Consciousness versus Unconsciousness
What do these terms mean in the long run, and how do they apply in our everyday life? Consciousness is a term that means to be aware, enlightened, fully conscious of what goes on around us, in our own little world. Unconsciousness, you would think, would be the opposite of consciousness. It is, and it even goes beyond that, for that matter. Unconsciousness is not being aware, disinterested, and blind to modes of operations which happens right under our noses. Many times, many of us just want to be left
A majority of the people have no interest in knowing what is going on around them, and they could care less, as long as it does not involve them. Just leave them to their Nascar, their football games, their television programs, and their video games. Everybody is so engrossed in entertainment. Any distraction from their conditioned environment disrupts their whole system they have set up for themselves. Plus any important information that is presented to them is put on a back burner by some other authority presenting other BULLSHIT information that has nothing to do with anything that would affect those people directly in their
People have been conditioned from the day they were born, to the idea of what those in control preferred the people needed to have. Our conditioning was left up to our parents for them to perceive what was the best things for each of us to acquire. Then once we entered school, our teachers were the ones who told us what to do. Once we graduated from High School, Colleges, or the Universities, then we got more conditioning from our bosses at our stagnant J.O.B.'s (Just Over Broke) and careers. We have done what they told us to do. Besides listening to bosses, parents, and teachers, and doing what they told us to do, we ran into Law Enforcement, Judges, Politicians, Religious Clergy, and Mentors or Gurus who directed us to their agendas. We accepted them as an authority figure, and most of those allowed us to believe, that we did not have brains enough to make our own decisions for ourselves.
Anytime we got into trouble with the Law, we adhered to the POLICIES (PUBLIC SERVANTS follow policies, regulations, and ordinances, and not laws) of police officers, Lawyers, and Judges. They became the direct ruler over each and every one of us. If we had moral or immoral issues to be settled, we ran straight to a member of the Church Clergy, or some psychologist or psychiatrist to bring some semblance into our lives, or to make things, not so hard to live by. We gave them issuance of power for them to have over us. WHY? Because, most of us are too LAZY to get up off of our ASSES and DO anything about our problems. Since when do any of these PUBLIC SERVANTS know exactly what is going on in your mind, except when you give them that knowledge, and then they weave that knowledge into their agenda to keep you under their control.
So, ......... Just for information's sake, keep what you know to yourself, as you can trust only yourself the best. Only impart knowledge to those you trust implicitly, to help look after you. When they default from their helping protection of you and your Values, then you MUST drop them like a "HOT POTATO". If you do not do this, then you have adopted their agenda and not yours, for your life. You then become their SLAVES, to do their bidding, anytime they TELL you to do something. As long as you follow their advice explicitly, you will have no control over your own life and MUST live how someone else tells you to live. You have become a self-imposed SLAVE to someone else, who makes your decisions for you. You do not have the right to veer away from their system, once you convert to them. (Or so they think!)
Many people impose their own stupidity onto themselves, because of their LAZINESS to even defend themselves, from those who wish to rule over them. People allow laws, ordinances, statutes, and regulations to be built up against them, because they do not want to make decisions on their own. Laws and regulations take Values directly from you, even when they seem to defend you. Go look at the fine print of every law or regulation created for your own "SAFETY" (yeah right, your safety, if you follow their rules, and then don't be too sure you are safe then). There are carefully worded clauses in that fine print that protects those that enforce the Laws from ever having the Law directly affect them, and you can't even prosecute them (except in certain cases when enforcement and Judicial violates Individual Guaranteed Rights, directly or indirectly).
Lawyers have the nifty ability to take control of every individual by twisting the wording of the Law, ordinance, Statute, or regulation to their advantage, whether they are defending you or not. They cover their own ASS BEFORE they will cover YOUR ASS. So you are Fucked in the long run, if you do not take the initiative to defend your own self, at all times. No Law Enforcement officer has the inherent right to detain you for any reason at any time. When they do detain you, they have directly violated your Guaranteed Right to Privacy, and Freedom of Movement, as is stipulated under Constitutional Law. You do not have to be a lawyer to understand the Law, because our forefathers wanted all of us to be able to understand and defend ourselves under the Law.
Lawyers and their UNION (American BAR {British Accreditation Registry} Association and individual States {this is not the location of the bordered area you live in, mind you} BAR Association.) was created in 1939 as a Corporate official representation for individuals who ask for their help on a voluntary basis, within their businesses. States, in the above parenthesized statement, refers to the governmental regulations (not Laws) placed upon certain organizations, and not wholly on individuals, but they like to twist the meaning around to that direction. When you are so naive to allow this to occur then you have just become a SLAVE to their system or mode of operation.
To follow someone else in their ideas or agendas, many people use an unconscious mode of operation, where they NEED Someone to Tell them what to do, where to go, and how to get there. An unconscious minded individual (notice, I am carefully wording this) does not think for themselves, when it comes to making pertinent decisions about everyday life. They leave it up to someone else to make that decision for them. So they give up their own authority and hand it to someone else to take control of how they live their lives. Many are naive about how to make a decision that will affect what they would have to do for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, most of these individuals would have to be left behind in the learning process and have to catch back up once they learn from the "School of Hard Knocks". (provided, it isn't already too late for them by then!)
Conscious individuals do not let others decide what is best for them. They will go out and create an environment which is most beneficial and prosperous for them and for those around them. They learn to protect themselves in the most efficient ways and to keep progressing forward in their endeavors. They do not let outside FAKE authorities try to take away their livelihood. They know that their authority comes from within themselves and not from the others, who think they are the authority for mankind. They also know that they are the only ones who can make themselves improve their conditions, and they follow through on that path. They let no one deter them from their goals and defend their pathways by any means available, including EXTREME FORCE if anyone uses FORCE against them. That is SELF DEFENSE in all reality.
