NEO-TECH Vs. Corruption
Corruption in society today is prevalent everywhere. No matter where you look, you will find it, exercising and flexing its virtual muscle all around us, as it traverses amongst us. Let's look at what defines corruption first.
Corruption is the deception, Lies, flexing political, corporate, and elitist muscle (coercion?), and controlling what everyone does, says, and thinks (possibly through "Threats of Force": followed by physical Force?). Each and everyone of us flexes some of our corruptive muscle each time we voice an opinion, and THEN, do our honest or dishonest best to "FORCE" everyone else to accept our opinion as theirs (how about the "Booze Talk" followed up by a fight in many bars?). Much of the time, this requires continual pressure and coercion to establish our opinion as societal or social acceptance (Government uses this method daily). Doesn't this bring us around to the "Socialistic Government" ideals that those in power are now trying to instill on our society even today? Boy, have they conditioned, many to most of, us to follow their leads.
Government is a primary example of "Socialistic Change" being brought to the people of this country. Government WILL create a problem, Offer a solution to the problem, and then exercise their "Might" by Enforcing the solution onto an unsuspecting society. When we as a "Free Society" sit idly by and allow those in supposedly high positions of power (we have literally given this "Power" to these individuals) to operate and get away with controlling actions, speech, and intelligent thinking of the general population at large, then maybe we deserve the consequences we have allowed ourselves to be put into.
Government Politicians and Leaders have pretty much put everyone who is not in their "Clique" to be classified into a lower "Class" of society or "Caste", if you will. Many in positions of "Elected Power", elicit their "Class of Power" as Superior to all others who follow, and then follow that up by passing Public Laws (USPL) and hiding illicit opinions and ideals within the written word of the Law. Many Congressmen and Senators hope that you (the public "Sheeple") do not read those laws, before being ratified by Congress or the Senate. This way, their "Loopholes" are all set up so they can squirm out of the major portions of the "Law" they really "WANT" you to read. (and YOU, the "Sheeple" wonder why those politicians will do nothing for the rest of us!) The politicians have literally covered their own A$$es so they can continue to CREATE their society, in which they wish for YOU to live. YOU, the "Sheeple" have literally allowed them to get away with doing this and now the Ball is in your court. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
Government is not the only area where "Corruption" resides either. Corruption resides at the higher levels of Religion, Corporate America, and even to the point of residing with Private Citizen America, too. How does it enter into our own private lives as "Citizens"? Mainly through the method of "Conditioning" by those "Higher Power Authorities", that we all look up to. These "Higher Power Authorities" have instilled "Their Moral" issues of living upon all of us, and we accept them as fact. When in fact, our own "Moral Authority" as individuals, have many times more power than theirs. BUT, we, the people, do not think far enough ahead for our own selves and rely on someone else to give us direction on what to do next.
So what does Neo-Tech have to do about eliminating Corruption? Neo-Tech is nothing more than a Philosophy, as such, to allow anyone to become more self-sufficient in their own lives. Neo-Tech does not subscribe to the issues of having outside or external authorities telling us what we can or should do for our lives, as we live them. The Philosophy of Neo-Tech creates an environment, where anyone can make their own decisions about anything that comes before them and to not have to seek the approval or advice from someone else, especially if that someone could possibly have any control over the life you live, day by day.
Neo_tech or New Technology (NT) is a Philosophy and personal Created Lifestyle that deals directly with pure honesty and dedication of living a life that is beneficial to oneself and to others around them. NT, when used effectively and consistently, allows those that follow that Philosophy to recognize the Coercion, use of Deceptiveness, and Force against society as an EVIL Entity that must be dealt with openly and directly in a defensive mode of operation. Besides dealing with problems up front and direct, NT allows everyone to dismiss the authorities that have nothing to do with our personal private lives.
Needless to say, NT Philosophy requires a "complete mindset change" within your life, so that it can be an effective tool or method to alleviate the problems and adversities each and every one of us MUST deal with on a Face to Face daily basis. Until a person can recondition their minds into this mindset, then all problems will continue to be a hindrance to each and every one of our lives as we live them.
Most people, who have started into the NT Philosophical Mindset, have become discouraged and deceptively manipulated, not so much by the Publishers of the Philosophy (NTP) but more by the societal opinions of others who are TOO Comfortable (LAZY?) in the lifestyle that they now live (many are too lazy to do anything other than what the deceptive Educational Government Systems have conditioned people into living), that they complain about and abhor real change that is proposed to them. So those NT Students tend to drop out of a beneficial System of Philosophy for the Philosophy of "Good of Society", which is nothing more than the Socialistic Philosophy of the Government we have in position now.
Many, who participate in the NT Philosophy, are not ready to understand and accept the changes proposed under the guidance of this System. They have been conditioned for many years or conditioned through the defunct educational system, now in effect, that their views are and remain distorted, to not recognize what is actually going on around them, right under their own noses. Conditioning by any outside source (ie: Government, Education, etc.), will not allow a person to see the facts happening right before them, because it has made them think that this is a natural action for society. NT tends to allow people to breakdown this mentality to be able to see the actual facts as they happen and not be "Duped", so to speak.
With the Basic explanation between the Forces of NT and the Forces of Corruption, which type of System would you be more compelled to accept?