the ideas and this country from all oppression from any source. We became an American at that point and our heritage then took a back seat to that title. If you are an African-American, did you originally come from Africa in the first place? If you were born here, the answer is "NO"! You are an American along with everyone else born or naturalized (you accepted admission into this country and pledged your allegiance to this country and beliefs over where you came from) here, and everyone needs to UNITE together as a single unit against ALL OPPRESSION from within and outside this country.
ALL OPPRESSION, in this country or any other country for that matter, starts at the top and filters down to the lowest members of society in incremented levels of oppression. This mainly and can happen from the implementation of LAW created by others,................. in their language and not the language or terminology dictated to them. Legislators alter the language or terminology into a language, they have been instructed to permit (by others of higher authority) to be entered as a Law, which everyone else is instructed to follow. When the people decide that they, as a group of like minds, want a certain idea enforced, and that enforcement is altered, then those members of that society become oppressed with the dictates of someone who claims more authority than them. Then we are educated in our schools to believe that those higher authorities are our bosses and have more knowledge than we do, even when we give them the orders to follow. We have been conditioned and dumbed down to believe, that we are inferior to those who rule over us. <----- This is literally OPPRESSION!
You are given the impression that you have a voice in the courts, but when you hire a lawyer or attorney to represent you, then you have literally told the courts you are a child and know nothing about what you want and need. The courts make you believe that they, and those officers of the court, are the only ones who have that knowledge, and you are inferior to them. They then oppress you to follow their beliefs through coercion, and deception. Again, you allow them to do that to you!
So how do you escape from this oppression? Well, .................. for one, ................... in my opinion, ......... you have to drop or reject the conditioning of ideas created by someone else which has no direct effect on your life. You then have to think for yourself, create your own rules to follow, and then enforce your rules, and make sure no one else oppresses you from doing what you have considered that which is essential for you, specifically. When you deal with anyone else in your society, then you and them have to reach agreements between yourselves, and then apply those conditions only, for that specific agreement. Any other agreement, reached with anyone else, has nothing to do with the original agreement reached in the first place, with the other individual. Things can get really complex from this point on, with the idea that you do not cross a thin line from one agreement or contract to another one, and that was why legislatures were created to help mediate those agreements, but in recent years that mediation has gotten out of hand somewhat. (with the implementation of ideas of special interests over the original agreements reached --- does this make the special interests a higher authority over an original contract or agreement?)
It is time to corral this trespass of special interest groups onto the original agreements reached with each individual and agreements established by specific communities. Only we as thinking and rationalizing individuals can bring this effect into place.
C. David Imlay
Missouri Governor Candidate for 2012
Please support my efforts to bring about the needed changes to this Republic of Missouri with your vote at that election!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
American Missouri Residents!
Welcome to another edition of the Rebel Rider Review.
Governor J. Nixon for Missouri is not really doing the job he was assigned to do by the voters. His job description is and should be as follows: To protect, serve, govern all aspects of the Corporation and Government, and to uphold and protect the unalienable rights of every AMERICAN residing within his territorial domain, as is stipulated within the body of the US Constitution.
Gov. J. Nixon seems to have stood behind statements made by the Lt Gov. right after both of them won their elected seats of CEO status within Missouri. The LT. Governor made direct statements that any anarchist, Libertarian, Independent, follower of Ron Paul, and several others, who this gentleman claims are conspiracy theorists, should be listed as Domestic Terrorists of the State. Gov. J. Nixon literally kept silent and gave no support, but specifically, did not reprimand anyone for those statements made. Those statements remained intact until Chuck Baldwin, Ron Paul, and fellow colleagues filed charges against those statements made that they were finally calmed down. BUT those statements made the impact that the J. Nixon administration seemed to have wanted. It made Nationwide publicity.
Gov. J. Nixon also made promises to certain organizations for total support of their agendas prior to his election and then turned redcoat on those organizations. This has left a really bad taste in the mouths of those organizations and they are not happy about it. It used to be a gentleman's word was his honor. Well, it seems as though J. Nixon is not near as honorable as he projected on his road to the Missouri White house.