No one, not even government politicos, have the authority or the right to take any of your rights to LIFE, LIBERTY, or PURSUIT of HAPPINESS, at any time. If they do force you to relinquish those rights then they are liable for prosecution of a treasonous act under Constitutional Law. All political employees are nothing more than the SLAVES to the Sovereign People who are the real Government in this Land. Any PUBLIC SERVANT, even Law Enforcement, are Subservient to the PEOPLE and MUST follow the people's orders, when given. In other words, they are owned by the people, and once people wake to that realization, then there will be HELL to be PAID.
So all of you out in society, who don't give a DAMN about your government, would rather play your stagnated Video Games, listen to your loud metronomic music which keeps you hypnotized from seeing the reality to its fullest, and all you armchair quarterbacks, boxers, and the like, you just keep doing what you are doing and get the shaft in the end when they come for YOU to be their SLAVES. What you get is what you deserve, because you could not even wake up, to the fact, that you are being had by a smooth talking con artist, who promises to give you, for free, what you had already paid for in the END. You will be chained to that never-ending blast of torment and rancid meal, which will be thrown out to you to feast on.
All OTHERS? Get up off of your ASSES and get started doing something, whether it is right or wrong, and learn what you need to do to survive, because no one else will do it for you. YOU are the only one who will make a difference in your life FIRST, and then you will find the others who will be there to help you along in your learning. You MUST make the first move or else your tries will all be in vain!
Welcome to my Visionary World! You have entered into the "God-Man" realm of my world!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Integrated Honesty vs Decpetion
Do You Integrate Honesty or Are You Deceptive?
This is the question that must be asked of oneself before that person can and should proceed onward with his/her life.
What, in all reality, is Integrated Honesty? Integrated Honesty is the true emotional and factual use of information for designing your life as you wish to live it. If you live a life as someone else has designed it, then you are not living your life that you want or require.
Too many people, in this and some past societies, are nothing more than .... copycats ..... of someone else. These people do not integrate or think honestly for themselves and follow whatever type of life that celebrities, mentors, and their heroes provide for them to emulate. That is why you tend to see the backward hat wearing clowns, the baggy clothes, and the "Clique" designed fashions that everyone else wants to wear. These followers do not want to be out of "Fashion" or "Fad" of which designers make, coerce them to wear, and "try to stay up-to-date with everyone else. Since when do we need to keep up with the "Joneses", when the the "Joneses" are not the most ideal to emulate?
Some people, who follow these faddish ideals, are either ignorant, lazy, unable to think for themselves, or are all of the above! ...... Are they successes? ....... No! ......... Just a bunch of "Losers" who depend on some0ne else to direct them in their lifestyles, their styles of fashion (Do your mommas dress you?), or their own careers that they work at. These "Losers" are toooooo Lazy to get up off of their BUTTS and do their own integrated or thought out processes of designing their own lifestyles, designing their own fashions, or creating their own careers, which would be more beneficial and made specifically for themselves.
What would I recommend for others to do to integrate their honesty? ...... NOTHING!!!!! ..... Anything, I recommend, just gives anyone else an out so they can continue to follow someone else's lead. Again anyone who follows what someone else recommends, creates, or establishes as a "Fad", is nothing more than a losing bum who can not think for themselves, create a lifestyle, world, or fashion that becomes them, or is just too lazy to do for themselves first and require others to do it for them. ..... I can not read minds. ..... I can not be the one who knows what goes on in your head. ..... I can not design your future for you that would benefit you to the utmost. ..... You are the only one who can do that for yourself, and you are the one who can maintain what you design in that path which is for you and you alone.
Let's talk about deception now. ....... WHAT is Deception? ...... DECEPTION is the hidden meaning, the lie to cover something else up, or it is the idea of maneuvering someone else into believing in something that is unreal. How many of you believe in God? ...... Who is God? ........ Is he that invisible man in the sky (as George Carlin, the comedian, describes him) who looks out for each and everyone of us? ..... Who told you that? ..... Do you know this for a fact? I think you have been deceived really. Have you actually done some integrated thinking about this subject, or have you taken what someone else has told you, as a FACT? I do believe in God, but he is not the same God as YOU think he is. Yes God is a he! and Yes God is also a she! I suggest you do your own investigation into this subject and quit depending on someone else's word as being true Integrated Honesty.
Other deceptions that most of us accept is: ..... our government officials will bail us all out of our problems we face in this country, ...... paper money is legal tender according to law, ..... 9-11 was not an Inside Job, ..... our government officials do not make or enforce laws in regards to religion, our unalienable rights, and will not undermine the Sovereign people of this country.
Let's now dispell with the deceptions as they are mentioned above.
First: Our government officials will bail us out of our problems that we now face in this country today. This is a fallacy. They (our elected officials) put us, the lower class of people, (so they believe) into this problem in the first place and are immune to the complexities they have instilled onto us. These officials draw money and votes from lobbyists to maintain their status in the Congresses and Senates. They do not pay into Social Security. They also deceive the public into paying for their extravagant vacations, parties, and events most of them attend. If you look close enough at the laws they pass, the fine print excludes them from ever being involved in the allegories extended to all the rest of us in the lower class. Do you think they even pay taxes to pay themselves for their jobs? That is a highly unlikely idea. Paper trails are drawn up to deceive the public into believing, that they do pay taxes.
Besides, where is the law saying that "Legalese" is an official language of the United States? Plain English is used in any of the laws are made, (and to be defined by an English based Dictionary) with vague references within, to allow others (lawyers and judges and mediators) to use them to advantage over those who do not want to do the investigations into those matters. So their (lawyers and judges) deceptions continue to control the people and force them to believe that is what the law really says, when it really doesn't ......... say that!
