Sunday, December 28, 2008

Consciousness Vs Unconsciousness

Consciousness versus Unconsciousness

What do these terms mean in the long run, and how do they apply in our everyday life? Consciousness is a term that means to be aware, enlightened, fully conscious of what goes on around us, in our own little world. Unconsciousness, you would think, would be the opposite of consciousness. It is, and it even goes beyond that, for that matter. Unconsciousness is not being aware, disinterested, and blind to modes of operations which happens right under our noses. Many times, many of us just want to be left

A majority of the people have no interest in knowing what is going on around them, and they could care less, as long as it does not involve them. Just leave them to their Nascar, their football games, their television programs, and their video games. Everybody is so engrossed in entertainment. Any distraction from their conditioned environment disrupts their whole system they have set up for themselves. Plus any important information that is presented to them is put on a back burner by some other authority presenting other BULLSHIT information that has nothing to do with anything that would affect those people directly in their

People have been conditioned from the day they were born, to the idea of what those in control preferred the people needed to have. Our conditioning was left up to our parents for them to perceive what was the best things for each of us to acquire. Then once we entered school, our teachers were the ones who told us what to do. Once we graduated from High School, Colleges, or the Universities, then we got more conditioning from our bosses at our stagnant J.O.B.'s (Just Over Broke) and careers. We have done what they told us to do. Besides listening to bosses, parents, and teachers, and doing what they told us to do, we ran into Law Enforcement, Judges, Politicians, Religious Clergy, and Mentors or Gurus who directed us to their agendas. We accepted them as an authority figure, and most of those allowed us to believe, that we did not have brains enough to make our own decisions for ourselves.

Anytime we got into trouble with the Law, we adhered to the POLICIES (PUBLIC SERVANTS follow policies, regulations, and ordinances, and not laws) of police officers, Lawyers, and Judges. They became the direct ruler over each and every one of us. If we had moral or immoral issues to be settled, we ran straight to a member of the Church Clergy, or some psychologist or psychiatrist to bring some semblance into our lives, or to make things, not so hard to live by. We gave them issuance of power for them to have over us. WHY? Because, most of us are too LAZY to get up off of our ASSES and DO anything about our problems. Since when do any of these PUBLIC SERVANTS know exactly what is going on in your mind, except when you give them that knowledge, and then they weave that knowledge into their agenda to keep you under their control.

So, ......... Just for information's sake, keep what you know to yourself, as you can trust only yourself the best. Only impart knowledge to those you trust implicitly, to help look after you. When they default from their helping protection of you and your Values, then you MUST drop them like a "HOT POTATO". If you do not do this, then you have adopted their agenda and not yours, for your life. You then become their SLAVES, to do their bidding, anytime they
TELL you to do something. As long as you follow their advice explicitly, you will have no control over your own life and MUST live how someone else tells you to live. You have become a self-imposed SLAVE to someone else, who makes your decisions for you. You do not have the right to veer away from their system, once you convert to them. (Or so they think!)

Many people impose their own stupidity onto themselves, because of their LAZINESS to even defend themselves, from those who wish to rule over them. People allow laws, ordinances, statutes, and regulations to be built up against them, because they do not want to make decisions on their own. Laws and regulations take Values directly from you, even when they seem to defend you. Go look at the fine print of every law or regulation created for your own "SAFETY" (yeah right, your safety, if you follow their rules, and then don't be too sure you are safe then). There are carefully worded clauses in that fine print that protects those that enforce the Laws from ever having the Law directly affect them, and you can't even prosecute them (except in certain cases when enforcement and Judicial violates Individual Guaranteed Rights, directly or indirectly).

Lawyers have the nifty ability to take control of every individual by twisting the wording of the Law, ordinance, Statute, or regulation to their advantage, whether they are defending you or not. They cover their own ASS BEFORE they will cover YOUR ASS. So you are Fucked in the long run, if you do not take the initiative to defend your own self, at all times. No Law Enforcement officer has the inherent right to detain you for any reason at any time. When they do detain you, they have directly violated your Guaranteed Right to Privacy, and Freedom of Movement, as is stipulated under Constitutional Law. You do not have to be a lawyer to understand the Law, because our forefathers wanted all of us to be able to understand and defend ourselves under the Law.

Lawyers and their UNION (American BAR {British Accreditation Registry} Association and individual States {this is not the location of the bordered area you live in, mind you} BAR Association.) was created in 1939 as a Corporate official representation for individuals who ask for their help on a voluntary basis, within their businesses. States, in the above parenthesized statement, refers to the governmental regulations (not Laws) placed upon certain organizations, and not wholly on individuals, but they like to twist the meaning around to that direction. When you are so naive to allow this to occur then you have just become a SLAVE to their system or mode of operation.

To follow someone else in their ideas or agendas, many people use an unconscious mode of operation, where they NEED Someone to Tell them what to do, where to go, and how to get there. An unconscious minded individual (notice, I am carefully wording this) does not think for themselves, when it comes to making pertinent decisions about everyday life. They leave it up to someone else to make that decision for them. So they give up their own authority and hand it to someone else to take control of how they live their lives. Many are naive about how to make a decision that will affect what they would have to do for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, most of these individuals would have to be left behind in the learning process and have to catch back up once they learn from the "School of Hard Knocks". (provided, it isn't already too late for them by then!)

Conscious individuals do not let others decide what is best for them. They will go out and create an environment which is most beneficial and prosperous for them and for those around them. They learn to protect themselves in the most efficient ways and to keep progressing forward in their endeavors. They do not let outside FAKE authorities try to take away their livelihood. They know that their authority comes from within themselves and not from the others, who think they are the authority for mankind. They also know that they are the only ones who can make themselves improve their conditions, and they follow through on that path. They let no one deter them from their goals and defend their pathways by any means available, including EXTREME FORCE if anyone uses FORCE against them. That is SELF DEFENSE in all reality.

No one, not even government politicos, have the authority or the right to take any of your rights to LIFE, LIBERTY, or PURSUIT of HAPPINESS, at any time. If they do force you to relinquish those rights then they are liable for prosecution of a treasonous act under Constitutional Law. All political employees are nothing more than the SLAVES to the Sovereign People who are the real Government in this Land. Any PUBLIC SERVANT, even Law Enforcement, are Subservient to the PEOPLE and MUST follow the people's orders, when given. In other words, they are owned by the people, and once people wake to that realization, then there will be HELL to be PAID.

So all of you out in society, who don't give a DAMN about your government, would rather play your stagnated Video Games, listen to your loud metronomic music which keeps you hypnotized from seeing the reality to its fullest, and all you armchair quarterbacks, boxers, and the like, you just keep doing what you are doing and get the shaft in the end when they come for YOU to be their SLAVES. What you get is what you deserve, because you could not even wake up, to the fact, that you are being had by a smooth talking con artist, who promises to give you, for free, what you had already paid for in the END. You will be chained to that never-ending blast of torment and rancid meal, which will be thrown out to you to feast on.

All OTHERS? Get up off of your ASSES and get started doing something, whether it is right or wrong, and learn what you need to do to survive, because no one else will do it for you. YOU are the only one who will make a difference in your life FIRST, and then you will find the others who will be there to help you along in your learning. You MUST make the first move or else your tries will all be in vain!