Now Missouri Americans and all other Americans reading this BLOG, in my opinion, as long as each of you continue to depend on the TWO PARTY SYSTEM (Repubs and Demos) you are gonna get what you always get: Nothing that you expect, or not enough, but just enough, expectation, to keep a deceiver in the position of power, so they continue their job of pulling the wool over your eyes. This is just exactly what J. Nixon and company have actually done to the Americans of Missouri.
First off we have a Governor, Lt Governor, and several other members of the cabinet who are Republican or Conservative. Then there are the Demos strung out throughout the system as well. All of these individuals or persons, as they are corporate officers, are working together on the same agenda, and that is to keep the control of Missouri in Jefferson City, Mo., instead of dispersing that authority out amongst the Americans residing within the REPUBLIC (not State as that is defined as the political power).
Every individual or a majority of the individuals who live or reside in Missouri are an American (North, South, or Central), not citizens, as citizens brings with it a really negative connotation (Citizen Kane for example). The system, we all are familiar with, continues to bring division amongst all of us. We have Republican supporters following a Republican agenda. We have Democratic supporters who follow the Democratic agenda. We have Libertarian and Independent supporters who tend to follow the agenda established by those organizations. This ideology keeps each and every one of us divided on issues that we should be united on from the very start. I am trying to change the ideology of the Libertarian Front with the ideology of a contract with society called the "Law of Fairness". Needless to say, Party Leaders and agenda followers will find it really hard to sign onto this contract, because it forces every individual to become more and more self responsible for actions, deeds, contracts, and words.
Missouri Americans believe that ratifying the 10th Amendment of the US Constitution will bring Sovereignty back into Missouri. This is a very false idea to believe and follow. Why? Because our Constitution of Missouri had its "Metes and Bounds" removed from the original Constitution, as it was written. Metes and Bounds are the set boundaries of the people of Missouri, and is the agenda that allows or does not allow anyone to govern the specific people who reside there. Once that was removed with the Oregon Treaty of 1846, then all of the States or Republics were converted into Corporate States governed by the Crown of the UK. All "Metes and Bounds", which set the Sovereign boundaries for each State or Republic, was removed from the Missouri Constitution, and other Constitutions, and brought all governance back over to the Crown of the UK and the Queen, sitting in power now, and has direct power now over all citizens, as they call us, and also direct what the people can or can not do. (can you detect slavery here?: even Corporations use totalitarianism as their governance!)
In order to win back our Sovereignty (and the international world recognizes this tactic), every Missouri American and every American MUST become a LAWFUL Landowner (not Legal landowner). As a Lawful Landowner you become independent of the Corporate stranglehold, the UK has on this country and its people. You will be recognized internationally and do not need to follow the Corporate Agenda set up by the UK, and followed by EVERY Corporate organization under it. (this includes the Governments established under the Corporatocracy of Rules and Regulations which are interpreted by Lawyers or Barristers or ESQUIRES to become a legal matter then) (Law is flawless. It is the interpretation of Law under specific agendas that corrupt the Law and make it a "Legal")
Lawyers, Barristers, and (legal term--->) ESQUIRES have all sworn allegiance to the Royal Crown of the UK and do not represent anyone who hires them. (Could that be why they could not advertise in publications for many years, until more recently [in the last 20-25 years]?) Most to many Legislators, Judges, Executive Officers, and the like are registered Lawyers. Judges claim to have dropped their membership in the BAR (British Attorney Registry), but it sure seems strange that they hobnob with every Attorney and Lawyer down at the Bar they all congregate to, of an evening. But it also seems strange that when it comes to Law, Judges take the Barrister's, Lawyer's definitions as rule, when it comes to their courtrooms. Why? Because it would seem they do not want to upset the applecart and may want to return back to the organization they claim to have left. Every Lawyer, Barrister ever registered, has the TITLE of ESQUIRE subscribed to their contracts, that they have signed, in order to belong to one of the biggest Unions of the World (not of just the US but the World) and just so happens to be directly or indirectly related to the Corporate World.
The one thing all American Missourians and all Americans need to do, is to come to full unity and stand up together to fight this Corporate (UK?) takeover, that is confronting all of us as we go on, into our daily lives. If we stood for our neighbors and friends, and stood for those who can not defend themselves, then we have shown ourselves, that WE ARE THE DECISION MAKERS; not our Rulers or Leaders, and WE take full responsibility for ourselves and help those around us that are less fortunate. If we, as Americans, do not step up to UNIFYING all Americans in this fight, then we will be CONQUERED. Remember the MOTTO: United We Stand: Divided We Fall! That is so very true in this present time, we are living.