Second: Paper money is legal tender of the United States. Where is the law in the US Constitution that says that? Paper money was created as a leverage by and for the Federal Reserve (an international Corporation, called The FED from here on out) to use as bank loan collateral. Then The Fed created another international corporation (the Internal Revenue Service {IRS}) to be the collection agency for overdue loans. The IRS uses racketeering actions to enforce their collection processes, which is illegal in this country at all costs. US Sovereign Citizens (US born and naturalized Citizens) have the power to destroy the IRS and The Fed, if only the Citizens would grow "BALLS" to meet the FEDS head on. BUT, The Fed and IRS have deceived the citizenship of believing in that deception, that they have immune power over the people, which The Fed and IRS do not have, ..... initially.
Third: 9-11 was not an Inside Job. ........ Was it? ...... Why have 5 Arabic citizens, who were thought to be terrorists and on the planes, turned up in their home countries and deny having any involvement in the terrorist acts committed upon us in this country. ...... How can the FEDS get blood DNA samples from dead bodies, if high tensity metals (titanium) liquified in the crashes? ...... Something really fishy here! ...... No deception involved here? Then you had better take the blinders away from your eyes and do your own investigations yourself. Besides, if an aircraft had crashed into the Pentagon, where is the recorded film from the security cameras that would prove that? (they were confiscated by the FBI, is where they went)
Lastly: Our government officials do not make or enforce laws: against religion, against our unalienable (God Given Rights, not able to be taken away) rights, and attempt to undermine the Constitutional Government of the Sovereignty of the people. Lets take some examples of how government and its officials HAS and HAD made and enforced laws to do some of these things mentioned.
Let's take the Mormon religion, for instance. ..... The Mormon religion had within its tenets that they could participate in polygamy, and the US Government (elected officials) made a law making it illegal for the people to marry into anything outside of a monogamous relationship. This was enforced in the late 1800's and early 1900's, with the Mormon Religion having to change its tenets according to Laws made by the US Congress and Senate against religion. Amendment I of the US Constitution forbids the Government to make ANY laws regarding religion or religious beliefs. Again, this action was taken just currently with the removing the children of the Mormon faction away from their parents. This is an action that directly jeopardizes the Sovereignty of the American Family Values System, installed and maintained by families personally. This action also directly affects the maintenance of religious organizations nationwide. .......... And Laws made by our elected officials governing Religion is unconstitutional!
Our rights have been undermined in all courts of law and by Congressional Law by the passage of the USA PATRIOT ACT of 2001. Not only does the Courts violate unalienable rights of the sovereignty, but so do the law enforcement organizations nationwide. Police Force units, all across the country, use force, threats of force, coercion, and deception against the Citizens of the US on a daily basis. Sovereign Citizens are forced to comply to laws, whether lawful or not, by the use of guns, Tasers (which can be modified to be lethal by law enforcement offices), night sticks, and K9 trained (or military trained and controlled {this idea came from the Nazi era of East Germany}) dogs.
In all essence, all elected and appointed government officials are under the control and orders of the Sovereignty (or the people of the US), but these officials have taken the law out of context and use the law against the citizens themselves, and instituting a Martial Law on the Citizenry. It is the responsibility of the Sovereign Citizenry to take back control of the country through the use of the implementation of Article 6 of the US Constitution, which states that if any Citizens Rights are violated, that Constitutional Law can be declared Supreme Law of the Land and all other laws become null and void. Courts are not the only one that can implement this Article (Article 6 of US Constitution), as the Sovereignty has the final word for judgment, via context of Constitutional Law and all paragraphs contained within it. (all you have to do is read and understand the law, using English based dictionary help to define terms used within the law).
So Are You using Integrated Honesty (thinking) or Are you being Deceived or Deceptive?
This is the question that must be asked of oneself before that person can and should proceed onward with his/her life.
What, in all reality, is Integrated Honesty? Integrated Honesty is the true emotional and factual use of information for designing your life as you wish to live it. If you live a life as someone else has designed it, then you are not living your life that you want or require.
Too many people, in this and some past societies, are nothing more than .... copycats ..... of someone else. These people do not integrate or think honestly for themselves and follow whatever type of life that celebrities, mentors, and their heroes provide for them to emulate. That is why you tend to see the backward hat wearing clowns, the baggy clothes, and the "Clique" designed fashions that everyone else wants to wear. These followers do not want to be out of "Fashion" or "Fad" of which designers make, coerce them to wear, and "try to stay up-to-date with everyone else. Since when do we need to keep up with the "Joneses", when the the "Joneses" are not the most ideal to emulate?
Some people, who follow these faddish ideals, are either ignorant, lazy, unable to think for themselves, or are all of the above! ...... Are they successes? ....... No! ......... Just a bunch of "Losers" who depend on some0ne else to direct them in their lifestyles, their styles of fashion (Do your mommas dress you?), or their own careers that they work at. These "Losers" are toooooo Lazy to get up off of their BUTTS and do their own integrated or thought out processes of designing their own lifestyles, designing their own fashions, or creating their own careers, which would be more beneficial and made specifically for themselves.
What would I recommend for others to do to integrate their honesty? ...... NOTHING!!!!! ..... Anything, I recommend, just gives anyone else an out so they can continue to follow someone else's lead. Again anyone who follows what someone else recommends, creates, or establishes as a "Fad", is nothing more than a losing bum who can not think for themselves, create a lifestyle, world, or fashion that becomes them, or is just too lazy to do for themselves first and require others to do it for them. ..... I can not read minds. ..... I can not be the one who knows what goes on in your head. ..... I can not design your future for you that would benefit you to the utmost. ..... You are the only one who can do that for yourself, and you are the one who can maintain what you design in that path which is for you and you alone.
