Rebel Rider Review of the State of the Union Address Tuesday
Hey Allies:
I listened to the State of the Union Address as given by our Illustrious President, Mr. Bush. Are we addicted to the Oil Industry or is our President addicted?
For the last five years it seems that not much of anything has been done to do any conversion of our fuel usage system to any other type of fuel except OIL.
And then it has been nothing but Oil as our fuel of choice. Then our prices start soaring per gallon for it. Don't give me this bull crap that all the rest of the world pays a lot more for it because that is their problem. If they didn't want the prices that they pay for, they would do something about it. We Americans are starting to be just as complacent with the Oil Companies as the rest of the world has been. Are we accepting the Oil Companies as authorities in making our decisions for us? I think a lot of people are, and then wanting to push that belief off onto me and everybody else.
Beliefs? Isn't that a religion? Pushing their beliefs off onto me is against my guarantteed rights as a Sovereign Citizen!
I am not a corporate citizen as this administration would like you to think. Corporate America (Amerika?) is the "United States of America". I am a Sovereign Citizen of the Sovereign State (or actually Republic {Texas recognizes itself as a "Republic" and not a "State"}) of Missouri. Each State separately is a sovereignty and once it becomes a part of a group or "Union" and acts as a member of that group, it then becomes a part of a corporation, because it is only one part of a whole gathering.
My answer to the above on "Oil" is : We need to start and finish building Ethanol, Hydrogen, or Electrical fuel system plants and start making the Oil Industry think differently about their "Autonomy" they have been holding onto for the last few years. The sooner we CREATE these plants and get them operating at any cost and with private protection agencies (this is where the Common Law Militia would come in) protecting our investments in these companies then the sooner we put the "Oil Racketeers" on notice that we mean business and will do anything to see that the companies are completely successful in their ordeals. ARAB Oil owners (approx 20% of our total import of Oil) will scramble to keep America as a user in buying oil, of which we will have not much need once we finally do switch over.
We can use alternative fuels such as: coal for heat, generating energy,: Atomic for the Electrical source: and garbage, corn oils, and water for our alternative fuels for transportation.
Common Law protectionism or Militia, will be required to protect against Government takeover of the businesses, considering Gov't has used "Eminent Domain" for helping bigger business to excel within our country by taking from the private sector. It is time the Sovereignty takes back over from the Corporate "Animal Farm" or the advent of Orwell's "1984"! This day is coming and the longer everyone's head stays stuck in the sand, the harder it is going to be to try and pry the Corporate Government out of their long held position.
Some other issues in the "Address" concerned terroristic actions and controlling the set up of governments in FOREIGN COUNTRIES, and then leaving our borders wide open for terrorists to filter into this country and prepare for their final battle on our Homeland, right in our midsts. Still this Government has done little if anything to control illegal immigrants, including Arab/Muslim possible terrorists of entering our country through our porous borders especially from Mexico.(Arabs are dark-skinned like the Mexicans so they seem like they could come into this country mostly undetected)
Our President so much as said that we are at war with terrorism and we should heed the warnings and the like from the terrorists when they communicate. Well, then, why are we NOT rounding up all of the illegal or nearly illegal muslims in this country when the terrorists have come right out and said that they will attack us from within on our own Homeland? Did they not mean it? Our President says what they say is real enough, but what is being done about it? Not a whole lot of anything really.
Muslims are running around freely in this country, and I have sat in a rest area on Highway 36 in Kansas and watched many Muslims stop in that park and go through their prayers and then have watched me as they have left that park. The looks on their faces were not the friendly type either! Every single one of them have had scowls and a real darkness to their coutenance, and that it was scarey to me.
At one time I was broke down in that park and sat there as a muslim came into the park, washed his feet, head and hands, done his ritual and watched as he passed me, on his way out. How do I know he watched me? I watched him, watch me! The demeanor on his face was not a pleasant one either.
To me, my solution for safety matters is to round up ALL the Muslims, put them in concentration camps until this war is over and then do a thorough scouring of this country to find all the dirty bombs that they may have brought into this country. Anyone, protesting the placing of the Muslims in concentration camps, could join them as far as I am concerned. To me, anyone protesting our idea and methods of protecting this country, is aligned with those terrorists and they need to be confined too.
These terrorists are conducting an Ethnic Cleansing with their Terroristic Jihads. The silent muslims within this country, have helped to hide these terrorists here too. Ethnic Cleansing could and SHOULD also be used as a method of eliminating the terrorists and without remorse by the U.S. and the Militia, if need be. Mainly because they give a DAMN LESS about us too. Jihads have been in existence since the recordings of religion, and misinterpretations of those recordings by the leaders of the Muslim Sect were also brought out at that time.
As a WARRIOR, it is of my opinion that, Religions are nothing but WAR-MONGERERS, in the first place. Religion has conducted the BLOODIEST wars, and history has shown that evidence, since at least, 1000 B. C., which was when the first recordings have ever been made about religion. Catholics and Calvinists have conducted the bloodiest and the most mystical revenge with their "Witch Hunts" since their implication of them (Witch Hunts) with Pope Innocent back in 1300 A.D., up until the middle of the 1800's. This also includes their murderous "Inquisitions"at that same period of time!
