Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Zeitgeist or Your Final DOOM!

ZEITGEIST and You, the Spineless Idiot!

Are you ready for the Armageddon headed directly for YOU? What have you done to prepare yourself for your self annihilation?

Most people bury their heads in the sand and hope things will get better. Well, get ready people, you have just fell for the oldest DECEPTION TRICK in the book ever written.

Who controls your life?


WRONG, and I will prove it!

Civilizations have been in existence for over 15,000 years and has been documented, either by Hieroglyphics or by the written word (which was created only 3500 years ago, maximum). People have always had leaders to guide, make decisions for them, and to control them for eons. Even to this very day, people, nowadays, literally DEPEND on someone else to make decisions for them, and follow their direction to a "T". Why? Because they do not know any better or are outright STUPID. Are you among any of these so-called people of this type of civilization? I believe you are, and you have been DUPED constantly, even to this day by those who wish to control all of us by any means possible.

Who are these people who wish to control us? Well, let's go back 15,000 years to the beginnings of recorded history. People elected leaders to be their total guidance and then were loyal to the decisions that these LEADERS made for all of them, whether it was right or wrong for all the others. How did these LEADERS support their power over the people? They appointed lieutenants, generals, or closely guarded associates, who would follow their directions without question. Further support of these LEADERS required the followers to contribute alms or materialistic items of VALUE to this Leader for proof of their allegiance to him. Any defiance of allegiance or loyalty could and usually did result in exile, death, or incorporated organized slavery of the individual and his immediate family.

As time went on, VALUE emerged from materialistic privately owned items of Value into something more able to be handled and kept in protective custody of the elected LEADERS of the time. Child custody, slavery, and ownership of personal family articles , whether directly or indirectly, soon became the normal activity of Leadership societies. Members of the local society, following those other leadership societies, accepted this as a Standard Operating Practice (SOP) and continued to be coerced into giving up more and more of their personal materialistic gains and liberties, to think they hopefully remained to be free to live a life which would be a happy situation, not only for them but also for all others.

Evolution of control over all people graduated into the thinking of creating an organization which would be able to DUPE the people even more. So, Leadership societies created a group under the guise of Religion by having others within their society to infiltrate the familial system of the people, to comfort them, to gain their trust, and bring them within another organized belief system, which people thought could save them from the oppression of the Leadership.

Bishops or religious leaders, as they were called at the time, gained the trust in the people by having the people believe that someone more powerful could save them from the oppression they were living under at the time. Religious leaders promised people the ability to have a life of eternal bliss by believing in a convoluted and irreversible belief system that the people had already known of and believed wholeheartedly in and that was the paganistic, earth magic belief system that the people could literally make happen for themselves without intervention of the Leaders of their time. Once the religious leaders DUPED the people into believing in their magic or fantasy, people found it hard to walk away from that belief, because of being forced or coerced into believing that they were doomed for walking away.

As time went by (for over a 1,000 years and up to 3,500 years), religious leaders and societal leaders conspired with a newly created writing system of showing and reading to the people a record of their hidden agenda, but without telling them what that agenda was in the first place. In all reality, their hidden agenda was the continued control of all the people who still followed them and to eliminate all those who refused. People were kept illiterate so that societal and religious leaders could maintain their control. Illiteracy was maintained amongst the the people, right up until a little over 100 years ago. (back in the 1800's and even the 1700's)

Government and Religious leaders have continually conspired to keep the people in the Dark for over 2,500 years and still do so even today. People have been conditioned to believe that if they walk away from religion, that they will be DOOMED for an eternity from having an eternally happy existence ever. So people, even today, follow the tenets, the laws, the guidance, the coercions, and the force exerted on them. Many people have no idea of what they want in their lives or even how to get it. So, they follow the direction of others who claim to be experts in the fields they are interested and sometimes get DUPED again by those experts. Mainly because those experts want to deceive others into believing in something of hope, but will benefit the experts and not so much the ones seeking that advice, many people blindly follow what they are told, without doing any investigation of their own, into those opportunities presented to them.

Government, experts of opportunity, religious leaders, and anyone else in the mood of controlling others, will lie to get their points across or use deception to make others to believe they are the right ones. We have been seeing this recently in the issues of September 11th of 2001, the election processes, the election campaigns, (the smearing of the like factions working for the same goal) the religious manifestations, and the direct manipulations of creating WARS, so others will fear the supposed final outcome if WAR or not following the edicts, laws, and beliefs of the leaders, was not incorporated.

As long as the people who think they are free continue to live in a Democratic (fittest of the "FIT" = "Divide and Conquer Syndrome") society and close their minds to thinking freely for themselves, then everyone will be affected in such a way as to bring the Slavery of the People into fruition. Besides thinking freely, thinking MUST be followed up with ACTION to bring about the FREEDOM, we all seek. Until that happens, then we are all doomed to failure and slavery, to those who wish to control us. Those slaves even include the enforcers who work directly for those controllers.

Who are these people who wish to control all of society and eliminate those who do not conform? What is the one thing that all of society covet or wish they had the most of and could keep and protect for themselves? Nothing else more than "MONEY" !!! So, who really controls the money, the value of it, and all the valuable items associated with it? Who else but Bankers, but most importantly, those bankers who have the most to lose by having people wake up to their libelous and slanderous actions, words, and deceptions they have been promoting to all of the World. Too many of the people of the World depend on "MONEY" to bail them out of all their troubles. Banks depend on people to NEED to have money for prestige, to buy their fantasy wants, and to maintain their so-called fantasy social status of the life they lead. Banks do not care about your social status, your needs and wants, or even your prestige. So, you remain under their thumb, as long as you believe that the money, THEY CREATE out of thin air, will Free you from oblivion. They have you under their control and do not wish to lose that. So they promise things that they will never fully produce for you.

There is a movie, on the internet, that goes through all the levels of control, coercion, and deception created and maintained by Elitist groups of people who have only one thing in mind, and that is total control of the whole world, and they have given you that agenda in a book that is called "The Bible". The movie that you need to download and view over and over again until you understand what is going on is "Zeitgeist" the Movie. You can access the movie and watch it online or download it to your computer HERE! (<- click!) It is a 2 hour movie and most would think it is an absurd and silly movie, but open your mind to the possibility of it being correct, and investigate the issues brought out in the documentary. Once you can verify some, to most, to all of the information contained in the movie, then it is possible that all control can be broken, if and only if, people take ACTION to follow up on their thinking process that will possibly be released within their own minds.