Let's talk about deception now. ....... WHAT is Deception? ...... DECEPTION is the hidden meaning, the lie to cover something else up, or it is the idea of maneuvering someone else into believing in something that is unreal. How many of you believe in God? ...... Who is God? ........ Is he that invisible man in the sky (as George Carlin, the comedian, describes him) who looks out for each and everyone of us? ..... Who told you that? ..... Do you know this for a fact? I think you have been deceived really. Have you actually done some integrated thinking about this subject, or have you taken what someone else has told you, as a FACT? I do believe in God, but he is not the same God as YOU think he is. Yes God is a he! and Yes God is also a she! I suggest you do your own investigation into this subject and quit depending on someone else's word as being true Integrated Honesty.
Other deceptions that most of us accept is: ..... our government officials will bail us all out of our problems we face in this country, ...... paper money is legal tender according to law, ..... 9-11 was not an Inside Job, ..... our government officials do not make or enforce laws in regards to religion, our unalienable rights, and will not undermine the Sovereign people of this country.
Let's now dispell with the deceptions as they are mentioned above.
First: Our government officials will bail us out of our problems that we now face in this country today. This is a fallacy. They (our elected officials) put us, the lower class of people, (so they believe) into this problem in the first place and are immune to the complexities they have instilled onto us. These officials draw money and votes from lobbyists to maintain their status in the Congresses and Senates. They do not pay into Social Security. They also deceive the public into paying for their extravagant vacations, parties, and events most of them attend. If you look close enough at the laws they pass, the fine print excludes them from ever being involved in the allegories extended to all the rest of us in the lower class. Do you think they even pay taxes to pay themselves for their jobs? That is a highly unlikely idea. Paper trails are drawn up to deceive the public into believing, that they do pay taxes.
Besides, where is the law saying that "Legalese" is an official language of the United States? Plain English is used in any of the laws are made, (and to be defined by an English based Dictionary) with vague references within, to allow others (lawyers and judges and mediators) to use them to advantage over those who do not want to do the investigations into those matters. So their (lawyers and judges) deceptions continue to control the people and force them to believe that is what the law really says, when it really doesn't ......... say that!
Second: Paper money is legal tender of the United States. Where is the law in the US Constitution that says that? Paper money was created as a leverage by and for the Federal Reserve (an international Corporation, called The FED from here on out) to use as bank loan collateral. Then The Fed created another international corporation (the Internal Revenue Service {IRS}) to be the collection agency for overdue loans. The IRS uses racketeering actions to enforce their collection processes, which is illegal in this country at all costs. US Sovereign Citizens (US born and naturalized Citizens) have the power to destroy the IRS and The Fed, if only the Citizens would grow "BALLS" to meet the FEDS head on. BUT, The Fed and IRS have deceived the citizenship of believing in that deception, that they have immune power over the people, which The Fed and IRS do not have, ..... initially.
Third: 9-11 was not an Inside Job. ........ Was it? ...... Why have 5 Arabic citizens, who were thought to be terrorists and on the planes, turned up in their home countries and deny having any involvement in the terrorist acts committed upon us in this country. ...... How can the FEDS get blood DNA samples from dead bodies, if high tensity metals (titanium) liquified in the crashes? ...... Something really fishy here! ...... No deception involved here? Then you had better take the blinders away from your eyes and do your own investigations yourself. Besides, if an aircraft had crashed into the Pentagon, where is the recorded film from the security cameras that would prove that? (they were confiscated by the FBI, is where they went)
Lastly: Our government officials do not make or enforce laws: against religion, against our unalienable (God Given Rights, not able to be taken away) rights, and attempt to undermine the Constitutional Government of the Sovereignty of the people. Lets take some examples of how government and its officials HAS and HAD made and enforced laws to do some of these things mentioned.
Let's take the Mormon religion, for instance. ..... The Mormon religion had within its tenets that they could participate in polygamy, and the US Government (elected officials) made a law making it illegal for the people to marry into anything outside of a monogamous relationship. This was enforced in the late 1800's and early 1900's, with the Mormon Religion having to change its tenets according to Laws made by the US Congress and Senate against religion. Amendment I of the US Constitution forbids the Government to make ANY laws regarding religion or religious beliefs. Again, this action was taken just currently with the removing the children of the Mormon faction away from their parents. This is an action that directly jeopardizes the Sovereignty of the American Family Values System, installed and maintained by families personally. This action also directly affects the maintenance of religious organizations nationwide. .......... And Laws made by our elected officials governing Religion is unconstitutional!
Our rights have been undermined in all courts of law and by Congressional Law by the passage of the USA PATRIOT ACT of 2001. Not only does the Courts violate unalienable rights of the sovereignty, but so do the law enforcement organizations nationwide. Police Force units, all across the country, use force, threats of force, coercion, and deception against the Citizens of the US on a daily basis. Sovereign Citizens are forced to comply to laws, whether lawful or not, by the use of guns, Tasers (which can be modified to be lethal by law enforcement offices), night sticks, and K9 trained (or military trained and controlled {this idea came from the Nazi era of East Germany}) dogs.
In all essence, all elected and appointed government officials are under the control and orders of the Sovereignty (or the people of the US), but these officials have taken the law out of context and use the law against the citizens themselves, and instituting a Martial Law on the Citizenry. It is the responsibility of the Sovereign Citizenry to take back control of the country through the use of the implementation of Article 6 of the US Constitution, which states that if any Citizens Rights are violated, that Constitutional Law can be declared Supreme Law of the Land and all other laws become null and void. Courts are not the only one that can implement this Article (Article 6 of US Constitution), as the Sovereignty has the final word for judgment, via context of Constitutional Law and all paragraphs contained within it. (all you have to do is read and understand the law, using English based dictionary help to define terms used within the law).
So Are You using Integrated Honesty (thinking) or Are you being Deceived or Deceptive?
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Zeitgeist or Your Final DOOM!
ZEITGEIST and You, the Spineless Idiot!