In my opinion, total elimination of the Muslim Sect would NOT give the terrorists any reason to continue on with their so-called Jihads. If it were me, the next drop of American Blood that fell by an Islamic Terrorist, would constitue, "a total annihalation of the Islamic Sect and leave nothing standing in the Middle East". Make the Desert into a Dead Desert without any sustained life of any sort on it! I believe any Muslim whether benevolent or not will protect their own, so they should be considered terrorists too and need to be treated as such unless they give up ALL of those who do terrorize.
The problem with the above solution is that too many others have others who control their thinking for them; ie: God, Government Authorities, and anyone else that can tell them what to do! A lot of people are pacifists which is exactly where our government and the United Nations (look at the UN's own Biodiversity Treaty which has already been implemented in this country) wants everyone, as they are easier to control then.
The UN wants everyone moved out of the countryside, because the UN can not patrol the countryside as well as they can by grouping everyone into THEIR communes of stacked up apartment buildings and congested cities! That is another reason why the UN is pushing "Gun Control". They are afraid of the Midwest as we have vowed to only release our guns by having them pryed from our cold dead fingers. This is the true U.S. Militia.
Unfortunately our Military comes under direct jurisdiction of the United Nations, hence the Genva Convention and playing by their rules. That is UN through and through! Once our troops wake up to this phenomenon, then no Nation, not even the UN, would challenge the U.S. outright. China and Russia would not attempt their "coup d' etat" on the U.S. by the end of the year as some have predicted. Japan is said to be ready to possibly team up with the other two powers, and from the outlook of the "beef production beligerance" of Japan this may give a sense of that indication too! Look for possible trouble brewing!
Social Security: Not gonna be any really! Not even enough for the "Baby Boomers" either. Politicians have skimmed the till too many times of Social Security and there is nothing but IOU's left to cover the "POT"! Not a good poker hand to me, since there is nothing left to play for!
Solution to Social Security? Sell it out to the Private Sector! To the Keoughs, 401's, IRA's etc. Privatize all of these setups and keep government out of it completely!
Federal Reserve: Sorry to say, this is an illegal organization passing out illegal paper money , because the Constitution states quite specifically and without Legalese (<-------as it wasn't even invented yet when the Constitutiion was written or Ratified), that the only legal tender for this country was Coinage. Nothing was said anywhere in the Constitution about Paper Currency (hhhhhmmmm wasn't there a dispute about the Confederacy currency as being illegal during the Civil War? : Coinage was used mainly back then too!). Amendments, such as the "16th Amendment", NEVER amended the Constitution because the U.S. Constitution can only be Amended as per Section 5 which requires the Amendment, that is drawn up in direct relationship to the Constitution, to be put into Referendum to the populace of the country and voted enmass at the General and not Special Elections!
A population Consensus has never been legally ratified as per their rules, ........... ever, for the 16th Amendment to even be utilized as politicians would like you to believe. The 16th Amendment has just reiterated nearly word for word of what was already inscribed in the wording within the Designated Section of the U.S. Constitution. If anyone tells you any differently then they are a liar and continuing the "Great Deception" since the passing of the 16th Amendment back in 1913. Anyone who would believe one of the biggest LIARS (ABA Attorneys as they only protect their own and not us as they advertise), must surely be lazy to even go and check out for themselves, that, what is truth. These Attorneys and Politicians hope exactly for that, so they can continue their Hoax they have CREATED for this Nation. In the courtroom they make it look good but at the Barroom Counter, they are the best of friends (two peas in a pod).
Conservative and Liberal Backbiting: This is nothing but a show as they both hold the same ideals from the git-go! If they didn't, why hasn't a conservative President overturned executive orders given by a Liberal President or vice versa? Because they both want the exact same thing and that is control over the dumbed-down ones.
Speaking of Dumbed-Down ...............................!: Education!
"Leave no Child Behind" is another one of the biggest hoaxes that has ever come across the board. Here in the MidWest, teachers have literally passed students out of their classroom when in essence the students failed the class from the start. WHY? Because the Feds promised the states money to continually graduate kids out of Schools and get them into the workforce. So in essence there are several adults every year, who can barely even read and write but they hold down a job! I have had to work at teaching, as a tutor, some of these people and bring them up-to-date so they could even understand paperwork they needed to fill out! Our Schools are in Essence nothing more than "Whores" competing for coveted money from our highest government. They are being paid for a job well done, according to the FEDS! Otherwise they would not get that money.
I literally have this vision of Educators lining up in a row to receive something from some other Authority.
Does our current President have an agenda up his sleeve, even though he has been designated as "Temporary" by a cult? (Skull and Bones) Plus attending and being a part of a group known as the "Hillbillies" at a cult gathering at Bohemian Grove in Northern California? The President has already admitted to being a member of the "Skull and Bones" cult. Kerry (a liberal ) from the 2004 Elections was also a member of the "Skull and Bones" cult (as was leaked to the press).
How do we get out of situations such as not trusting totally who we put into office? Why do we put all of our eggs into one basket and never check into other areas that would be more beneficial to each of us?
My answer to all of this is; everyone is lazy and depends on others to tell them what to do, how to vote, and where to go! No? Then who persauded you to vote for who, you did at the last election? Most people vote their family party line a lot of the time. 27th District in NW Missouri is exactly that way. When I ran for HoR for 27th District that is what I was told by those constituents who lived there.
What needs to be done is for everyone to do their homework and find the ones or the answers that they really want to know about or find! It is not wise to let someone else direct you or lead you if you already know your direction you want to go in. When you allow others to influence you, then you are on their agenda and not yours. Thoroughlly thinking things through will allow a person to make an informed decision that directly benefits the decision maker!