I, myself, live by the "Law of Fairness", and I do get abrupt at times. That is because I do not allow illusions and the non breathing, non living, and non human, Corporation or Government (the entity itself is non Human; only the members are Human, and none of them take personal responsibility for any of their actions) to dictate how I should live my life, as I see fit, and do not cause harm or bring damage to anyone else or their property or contracts. If I do bring those damages or harm to anyone, I take responsibility to repair it. Corporations and Governments have no authority to Land Ownership either. Only a Human Being has that inalienable right to Property.
I am looking at running for the Office of Governor of Missouri in 2012 on the Libertarian Ticket. (I am for: Vote All Incumbents Out !) I ask for your support, and if you would like to make donations to this cause, even before I officially register for the campaign, you may send donations to cdavidi2003@myway.com at www.paypal.com. (go to Pay Pal, click on send money to, add that above email address in the box and then send by credit card, debit card, or check) I would use these donations to organize seminars (3-4 hour seminars for introduction to me and points of my agenda), organize staff and supporters for the upcoming battle to be had in Missouri. It is time for the Americans of Missouri to become UNIFIED and take back this great Republic we live in. Let us regain our TRUE Sovereignty and become the leaders of the Free World in the REVOLUTION.
As I said, I live by the "Law of Fairness: and here it is:
The Law of Fairness
Law of Fairness
The core essence of human life is the right of Self-determination. No government, government entity, individual, or group, including religious doctrines has the right to determine how an individual should live his or her life; as long as, the individual’s actions are in accordance with the Law of Fairness and the Laws of Nature. No individual, group, government or government entity has the right or authority to impose their will through the use of deception, threat of deception, threat of force, fraud, coercion, threat of initiated force or initiated force on any individual who has reached the age of reasoning.*
The right of self -determination includes any and all choices that encompass the liberty and freedom of the individual to determine how said individual will procure income, real property, worldly possessions, choice of social compact and happiness; as long as, said individual is abiding by the Law of Fairness and the Laws of Nature.
Stipulation 1: Any individual, group, or government using deception, threat of deception, fraud, coercion, threat of initiated force, or initiatory force upon another individual, group, government, social compact, or their property or contracts is violating the Law of Fairness and such actions are strictly prohibited.
Stipulation 2: Any individual, group, government or government entity not abiding by the Law of Fairness will be subject to corrective measures according to the depth and scope of the infringement as adjudicated by the governing body whose jurisdiction includes the location where the infringement occurred. Use of force is justifiable ONLY in the event of the violation of the Law of Fairness by any individual, group, or government or government entity.
Stipulation 3: There shall be no exceptions to Stipulations 1 and 2.
* Age of Reasoning When an individual believes that he or she has reached the age of reasoning, that individual can formally express his or her intent to pursue his or her right to self-determination within the community, and accept full responsibility for their actions -- under the Law of Fairness. At the moment of the acceptance by the community, the expression will be considered recognized.
Saturday, January 02, 2010
Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life
I know it has been a very long while (over a year as a matter of fact) since I have produced a post, but Boy this last year has been a year to remember. We have just started onto the newest adventure we will ever experience. We are getting closer and closer to the BIG CHANGE that is coming to all of us, and are we really prepared for it? In my opinion, I don't think any of us have an inkling of what to expect. Are we living in the right place in this Universe to survive the Shift Changes that are coming our way?
Some scientists are saying that the Earth's crust is becoming more and more unstable, and by the time 2012 gets here, we will have a major change of environments, for all of us to adapt to. Others are talking about a consciousness enhancement. Then there are some who are saying this is all a BIG Hoax, and we are all being taken in by it. Who do we want to believe in the end?
Myself, I think a combination of events will occur and all of the above points are true.
First, let's get the hoax theory out of the way. I believe we have been hoaxed for the last 3500 years by some very powerful individuals and that power has changed hands many times over those past few years. The hoax has been perpetrated over and over again by each power change, as it occurred. We are literally Slaves to a system that has kept us in that position ever since and possibly even before any recorded history was ever produced. That system is the monetary exchange system.