Are you ready for the Armageddon headed directly for YOU? What have you done to prepare yourself for your self annihilation?
Most people bury their heads in the sand and hope things will get better. Well, get ready people, you have just fell for the oldest DECEPTION TRICK in the book ever written.
Who controls your life?
WRONG, and I will prove it!
Civilizations have been in existence for over 15,000 years and has been documented, either by Hieroglyphics or by the written word (which was created only 3500 years ago, maximum). People have always had leaders to guide, make decisions for them, and to control them for eons. Even to this very day, people, nowadays, literally DEPEND on someone else to make decisions for them, and follow their direction to a "T". Why? Because they do not know any better or are outright STUPID. Are you among any of these so-called people of this type of civilization? I believe you are, and you have been DUPED constantly, even to this day by those who wish to control all of us by any means possible.
Who are these people who wish to control us? Well, let's go back 15,000 years to the beginnings of recorded history. People elected leaders to be their total guidance and then were loyal to the decisions that these LEADERS made for all of them, whether it was right or wrong for all the others. How did these LEADERS support their power over the people? They appointed lieutenants, generals, or closely guarded associates, who would follow their directions without question. Further support of these LEADERS required the followers to contribute alms or materialistic items of VALUE to this Leader for proof of their allegiance to him. Any defiance of allegiance or loyalty could and usually did result in exile, death, or incorporated organized slavery of the individual and his immediate family.
As time went on, VALUE emerged from materialistic privately owned items of Value into something more able to be handled and kept in protective custody of the elected LEADERS of the time. Child custody, slavery, and ownership of personal family articles , whether directly or indirectly, soon became the normal activity of Leadership societies. Members of the local society, following those other leadership societies, accepted this as a Standard Operating Practice (SOP) and continued to be coerced into giving up more and more of their personal materialistic gains and liberties, to think they hopefully remained to be free to live a life which would be a happy situation, not only for them but also for all others.
Evolution of control over all people graduated into the thinking of creating an organization which would be able to DUPE the people even more. So, Leadership societies created a group under the guise of Religion by having others within their society to infiltrate the familial system of the people, to comfort them, to gain their trust, and bring them within another organized belief system, which people thought could save them from the oppression of the Leadership.
Bishops or religious leaders, as they were called at the time, gained the trust in the people by having the people believe that someone more powerful could save them from the oppression they were living under at the time. Religious leaders promised people the ability to have a life of eternal bliss by believing in a convoluted and irreversible belief system that the people had already known of and believed wholeheartedly in and that was the paganistic, earth magic belief system that the people could literally make happen for themselves without intervention of the Leaders of their time. Once the religious leaders DUPED the people into believing in their magic or fantasy, people found it hard to walk away from that belief, because of being forced or coerced into believing that they were doomed for walking away.
As time went by (for over a 1,000 years and up to 3,500 years), religious leaders and societal leaders conspired with a newly created writing system of showing and reading to the people a record of their hidden agenda, but without telling them what that agenda was in the first place. In all reality, their hidden agenda was the continued control of all the people who still followed them and to eliminate all those who refused. People were kept illiterate so that societal and religious leaders could maintain their control. Illiteracy was maintained amongst the the people, right up until a little over 100 years ago. (back in the 1800's and even the 1700's)
Government and Religious leaders have continually conspired to keep the people in the Dark for over 2,500 years and still do so even today. People have been conditioned to believe that if they walk away from religion, that they will be DOOMED for an eternity from having an eternally happy existence ever. So people, even today, follow the tenets, the laws, the guidance, the coercions, and the force exerted on them. Many people have no idea of what they want in their lives or even how to get it. So, they follow the direction of others who claim to be experts in the fields they are interested and sometimes get DUPED again by those experts. Mainly because those experts want to deceive others into believing in something of hope, but will benefit the experts and not so much the ones seeking that advice, many people blindly follow what they are told, without doing any investigation of their own, into those opportunities presented to them.
Government, experts of opportunity, religious leaders, and anyone else in the mood of controlling others, will lie to get their points across or use deception to make others to believe they are the right ones. We have been seeing this recently in the issues of September 11th of 2001, the election processes, the election campaigns, (the smearing of the like factions working for the same goal) the religious manifestations, and the direct manipulations of creating WARS, so others will fear the supposed final outcome if WAR or not following the edicts, laws, and beliefs of the leaders, was not incorporated.
As long as the people who think they are free continue to live in a Democratic (fittest of the "FIT" = "Divide and Conquer Syndrome") society and close their minds to thinking freely for themselves, then everyone will be affected in such a way as to bring the Slavery of the People into fruition. Besides thinking freely, thinking MUST be followed up with ACTION to bring about the FREEDOM, we all seek. Until that happens, then we are all doomed to failure and slavery, to those who wish to control us. Those slaves even include the enforcers who work directly for those controllers.
Who are these people who wish to control all of society and eliminate those who do not conform? What is the one thing that all of society covet or wish they had the most of and could keep and protect for themselves? Nothing else more than "MONEY" !!! So, who really controls the money, the value of it, and all the valuable items associated with it? Who else but Bankers, but most importantly, those bankers who have the most to lose by having people wake up to their libelous and slanderous actions, words, and deceptions they have been promoting to all of the World. Too many of the people of the World depend on "MONEY" to bail them out of all their troubles. Banks depend on people to NEED to have money for prestige, to buy their fantasy wants, and to maintain their so-called fantasy social status of the life they lead. Banks do not care about your social status, your needs and wants, or even your prestige. So, you remain under their thumb, as long as you believe that the money, THEY CREATE out of thin air, will Free you from oblivion. They have you under their control and do not wish to lose that. So they promise things that they will never fully produce for you.
