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Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Money Wealth and Standards
Money and Gold Standards are really confusing to a lot of people I believe. Do you know who actually determines what the Value of the Gold Standard is?
Has it ever occurred to any of us that, what the Values of our currency, the Value of Gold, Silver, Paladium, copper, and any other precious metals that we could own, are literally determined by others and not by ourselves, as to what their contrived value is. I guarantee you, that you can not go out and take some Gold or Silver, that you own, to anyone else (how about a collector?) and demand to convert those precious metals into what YOU determine the monetary value you hold for these items. Those people, that you present these items to, would nearly laugh in your face, if your worth or value for these things is higher than what is nationally figured by others as their VALUE!
Let us get down to the Nitty Gritty of this situation. Bankers or afiliates of the World Bankers have already determined what the regulated Value of these items are and control their Value once the precious metals are presented for conversions. Currency already comes under the heading of being controlled by foreign authorities. Foreign Authorities in this instance refers to an authority, which is not our own authority.
Once we have accepted the Values set upon these items by others, then we have literally allowed ourselves to be under the control of these others, as far as Values goes.
Take for instance Income Taxes! Are you really paid what you are worth? Is our manual labor set at a specific set amount? What is the determination of Income Taxes in all reality?
Taxation on income of labor, is the result of Capital Gains on income, or should be. Ok what is the determined set Value of your Labor? .......... Is it higher than what you are being paid in your opinion? ......... Ok what is your Capital Gain on your income? ....... A minus in Gains? ............ Then why do you pay taxes?
Government should pay you a difference in the Gains of what you earn to just break even on Income Taxes. Ok how do we determine what your worth or Value is in conjunction to what the Government thinks should be your worth? Now we have a major dilemma. Government never thinks we are worth what ...... "we" ......... think we are worth. So who is right then?
I believe that I am right, because no one else has the right or the authority to determine my worth for me, in all reality. I am worth a whole lot more than what employers are paying me for my wages for a living. Is that not how you would think or should think? ........ I believe it had better be, or else you have given in to the authority of someone more superior than yourself !
In all essence as long as we submit to ANY other authority of any sort, then we have given up our own authority, to that other authority, who we regard as more superior to ourselves.
I just love how people give excuses to authority and allow a foreign morality base to take over that authority. I just can not understand how conditioned morality authority can take the place of integrated and personal rationality within our own minds, and as to what we hold as moral for us. Morality beliefs of the majority, is general emotional feelings that have nothing to do with factual, tangible, and creative issues that deal with specific persons or things: ………… which in all reality include ourselves.
When we live in a world that others control extensively, then we no longer live in our own worlds. But we live in the World designed by and controlled by those others ...... who pass laws and MAKE us follow them. ......... Anytime that you give in to someone else's directions and their pathways, then you live in Their World and have lost the control over your own world.
Ok so now back to the money issue! Is your name on your money that you have in your pocket? ........ I dare say NOT! .......... It seems to me that the Federal Reserve has their name all over those bills of currency you have. Who is the Federal Reseve? Nothing more than a conglomeration of WORLD BANKS, and they control the money that you use daily and also the power of that money as such. They also determine the Value of the Gold and Silver that you plan to use as an alternative form of monetary wealth. So again, you do not have control of your Values of your wealth, monetary-wise, really.
So how do we bring back the control of our wealth to ourselves? First, we must determine what our wealth is, in the beginning. Our literal wealth is an internal, integrated wealth and that is the most valuable wealth any person can hold. Our internal wealth is a Value that no one can ever take away from us, unless we give it totally away to anyone else. Hhhhhmmmmm, this sounds like our “Unalienable Guarantteed Rights” as provided in the US Constitution (Notice how America is not included in the Title? ——> more on that later)
Our “God-given Rights” can never be taken away from us, unless we give them away ourselves. Our “Rights” involve and include the first “10 Amendments” of the U.S. Constitution. This includes other certain unalienable rights; such as: LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS ! Even though these last rights are listed in the Declaration of Independence, the Declaration of Independence provided these rights to us right along with the 10 Amendments of the Constitution.
So Now it is up to each and everyone of us to make our Worlds Real, Complete, and Personalized. .......... No one can do that for us, because that is our responsibility and then becomes our new-found wealth that we can provide for ourselves and family, or open it up for others to enjoy too, if, WE so desire. Our wealth starts with us and ends with us, all in one full movement. We control how we live and what we create for ourselves. This becomes a personal vendetta specifically for us, and it is our responsibility to protect our new World, by whatever means we have available to us, at any one or more times.
So, ……………. It is our turn to become the Gods, the Creators, and the Administrators of our own worlds, and we must protect that environment by whatever means available to us, without anyone undermining what we have built for ourselves and others.
As a short postscript I would like to add that USA stands for United States of America which to me is nothing more than a Union of the states all together in one Like-minded Entity. (A Corporate entity, if you will!) .......... Whereas US stands for United States and is referred to as the “Sovereignty”. We, as separate individuals, are also Sovereign Citizens of this Country and also the States wherein we live, …………. But as far as the States go, we are only Residents and not Citizens. We are Sovereign Citizens of this Country first, foremost, and Permanently.
As Residents, our residencies are only temporary, because when we move, our residency terminates in one state and then resumes 60-90 days later in another state that we move to. Our Sovereignty remains permanent because we never give up our Citizenship except when we denounce it of our own volition.
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