This very system keeps all of our hands tied to a grindstone and robs all of us of our abilities to advance into a newer and better society. Money only creates scarcity within our society and causes all of us to produce only what those power individuals determine what is necessary. Money is also a scarcity. Nobody ever has enough to really get them by in this life we live, and we all fight tooth and nail to be able to survive.
Abundance, and availability of that abundance, is the only thing that can help to keep EVERYONE, and I mean Everyone, out of the poor house. If everyone produced products in abundance, there would be no need for a system of money to accumulate products from that abundance. That abundance would be spread throughout society equally and not giving anyone a need or want for anything. You see, only the scarcity of products causes everyone to panic and believe that there is not enough to go around, and so they COMPETE against each other, to make sure that they are the ones who acquire that scarce product. (of which, if it was over produced, there is never a scarcity)
Back in the 50's and 60's, right up until the beginning of the 1970's, when the increase in the monetary values of our worth was brought to the forefront, there was not a need in having both parents going out into the world to work their asses off to make sure all of their family survived in the coming years. Families were nurtured and fortified with having one parent in the home to insure a stability within that family. Education was a quality type of education where history was taught, and science, and math were taught, because those staples were what was needed to keep all of us at an even keel and sailing in the right direction.
Abundance was more available with the production of the automobile, trains, homes not made out of mud with dirt floors, everyone grew a garden in order to eat, families raised their own livestock to put food on the table, every able bodied individual either hunted or knew how to use a rifle or gun in order to protect themselves, and everyone knew their neighbor and would come running to help when help was needed.
Today, we are looking at a system that controls our movements, what we eat, what we can say, and whom we can freely talk to. Since the beginnings of the 1970's, I have watched this nation slump down in value with both parents having to go out and find work, the increase in valuation of the same homes we have lived in for years (which caused us to work more, to pay the taxes on these homes), devaluation of businesses and their service to the nation, and an overall separation of the human communication between neighbors.
In 2001, we saw a GREAT NATION brought to its knees following a devastation and a cover up within its ranks, and people too scared to stand up and question why it happened.
Too many people have been snowballed by those in control and have been conditioned to not question what our government does behind closed doors. AND to think, every U.S. President has stated they have an open door policy to communicate what is actually going on.
WHEN is everyone going to wake up to the LIES?
When is everyone going to get up off of their FAT ASSES and do something about it?
When those in control take everything you have earned(?), which is only half of what you are worth?
Law enforcement can not do anything until something is done against a victim and not before. So you have to die or be badly injured before they will protect you? Isn't that putting the cart before the horse? Maybe it is time we protect ourselves then!
The Second item on the agenda is the shifting of the Earth's crust. Scientists have been studying this phenomenon for more years than I have been alive. It has been determined that the core of the Earth is made up of molten material and has been heating up for the past 10,000 or more years. There is a claim that the Earth's crust will rotate and the North and South Poles will end up in a different place than what we have known for most of our lives. Magnetic waves within the Earth have been diminished and is helping to bring about this Shift.
Many scientists have been studying the Sun, the planets, and other stars in order to figure out what the future lays in store for us. The sun is going through more and more eruptions on its surface, and planets have begun starting to heat up also, in the last few thousand years, but we have idiots out in society who are profiting off of the idea that man is creating all this havoc. This is a bunch of Bull-hockey.
Flaw-filled man wouldn't even begin to know where to start to cause this type of havoc ready to be sprung on all of us. Too many people in the population counts? I think this is another huckster idea in the making. Another Profit making, profit sharing idea to bilk people out of their wealth. (not just their monetary wealth, but their intelligent wealth too)
The shifting of the crust of the earth has been an ongoing process and these idiots haven't even lived long enough to realize that fact. Anything to make a profit from, that is their idea of this whole matter. This phenomenon we are getting ready to experience can be the most devastating issue to ever confront us in all of our lives and like I said before, ARE WE READY for that to happen? I really doubt it, because too many of us rely on what the results will be before we even act. By that time things may be too late for us to do very much of anything about it, except to bend over and KISS our own asses goodbye. We are just not prepared to see everything in advance and then counter that by acting soon enough to save ourselves. So what are we waiting for? Why do we not plan our strategies before the BIG EVENT arrives?