There is a movie, on the internet, that goes through all the levels of control, coercion, and deception created and maintained by Elitist groups of people who have only one thing in mind, and that is total control of the whole world, and they have given you that agenda in a book that is called "The Bible". The movie that you need to download and view over and over again until you understand what is going on is "Zeitgeist" the Movie. You can access the movie and watch it online or download it to your computer HERE! (<- click!) It is a 2 hour movie and most would think it is an absurd and silly movie, but open your mind to the possibility of it being correct, and investigate the issues brought out in the documentary. Once you can verify some, to most, to all of the information contained in the movie, then it is possible that all control can be broken, if and only if, people take ACTION to follow up on their thinking process that will possibly be released within their own minds.
Are you ready for the Armageddon headed directly for YOU? What have you done to prepare yourself for your self annihilation?
Most people bury their heads in the sand and hope things will get better. Well, get ready people, you have just fell for the oldest DECEPTION TRICK in the book ever written.
Who controls your life?
WRONG, and I will prove it!
Civilizations have been in existence for over 15,000 years and has been documented, either by Hieroglyphics or by the written word (which was created only 3500 years ago, maximum). People have always had leaders to guide, make decisions for them, and to control them for eons. Even to this very day, people, nowadays, literally DEPEND on someone else to make decisions for them, and follow their direction to a "T". Why? Because they do not know any better or are outright STUPID. Are you among any of these so-called people of this type of civilization? I believe you are, and you have been DUPED constantly, even to this day by those who wish to control all of us by any means possible.
Who are these people who wish to control us? Well, let's go back 15,000 years to the beginnings of recorded history. People elected leaders to be their total guidance and then were loyal to the decisions that these LEADERS made for all of them, whether it was right or wrong for all the others. How did these LEADERS support their power over the people? They appointed lieutenants, generals, or closely guarded associates, who would follow their directions without question. Further support of these LEADERS required the followers to contribute alms or materialistic items of VALUE to this Leader for proof of their allegiance to him. Any defiance of allegiance or loyalty could and usually did result in exile, death, or incorporated organized slavery of the individual and his immediate family.
As time went on, VALUE emerged from materialistic privately owned items of Value into something more able to be handled and kept in protective custody of the elected LEADERS of the time. Child custody, slavery, and ownership of personal family articles , whether directly or indirectly, soon became the normal activity of Leadership societies. Members of the local society, following those other leadership societies, accepted this as a Standard Operating Practice (SOP) and continued to be coerced into giving up more and more of their personal materialistic gains and liberties, to think they hopefully remained to be free to live a life which would be a happy situation, not only for them but also for all others.
Evolution of control over all people graduated into the thinking of creating an organization which would be able to DUPE the people even more. So, Leadership societies created a group under the guise of Religion by having others within their society to infiltrate the familial system of the people, to comfort them, to gain their trust, and bring them within another organized belief system, which people thought could save them from the oppression of the Leadership.
Bishops or religious leaders, as they were called at the time, gained the trust in the people by having the people believe that someone more powerful could save them from the oppression they were living under at the time. Religious leaders promised people the ability to have a life of eternal bliss by believing in a convoluted and irreversible belief system that the people had already known of and believed wholeheartedly in and that was the paganistic, earth magic belief system that the people could literally make happen for themselves without intervention of the Leaders of their time. Once the religious leaders DUPED the people into believing in their magic or fantasy, people found it hard to walk away from that belief, because of being forced or coerced into believing that they were doomed for walking away.
As time went by (for over a 1,000 years and up to 3,500 years), religious leaders and societal leaders conspired with a newly created writing system of showing and reading to the people a record of their hidden agenda, but without telling them what that agenda was in the first place. In all reality, their hidden agenda was the continued control of all the people who still followed them and to eliminate all those who refused. People were kept illiterate so that societal and religious leaders could maintain their control. Illiteracy was maintained amongst the the people, right up until a little over 100 years ago. (back in the 1800's and even the 1700's)
Government and Religious leaders have continually conspired to keep the people in the Dark for over 2,500 years and still do so even today. People have been conditioned to believe that if they walk away from religion, that they will be DOOMED for an eternity from having an eternally happy existence ever. So people, even today, follow the tenets, the laws, the guidance, the coercions, and the force exerted on them. Many people have no idea of what they want in their lives or even how to get it. So, they follow the direction of others who claim to be experts in the fields they are interested and sometimes get DUPED again by those experts. Mainly because those experts want to deceive others into believing in something of hope, but will benefit the experts and not so much the ones seeking that advice, many people blindly follow what they are told, without doing any investigation of their own, into those opportunities presented to them.
Government, experts of opportunity, religious leaders, and anyone else in the mood of controlling others, will lie to get their points across or use deception to make others to believe they are the right ones. We have been seeing this recently in the issues of September 11th of 2001, the election processes, the election campaigns, (the smearing of the like factions working for the same goal) the religious manifestations, and the direct manipulations of creating WARS, so others will fear the supposed final outcome if WAR or not following the edicts, laws, and beliefs of the leaders, was not incorporated.
As long as the people who think they are free continue to live in a Democratic (fittest of the "FIT" = "Divide and Conquer Syndrome") society and close their minds to thinking freely for themselves, then everyone will be affected in such a way as to bring the Slavery of the People into fruition. Besides thinking freely, thinking MUST be followed up with ACTION to bring about the FREEDOM, we all seek. Until that happens, then we are all doomed to failure and slavery, to those who wish to control us. Those slaves even include the enforcers who work directly for those controllers.
Who are these people who wish to control all of society and eliminate those who do not conform? What is the one thing that all of society covet or wish they had the most of and could keep and protect for themselves? Nothing else more than "MONEY" !!! So, who really controls the money, the value of it, and all the valuable items associated with it? Who else but Bankers, but most importantly, those bankers who have the most to lose by having people wake up to their libelous and slanderous actions, words, and deceptions they have been promoting to all of the World. Too many of the people of the World depend on "MONEY" to bail them out of all their troubles. Banks depend on people to NEED to have money for prestige, to buy their fantasy wants, and to maintain their so-called fantasy social status of the life they lead. Banks do not care about your social status, your needs and wants, or even your prestige. So, you remain under their thumb, as long as you believe that the money, THEY CREATE out of thin air, will Free you from oblivion. They have you under their control and do not wish to lose that. So they promise things that they will never fully produce for you.
There is a movie, on the internet, that goes through all the levels of control, coercion, and deception created and maintained by Elitist groups of people who have only one thing in mind, and that is total control of the whole world, and they have given you that agenda in a book that is called "The Bible". The movie that you need to download and view over and over again until you understand what is going on is "Zeitgeist" the Movie. You can access the movie and watch it online or download it to your computer HERE! (<- click!) It is a 2 hour movie and most would think it is an absurd and silly movie, but open your mind to the possibility of it being correct, and investigate the issues brought out in the documentary. Once you can verify some, to most, to all of the information contained in the movie, then it is possible that all control can be broken, if and only if, people take ACTION to follow up on their thinking process that will possibly be released within their own minds.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
NEO-TECH Vs. Corruption
Corruption in society today is prevalent everywhere. No matter where you look, you will find it, exercising and flexing its virtual muscle all around us, as it traverses amongst us. Let's look at what defines corruption first.
Corruption is the deception, Lies, flexing political, corporate, and elitist muscle (coercion?), and controlling what everyone does, says, and thinks (possibly through "Threats of Force": followed by physical Force?). Each and everyone of us flexes some of our corruptive muscle each time we voice an opinion, and THEN, do our honest or dishonest best to "FORCE" everyone else to accept our opinion as theirs (how about the "Booze Talk" followed up by a fight in many bars?). Much of the time, this requires continual pressure and coercion to establish our opinion as societal or social acceptance (Government uses this method daily). Doesn't this bring us around to the "Socialistic Government" ideals that those in power are now trying to instill on our society even today? Boy, have they conditioned, many to most of, us to follow their leads.
Government is a primary example of "Socialistic Change" being brought to the people of this country. Government WILL create a problem, Offer a solution to the problem, and then exercise their "Might" by Enforcing the solution onto an unsuspecting society. When we as a "Free Society" sit idly by and allow those in supposedly high positions of power (we have literally given this "Power" to these individuals) to operate and get away with controlling actions, speech, and intelligent thinking of the general population at large, then maybe we deserve the consequences we have allowed ourselves to be put into.
Government Politicians and Leaders have pretty much put everyone who is not in their "Clique" to be classified into a lower "Class" of society or "Caste", if you will. Many in positions of "Elected Power", elicit their "Class of Power" as Superior to all others who follow, and then follow that up by passing Public Laws (USPL) and hiding illicit opinions and ideals within the written word of the Law. Many Congressmen and Senators hope that you (the public "Sheeple") do not read those laws, before being ratified by Congress or the Senate. This way, their "Loopholes" are all set up so they can squirm out of the major portions of the "Law" they really "WANT" you to read. (and YOU, the "Sheeple" wonder why those politicians will do nothing for the rest of us!) The politicians have literally covered their own A$$es so they can continue to CREATE their society, in which they wish for YOU to live. YOU, the "Sheeple" have literally allowed them to get away with doing this and now the Ball is in your court. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
Government is not the only area where "Corruption" resides either. Corruption resides at the higher levels of Religion, Corporate America, and even to the point of residing with Private Citizen America, too. How does it enter into our own private lives as "Citizens"? Mainly through the method of "Conditioning" by those "Higher Power Authorities", that we all look up to. These "Higher Power Authorities" have instilled "Their Moral" issues of living upon all of us, and we accept them as fact. When in fact, our own "Moral Authority" as individuals, have many times more power than theirs. BUT, we, the people, do not think far enough ahead for our own selves and rely on someone else to give us direction on what to do next.
So what does Neo-Tech have to do about eliminating Corruption? Neo-Tech is nothing more than a Philosophy, as such, to allow anyone to become more self-sufficient in their own lives. Neo-Tech does not subscribe to the issues of having outside or external authorities telling us what we can or should do for our lives, as we live them. The Philosophy of Neo-Tech creates an environment, where anyone can make their own decisions about anything that comes before them and to not have to seek the approval or advice from someone else, especially if that someone could possibly have any control over the life you live, day by day.
Neo_tech or New Technology (NT) is a Philosophy and personal Created Lifestyle that deals directly with pure honesty and dedication of living a life that is beneficial to oneself and to others around them. NT, when used effectively and consistently, allows those that follow that Philosophy to recognize the Coercion, use of Deceptiveness, and Force against society as an EVIL Entity that must be dealt with openly and directly in a defensive mode of operation. Besides dealing with problems up front and direct, NT allows everyone to dismiss the authorities that have nothing to do with our personal private lives.
Needless to say, NT Philosophy requires a "complete mindset change" within your life, so that it can be an effective tool or method to alleviate the problems and adversities each and every one of us MUST deal with on a Face to Face daily basis. Until a person can recondition their minds into this mindset, then all problems will continue to be a hindrance to each and every one of our lives as we live them.
Most people, who have started into the NT Philosophical Mindset, have become discouraged and deceptively manipulated, not so much by the Publishers of the Philosophy (NTP) but more by the societal opinions of others who are TOO Comfortable (LAZY?) in the lifestyle that they now live (many are too lazy to do anything other than what the deceptive Educational Government Systems have conditioned people into living), that they complain about and abhor real change that is proposed to them. So those NT Students tend to drop out of a beneficial System of Philosophy for the Philosophy of "Good of Society", which is nothing more than the Socialistic Philosophy of the Government we have in position now.