Could it be that we don't have a plan ourselves for what we need to do in order to survive in this world we all live in?
When you have to wait on someone else to tell you how to get, or lead you by the hand, to the next step, then you are possibly an invalid, or still in the childlike state to even begin realizing what is needed.
Are we all that naive to believe that we are unable to do anything for ourselves without guidance from some source who is not even remotely connected to us in any way or form?
Or can we, with guidance, learn how to make those decisive steps and not rely on anyone else to help us get there?
This is the third step on the agenda of those who wish to have us know. Enhancing our consciousness to become the person who we are meant to be.
What does enhancing our consciousness entail for us as individuals? First our consciousness is our own, and no one else can force you into believing other than what you already know on your own accord. Many of us have to go through learning processes in order to enhance what we have already learned. In other words, learning is an ongoing, never-ending, process, and we always will be in a school of knowledge that has no ending to ever be seen. So what we do, is, to take everything we learn and try our best to make it more perfect than it was before. Sometimes we have to have outside help to understand how to do this process, and we should be grateful for someone outside our own box, who can see something in a different light than what we see it in.
Consciousness, in the past few hundred years, has been compartmentalized, in that, everything we learn has a certain place, where consciousness must be maintained and not integrated, or may be minimally integrated with other parts of that consciousness.
I like to use a metaphor of a picture puzzle, in a box, to compare our consciousness to. Every piece of our consciousness is like each piece of the puzzle, as it lays inside that box. If we dumped out that box of puzzle pieces and started fitting each piece together we would finally see the picture coming together. The same can be said for our consciousness. If we dumped everything we learned out of our consciousness and laid it out on the table before us and started fitting all of those pieces together, we would start seeing a totally different picture than what those in power provide for us on a daily basis. Nobody else can dump our puzzle boxes out on the table for us. We must do this of our own accord and ability. If it takes us longer to put that puzzle together, SO BE IT! BUT it is up to each and everyone of us to open that box, dump it out, and start putting those pieces together.
Until we can get to that part of the plan, we are just spinning our wheels on the road of life. Once we have our plans made up and our puzzle pieces fitting together to see the picture we have created for our own selves, then we can start fitting that puzzle into the larger puzzle picture of consciousness and connecting to those others, in our lives, and interlocking those pieces together to see an even bigger picture, yet to unfold for us in our future. This puzzle picture is the picture of everyone coming together and participating in the roles we have created for each of us to do.
Our consciousness is still in the infancy stage. In Other words, we don't have a clue as to what we can really do for ourselves or even for others on a Grand Basis. Yet, we are constantly dog paddling to stay afloat in what is an endless sea of chaos, confusions, and embitterment. We are too busy remaining in constant diversions (television programs, Video games, movies, sports, etc.) and not looking at the entire picture to get the focal point of where each of us need to begin our travel to the consciousness we so rightly deserve.
There is so much to learn about our consciousness and the change that may be awaiting us on that final day of prophecy or December 21, 2012. We, ourselves, must prepare for that day, if it really comes to pass, and be ready to accept the change, as it occurs. If we do not prepare ourselves for that change, we may find ourselves being left in the dust behind those others who did prepare, and now we must try to catch back up. Needless to say, the game of catch up is not an easy one to play. Most of the time it requires twice as much work, than if we had predetermined what needed to be done in the first place.
Those who have predicted the change of consciousness has made it quite clear that this change will not be subtle, but will be abrupt. So, for many, a state of confusion and or chaos will be enhanced, if they did not do their diligent homework for that assignment and prepare. Those of us who have done some homework, still, will not be ready for that change as it occurs, because we do not have a full knowledge of what to expect. BUT, we will have an advantage, to the point of being able to be ready for the change as it occurs and can adapt to it with fair ease. Then we can either assist those others to the change, or we can continue on the paths we have chosen for ourselves and move onward towards the positive positions we have created for ourselves and those few others who link to us.
So, Are you ready for the changes that are about to occur? Are you ready to move if need be, to protect yourself and those you love? Can you act in time to become who you were meant to be? Only you have the answers to all of these questions posed before you and no one can help you to know precisely what would apply to you. ARE YOU ON YOUR OWN?
I Hope not!