Many, who participate in the NT Philosophy, are not ready to understand and accept the changes proposed under the guidance of this System. They have been conditioned for many years or conditioned through the defunct educational system, now in effect, that their views are and remain distorted, to not recognize what is actually going on around them, right under their own noses. Conditioning by any outside source (ie: Government, Education, etc.), will not allow a person to see the facts happening right before them, because it has made them think that this is a natural action for society. NT tends to allow people to breakdown this mentality to be able to see the actual facts as they happen and not be "Duped", so to speak.
With the Basic explanation between the Forces of NT and the Forces of Corruption, which type of System would you be more compelled to accept?
Corruption in society today is prevalent everywhere. No matter where you look, you will find it, exercising and flexing its virtual muscle all around us, as it traverses amongst us. Let's look at what defines corruption first.
Corruption is the deception, Lies, flexing political, corporate, and elitist muscle (coercion?), and controlling what everyone does, says, and thinks (possibly through "Threats of Force": followed by physical Force?). Each and everyone of us flexes some of our corruptive muscle each time we voice an opinion, and THEN, do our honest or dishonest best to "FORCE" everyone else to accept our opinion as theirs (how about the "Booze Talk" followed up by a fight in many bars?). Much of the time, this requires continual pressure and coercion to establish our opinion as societal or social acceptance (Government uses this method daily). Doesn't this bring us around to the "Socialistic Government" ideals that those in power are now trying to instill on our society even today? Boy, have they conditioned, many to most of, us to follow their leads.
Government is a primary example of "Socialistic Change" being brought to the people of this country. Government WILL create a problem, Offer a solution to the problem, and then exercise their "Might" by Enforcing the solution onto an unsuspecting society. When we as a "Free Society" sit idly by and allow those in supposedly high positions of power (we have literally given this "Power" to these individuals) to operate and get away with controlling actions, speech, and intelligent thinking of the general population at large, then maybe we deserve the consequences we have allowed ourselves to be put into.
Government Politicians and Leaders have pretty much put everyone who is not in their "Clique" to be classified into a lower "Class" of society or "Caste", if you will. Many in positions of "Elected Power", elicit their "Class of Power" as Superior to all others who follow, and then follow that up by passing Public Laws (USPL) and hiding illicit opinions and ideals within the written word of the Law. Many Congressmen and Senators hope that you (the public "Sheeple") do not read those laws, before being ratified by Congress or the Senate. This way, their "Loopholes" are all set up so they can squirm out of the major portions of the "Law" they really "WANT" you to read. (and YOU, the "Sheeple" wonder why those politicians will do nothing for the rest of us!) The politicians have literally covered their own A$$es so they can continue to CREATE their society, in which they wish for YOU to live. YOU, the "Sheeple" have literally allowed them to get away with doing this and now the Ball is in your court. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
Government is not the only area where "Corruption" resides either. Corruption resides at the higher levels of Religion, Corporate America, and even to the point of residing with Private Citizen America, too. How does it enter into our own private lives as "Citizens"? Mainly through the method of "Conditioning" by those "Higher Power Authorities", that we all look up to. These "Higher Power Authorities" have instilled "Their Moral" issues of living upon all of us, and we accept them as fact. When in fact, our own "Moral Authority" as individuals, have many times more power than theirs. BUT, we, the people, do not think far enough ahead for our own selves and rely on someone else to give us direction on what to do next.
So what does Neo-Tech have to do about eliminating Corruption? Neo-Tech is nothing more than a Philosophy, as such, to allow anyone to become more self-sufficient in their own lives. Neo-Tech does not subscribe to the issues of having outside or external authorities telling us what we can or should do for our lives, as we live them. The Philosophy of Neo-Tech creates an environment, where anyone can make their own decisions about anything that comes before them and to not have to seek the approval or advice from someone else, especially if that someone could possibly have any control over the life you live, day by day.
Neo_tech or New Technology (NT) is a Philosophy and personal Created Lifestyle that deals directly with pure honesty and dedication of living a life that is beneficial to oneself and to others around them. NT, when used effectively and consistently, allows those that follow that Philosophy to recognize the Coercion, use of Deceptiveness, and Force against society as an EVIL Entity that must be dealt with openly and directly in a defensive mode of operation. Besides dealing with problems up front and direct, NT allows everyone to dismiss the authorities that have nothing to do with our personal private lives.
Needless to say, NT Philosophy requires a "complete mindset change" within your life, so that it can be an effective tool or method to alleviate the problems and adversities each and every one of us MUST deal with on a Face to Face daily basis. Until a person can recondition their minds into this mindset, then all problems will continue to be a hindrance to each and every one of our lives as we live them.
Most people, who have started into the NT Philosophical Mindset, have become discouraged and deceptively manipulated, not so much by the Publishers of the Philosophy (NTP) but more by the societal opinions of others who are TOO Comfortable (LAZY?) in the lifestyle that they now live (many are too lazy to do anything other than what the deceptive Educational Government Systems have conditioned people into living), that they complain about and abhor real change that is proposed to them. So those NT Students tend to drop out of a beneficial System of Philosophy for the Philosophy of "Good of Society", which is nothing more than the Socialistic Philosophy of the Government we have in position now.
Many, who participate in the NT Philosophy, are not ready to understand and accept the changes proposed under the guidance of this System. They have been conditioned for many years or conditioned through the defunct educational system, now in effect, that their views are and remain distorted, to not recognize what is actually going on around them, right under their own noses. Conditioning by any outside source (ie: Government, Education, etc.), will not allow a person to see the facts happening right before them, because it has made them think that this is a natural action for society. NT tends to allow people to breakdown this mentality to be able to see the actual facts as they happen and not be "Duped", so to speak.
With the Basic explanation between the Forces of NT and the Forces of Corruption, which type of System would you be more compelled to accept?
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